Brother-in-laws first Deer


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-05 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-05 AT 10:33?AM (MST)

Here are a couple of pictures of the deer my brother-in-law killed. The story behind this deer is on opening morning I went out and seen several small deer and nothing I wanted to kill. So I went back to my parents and asked Brad if he wanted to go shoot a little 4x4, he said he would but did not bring his gun home because he and my little sister were home for a wedding. Well after a little visiting with little sis he were off with him using my gun (big mistake). We got to where I had last seen the deer and they were just going over a little rise. So we got out of the truck and did not go more than 200 yards when my dad said big bucks. Seven deer jumped up and ran about 50 yards and stoped and looked at us. My dad shot a 3X4 27 inside spread, and my brother-in-law shoot this 7 X 5 (can't see all the non typical points. The worst part is there was a buck that would have score over 200 and I had no gun. I guess I learned my lesson.

Great story and a solid buck. Congrats to both of you and thanks for leaving a herd sire :) We can use all of the good deer we can find around here!
sounds like the luck my wife had with her buck. You never know...congrats and thanks for sharing.
Awesome buck.

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