:) Score Guess


Very Active Member
Curious to see how many come close to the score and width.
Happy Holiday's.

Can't I just say he's huge and win something!:)

I'll take a stab in the dark.

38 wide and grosses around 210.

If it was shot the last 5 years I'm gonna say Colorado or Wyoming. If it's Utah (general season), I'll buy the next MM member through Heber a Train Burger!
That buck was hanging in Sportsman's Warehouse in Grand Junction and I believe it even went on tour with Rodger Selner in the Eastman's tour a few years ago. Hint: Beams and inside spread put that dude well over 200. Where's it at now Jerry?
BuckSpy-The buck is with the owner.:7
Many of you are very close.
Score will be given on Monday.
Best to all,
32.5" wide, 211 3/8" Gross and 206" net.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
Ok Jerry,

It's Monday, I'm so bad at scoring I decided not to guess. thanks for an interesting post.

The more I look at this guy the better he gets. I still say he is 38" wide, but I would like to adjust my guess to 217" gross.
Some of you were very close.
Thanks for guessing and I hope you all enjoyed seeing this Monster Typical.
In person the buck looks even more impressive and I thank the owner for letting me see this hog. Great guy.

This buck scores a whopping (215-3/8") NET Typical and has a spread of 33-3/4".
#6 Typical Muledeer in the world.
Colorado buck.

Hope you all enjoyed.
Killed in 1958 near my Wife's Family's homestead. Unfortunatley they sold it 20 years ago.


You must of had some inside info:)

Colorado, who woulda thunk it. I thought all the big muleys were from Utah!

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