Unit 76 new early rifle season?


just checking out my new colorado regulations and saw where unit 76 is the only unit to have a new early bull rifle season added. It is 7 days long and starts oct. 1st. I was saving for unit 61 1st rifle but this new hunt may through a wrench in the mix. I called DOW to ask about it and they cannot say how many points it will take and will not say how many tags will be allowed. What do you guys think?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-10 AT 04:53PM (MST)[p]First let me say I would give my right ..... to have that tag!

However, I expect only a very few tags, and it will definately take more points than the standard first rifle season. Won't know for sure how many until the dust settles, but it will be a coveted tag. Unless you have close to "max" points, I wouldn't risk it.

I would also assume that until it has a track record, it will be a 65/35% tag allocation, but it will surely be a 80/20% after a few years.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Most everybody would like that tag, but won't that decrease trophy potential for the unit? Hunting elk towards the end of the rut in a trophy unit seems to me that will take out good bulls and add pressure. What is the DOW goal here? Trophy hunt or cull hunt?
I think they got tired of people with 100 points complaining that when they finally drew 76-1st rifle they got snowed out and their hunt ruined so they set aside a few tags for an early rifle hunt. I bet there will only be a half dozen tags for that hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-10 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]Ultra,

It all depends on how many tags they decide to issue. I'd be willing to bet the numbers are small enough that it won't affect quality and quantity.
Does anybody know how to find out how many tags they allotted for this hunt, I called the office here in Durango and the lady I spoke with didn't really know anything about this hunt even existing. I have quite a few resident points that I was saving for 61, but this hunt seems interesting. I would just like to know how many tags they are going to give.
My understanding is they do not release tag numbers prior to the draw. And obviously you don't know how many point a hunt code will take until after the draw is complete. I am with every one else on this hunt - few tags and lots of points.

But - it would be a great tag to have and I wish I would have saved my points a little longer....
That is not entirely true a lot of the hunts they give tag numbers out or you can look at tag numbers from last year and the number of applicants to get a close approximation. I am with you though I believe less than thirty tags and probably double digit points for residents.
Now that you mention it I think I have seen tag numbers released prior to the draw. It seems like it has happened right around the draw deadline.
being the 1st week of oct you will still have to worry about snow in that unit, no questions you better be prepared.
I could see needing 10 points or more to draw as a resident and 12-13 as a NR.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
The more I think about this, the more I am going with tag numbers come out well after the draw deadline. I could be wrong and it might vary year to year. Sure would be nice to know tag numbers before the draw...
I bet that would be a great tag. I can tell you the ML season is awesome, I have HEARD rifle is a lot tougher, but new dates are earlier - enough earlier? Not sure but I think so. 76 is HIGH. Likely snow and maybe a lot oct 1

Beautiful area. Man I would LOVE to go back. Point creep. aarrgghhh
So it qualifies for the new 'Hybrid' tag application?

Some of the most beautiful country on gods green earth!

Whatever happen to Rocketman and his doggie?
He use to post tons of photo's from thaw-out till fall.

Go for it!

i don't think it qualifies for the hybrid draw because they said that the hybrid draw was for units that took 10+ points for the last three years for residents. Since this is this tags first year I would say it is exempt from the hybrid draw, but maybe I am wrong.
Current year tag numbers are always approved at the May Wildlife Commission meeting, and are never available before the application deadline.

Tags for this new early hunt will be be taken from the later rifle hunts in the unit because the DOW does not want an increased harvest of bulls.

This hunt will not qualify for the hybrid draw, for the reason stated above. Non-residents shouldn't care anyway, as they have 0% chance of drawing a tag in the hybrid draw.
Thanks C-oak!

makes sense that is for sure.

Guess I will look more into the bow and mzzy 'Hybrid' opportunity in 76.

There is no hybrid for 76. Look on page 14 they are all listed there and there is not one for 76. 12 of the 15 they are allowing are for 2,201,1,and 10.
To be clear, this new draw will have an allocation of Nonres tags? If so, what is the general opinion of this unit vs "the top 3" or even 61? Sitting on 15 nonresident points just creeping along behind the NW corner units and considering a change...
Tag numbber's are not decided until May, but if they are doing a new season like this you can bet they already have a number in mind or already set. Numbers in my opinion will be close to the NW units or even a few more, just because there is so much roadless area in 76. Rocketman had some good point's in his post and I respect him for his knowledge of the elk in his unit. But a couple gun shot's compared to a bunch of archery hunter's chasing them is not going to affect them that much. The elk are there in the other rifle season's?

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