FishLake archery


Long Time Member
Since everybody else is posting up I guess I better too.
Drew a NR FishLake archery with 5 points.

For those that had the tag last year, how did the spike hunters affect your hunt?
ill bet there was less pressure than noprmal years on the spike hunt seeing how all the other units opened too.its to bad they screw the archery guys with the spike hunt running the same time as le.
good luck tho have fun!
OH man...Ox had to go there again! It is getting old man....everyone knows you hate the archery hunt. GET OVER IT!

If you are up scouting stop by...we will be at the cabin all summer.
Hope you have a great hunt!
LOL....Lisa, Rick was taking such good care of you I am sure I could not have led you in any better direction than he did! Next time you are down this way, let me know!

Wapiti...I will PM you where our Cabin is and you can stop brother has a Early Rifle, so I will not share ALL of my secrets! hehe but I am sure I can show you a place or two.
I also drew one of the nonresident tags with 10 points. I'll be staying in a camper I'm renting just west of Johnson Valley lake (Just north of Fish Lake). Have you seen/hunter the area before? I'll be going out sometime this summer and hanging a couple of tree stands. This will be late June or early July. Care to join me? Jim Hamill
I also drew the NR archery tag (With 10 points) I'll be out this summer to scout, and would love to get any and all information you'd be willing to share. Thanks, Jim
I last looked at this unit in 2005. Then the only general tags were spike only. I'll have a friend hunting with me this year. Can he get an archery tag for a cow as well as a spike?
His spike tag will allow him to take a spike or cow. He can also apply for a cow tag in June. I've also got the archery elk tag. Good luck.
When will you be scouting? I live in Penna. so I'm going to try to get out at least once this summer to take another look at the unit.
Had you talked to Dave Mitchel from Pa.? If so, we'll have a lot of the same info, and should put our heads together. Jim
My brother had the tag last year and we hunted just the last week of the hunt and never ran into any archery hunters in the field. We got into elk every day and he killed a great 6 point on the last day of the hunt. I would focus on the later part of the hunt and let people burn-out early and then come in fresh when everyone else has gone home. You'll have a lot of fun but it is no gimmy! Good luck!!

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