central zone


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-06 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]hey guys i just found out we drew our third choice this year , thats never happened to us before , and we drew the central zone gs rifle , we've hunted southern and southeastern for years but never the central , not sure how much looking around we'll be able to do on account of fuel prices , so i'll for sure be spending a lot of times with my maps , guess what i'm getting at here is can any of you at least give a heads up on where not to go ? we're probably going to look at the hills to the west of mt pleasant and fairview as a begining , bad guess ? good as any guess ? between now and then i'm going to be trying to learn as much about the area as i can ,,,, was pretty bummed at first , but then got to thinking about some of the posts i've read over the last couple of years, some of you guys really like the zone as i recall , sooooooooo any lil bit of any info you might like to pass along i'd big time appreciate , here is fine pm is fine orrr [email protected] is fine also ,,,, and no not asking for anyones honey hole nor do i expect any ,,,, anywhere with less people would be cool ,,,, longest dang post i've ever done lol ,,,, thanks Jason Johnson
The central unit is a good unit just about anywhere you hunt as long as you get away from the roads you will see some deer. It will take some dedicated scouting and/or some luck to get a nice buck though.

If you don't mind crowds, I suggest you get up really early opening morning and climb as high as you can on Timp. Given that you won't have time for scouting that would be your best bet to luck into a nice buck.

P.S. Are you sure the central was your third choice? My father had the cenral as his first choice and didn't draw. either I don't understand the draw process or you must have had central as your first choice.
yep was third choice , in all that long winded blather from the original post i left out was n/r ,,,, bet that made the diff ? am assuming you guys live there ? is a bummer if you live there and didnt get a tag ,,,,,
Tyler how do you like to hunt? Pack in/4 wheeler/horses/long/short hikes. Hunting for a day/week. Would you like to hunt alpine/sage/desert. Let us know some of your preferences because it is all in the central region. If you plan on hunting fairview, I'm guessing road hunt (4 wheeler 4 wheel drive) short to medium hikes that you can get back to your main camp easily) covering many different areas within driving range of your camp? Fill us in and then we can help a little more.

toole, i'll be hunting with my dad and as he's gotten older he's been not as able to do the real tough stuff, and i'll glady give some to be able to still go with him , in the past we really enjoyed down around boulder mt and have hunted skyline both directions, normally we get at least 1 chance at a nice buck each trip , not that we get one each trip lol, have been going since the early 80's on and off so its not like am totally going in blind , just not real familiar with that zone, glassing , running 2 guy drives through draws , getting above everyone else and glassing , quakies , black timber, sage pinyon cedar juniper, ect ect we,ve done a little of most all of this type stuff , and yep will be day stuff , no more packs for him :) as far as how long we'll stay will be at least the first week of the season (or more) and probablly the week before the season to mosey around and get the lay of the land a little bit , have noticed over the years that res people really thin out after opening weekend , and for us the less people the better, :)anddddddddd if theres a little creek or 2 or 3 to fish so much the better , reason i mentioned west of fairview was at least we're sorta familiar with that ,,,, bad starting point ? good ? what do you think ? any input again appreaciated a bunch ,,,, thanks Jason
toole , just re read your post and yep thats fairly accurate

4 wheel drive) short to medium hikes that you can get back to your main camp easily) covering many different areas within driving range of your camp thanks dude Jason
NR Dooh!!! I should have thought of that.

Your are correct about the resident hunters thinning out over the week. Some of my best luck has been on Wednesday and Thursday when the people thin out and the deer start to settle down some.

Good hunting,

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