hanford bulls


Active Member

I believe the fence is used to keep people out and not the bulls in. It's a power Plant If I'm not mistaken.
Great looking bulls that very seldom move off the plants property.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Hanford is a nuclear power plant, those are free range elk every once in awhile they wonder off the rerservation into the orchards near by and a lucky farm wacks one.
You think them antlers glow in the dark ?

What a bull, anybody care to guess a score ?

I'll go first, 475
Anyone else notice that bull has a nice little bullseye on his front shoulder? Guess he's just teasing us since the odds are no one will ever get the chance to take him....
Just a little correction. Hanford is not a power plant. Handford is a nuclear manufacturing and testing facility. Many projects have occured over the years since the 1940s. The most noteable was the Manhattan Project, where the radioactive material for the bombs that ended WW2 was manufactured. Hanford encompasses over 500 sq miles near Richland, WA along the Columbia River. The elk are indeed free to come and go.

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.

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