Snake Bull Is No More.....

Clyde Hollinger

Active Member
Word on the street is that the Snake Bull got whacked opening day. Heard a kid from Scipio nailed him with an Expo tag. From what I hear it couldn't have happened to a better guy. Everyone I've talked to talks highly of this kid. Good to see one of the good guys get one! Heard he scored between 399 to 403. Anyone else heard anything?
The time the story reached the Basin here he scored 440"!
The Famous Snake Bull!
Well he lived for a while before somebody nailed him!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
heard it from a friend who who heard it from a friend who heard from a friend the snake bull hit the ground,take it on the run baby
And I don't believe it,not for a minute,until somebody posts a pic!

Or is it one of them deals where you gotta buy a magazine to see it?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Well rivers!
The Snake has been around for a while!
I laughed a couple years ago when somebody posted on MM that the Snake Bull was down,wasn't even close to the Snake Bull.
Rumor this time from a reliable source says it is the Snake Bull & he is down for the count!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
he is down! I have a cell picture and have been told that Adam Black scored him at 399 6/8. Was a public hunter that was self guided who had the expo tag.
Hey shooter?
The Snake look anything like he has in previous years?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Bess, he obviously has gone down hill from previous years and has a split sword this year. The Blacks have several pictures of him alive this year.
Thanks Shooter,
I was wondering if he might be on the 'Downhill' but still around 399"?Wow!
Please don't let the UDWR or Pro know we had a Bull that survived long enough to go past his Peak/Prime!
They hear that & They'll wanna kill every bull in the state on a 2 year old age objective BS plan!
Congrats to the Hunter!
Hoping to see a pic soon!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I heard they took one look at that Snake Bull and they all turned to stone... Now he's got them all decorating up his Honey Hole down there...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Is there really anything more worthless than a hearsay post??? Really?

Is Founder giving out booby prizes this year for these POS posts?

My UPS man said his neighbors' kids' second cousin once removed knows someone that knows someone that knows that heard someone that shot a really big bull...or buck. Anybody have any pics?
Its for real I have a cell phone pic of him...what a toad! Great looking bull, congrats to the hunter.
BT, here's some trail cam pics of the Snake Bull someone posted a couple of years ago. The thing about this bull is he changes antler configuration from year to year but keeps the crazy split third. He's not near this big this year, but still one hell of a bull!



Zigga, is there anything more worthless than running your mouth? Just sayin.... I got a pic. But the hunter has requested not to post it. And I'm going to respect that. So, until you know for a fact that it's a "rumor" post, I'd prob keep my opinion to myself.
Snake is down and I have heard it from people that know. I totally respect not putting the picture on here if the owner said no. I am that way; there are just some photos that are for friends and family and others that are for the world to see. Congrats to the hunter. I do hope to see pics of the bull at some point but it won't be the end of the world if I don't.
I just got a pic also. It is a GREAT bull for being 12 years old and on the downhill side.

I will not post pics either as I do not have permission...but I am here to tell you...he is dead...and congrats to the hunter!!!
It is true. I saw the dead bull and met the lucky hunter while hunting the Blue Mountains for deer. Sorry but I don't have any pictures.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Pictures are flying around, be patient, it's only a matter of time before someone posts them. If the hunter doesn't want pics posted on the internet, then why is he or one of his buddies e-mailing them to everyone?
Congrats to Brendan! I chose to not hunt the bull Saturday morning, due to the number of hunters who had seen him. Don't like the circus. I didn't think they would do anything but bump the bull out. Turns out Brendan is a stud with a bow.

Thanks Elkster for taking the liberty to post my trail cam pics, lol. I don't care, or I would not have put them on the internet to start with. Those were from 2008.

A little clip from Friday morning for those of you who haven't had the opportunity to see him this year or ever. We will miss seeing him on the mountain every summer, as he has been a stud for 6 or 7 years now.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
I don't know why I can't embed the video clip. Oh well, click on the link up there and it seems to work.
Now your kicking yourself for not going after him with the rest of the hunters, well I hope you get a bigger one, but it would have been nice to have a local take that bull, especially with all the history on him.
Well Boys and Gals, I am the lucky hunter. Thanks for the kind comments. This has been a crazy couple of days. What a lucky year for me. This hunt was absolutely amazing. I am a little or maybe alot on the computer illiterate side, but I will post a pic or two when I have more time and think I can figure it out.
Thanks utah450, I hope you can get an arrow into a monster and i am pretty sure you will. When you do I expect a pic from you. Happy hunting everyone. Oh yeah, The rumors are true and the Snake is no more!!!!
Thanks Mulyhunter413 for your willingness to share. It saves us who have to sit at a desk all day wishing we were in the mountains. Love to see others achieve their goals. I can't wait to see the pictures and hear the story.

Thanks HondoArcher
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-10 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]MULEY413, Congrats again on a stud of a bull!!! That's awesome you were able to do what tons of others weren't, even with big dollar guides. That makes it that much more rewarding! Let's hear the story, and see those pics!

UTAH450, lol, I wasn't sure who posted the trail cam pics, I just knew I was impressed! Thanks for sharing them! And that's some sweet video! Looks like you had his number as well!
He was the King, Hope to see the pictures soon. Congrats.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Apparently it's been texted a million times already. Just post the dang pic. I'm sick of all the "I got it, but cant share" Crap!
Yah why does it matter if the picture gets out. ITS DEAD!!! Why is it that everything has to be a big secret on here. If I know the secret handshake can I please see the photo??
I'm not sure why it hasn't been put up yet? You guys tryin to do some photo shop or what? Lets see some pics. We don't need all decorated up with snakes and what not like the spider bull was at all the expo.
hornkiller, i wouldn't be caught dead with anything mossback. Not a fan at all.
Good to hear. I just watched the movie with the spider bull and that film really ranked low in my book not very many kill shots and never heard any scores mossback is all washed up in my eyes

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