NV Family Bull!


Very Active Member
Here are a few pics of my NV bull from this year. We had a great time as a family scouting and getting prepared for the hunt. I would like to thank all those who gave me tips on different places to check out. I really am grateful to you all.

I had gallbladder surgery a week before the hunt so I was still really sore and had to really take it easy. I packed my rifle and my Dad took my pack. We seen alot of animals and passed on 14 bulls the 1st day including the bull I ended up harvesting. I couldn't believe how active the bulls were as most of them still had cows and were screaming their heads off. Sunday morning we spotted this bull with a handful of cows and two raghorns. I had him at 212 yards at one point but decided again to pass him up. After about 30 minutes I started second guessing myself and figured since I was still recovering from the surgery I had better take this bull while I still had help getting him off the mountain. We relocated the bull and made a good stalk. The bull actually let out one final scream minutes before we got into position. We got into postion and he offered me a good broadside shot at 420 yards and he didn't go far. A lot of memories were made and I will always remember this hunt with my friends and family.



Great Bull, but even greater when family is involved. Hopefully I can draw an Elk tag next year with 16 points for NR. What unit and how many points did you have? Don
Thanks for the comments guys. Pleasedear, I am feeling way better but sure do miss being in the hills.

Pucci, I had 6 points as a resident and drew my 4th choice area 131-132.
Great story and i'm glad that you had your family with you....Im getting ready to go in 2 weeks 111-115 221-222 and the only person going with me is my 11 year old little girl and we both cant wait for it....I hope I get one and I will post when I get back......Great job again.
I saw your post and it sounded like you might need a little info in the area where you are going. I've hunted the 222 area and part of 221. I'm not sure if that is the area you are hunting but I could help you out if you need it.
Dave G. in Reno
>I saw your post and it
>sounded like you might need
>a little info in the
>area where you are going.
> I've hunted the 222
>area and part of 221.
> I'm not sure if
>that is the area you
>are hunting but I could
>help you out if you
>need it.
>Dave G. in Reno
Hey Dave any info you got for me that would be great..Work kept me from going out and scouting but me and my little girl cant wait to go out there and get one 13 day left. So any info you got brother would be greatly apperciated...
Some of my family in Elko sent me a pic of this bull in the back of your truck as you were in town..... Nice bull!

nv_hunter....thats pretty cool! Do you know what town they were in? I had a lady jump out of her car in the middle of an intersection to snap a pic :)

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