Carly's First Buck!!!!! X7B(J20)


Active Member
I am posting this story and pics for my friend Kevin and would like to congratulate Carly and her dad on a great first buck

My daughter Carly Stewart age 12 from Northern, California was fortunate enough to draw her first ever eligible deer tag in the J-20 / X-7B zone for California. She was not able to hunt opening weekend due to the fact that I, her father was hunting X-1 unsuccessfully and also could not hunt during the weekdays due to school. Arriving in X-7B area Saturday afternoon the second weekend things did not look to promising as we did not see one deer with all the bike riders, hikers, motorcycle riders, bird watchers and campers all over the place. With an early start the next morning 10/15/06 and renewed faith we set out to explore some new country north east of Boca Lake. At 7:45 am the opportunity came when Carly was able to attempt a 100 yard shot with her Kimber 84M 308 rifle and Zeiss Conquest Scope at this 20 inch 3x3 Mule Deer. Her shot was close to perfect as the deer bucked and took off. Carly and I tracked the wounded Buck about 300 yards down a canyon where we finally found him laying dead. Carly was excited but extremely calm and I on the other hand was not calm and overly excited and more proud than words can say. A special thank you to one of my best friends Brian Slavich who was in the same country with his son Justin age 14 also drawing the J-20 hunt for helping Carly and I to get this Buck back up the canyon and in the truck.

One Very Proud Dad,
Kevin Stewart



Thats awesome!! Cant wait for my daughter to get a little older (she's 6).
Congratulations to Carly and dad on a great buck. Definately making some great memories on hunts like these. Scott/couesbitten
It's great to see such a big smile!! That's what its all about. Happy hunting...
Very neat!! Congratulations to both of you. That's gotta beat you fillin' your tag any day. :)
Can't beat that smile! Especially when meats on the ground.......Nice buck,Congrats to both of you!
Thanks for posting this Brian. I guess it took my daughter to get her first Buck to get me to join this site and make my first post. Thanks to all that have replied. This hunt will be remembered forever. I forgot to mention a special thanks to my friend Chris for taking me up in that counrty a month ago and showing where to take Carly.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-06 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]Great job Carly, I wish I could've been there with you guys.
Those are great pictures and alot of smiles. That's an awesome moment. Congrats to you both, It even makes me proud!!
Oh yeah I forgot....GOAL!!!!!!!

Bag 'em, Tag 'em, and Drag 'em!!
NICE! i love hunting with kids.
don't blink they grow up that baby is now 17 and my oldest is 28.i still remember the oldests first deer it was a two point in the bottom of salt and pepper canyon.i think my legs and back still hurt.she was 14,i think it was last week or maybe 14 yrs ago last sunday.
>Thanks for posting this Brian. I
>guess it took my daughter
>to get her first Buck
>to get me to join
>this site and make my
>first post.

Now you will be a MM junky like me. All your free time infront of a computor will be spent reading post's like I do. Dont kill a buck up in X1 on Fri untill I get up there. My turn to tag out first.

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