Monroe Mt. Elk Question


Very Active Member
In reading some posts on the Southern Rack meeting someone said that SWF requested that bull elk permits be cut to 110 and the rack approved this recommendation. If you look at 2011 permit numbers they gave out 52 draw permits and for 2012 they were recomending 35 permits. Those numbers include both resident and non-resident permits.Does this mean the other 71 permits are land owner and conservation permits? Just not sure where the other 71 permits are for 2012 to make the number 110. If thats the case only 32% of the permits are available thru the draw.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-12 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]i only counted 49 from last year when i went on to the hunt draw odds. both res and nr. that very interesting! that seems like an awful lot of tags to be landowner and conservation tags... maybe someone can clear this up. no wonder it takes so long to draw tags when the majority of the people only get 32 % of the tags

Where did you get the information for the 4 landowner tags on the Monroe? I don't see any info regarding landowner tags on that link you posted.

>Where did you get the information
>for the 4 landowner tags
>on the Monroe? I don't
>see any info regarding landowner
>tags on that link you

Same link but go to the bottom under other big game info category (Last set of links)and look half way down the list it says LE landowner association list and shows the amount of tags given for each

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