Boulder Question


Very Active Member
Just kinda curious if any experts on the boulder could give me a few areas of where to start looking for my little bros archery hunt gonna sit water the first part of the hunt and chase bugles the last little bit. Any advice would be a start in the right direction I didn't think he'd draw with 5 points and due to the office of fuel will be limited to a few scouting trips and have only ever been there to fish so just kinda looking on where I can start finding some nice bulls and find the cow and calf herds. Would like to see some archery bull pics if anyone would be willing to show.
We are in the same boat as you on the Boulder. My bro in law drew and neither of us have hunted it before. We plan to make multiple scouting trips prior to his hunt, and will hopefully put together a hitlist! My advise would be to pony up the fuel money and go scouting. It is the only way to ensure that your little bro has the best hunt he can, as an older brother you owe him that.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-13 AT 08:57AM (MST)[p]You guys got your work cut out!
Going into boulder blind on the archery hunt is tough...

Thick cover, HUGE unit.
Bulls still bachulared up in august, roaming, were ever...
WATER EVERYWERE, The first part of that hunt is difficult.
Will be better after Labor day for sure.

(edit for spelling)

Looks like a few fishing trips with bringing the glass along are in order this summer! Good luck, that area is so awesome! Only been down there one time fishing but it is burned in my memory how cool that place is.
Like Goofyelk said it is a hard mountain to hunt there are elk from Boulder to Bicknell to Escalante to Loa over to Antimony and all points in between. The elk do not stay in one place and are unpredictable in their patterns. During the rut the bulls will move looking for cows cause contrary to current objectives there is not a large number of cows on the unit so they will be in one place on day and miles away the next. The various sources of water from water holes to lakes to springs all over make it so that the elk can and do water at multiple sources, but water is the only thing try to hunt early cause once the elk go in the trees good luck! It seems that the elk start bugling earlier on the Boulder side due to more cows on that side than other areas. I have been hunting that mountain for 20+ years and it is different every year and the elk continually school me and I learn something new every year! Good luck!!
Thanks for the info sounds like its gonna be a fun and tough hunt but after labor day will be our main focus and early we'll try the water. Very excited not many 18 yr old kids get a tag like this. If anyone has any pics of archery bulls from down there Id love to see some.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-13 AT 07:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-13 AT 01:34?PM (MST)

I have the muzzy tag. Good luck! Should be a great hunt

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