Remember when...


Very Active Member
Remember back when having a LE elk tag meant that shooting a bull smaller then 370" meant utter failure?? Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it really seems like times have change over the past 10 years. I'm not sure whether that's a bad thing or a good thing! It seems to me that it's more acceptable the last couple of years to be satisfied with a 300"-350" bull. With that being said, I have never even killed a bull over 300" but have more satisfaction with those bulls then I could ever imagine. I do hope one day to be in a position to kill a larger bull (after all, it's all about the bragging rights, right?? :)). But I do wish all of you guys with a LE elk tag in your hand good luck and can't wait to see more pictures! (regardless of size)
Let's face it legacy... LE elk tags in Utah are all but Once-In-A-Lifetime now. While everyone steps into the field hoping for a 400" bull, the reality of having a 330" bull come within range of your weapon is awesome to behold, and many of us would not pass up that opportunity. A 350" bull is nothing to sneeze at, and I feel like anything bigger than that is pure "gravy"...

Let's all get out there and enjoy what we have, while we have it. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Its about letting small bulls grow.
Taking the challenge of finding a big bull.
spending more time in the hills instead of shooting the first thing.

But shoot whatever you want. Sounds like your happy with what you get and that is what counts

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