conners first bull


Active Member
this hunt started off after my cousin visited with me this summer after not seeing each other for many years. he has 4 boys and he brought them over to see my family. in the course of events he told me 3 of his 4 boys drew a nm youth bull elk tag. he asked if i knew the area and could point him in a specific direction.

i eagerly replied that not only did i know the area but that i knew where some monsters lived as well. i told him i would personally take them but they had to agree that at least one of them would wait until i told them they could shoot.

well day one found me with his son named ray chasing a bull well north of 380 i had scouted up. the hunt lasted half a day resulting in a blown out bull so i scrapped the hunt and decided to come back in and hunt the bull the next day after he calmed down. well that evening my cousin took ray to where we had scouted dozens of 6x6's and he allowed him to shoot the first bull they saw. about a 310 class bull. i was a bit dissapointed but there were still two tags remaining and they were beyond excited about the bull so i was happy for them.

conner, his eldest son missed the first day to play in a football game. so day two found me guiding him. right off the bat we had competition. there was a white dodge with wto outfitters sticker on the truck. i told conner that this area had a big bull and that the rainstorm of the previous day had broke meaning the bulls would be bugling.

well it just so happens they were. i told conner that if he wanted this bull we had to beat the outfitter to him. well conner is a running back, and as the ever envious 1911 can attest, my body building physique is in top shape. we figured the outfitter had no chance and after walking and jogging for about 3 miles we caught the bull. i couldnt see his tops but his bottoms were insane. i told conner he had to take the 478 yard shot or risk loosing the bull to the outfitter who was surely close. well i dialed in my blaser r8 300 wby mag for 478. conner laid down and pulled off a neck shot. i was totally shocked.

well walking up to this bull i have to admit i was extremely impressed. i didnt have a tape measure but i had a dollar bill. each of his g1's g2's and g3's were just shy of 4 dollar bills long. each dollar is 6". conner was dumbfounded. he kept saying he looked huge! he asked me several times if that was a big bull and i just laughed and said a 370 bull is a pisscutter! about 10 minutes after we got to the bull the outfitter shot another smaller bull from that herd and i looked at conner and said its a good thing u made that shot. i guess the thing that meant the most was that these boys love to hunt and rarely get the chance. their dad had a walmart tent
up and was hard pressed just to find money to buy food and gas for the hunt. i got to take this kid who has never experienced a really good hunt and show him tons of rutting screaming bulls.

he was overly excited. he told me the only hunts they can ever draw are in areas for deer and they rarely ever even see deer. he couldnt believe the number of mature 6x6's he saw and was totally excited from chasing that screaming bull.

i feel like thats a hunt he will never forget and its things like that which make hunting worth while. btw conner is totally hooked on elk hunting now.
Nice job. Congrats to Conner and his brother.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
Congrats on a great bull and great shot. Taking a 1st time elk hunter on a youth hunt is a great experience. Connecting on a bull like that is incredible.
Good job Connor, even though you are now officially ruined for life. That is a great bull, the bottom end of that rack is insane! Congrats. Great job uncle Stomper!
Taking others out who do not have the same jump on the sport that you do is very commendable. That is great they had success and had their eyes opened to the sport a lot more than they ever could have. I think it is safe to say this is a turning point in Conner's life as far as hunting goes. If hunting is in his blood, he will reference this hunt for the rest of his life and build upon that knowledge each year.
Good on you for helping others get started out right in the sport!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-15 AT 07:12PM (MST)[p]

heres this bulls rough measurements that im vaguely recalling. g1 g2 and g3 were all 21-22"

right sword 18" left sword 10"
right g5 almost 12" left g5 around 7 3/4"

both beams at 49"
mass 50"
width 39"

add it up.

that bull above had giant fronts. weak tops on the left and normal tops on the right. weak mass and decent spread and super short beams. but those measurements above are what he is. sorry if the high score is offensive. i didnt mean to post score. thats a cardinal sin on mm and its why people dont normally post scores. but i slipped so im sorry.
Lol! 270,370,470 doesn't mean spit. Gettin them kids hooked on helps us all! Good on you uncle stomper! And congrats conner! Welcome to the family!
Great story and a beginning of some outstanding memories.
Good looking Bull. The part I liked he only had to shoot once.
Thanks for posting it up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
the 3rd tag didnt get filled. he shot at and missed 4 different 6x6 bulls.

i left on day 3 after packing out the two bulls. on day 4 he missed another bull and on the last day his father swears he missed a 380 bull at 200 yards. he was very afraid of the .243 and was flinching but he had a blast so thats all that matters
"well i dialed in my blaser r8 300 wby mag for 478. conner laid down and pulled off a neck shot. i was totally shocked."

Why? You never seen a 1 shot kill before? Probably not. :D

Way to pass it on Stinky!


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
shut up paul! those were high dollar photos. after those initial pics i put my phone in my back pocket to adjust the bull and i set on it. completely shattered the screen.

and no eel i havent seen a one shot kill. it worried me a great deal! it just didnt seem right. so i hurried and ran to the bull with conner in order to place a proper gut shot on him so we could be sure he was dead.

then i slapped conner and told him never to shoot an animal anywhere other than the guts! smh........ who teaches these kids such poor shooting skills nowadays?

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