Colorado point creep numbers 09 to 10


Very Active Member
As expected, quite a bit of point creep this year. Here are the biggest jumpers from last year. Listed are the minimum number of points to draw, the guarantee the tag usually takes one more point. These are NR totals.

21 3rd +2 to 16 points

22 4th +7 to 13 points

30 3rd +3 to 10 points

44 3rd +3 to 9 points

44 4th +4 to 14 points

53 4th +4 to 12 points

63 4th +3 to 7 points

68 4th +5 to 8 points

61 4th +4 to 17 points

Those were the big movers, a lot of disappointed hunters out there.

The good news is that this was probably a once in a blue moon year. I suspect next year the points needed will creep downward.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Why did so many non-res applicants who have been on the sidelines decide to get back in the game this year? Was it reports of good-moisture, low winter-kill, reductions in future permit numbers, big bucks, or what?

My son and I have 13 points each and have been planning on drawing in 2012 when we'll have 14. Any advice on units?
Definately the late season dates. More rutting activity during the seasons next fall than there has been in a long time.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Late season is the key to the point jump.
So next year if the season stays the same will the points stay high again.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
The seasons are set for 5 years. They are going to slay the big bucks in the third and fourth this year, so cutting tags next year is the only option the managers will have, the seasons are only one day earlier each year. And draw odds will be even worse, when more points only applicants jump in for fewer tags after everyone sees all the big bucks harvested this year...The later seasons will make fewer and harder to draw tags for years, not just this year. That's my guess...
Keep your fingers crossed we don't have another severe winter in 2010/11! Later season dates PLUS a bad winter will screw most of Colo up for many years to come. I am somewhat suprised the CDOW didn't stay a little more conservative w/tags in 2010 and possibly eliminate most (if not all) the 4th seasons. I guess only time will tell.
Nice post Rich!!! The chance of a week later hunt makes all eager!!! The next few years will be around the same with the hunt still being only one day earlier each year!!!
Rich - thanks for pulling the numbers together. Always nice to see how certain units get hit with point creep. Glad I didn't try to draw a tag this year. Seemed very unpredictable across the board.
It went up another 7 points for 4th season in 22? Holy smokes.......that's not point creep that's point sprint!!

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison

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