You are a lazy A$$!


Active Member
I took the wife out today to try to fill her deer tag. We were all set up and on the way up the canyon. We were seeing deer down low with all the recent snow fall and we soon spotted a good 3x4 with a bunch of does up a drainage and the wife decides she wants to go after the buck. After covering 500 yards we get withing 200 yards of the buck and decide to wait him out from feeding in the thick brush. We noticed a hunter on the road on his ATV stop to watch us glassing up the canyon. As our attention went back to the deer the buck stepped out and my wife took her shot and missed, but not by much and it jumped back in to thick cover. Not even a minute later the "hunter" had turned around and had his rifle up looking back up the drainage. I had my wife stay were she was so I could walk around te ridge to see if she had hit the buck or to maybe push it back to her. I come out above the ridge and see my wife waiting to see if the buck had come out and not even thirty yards from her is the A-hole hunter waiting to see what I kicked out. I know it's public land, but how lazy are you to go after a deer that someone else is already making a stalk on. I could understand a hunting partner, but total stranger. If you can't find game on your own then stay home!
it is amazing what people do when they get desperate, cut throat anyone to kill a deer, what a pile of sh@t....
How do you know that he was there to try to shoot the same deer? Maybe he was looking forward to seeing the buck on the ground? Usually where there is one buck, there is two... I think your getting excited over nothing unless I am missing some further details...
So once ya shoot at a buck it is owned by the shooter until it is finally hit and dead? No one else can hunt/shoot the buck?

Maybe we are reading your 1 sentence paragragh wrong?

Who ended up tagging the buck?

No excuse in my book! Go find another buck don't watch and wait for one someone else found and is hunting. Me and my son were stalking three 4points in ID a couple weeks ago and two trucks stopped at the base of the hill near where my dad was glassing up at our progress and they were talking back and forth and trying to glass what we were stalking and then tried to set up in a direction to get what we pushed out. Very poor sportsmanship in my opinion.

Truth is, I have to agree with both sides- The dude is definitely a D-Bag for getting so close to your wife (And the truth is that's creepy). And if he did go over near her to try for the buck it is very unsportsmanlike.
At the same time, I remember a few years ago rifle hunting and we watched a guy shoot at a big buck. We later made our way to him to see if he nailed it, and possibly needed help with it. He hadn't hit it, and it had literally disappeared (As big bucks do). He was appreciative of our intentions- but the truth is- What if the buck had run out right at us? And then we shot it? And when we got to it, it had one more bullet hole than we had fired? Suddenly 2 sportsman have quite a predicament on their hands... It's a situation I would rather avoid.
For the record- from what was told, this guy just sounds like a D-Bag...
My general rule of thumb- I never hunt within reasonable rifle distance of other hunters not of my own party. Have you ever heard a bullet whiz by over your head.?? (NOT intentionally mind you) Not a fun sound...

Did you ever get on the buck again..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-10 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]There was only one buck in the herd, we glassed them looking to see if there was another buck..This Guy put his up rifle in our direction to see what she was looking at. The guy walked back to his ATV after my wife came up to help check and see if she had hit it. We saw it two hours later 1/2 mile away but we weren't fast enough to close the distance again..
Well - that's what happens on the general. Maybe he was just sticking around to see your success. At least he didn't get in your way. Even if he was waiting to see what you kicked up, it is not a bad strategy really. There may have been other deer there that you didn't see or weren't pursuing.

At least you spelled "stalk" correctly.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-10 AT 10:58AM (MST)[p]Wow, no wonder I don't visit much anymore with all the blasphemy towards other hunters here and the negative posts.

I am no where near good enough to be in the company of ya all! ;O)
btw, you miss an animal and i have a tag for it? I'm going to shoot the dam thing. Your fault you missed it.
I wouldn't like it either. However, that is the reality of hunting a General Season tag. Too many hunters for me... This is the main reason I do not rifle hunt Utah
I have been hunting for alot of years and I see a trend increasing of unsportsman like people. I understand money is tight, but that is no excuse to cork another hunter. I have had other hunters aproach me and ask if they could go on out a road I was on and hunt the other end, which was great they ask as I am partially disabled and could not make it to the end of the road they were wanting to hunt. I have also had friends over on the Oregon coast elk hunting and get a nice bull down and have a bunch of guys come in and take the bull right out from underneath them, when its one person/gun against 4 other people/guns, well they valued they lives more then the elk. I don't know what the answer is, but sometimes you wonder why you even get out and hunt anymore, its suppose to be fun and spend time with friends/family and put food on the table.
But me personally I like to have an area all to my self, if there are other people there then I move on, if someone ask for help then I would help them.
once a utard, always a utard

The guy did nothing illegal. For me though, being around other hunters ruins it for me. If I see hunters in the same area I leave. I want to feel solitude when I am hunting and that's why I go places that ATVs can come nowhere near. ATVs are the devil.
Sounds like they spotted the buck from the road and then walked up the drainage 500 yards to get a shot.

I don't agree with they guy setting up close to your wife, that is questionable, but I have no problem with hunters covering escape routs of the deer you may be pushing. Especially escape routs that are not already covered. That is just smart hunting.

Truth of the matter is, that if you hunt within sight of the road, you have to be prepared to deal with other hunters. If you don't like to deal with other hunters then stay away from the roads or choose another area. Other hunters on public land and there stupidity is part of the challange of an over the counter tag.

Don't hate, just remember how it made you and your wife feel and make sure you never do that to anyone else. That is the best that you can do.
To me it sounds like you busted the pin'ata and all the other idiots came rushing in. I don't care if its legal or not, I am not going to shoot a deer someone else shooting at. Guess it's a pride thing.

I don't care if it's public land, you just don't do that. Like I said we spotted it off the road and went after it. None the less my got her buck yesterday afternoon.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-10 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]seriously, I understand with what you're saying and I kind of agree with you to a point. BUT let me go to the other extreme here, devils advocate....

#1-Public land, that hunter can hunt ANYWHERE HE WANTS, even if it's 3 feet from you or your wife.
#2-The land AND the animals belong to US the taxpayers, that means if there is a buck in one canyon and we BOTH saw it at the same time, technically and legally we both have the same right to it.

You are getting into a huge "ethical or moral" issues here and like it or not, there's a lot of people that have no ethical practices when it comes to hunting.

I have to deal with it fly fishing, I can be fishing a nice hole, some other guy comes along and plops down right in the hole I'm fishing. They can't even say hi or kiss my ass. when I see other fisherman or hunters I was taught to ask them where or what direction they were going as to not get in the way, if you are in the same area ask if it's ok. 99% will say sure come along!

It does tick me off such as your case when they do that. But it's legal and what makes us any better to have it all to ourselves?
These ethical debates are so fun to read. A guy calls another guy lazy when they both are hunting from the road, and both walked virtually the same amount of distance. Classic.

There was no mention that the guy even attempted to pull the trigger. There's a good possibility that he walked up to see if you needed help. If I saw a guy and his wife take a shot at a deer, Id do just that. Walk up and see if they made the shot and then offer help dragging it out.

If he was actually trying to tag the deer, well. . . she did miss and if you were actually 500 yards away from the road, you had plenty of time to get another shot off or reposition.
Like grizzmoose stated, it's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. Get off the roads yourself and you'll see far less people and this sh*% won't happen
You hypocritical A-holes need to get off of your high horse about this ?Road Hunting? BS. How many of your wifes hunt, or can hunt far from roads, or can do full wilderness bivy hunts which is the only way to ?Hunt? according to you? I say kudos to you for being able to hunt with your wife and enjoying the outdoors together. It is annoying when you have to deal with people like that in the field but that's part of hunting public land.

I've asked this question before and never got any answers back; What would you non-road hunters do if you were driving to your super secret, far from any roads hunting spot and came across a 200? monster you could legally take? I would imagine you would just let it walk because it wouldn't be very sporting to shoot right? You would rather hike for 5 miles and shoot a 2 point right?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-10 AT 07:43AM (MST)[p]Blacktailer...You need to learn how to comprehend..My wife loves to hike and isn't bothered by steep terrain.. Let me repeat what I was mad about..

1. This guy was looking at us for quite a while through his rifle scope before my wife took a shot and and after she shot. Do you understand why that would bother me?

2. He didn't talk to us about the deer at all, he didn't say a word to my wife while he was practicly righ next to her. I wouldn't have minded if he asked if we needed help, or asked if there was more than one buck.

3. This guy heard my wife shoot and came back to where we were. scopes us out then walks to where my was standing. We were more than 400 yards of of the dirt road.

We spotted a good buck near a road and all of a sudden we are road hunters. Blacktailer before you insult someone...get your facts right..

I will post her buck soon..
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-10 AT 10:02AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-10 AT 10:01?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-10 AT 10:00?AM (MST)

wow more than 400 yards off the dirt someone stated, get off the road and this is less likely to happen. Whether you shoot your animal on the road or 4 miles off I could care less because EVERY HUNTER here who sees a 190 class buck on the road is gonna jump out of their truck and shoot it. Probably more than 50% are going to shoot anything that is legal.

Guys that say they don't is like a guy telling you he has never jacked it....liars.

Did he know he was near your wife? I've scoped things out, got down in the canyon and than can't find what I was looking for due to brush and things change when you get closer?

IDK, all I can say is learn to live with it because it will probably happen again.
I can top you.

One year I was coming down the mountain that was pretty much just tall Oak Brush, this was back when the buck season was only the first 3 days and this was the fourth. At the bottom of the mountain was a main road and about 7 trucks spread out over probably a thousand yards, with hunters watching the hillside. (yes 7, and you want to talk about one hunter in your area?)

I jumped a nice litte 4 point up and he bounced up onto the hill and looked back at me. I was enjoying watching him when all of the sudden BOOM! and I see dirt fly up under him, he took off running.

After about 5 minutes of continuing on here comes another hunter up the hill breathing hard. First off I could not believe he shot with me being so close from over 300 yards and yes they could all see me and my brother who was about 300 yards east of me coming down the mountain. I was about 25 yards from the deer.

Secondly I couldn't believe he shot out of season! And Thirdly I couldn't believe there was 7 trucks down there watching my MOUNTAIN! lol...
arch3614elk, My response was more about the title of your post than anything else. You made a reference to another road hunter being a lazy A$$. It had nothing to do with the way the guy treated you, your wife or acted in general. That is inexcusable. I think it's great you took your wife out to get her a deer. I am just not a fan of road hunters in general and when one road hunter refers to another as being a lazy A$$, to me it is like "the pot calling the kettle black" No need to read into it any more than that.
>AT 07:43?AM (MST)

>Blacktailer...You need to learn how to
>comprehend..My wife loves to hike
>and isn't bothered by steep
>terrain.. Let me repeat what
>I was mad about..
>1. This guy was looking at
>us for quite a while
>through his rifle scope before
>my wife took a shot
>and and after she shot.
>Do you understand why that
>would bother me?
>2. He didn't talk to us
>about the deer at all,
>he didn't say a word
>to my wife while he
>was practicly righ next to
>her. I wouldn't have minded
>if he asked if we
>needed help, or asked if
>there was more than one
>3. This guy heard my wife
>shoot and came back to
>where we were. scopes us
>out then walks to where
>my was standing. We were
>more than 400 yards of
>of the dirt road.
>We spotted a good buck
> near a road and
>all of a sudden we
>are road hunters. Blacktailer before
>you insult someone...get your facts
>I will post her buck

After this clarification - yeah, that is pretty creepy. Not uncommon though - like I said, typical general season behavior. Better expect stuff like that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You know, this stuff happens even in the most remote country. I killed a buck that two other guys missed and I was 8 miles from the nearest road. The fact is, often times there are more people in the hills than there are canyons for each hunter to hunt. I personally require an entire mountain, but even when my car is parked at the trailhead, other people still walk up there....LOL (Lazy SOB's! LOL just kidding guys)

I'm sure I'm unethical, because if I heard a shot, I would darn sure be looking to see what was shot, or shot at, and if there were other bucks and if there were any bucks coming my way. And, I'd do it whether I was on the road or 8 miles in the backcountry. OFTEN, bucks are not alone, and as a hunter, it only makes sense to look and see what else might be on the hill after a shot rings out. AND, again, I might be unethical, but if I see some dude beating the brush, I almost always watch to see what he might kick out. That's part of smart hunting in my opinion. When I'm tromping through the brush, I always assume someone else is enjoying my hard work......

To each their own on what they'd do in any given situation. Everyone wants a canyon or a deer they spot to themselves, that's just the way it is, but unfortunately, there are typically more hunters afield than there are canyons that hold bucks.

Just as in my case when I killed that big buck after a couple other guys emptied their guns on it, had your wife just killed it with the first shot, you would have no hard feelings towards anyone. All would be great for you.
If she had killed the buck dead and that guy had turned around to see what she shot or if there were any other bucks coming his way, would you still be complaining about him? I doubt it.

Obviously I have no clue what happened in your situation, but if you think people are going to see you tromping up the hills and/or letting lead fly, but not watch and see what you kill or what you send running their way, then you are crazy. It's going to happen. I would bet that when you hear a shot ring out near you, that you look too.

PS - I saw a buck here above Salt Lake and I will be hunting him until the end of November, so I expect to see no other hunters. You guys all know who you are. It's my area. I'm stalking the deer now, just moving real slow out of the house. Don't even look at those mountains you guys!!!!!! LOL

Brian Latturner
I reading alot of people saying its public land, get over it.
Well, just because it may be legal doesn't make it right.
It's just easier to be inconsiderate, disrespectful, and have no class. I'm seeing it more and more. I'm leaning more towards private land and guided hunts whenever possible. A much better experience. I have all but quit hunting public land here in Florida because of people just like that.

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