Oldtimers 1969 buck.


Long Time Member
An oldtimer named Steven brought his buck from 1969 into my wifes bar tonight and so my wife called me at home and told me to come take a look. I grabbed the camera and went up to see him.



I had a good time listening to stories about "The good ole days." Sure wish I could've hunted mulies back then. fatrooster.
cool buck.... was your wife pissed about all the deer hair he got on the pool table? lmao

You got a PHD, player haters degree.
My wife did mention the hair on the pool table but didn't really mind. Old timers get special treatment and respect. fatrooster.
Great old Buck, The stories are the best.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Fatrooster, I'd like to Visit your Wife's Bar. Where is it and what is it called?

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 06:06AM (MST)[p]Yakatak, its in Spring Creek, Nevada. Its accross the street from the Scoreboard Casino/Sinclair gas station in a tiny strip mall with a church beside it. Its called The Watering Hole. fatrooster.
Drew.. That's a nice buck he killed.. Where was he hunting?
I like hearing stories about the good old days..

I used to hunt area 10 around Secret Pass in the East Humbolts. my first year I hunted there was 1972.

Great hunting and lots of deer.

One thing we can all agree upon, the old time hunters and their old time trophys sure should get special treatment. They've earned it!

Thanks for sharing the pics of a cool buck!

Love to see those old time mounts. They are the foundation
of today's love affair for big mule deer. Good to see them
get their rightful due.

Model_70_guy, he got that buck in Colorado down by Colorado Springs. Secret Pass is still a beautiful place, come out and visit.
Eldorodo, I was impressed with how good of a job the Taxi work is considering its from 1969. Even though the hair was falling out, I felt like the quality of facial features was before its time. I'm far from being an expert on Taxi work, but I liked it. fatrooster.
Nice buck! Did he get a free beer? Maybe I could bring a mount in for that. Oh, wait, how old do you have to be? I think I'm gaining on it. Ha!

I've noticed in all the photos of the bar that there are no deer heads hanging on the wall, yet you guys have the big buck contests. The Watering Hole has to be one of the most "hunter friendly" bars around. I'm looking forward to visiting. We used to stop at the Jiggs bar from time to time and admire the heads but have not been there for awhile either.

Merry Christmas....Moose
Fatrooster, you need to get some of those old guys to hang their horns in your wife's bar. Hell I'd come down just to see the horns ( well I'd have to drink a beer or 2 while I was there)Thanks for sharing.
Can't wait till the horns start to drop !!!
bigmoose, nobody wants to put there head mounts in the bar because of all of the smoke, etc. It would probably dry it out. Usually the bar owners will put thier owne mounts in a bar but the bar owners in this case have never killed any truley big bucks, lol. I'm having a pair of sheds mounted right now that came off of a 193" buck. Maybe I'll stick him in there just to get you and tinehunter to visit us. We do have a bull elk up on the wall drinking a beer that Al Harris of Rack em Up Taxidermy donated to the bar. Will that bring you guys in? fatrooster.
I don't get out that way too much since I left Reno, but when I do, I'll stop in and you can see a moose drink a beer! Looking forward to it!

I sure do miss them good old days.....lot's of good memories...

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.

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