NFL players sitting during anthem


Founder Since 1999
You know, I'm no Trump fan and I think he puts his foot in his mouth more often than on the ground, but I think those NFL players sitting during the anthem is just wrong.
Kapernick did it to bring attention to an issue, but now it's no longer about that issue and shouldn't be tolerated.
I seen today 3 Packers players sitting the bench during the anthem. Not even kneeling. They weren't sitting to bring attention to an issue, they were sitting just to oppose Trump.
I just think NFL owners should've done something in the beginning, and now they're in a real tough position.
In my opinion though, I think it's disrespectful what those players are doing during the anthem.
In that regard, I agree with Trump. It's just too bad Trump is the way he is and speaks as he does. He could've sounded off about the issue in a better way.
I still can't believe he's our president. Crazy!!!

What's your thoughts on all that?

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
I think it's disrespectful , and SHOULD NOT be tolerated .
I won't watch another game or support the NFL for that matter until they show respect.
Back in the day I bought Kings season tickets, it was good! loved the rivalry with the Jazz and other teams, I gave it up because it was turning into a circus of thugs, I was turned off from the NFL not only with Kap but with the team ownership ,it was like they were trying to send a message of division and it spread even to the ignorant Coaches of Pee Wee football.
I didn't agree with it when Kap done it and I don't agree with it now. You are a professional athlete who has a microphone shoved in your face at least 3 times a week and you want to make a statement during the only 60 seconds set aside for honoring our country and servicemen...... real classy. As far as trump goes the libtards ran probably the only person in the country that he could've beat in an election.
Spoiled little brats. If they feel so strongly they really ought to put their money where their mouth is. I hope they continue to chew off the arm that feeds them. NFL ratings are in the toilet and they wonder why.
Them Bastards would be sitting on the Bench alright!


Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

All this 1st amendment BS is just that BS if they want to do something go to the neighborhoods where there is a problem and not make a fool of themselves on national TV. Bunch of spoiled millionaires. I'm a Cowboys fan and you won't see them sitting!!
The raised fist is the lowest thing yet... Black Panthers is a terrorist organization no better than the KKK
I think it's typical for the time. I don't care what they think. I don't know a single person that models their behavior after these neanderthals. What kind of jackwagon logically believes sitting through the national anthem will change a single thing in the world the rest of us little people are surviving in? Most of these guys are sub human thugs. We turned a blind eye to the felony rate of these players. We turned a blind eye to the substance abuse. We forgive them for beating women and any other act of misogyny that is imaginable. We finally put one in prison who was a cereal killer and one who was killing dogs. The dog killer got to play when he was turned out. Now you're surprised they won't stand for the national anthem????????

Obviously they understand ethics, morals, manners, propriety, and even the law, doesn't apply to them. I don't care what they do. The best game in America is going to be played tomorrow by 11 middle schoolers who pledge to the flag, say "yes mam", truly love their fans, and don't give a dam about the politics of someone who is only wanted for expendable meat in a game.
Richard Childress doesn't care for this bullshit. (I'd post a link, but it's on ESPN) But, it's NASCAR. Different culture. I like NASCAR. mtmuley
Hall of Fame driver Richard Petty's sentiments took it a step further.

"Anybody that don't stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period," Petty said. "What got 'em where they're at? The United States."

When asked if a protester at Richard Petty Motorsports would be fired, Petty said, "You're right."

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Do you think nfl players should be fired for disrespecting the flag, the anthem, our servicemen and women, and our country by kneeling during the star spangled banner founder?

>Do you think nfl players should
>be fired for disrespecting the
>flag, the anthem, our servicemen
>and women, and our country
>by kneeling during the star
>spangled banner founder?

Its a private business. I think owners should quit allowing these puzzzzies to put forth their hatred for POTUS in the form of disrespecting our flag.

Tomorrow I am gonna have my 12th major surgery for injuries incurred while protecting those coke suckers right to freedom of speech.

Fuk em.
>>Do you think nfl players should
>>be fired for disrespecting the
>>flag, the anthem, our servicemen
>>and women, and our country
>>by kneeling during the star
>>spangled banner founder?
>Its a private business. I
>think owners should quit allowing
>these puzzzzies to put forth
>their hatred for POTUS in
>the form of disrespecting our
>Tomorrow I am gonna have my
>12th major surgery for injuries
>incurred while protecting those coke
>suckers right to freedom of
>Fuk em.
+1. Thanks a lot feddoc for your service !
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-17 AT 00:24AM (MST)[p] I have pretty much lost interest in professional sports due to the attitude of players. This whole national anthem protest reaffirms my position.
I agree feddoc. I'm livid over this shite. I have NFL Mobile canceled and I am not watching Seahawks and will get rid of my Steelers Jerseys.
I'm completely ashamed of what these a55 clowns are doing. They need to be benched fired and I'm done watching their circus. The diehard fans are really dumb from what I've looked at on social media. I was a packers fan until yesterday I looked at comments on their page and people say well see ya later someone else would be waiting in line for your tickets. Well to those that think the ship won't sink here's an example. If 1million less snickers bars are sold this year then snickers may start losing money just a bit. But if next year 12 million less are sold snickers has to start looking at fixing the problem because investors and major share holders could get together and do whats called a hostile takeover of the company and basically the major share holders start influencing firings of upper management and shaping how the business runs. Now I'm pretty sure there are some big investors involved in the nfl. And there are alot of people who are super patriotic that have supported the nfl and it probably makes up a pretty large demographic of people that attend and watch games on sunday. If you keep pissing on those peoples faces they will get tired of it and they will look into another form of entertainment where they feel welcome and feel there values and country are respected. It's truly sad what these brats are doing and feeling is acceptable to do while they are work in front of millions of fans. I find it even more discusting that children in little leauge are kneeling because adault are telling them to do so and they don't even know what they are kneeling for. Goodbye NFL GFYS
I like watching the games and don't want to stop doing so. I just think the owners need to suck it up and tell their employees to stand their butts up. If they want to bring attention to their causes then they should do it on their own time.
In all honesty, I'll bet the owners do wish they had nipped it in the bud a year ago with Kapernick. I think they just thought it would go away without them having to do anything.
If I were an owner, it would be required for players to stand during the anthem and I'd fire dudes who wouldn't follow company rules. I think in the long run, it would be the best course of action for their business.
They're going to have to do something, cause if half the team is sitting during the anthem every week in protest to Trump, they're really going to piss off a lot of fans. Not for the protest of Trump, but for the sitting part. Protesting Trump in that manner won't get them far.

I do have to say though, Trump sure is a mess at times....most of the time. This week I'm thinking war with North Korea is coming. A real shame.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
This was the shot of the guys who disgust me. Just sitting on the bench. Not kneeling, not trying to bring attention to police brutality, just sitting to protest Trump. Fools.....


Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
>I like watching the games and
>don't want to stop doing
>so. I just think the
>owners need to suck it
>up and tell their employees
>to stand their butts up.
>If they want to bring
>attention to their causes then
>they should do it on
>their own time.
>In all honesty, I'll bet the
>owners do wish they had
>nipped it in the bud
>a year ago with Kapernick.
>I think they just thought
>it would go away without
>them having to do anything.
>If I were an owner, it
>would be required for players
>to stand during the anthem
>and I'd fire dudes who
>wouldn't follow company rules. I
>think in the long run,
>it would be the best
>course of action for their
>They're going to have to do
>something, cause if half the
>team is sitting during the
>anthem every week in protest
>to Trump, they're really going
>to piss off a lot
>of fans. Not for the
>protest of Trump, but for
>the sitting part. Protesting Trump
>in that manner won't get
>them far.
>I do have to say though,
>Trump sure is a mess
>at times....most of the time.
>This week I'm thinking war
>with North Korea is coming.
>A real shame.
>Brian Latturner
>on Facebook!
Founder remember Eric Holder ? "we are a nation of Cowards" ... don't blame Trump.
"What kind of jackwagon logically believes sitting through the national anthem will change a single thing in the world the rest of us little people are surviving in? "

The same jackwagons who think that burning, looting and stealing big screen TVs is protesting.
I agree with Founder. When you're working for an employer, your employer can dictate your behavior while on the job. What you do on your own time is different.

A question for the will you know when it's time to stand for the National Anthem and respect the flag? How perfect do things have to get?

I've watched my last game until it changes.

I agree, totally disrespectful! If they want to protest, do it without disrespecting our flag, our National Anthem, and the men and women who fought, suffered serious injuries, or gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms and way of life!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-17 AT 08:53AM (MST)[p]Good point Eel. Protesters no matter what side they're on, don't like tough questions. I feel disrespect when people don't stand. We are the greatest country however we're not perfect. We'll never be, but we're still the best. I haven't researched it but I think our country probably has the highest paid atheletes and they pull this crap. I'm going to have to side with Trump on this though he needs to work on his delivery. I hope the NFL looses big on this. They deserve it.

It reminds me of the liberal argument of the rich paying more in taxes. They claim that it's because they're in the U.S that they're doing so good. Can the same be said about athletes? Coaches? Are they doing so well because they're here?

We have over 300 million people here. Guess what? With that many people, you're going to find any problem you want, you just have to look.
>Spoiled little brats. If they
>feel so strongly they really
>ought to put their money
>where their mouth is. I
>hope they continue to chew
>off the arm that feeds
>them. NFL ratings are in
>the toilet and they wonder

1911 pretty well summed it up.


I agree with Trump 100% on what he said. But I agree with most of what he says. The league needs to step up and stop this bullcrap but that won't happen. I think anyone that sits or kneels isn't anything more than an oxygen thief.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
I wrote this letter to the editor yesterday. I doubt it will get published.


You Have No Right

News flash: the misguided, whinny millionaires who claim a "constitutional right to free speech" to protest as they do during the national anthem at NFL games do not have a clue. The REAL and only right to free speech limits how federal, state and local government entities treat free speech issues.

Both the NFL and the team owners are private entities, thus not regulated by any constitution that guarantees a right to free speech. They can dictate the decorum during the anthem as readily and easily as they can specify what color socks players may wear or how they conduct themselves after a touchdown. Thus, the only right the players have is to follow the rules set out by the NFL and the team owners -- those who pay the whiners' ridiculous salaries to entertain the masses.

If the players see a need to protest, let them use their own time and spend their own money for newspaper, radio or TV ads to do just that. I watch NFL games to see football, not to see political statements, whether they have merit or not. So while I will still watch the Cardinals, I will no longer spend one penny to support the sponsors of those games. Drop in the bucket? Probably.

In the meantime, a big thank you to ex-Army Ranger and Bronze Star recipient Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburg Steelers for the respect he still holds for the flag, the anthem and America. It's the same sort of respect a guy by the name of Pat Tillman would have shown had he not given his life for the country that others despise.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
If the don't Stand for or National Anthem, that represents our Flag, Country and our Constitution that gives them the right then they have no Rights. What do they Stand for? F em. Rutnbuck
Trump's a mess? I guess it depends on how you look at it.

From what I can see, he's doing what he was hired to do.

He's NOT politically correct, and he hurts people's feelings daily. Welcome to life!! What a refreshing thing it is to have someone in charge who is not a politician and couldn't care less about who he offends and who gets their feelers hurt. Kinda sounds like some bosses at work, doesn't it? If you don't like it...tough crap! He wasn't hired to be a #####. He was hired because people know he's the way he is, and he doesn't put up with BS from anyone. Hence all the folks leaving/getting fired from his administration. If you're not on board with the Trump train, then get off. He's doing what he said he was going to do for the most part. Of course he has flaws! He's human. If I was boss, I'd get rid of ANYONE on my staff that went against the way I wanted things done. I think that's reasonable.

Don't really think N. Korea situation can be blamed on Trump. He's just the guy that happens to be there now. What would Hillary do? Lol...probably the same thing Obama did about the growing threat from N. Korea...nothing.

My fervor for the NFL has dwindled to the point where I don't really care if I watch. And I try to avoid any ESPN broadcasts at all. If I want politics, I'll watch Fox News or CNN...

What a bunch of ungrateful crybabies...
I didn't really watch much football anyway due to hunting every weekend mainly, but the commercials, penalties, long boring ass games was too much. With this crap I will not watch the NFL ever again. They are total hypocrites, there has been 523 murders in Chicago, only 10 shot by the cops, and they are crying about the handful of incidents over the past several years.
Its ridiculous that grown men earn millions in this society because so many people have nothing better to do than watch TV. I don't care if its footballers or actors--it's a sad commentary about our values and how we spend our time. Cut these tools loose and get out and support your local high school teams instead. Or, as dirtygrass has suggested, go hunt. There is no day more peaceful than Super Sunday...if you are out in the woods.

Damn high horse. Got a nosebleed...
At this point there is nothing the NFL can do to win me back. They $hit on the flag, the only reason they are changing their stance now is because its hurting the pocketbook of the owners. I have the NFL package for my son who loves football, and he asked me to cancel it and he did not watch football last weekend, he went hunting with me.
I'm still in shock founder has the balls to bash trump! that's classless no matter who you are.

That is your president whether you voted for Hillary or not. keep politics out of hunting
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-17 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]I don't know founder's political leanings, but I appreciate those who do hold our politician's feet to the fire, whether he is "their" president, or not. And criticism of Trump is not praise for Clinton. It is perfectly consistent to be critical of both. There is no reason that we must speak in support of the lesser of two dipshirts.
>You know, I'm no Trump fan
>and I think he puts
>his foot in his mouth
>more often than on the
>ground, but I think those
>NFL players sitting during the
>anthem is just wrong.
>Kapernick did it to bring attention
>to an issue, but now
>it's no longer about that
>issue and shouldn't be tolerated.
>I seen today 3 Packers players
>sitting the bench during the
>anthem. Not even kneeling. They
>weren't sitting to bring attention
>to an issue, they were
>sitting just to oppose Trump.
>I just think NFL owners should've
>done something in the beginning,
>and now they're in a
>real tough position.
>In my opinion though, I think
>it's disrespectful what those players
>are doing during the anthem.
>In that regard, I agree with
>Trump. It's just too bad
>Trump is the way he
>is and speaks as he
>does. He could've sounded off
>about the issue in a
>better way.
>I still can't believe he's our
>president. Crazy!!!
>What's your thoughts on all that?
>Brian Latturner
>on Facebook!

I agree Trump does not tip toe around the edges of political correctness with his dialogue- BUT- That is exactly why we elected him. These people sitting for the anthem and flag are being as disrespectful as you could be given the situation. You want to whine about getting disproportinately stopped by cops and or arrested when you disproportianately commit crimes?????
I'll start listening to inequality rants from pro athletes whenever the leagues they play in start hiring equally. Or keep them the way they are (75% black and performance based hiring) but make everything in society the same. Getting into colleges, no more job quotas based on race, no more welfare because of skin color or lack thereof.............
Evidently you were not paying attention the previous 8 years of absolute "divide and conquer politics" Obammy put on this country. If nothing else Trump has been more patriotic and has put America first than what Killary or Zero did and would have done.
Truth hurts on that one ! So true ! In Salt Lake City utah a police officer was fired because he refused to ride his police motorcycle during a gay rights parade. He said it went against his religious beliefs. I am sure he was not making millions and he got fired. These over paid cry babies need to go get a football job in North Korea as far as I am concerned.
Pathetic and disrespectful not standing for the anthem. I'm behind our elected president. It's a breath of fresh air having someone in office that isn't just in it for the money. Trump can't be bought, unlike the rest of these crooked lifelong politicians. Sure some of the "petty" things he says make me cringe. But when are people going to wake up and see how corrupt the establishment is. I'm union and was a democratic supporter. Not any more, biggest group of hypocritical, sniveling, whining, sonsabitches I've ever seen. Seriously, change the channel people. They preach freedom of speech, yet they cram their agenda in your face non-stop, and if you don't agree with them they throw a fit and start rioting, chanting gay rights and racism. I can't believe anyone with any common sense or belief in what this great nation was founded on can stand with and support this sorry group of individuals. I am a proud American and have nothing but respect for our president, our military, and my fellow black, white, brown, yellow, gay, straight whatever brothers and sisters that make a positive contribution to society. We all bleed red.
Post #44 = i do not find this in Police Union or Internet files. If one makes a claim (Post) it would be nice if it had supportive truth with it.

I read and want to trust but trust comes with Verification's. Like spotting a Tree Trunk and wishing it grew Horns....Stare and stare, no horns grown and its not a Buck. That is Verification's among Hunters.

Write words then substantiate the words that emit from your Name. Like a Cattle Brand.

Jagerdad :)

PS: I have not allowed my fancy TV system to show or be on any channel that has an NFL related venue on. I know zero of teams and I will keep my head in the sand and not hear anything as long as we have Blacks against the Flag....under asking for another free beee hand out. This is highly insulting to my Black friends so, I join them. One Black friend said to me, Not all Niggers are Black.

The end.... Americans sticking together, no color ranks higher or lower. Education does.... But Not skin colors.
PSSSS: Some Life Long Black friends used to always say to me right after my Wife Gave Birth to our Child, They...said...Rock, You keep making White Babies...Haven't you learned, White Babies are Harder to....Keep Clean..? yes, a Joke among close friends who have no color issue between friendships except what we make, into Snow Balls or Water Balloons to throw at each other.

The outside world never hears our words and if they did, so what. Make something of it.

Yes, White Babies are harder to keep clean is a funny rib shot, from a friend. Plumber babies are possibly even the Hardest to keep clean :)

Jagerdad :)
Cool video Homer, thanks.

Sure enjoyed the World Series.

Really looking forward to the NFR that starts in about 35 days.

Haven't miss watching the NBA or the NFL this year.

BYU and Ute suck but I enjoyed watching other NCAA football.

It's not like we don't have lots of entertainment options.

The NFL including the owners, can set down, kneel down, or lay down.......and I can spend my money else where....... it's still a free country, ain't it great.

Any business, no matter how big, no matter how profitable, can, if they are insensitive to their customer base can and will eventually sh!t in every corner of their market and either change or go broke. This ain't China, we got choices.

I got no problem about Trump expressing his opinion or his personal feelings, he too will reap the rewards of his comments and his behavior. In my opinion he's behaving exactly like we need him to behave. How quickly we forget how badly the other side treated Bush for 8 years, how bad they treated Romney and how they pounded McCain (the red donkey) . There is very little that Trump can say or do that the other side and 75% of the Republican't haven't already done, and worse, in my opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, he can turn out the hounds!


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