Spider Bull Legacy


Long Time Member
Hi all, I was reading in one of the other post about Spidey and a couple of questions came to mind

What was the bull?s age and how many offspring do you think he could of sired?

Thanks Joe

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
He came from a Ranch. Period. There's no offspring that has ever been seen from him. No sheds. He just showed up one day before the hunt. Utah f&g has made a ton of money from this bull, that's why they said it was wild.
I've seen a couple bulls off of the Dutton that definitely have some of those genetics. There are people that believe that is where the spider bull originally came from. The elk on Monroe and Dutton cross back and forth.
?There's no offspring that has ever been seen from him.?

Have they DNA tested all the bulls coming off the two, maybe three units down there in the area he roamed to confirm that?
Hi guys, Back in 2004 I killed my best whitetail buck 159 6/8? three years earlier I seen a buck similar to the one I killed and a few years after killing my buck I seen one that also had similar features as the other two. So I was just curious if that was the same with elk and if so how many people do you think are chasing his offspring? LOL!

Thanks as always for your time


?Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Hi Muley 73 and 2Lumpy, does SFW still donate hunts for disabled vets etc?
I was just curious

Thanks for your time


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
They say the bull was 7 or 8 years old the bull was harvested on September 30
I think he spread some genes around I would say not a lot. I've seen A lot of pics of bulls killed in southern Utah and there was only a hand full that looked like him
that said this bull in my opinion was farm raised they had this bull snuck in from a ranch out of state or turned loose from the elk ranch in Marysville they have video of this bull in someone camp just strolling threw and feeding with people around yeah right It's a farm bull
a bull of that caliber just don't walk threw a camp with people in it
also where are the sheds from this bull I can't believe that they haven't showed up yet there are a lot of people that shed hunt in southern Utah and there is a lot of guides down their and still nothing It has been 10 years someone should of found something
and if it were in fact a ranch bull...17-18 years is a long time to keep a secret for the # of people that would have been required to accomplish this level of conspiracy, with a lot of reasons for someone to spill the beans, least of all 15 mins of fame. It is harder for me to believe that nobody has managed to turn up a pic or proof of the bull in a captive operation, than it is for me to believe that nobody has managed to find (and broadcast) one of the 2-3 sets of prior year's sheds on the thousands of square miles that the Spider Bull was likely to have roamed over during his life. But that's just me. I hear that Walmart is running a Reynold's wrap special this weekend, you sound like you might be interested to know that.

The pics in the campground of the Spider bull are from July it looks like and I can't tell you how many big bucks, bulls, rams, etc I have had zero problem getting close to that time of year, but those same animals bolt at 1000 yards come September.
The Spider Bull roamed near and through our property on top of Monroe Mountain. The year before he was killed, i spent many many days on Monroe watching elk and never saw him. That doesnt mean he wasnt there. But the next year, with all the fame and glory that he got, he roamed through out our area. I am still surprised that I had never seen him in the previous years. A bull of that caliber would have eyes on him once he was 3-4 years old. I dont know what to think about this bull. I DO NOT LIKE the looks of this bull at all. He just scored well. I would take the 400" typical over Spider, but thats just me. I do have my doubts about the Spider bull and where he came from.
>I DO NOT LIKE the looks
>of this bull at all.
> He just scored well.
> I would take the
>400" typical over Spider

I agree with you 100% there, no matter where he came from.

A replica of the spider bull hangs in the Cabelas in Idaho Falls and the first thing I thought when I saw it was "That's the world record??". Don't get me wrong, I'd be tickled to shoot a bull like that, but he is definitely one of those animals that's just built to score. The pictures make this bull look bigger than he is. I saw bulls at the expo this year that just look bigger than that bull does.

I've often wondered that in the years before he was shot, if he just wasn't anything too special. Maybe his antler growth exploded that year and it just exploded in all the right places. That would explain why he really isn't all that impressive to look at up close..

But who knows. I doubt after this much time that there will ever be anything that tells us that this bull is anything but legit.
I have seen a few pictures of him the year before. A few locals have photographed him. So I am sure the conspiracy theorist will never go with it. When I saw him mounted at the Expo the first year. It's was mounted next to Ron?s big six. I think the big six was a much nicer bull .
I think it is completely possible he was wild. THink about it the monroe is surrounded by the beaver, the dutton, pahvant, boulder etc, you can get a mix of genetics off those herds breeding. just think if a cow was bred from a bull off the dutton and cow off the boulder and a bull bred that cow that was parented by a bull from beaver and a cow from pahvant. you would get wild genetic possibilities... i know thats a crazy scenario but still if you think about it you could get an occasional freak like that... also how often do we see deer that come off of general units that are 250+ inch bucks.... not often but it does happen! well where were those sheds etc... i cant discredit this bull he is a hell of a bull high fence or not. i know some of the guys that hunted him and they obviously swear he was wild.. but who knows/

There have been other crazy bulls killed.... i rmember like 20 years ago a guy named russ day killed a bull on the ZION unit that scored like 450+ inches and had like 20-30 inches broken offf. how abou tthat one? was that high fence too?
>He came from a Ranch.
>Period. There's no offspring
>that has ever been seen
>from him. No sheds.
>He just showed up one
>day before the hunt.
>Utah f&g has made a
>ton of money from this
>bull, that's why they said
>it was wild.

maybe he had some sort of genetic defect( like a cactus buck etc...) and maybe he was sterile... maybe he was just a freak... he came from the monroe which is surrounded by 4 of the best units in the state. beaver, pahvant, dutton, boulder.. genetics could have crossed between those units and created a freak

ever tseen the russ day bull of the zion general unit... 450+ bull had like 20 inches of broken tines... what abou that?>
I've heard tale of the 400" typical. Does anybody have pics of that bull, or the two bulls together?

It's interesting to listen to all of the theories. I grew up watching the bulls on Monroe. There are times in the summer you will see not just one mature bull in amongst the summer camps but many. I've had July mornings that I've personally seen over 50 6 point bulls and they are right in and around the camps. I also know that some of the shed hunters are more secretive than hunters. I've seen pics of sheds that easily could have been the spiderbulls early sets. If he was pen raised it sure took a lot of time to kill him. And not to mention the chances that multiple hunters had to harvest him before Denny finally pulled the trigger. I don't think he's a farm bull, I think he was one of those animals that had great generics that had the stars align and blew up one year. You see it happen on deer, Elk and Lope all the time if you look hard enough. Just this last year, I had a family member shoot a giant buck in AZ. Talked to all of the big guides down there, not a single trail cam pic, sighting, or previous sheds. He'd been a ghost to all of them in an area that has 1000s of cameras out year round. It happens, we're just not use to it in today's age is knowing everything.
>It's interesting to listen to all
>of the theories. I
>grew up watching the bulls
>on Monroe. There are
>times in the summer you
>will see not just one
>mature bull in amongst the
>summer camps but many.
>I've had July mornings that
>I've personally seen over 50
>6 point bulls and they
>are right in and around
>the camps. I also
>know that some of the
>shed hunters are more secretive
>than hunters. I've seen
>pics of sheds that easily
>could have been the spiderbulls
>early sets. If he
>was pen raised it sure
>took a lot of time
>to kill him. And not
>to mention the chances that
>multiple hunters had to harvest
>him before Denny finally pulled
>the trigger. I don't
>think he's a farm bull,
> I think he was
>one of those animals that
>had great generics that had
>the stars align and blew
>up one year. You
>see it happen on deer,
>Elk and Lope all the
>time if you look hard
>enough. Just this last
>year, I had a
>family member shoot a giant
>buck in AZ. Talked
>to all of the big
>guides down there, not a
>single trail cam pic,
>sighting, or previous sheds.
>He'd been a ghost to
>all of them in an
>area that has 1000s of
>cameras out year round.
> It happens, we're
>just not use to it
>in today's age is knowing

i agree, once that bull stripped velvet he disappeared like most big bulls do.. people get jealousy, frustrated whatever it be but the fact is there isnt a single shred of evidence he is a ranch bull other than he is a freak like never seen before! you never know where the sheds could be or what they looked like the year before... could have looked very different... maybe never picked up.. i picked up a set of elk sheds laying on top of each other prob been there 15+ years in a very accessible heavily hunted area. its completely possible he shed in a remote weird location or who knows maybe some one found them and it was on private property and someone snuck on the property and took them and kept quiet.. i know guys like that... It bugs me to discredit this bull when there is absolutely noooo proof. ill admit when i saw the pic of that bull in vlevet i said thats a farm bull but came to find out where the pic was taken and hard to argue that!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-18 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]Unfortunately the legacy of that bull was the complete clown show that surrounded him. It became a sad state the amount of money and resources bring tossed around to shoot an elk.

In Utah where everything is for sale, Mr Austad became the poster child for how much money we could pimp our animals for.

From folks I've known who met him by all reports he's a fine guy, likeable, etc, but the astronomical prices he paid are what has fueled $FW and helped lead to the cluster that are our expo tags.

I doubt highly he's a farm bull. He's big no doubt, but the bull standing next to him in the Farmington Ut Cabelas IMO is a much better bull.

Makes you wonder though, with the thousands of trail cams on the beaver, Dutton, Monroe, San Juan if there is a chance ever of a big animal slipping through like he did. Is that good or bad?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
OK ox!

Show me a Pic of SPYDER when He was a DINK 300"ER,350"ER,375"ER,400"ER or a PISSCUTTER 450"ER?

Show Me!

Show me a Pic of SPYDER'S Sheds when He was a DINK 300"ER,350"ER,375"ER,400"ER or a PISSCUTTER 450"ER?

Show Me some OffSpring of SPYDER Pre-Kill or Post-Kill!

Show Me!

Show Me Another Wild F'N Bull ever taken that even Resembles SPYDERS HeadGear!

Show Me!

End of F'N Story!

>>It's interesting to listen to all
>>of the theories. I
>>grew up watching the bulls
>>on Monroe. There are
>>times in the summer you
>>will see not just one
>>mature bull in amongst the
>>summer camps but many.
>>I've had July mornings that
>>I've personally seen over 50
>>6 point bulls and they
>>are right in and around
>>the camps. I also
>>know that some of the
>>shed hunters are more secretive
>>than hunters. I've seen
>>pics of sheds that easily
>>could have been the spiderbulls
>>early sets. If he
>>was pen raised it sure
>>took a lot of time
>>to kill him. And not
>>to mention the chances that
>>multiple hunters had to harvest
>>him before Denny finally pulled
>>the trigger. I don't
>>think he's a farm bull,
>> I think he was
>>one of those animals that
>>had great generics that had
>>the stars align and blew
>>up one year. You
>>see it happen on deer,
>>Elk and Lope all the
>>time if you look hard
>>enough. Just this last
>>year, I had a
>>family member shoot a giant
>>buck in AZ. Talked
>>to all of the big
>>guides down there, not a
>>single trail cam pic,
>>sighting, or previous sheds.
>>He'd been a ghost to
>>all of them in an
>>area that has 1000s of
>>cameras out year round.
>> It happens, we're
>>just not use to it
>>in today's age is knowing
>i agree, once that bull stripped
>velvet he disappeared like most
>big bulls do.. people get
>jealousy, frustrated whatever it be
>but the fact is there
>isnt a single shred of
>evidence he is a ranch
>bull other than he is
>a freak like never seen
>before! you never know where
>the sheds could be or
>what they looked like the
>year before... could have looked
>very different... maybe never picked
>up.. i picked up a
>set of elk sheds laying
>on top of each other
>prob been there 15+ years
>in a very accessible heavily
>hunted area. its completely possible
>he shed in a remote
>weird location or who knows
>maybe some one found them
>and it was on private
>property and someone snuck on
>the property and took them
>and kept quiet.. i know
>guys like that... It bugs
>me to discredit this bull
>when there is absolutely noooo
>proof. ill admit when i
>saw the pic of that
>bull in vlevet i said
>thats a farm bull but
>came to find out where
>the pic was taken and
>hard to argue that!

It Won't Be Long and a 22" PISSCUTTER will be known as a Trophy that will be put on the Wall!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-18 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]Bess,
I've seen pics of sheds and seen a couple bulls in person that damm sure could be out of the same pile of beans as the Spiderbull. I'm not posting either as they are not mine and I don't even like to post my own pics on this social media demilitarized zone.

All have come off of the Dutton not the Monroe. That is were I believe he spent most of his time before the year he was killed. Which is supported by the biologist claiming those two herds are virtually interchangeable on any given year.
Not to Argue with you Muley_73!

But Show me Some Proof!

I've seen the Pics of the Sheds that TU claims are off the SPYDER Bull & I'm Calling BS!

Surely with all of the Technology of the last 15-20 Years somebody woulda seen/Found something!

I've never had a 500"ER Walk by My Camp Trailer,and if I do...........!:D

>AT 06:50?PM (MST)

>I've seen pics of sheds and
>seen a couple bulls in
>person that damm sure could
>be out of the same
>pile of beans as the
>Spiderbull. I'm not posting
>either as they are not
>mine and I don't even
>like to post my own
>pics on this social media
>demilitarized zone.
>All have come off of the
>Dutton not the Monroe.
>That is were I believe
>he spent most of his
>time before the year he
>was killed. Which is
>supported by the biologist claiming
>those two herds are virtually
>interchangeable on any given year.

It Won't Be Long and a 22" PISSCUTTER will be known as a Trophy that will be put on the Wall!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-18 AT 07:17PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos_2018/93025aba960a9d7cf42f1a03e3c604793d336.jpeg

Possible offspring ??
The sheds I saw were not the Tines Up sheds. They are ones I doubt will ever be shared. I've seen 2 bulls shot on the past 3 years that had the same front end as the spiderbull. They also had similar frames. I'm not trying to prove anything I'm just stating what my own eyes have seen. Again giants pop up every year. Helll they even occasionally shoot a smoker buck in The Basin.
>The sheds I saw were not
>the Tines Up sheds.
>They are ones I doubt
>will ever be shared.
>I've seen 2 bulls shot
>on the past 3 years
>that had the same front
>end as the spiderbull.
>They also had similar frames.
> I'm not trying to
>prove anything I'm just stating
>what my own eyes have
>seen. Again giants pop
>up every year. Helll
>they even occasionally shoot
>a smoker buck in The

LOL 73!

I've Asked for Years for any kind of Proof!

I've never seen any Posted?

Surely If Somebody Harvested a SPYDER OffSpring somebody would have a Pic by Now?

Or is it all a Secret?
What I'd Most like to see is Some Sheds off of SPYDER!

Or Some Pics of SPYDER 2 Years Prior to His Death!

You Know!

When He was just a DINK 450"ER!
The way I've looked at it is the bull was never seen by anyone in years prior, no sheds have been found. I don't believe the BS that if someone found his sheds they just didn't let anyone know or didn't post pictures. Sheds off a world record bull will eventually get out. This bull scored over 500 inches which means he was easily into the 400's the year before and would have looked somewhat similar. The year mossback helped kill him it wasn't too tough for them to find him and keep track of him so I have a hard time believing they or one of the other hundred guides and hunters out there had never seen or got a pic of him.
And the final thing I have to say about him is if you saw him next to giant farm bulls you would think he belonged there. If he was next to giant wild bulls you wouldn't think he belongs there. Wild bulls (as in no other wild bull ever) has that kind of mass to the tips of his points. Every giant farm bull does. That's the first thing guys buying sheds look at is the mass through ends of the points and blunt ends rather than pointed tips. Everything points to something fishy but obviously nothing has come up to prove it's not wild so until then it will stay as the world record and if he's a farm bull the guys that were involved with it will be the ones that know what they have isn't legit. In the end doesn't really matter.
It's really amazing to see how often old giant racks or horns get pulled out of a garage or basement. It's interesting to whitetails that are on trial cam as a 140" inch 3 year old and the following year they blow up to 230" . Again this year in AZ, nowbody had a pic or sheds. Off of a unit that literally has 1000s of trail cams and tons and tons of guide presence. Yet out of nowhere a 240" plus buck. There are stories every year.

So huge antler growth happens every year....documented multiple times.

Giant freak elk, mule deer, whitetails are shot every single year.

Many mature bulls on Monroe summer amongst the campers and cabins. That's a fact.

Elk on the Monroe are know to travel long distance between several units...again documented.

Ranch bulls, almost always have been ear tagged or tattooed at some point of their life. Yet the B&C found none of this. So a guide finds an unmarked bull, pays a huge amount for this bull(not knowing how big it will be when it's antler growth finished) then turns it loose and risks other hunters will harvest it before "his" hunter could shoot it.

I would bet a shiney nickle that had this bull not acted like a mature Monroe bull (summered in a visible area). Had he been guided by someone other than the biggest named outfitter in the state, had the hunter not been someone that has put a huge amount of money into the states wildlife. No one would question the Spider Bull.
>The way I've looked at it
>is the bull was never
>seen by anyone in years
>prior, no sheds have been
>found. I don't believe the
>BS that if someone found
>his sheds they just didn't
>let anyone know or didn't
>post pictures. Sheds off a
>world record bull will eventually
>get out. This bull scored
>over 500 inches which means
>he was easily into the
>400's the year before and
>would have looked somewhat similar.
>The year mossback helped kill
>him it wasn't too tough
>for them to find him
> and keep track of
>him so I have a
>hard time believing they or
>one of the other hundred
>guides and hunters out there
>had never seen or got
>a pic of him.
>And the final thing I have
>to say about him is
>if you saw him next
>to giant farm bulls you
>would think he belonged there.
>If he was next to
>giant wild bulls you wouldn't
>think he belongs there. Wild
>bulls (as in no other
>wild bull ever) has that
>kind of mass to the
>tips of his points. Every
>giant farm bull does. That's
>the first thing guys buying
>sheds look at is the
>mass through ends of the
>points and blunt ends
>rather than pointed tips. Everything
>points to something fishy but
>obviously nothing has come up
>to prove it's not wild
>so until then it will
>stay as the world record
>and if he's a farm
>bull the guys that were
>involved with it will be
>the ones that know what
>they have isn't legit. In
>the end doesn't really matter.
You mean mass like this all the way to end with blunted tips??? There's not much difference in blunt tips on this one...

Don't tell me you're waiting for Doyle to turn another one of them bulls loose before you decided to cash in those points!!!!

You gonna chase it in white tennies like Stinky too???
I guess for everyone saying they have to have "proof" that one of his offspring was killed, I will ask you for proof that one of his offspring has not been killed. I'll ask again, have you DNA tested every bull killed on the 4 units that could be carrying his offspring to ensure, or "prove" that he never passed his seed?

Go watch the hunt video Mossback posted. Just to add to the conspiracies, you'll see a familiar name/face on there on who found Spidey after a couple weeks of them not being able to find him. That ought to really get people wound up.

I don't know where the pictures and videos are from previous years. I know there are bulls that do weird things from year to year. And I know that there are people that claim to have seen him in years prior, and that he was not nearly as big as he was in 2008. Finally, I know B&C did their own investigation, including DNA testing from what I understand, and ruled the bull a wild bull. And I know there is published video from June, July, and September from more than just the Mossback crew of that year of that bull on the Monroe Mountain. That's a ballsy move to pay that kind of coin to let an elk out that a bunch of other hunters will have a chance to go kill.

I think he was a wild bull. I think anyone saying "prove it" should abide by their own standard, and prove he wasn't.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-18 AT 10:34PM (MST)[p]I'll throw out a few facts.
Correct, no sheds from previous years resembling the antler configuration of the spider bull have been found.
My belief is that due to the fact the spider bull had been shot and wounded one or two years prior to being killed, this trauma somehow caused the bull to abnormally grow the antlers he did. Also two fairly large sacks containing growing white hair where removed inside the neck area. Something abnormal was going on with the bull. Very strange. I believe he was a normal looking bull prior to being shot and most likely was not anywhere near 500 inches, or 400 for that matter.
The bull was very visible throughout the summer and many people were able to see him in the Meadows around Manning. A week prior to the archery hunt he seemed to vanish. Apparently he had some recollection of being shot and I assume he didn't care for it. He was still in the same area as before as he was seen several times at night in the spotlight. The hunts rolled on, archery hunters had their crack to no avail and no reported sightings, Deny hunted 13 days with a gov. Tag, finally getting a broad side shot and missing at 150 yards two days before the limited entry rifle hunters started. Deny went home in full pout, the rifle hunt passed. Still no sightings, Deny still full pout. The muzzleloader hunt started and was nearing the end, when a guy who probably would just as Soon remain nameless, on his own time and own dime found him with over 30 cows roaming the wide open sage flats of six patch on the Monroe. The rest is history, Denny showed up, he and Doyle were walked into the bull via radio directions and killed him the next morning.
Long story short, I firmly believe something triggered the abnormal antler growth due to the fact he had been shot and wounded prior. Explaining the lack of evidence, sheds video etc. If the bull years previous. Also a large sum was paid early that summer as a finder fee to an individual who first reported the bull to Doyle. Due to everything stated I do not believe this bull was ranched.

Disclaimer: these statements are not intended to defend Doyle Moss, who is an all around POS. nor Denny who is basically helpless on the mountain.
The summer/fall all that was going down, choppers, planes, every tom, duck, harry trying to collect a finders fee. How many of you guys were cheering for the elk vs Denny?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
And I Finally Accomplished My Mission:

It Ain't Easy to Bring ISAYNUNYA out of the Woodwork!:D:D:D!

I Do Believe NUNYA & a couple others always knew something We didn't!

I Don't know what DM did to NUNYA!

Or maybe I Do Know!

This is the first time I've heard about the previous Bullets and abnormality's that were found inside the SPYDER Bull!

Good to hear from you NUNYA!

CHIME in twice in a while will Ya?

>AT 10:34?PM (MST)

>I'll throw out a few facts.
> Correct, no sheds from previous
>years resembling the antler configuration
>of the spider bull have
>been found.
> My belief is that due
>to the fact the spider
>bull had been shot and
>wounded one or two years
>prior to being killed, this
>trauma somehow caused the bull
>to abnormally grow the antlers
>he did. Also two fairly
>large sacks containing growing white
>hair where removed inside the
>neck area. Something abnormal was
>going on with the bull.
>Very strange. I believe he
>was a normal looking bull
>prior to being shot and
>most likely was not anywhere
>near 500 inches, or 400
>for that matter.
> The bull was very visible
>throughout the summer and many
>people were able to see
>him in the Meadows around
>Manning. A week prior to
>the archery hunt he seemed
>to vanish. Apparently he had
>some recollection of being shot
>and I assume he didn't
>care for it. He was
>still in the same area
>as before as he was
>seen several times at night
>in the spotlight. The hunts
>rolled on, archery hunters had
>their crack to no avail
>and no reported sightings, Deny
>hunted 13 days with a
>gov. Tag, finally getting a
>broad side shot and missing
>at 150 yards two days
>before the limited entry rifle
>hunters started. Deny went home
>in full pout, the rifle
>hunt passed. Still no sightings,
>Deny still full pout. The
>muzzleloader hunt started and was
>nearing the end, when a
>guy who probably would just
>as Soon remain nameless, on
>his own time and own
>dime found him with over
>30 cows roaming the wide
>open sage flats of six
>patch on the Monroe. The
>rest is history, Denny showed
>up, he and Doyle were
>walked into the bull via
>radio directions and killed him
>the next morning.
> Long story short, I firmly
>believe something triggered the abnormal
>antler growth due to the
>fact he had been shot
>and wounded prior. Explaining the
>lack of evidence, sheds video
>etc. If the bull years
>previous. Also a large sum
>was paid early that summer
>as a finder fee to
>an individual who first reported
>the bull to Doyle. Due
>to everything stated I do
>not believe this bull was
>Disclaimer: these statements are not intended
>to defend Doyle Moss, who
>is an all around POS.
>nor Denny who is basically
>helpless on the mountain.

It Won't Be Long and a 22" PISSCUTTER will be known as a Trophy that will be put on the Wall!

>Don't tell me you're waiting for
>Doyle to turn another one
>of them bulls loose before
>you decided to cash in
>those points!!!!
>You gonna chase it in white
>tennies like Stinky too???

LOL 73!

I'm gonna wait till a 250" PISSCUTTER is a Big Bull before I Cash Out!:D

I'll have to Buy Me some Flip Flops when that day Rolls around!:D
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-18 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]Yeah he produced off spring I know he did but DM didn't even know that bull was around and he says it right in his video and tines up say the same thing they also didn't know this bull was their and their is no proof what so ever so NUNYA where does it say he was shot and wounded the year before then I shut up and never say a word on this again but I do believe this is possible for it to grow abnormal point from what your saying as far as Denny goes congrats and I know all us sportsman really appreciate him for spending the money he does for are state
I'll have to do a little research,
But I'm 99% sure DNA was done on spidey because of the contraversy. ...

Elkslayer, I cut the .308 caliber bullet out of him along with two sacks full of 3 to 4 inch hair growing inside the body.
> Elkslayer, I cut the .308
>caliber bullet out of him
>along with two sacks full
>of 3 to 4 inch
>hair growing inside the body.

thats crazy...do you have any photos of that? or was that while field dressing and no evidence! thats really odd. what about his testicles were they normal? just wondering cause some of the partial stag bucks have them pea sized nuts wondering if anything else strange on him...
ELKASS show me a shred of proof he was from a ranch! I guess it just doesnt seem logical that he was released and avoided all the hunters until denny finally got him. unless they loaded him back up at some point in a trailer and stashed him away for a month which i just cant believe happened either.. load up a famous bull in a trailer that has every person searching high and low for him on a crowded mtn. THe story just dont add up to being a ranch bull... freak genetics happen, and its very possible nunya is right that he had some some of reaction to being wounded or something who knows... al i know is there is absolutely no proof he was ranch raised...

as far as sheds etc, is there any sheds flashed around of other giatns? where are the sheds of the 438 skoronski 6pt, where is the sheds from jason carters 260 general season buck, where are the sheds from russ days 450 inch zion bull from 20 years ago? you never know he may have been a fighting bull and was all busted to pievces when he shed the previous year... and some one sold the antlers casue they were busted up.... or someone has them stashed away cause they did something illegal to pick them up... pt is there is zero proof he is from a ranch other than he was a freak of a bull.
>> Elkslayer, I cut the .308
>>caliber bullet out of him
>>along with two sacks full
>>of 3 to 4 inch
>>hair growing inside the body.
>thats crazy...do you have any photos
>of that? or was that
>while field dressing and no
>evidence! thats really odd. what
>about his testicles were they
>normal? just wondering cause some
>of the partial stag bucks
>have them pea sized nuts
>wondering if anything else strange
>on him...

If you watch some of the live footage of 'Spidey" you can see his nuts, they look normal sized to me...

I know, that doesn't sound very good...
>>> Elkslayer, I cut the .308
>>>caliber bullet out of him
>>>along with two sacks full
>>>of 3 to 4 inch
>>>hair growing inside the body.
>>thats crazy...do you have any photos
>>of that? or was that
>>while field dressing and no
>>evidence! thats really odd. what
>>about his testicles were they
>>normal? just wondering cause some
>>of the partial stag bucks
>>have them pea sized nuts
>>wondering if anything else strange
>>on him...
>If you watch some of the
>live footage of 'Spidey" you
>can see his nuts, they
>look normal sized to me...
>I know, that doesn't sound very

well i haent watched the footage in years! i couldnt remember... i just know i shot a buck that had pea sized nuts in a regular sized sack
My old man did some herding when he was young. Told me they would catch fawns and nut them, or partially nut them which created weird horn growth.

That partial wound story would kinda make sense if it hit a gland overproucing hormones.

I watched the vid last night.

I'd forgot it was heather Farrar that found him.

I especially love the part where Doyle tells you how hard core Denny is because he "stayed in camp 13 days".

Then the Denny missed at 150, but "it wasn't his fault".

Showed it to my boys. Was an eye opener to them how sad that fiasco was.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>My old man did some herding
>when he was young.
>Told me they would catch
>fawns and nut them, or
>partially nut them which created
>weird horn growth.
>That partial wound story would kinda
>make sense if it hit
>a gland overproucing hormones.
>I watched the vid last night.
>I'd forgot it was heather Farrar
>that found him.
>I especially love the part where
>Doyle tells you how hard
>core Denny is because he
>"stayed in camp 13 days".
>Then the Denny missed at 150,
>but "it wasn't his fault".
>Showed it to my boys.
>Was an eye opener to
>them how sad that fiasco
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

thats a very good point.. the extra hair growth inside nunya was talking about could be a result of elevated hormones due to an injury i gues... that completely possible in my non medical expert opinion
>I'm buying everything Nunya is selling,

Did you get run out of Utah??? With your bitterness towards anything in this state it would sure lead some to believe so...
>I'm buying everything Nunya is selling,

nunya has a way better rep than you do around here
>>I'm buying everything Nunya is selling,
>nunya has a way better rep
>than you do around here

Hey ox!

Show me where in this Thread I Mentioned a Farm Bull!:D:D:D!
>Not to Argue with you Muley_73!
>But Show me Some Proof!
>I've seen the Pics of the
>Sheds that TU claims are
>off the SPYDER Bull &
>I'm Calling BS!
>Surely with all of the Technology
>of the last 15-20 Years
>somebody woulda seen/Found something!
>I've never had a 500"ER Walk
>by My Camp Trailer,and if
>I do...........!:D

Why do you need proof to prove that he's not a wild animal? How about this... You show us proof that he's NOT! I mean, that's the same thing right?

>>I'm buying everything Nunya is selling,
>nunya has a way better rep
>than you do around here

Let me dumb it down for you TARDS.

What I was saying Ox, is I believe everything Nunya said. Everything.

Let me know Ox if you're still confused and I'll dumb it down even more.

Nope Tickka, left voluntarily. 12 years was enough for me. Got sick of the cluster *#@$ that is Tardville and all that only happens in Tardville.
you sure implied that he was a farm raised bull

>OK ox!
>Show me a Pic of SPYDER
>when He was a DINK
>300"ER,350"ER,375"ER,400"ER or a PISSCUTTER 450"ER?
>Show Me!
>Show me a Pic of SPYDER'S
>Sheds when He was a
>DINK 300"ER,350"ER,375"ER,400"ER or a PISSCUTTER
>Show Me some OffSpring of SPYDER
>Pre-Kill or Post-Kill!
>Show Me!
>Show Me Another Wild F'N Bull
>ever taken that even Resembles
>SPYDERS HeadGear!
>Show Me!
>End of F'N Story!
>>>It's interesting to listen to all
>>>of the theories. I
>>>grew up watching the bulls
>>>on Monroe. There are
>>>times in the summer you
>>>will see not just one
>>>mature bull in amongst the
>>>summer camps but many.
>>>I've had July mornings that
>>>I've personally seen over 50
>>>6 point bulls and they
>>>are right in and around
>>>the camps. I also
>>>know that some of the
>>>shed hunters are more secretive
>>>than hunters. I've seen
>>>pics of sheds that easily
>>>could have been the spiderbulls
>>>early sets. If he
>>>was pen raised it sure
>>>took a lot of time
>>>to kill him. And not
>>>to mention the chances that
>>>multiple hunters had to harvest
>>>him before Denny finally pulled
>>>the trigger. I don't
>>>think he's a farm bull,
>>> I think he was
>>>one of those animals that
>>>had great generics that had
>>>the stars align and blew
>>>up one year. You
>>>see it happen on deer,
>>>Elk and Lope all the
>>>time if you look hard
>>>enough. Just this last
>>>year, I had a
>>>family member shoot a giant
>>>buck in AZ. Talked
>>>to all of the big
>>>guides down there, not a
>>>single trail cam pic,
>>>sighting, or previous sheds.
>>>He'd been a ghost to
>>>all of them in an
>>>area that has 1000s of
>>>cameras out year round.
>>> It happens, we're
>>>just not use to it
>>>in today's age is knowing
>>i agree, once that bull stripped
>>velvet he disappeared like most
>>big bulls do.. people get
>>jealousy, frustrated whatever it be
>>but the fact is there
>>isnt a single shred of
>>evidence he is a ranch
>>bull other than he is
>>a freak like never seen
>>before! you never know where
>>the sheds could be or
>>what they looked like the
>>year before... could have looked
>>very different... maybe never picked
>>up.. i picked up a
>>set of elk sheds laying
>>on top of each other
>>prob been there 15+ years
>>in a very accessible heavily
>>hunted area. its completely possible
>>he shed in a remote
>>weird location or who knows
>>maybe some one found them
>>and it was on private
>>property and someone snuck on
>>the property and took them
>>and kept quiet.. i know
>>guys like that... It bugs
>>me to discredit this bull
>>when there is absolutely noooo
>>proof. ill admit when i
>>saw the pic of that
>>bull in vlevet i said
>>thats a farm bull but
>>came to find out where
>>the pic was taken and
>>hard to argue that!
>It Won't Be Long and a
>22" PISSCUTTER will be known
>as a Trophy that will
>be put on the Wall!
touche' i guess i misread what you said thought you said you werent buying what he said. my apologies!

>>>I'm buying everything Nunya is selling,
>>nunya has a way better rep
>>than you do around here
>Let me dumb it down for
>you TARDS.
>What I was saying Ox, is
>I believe everything Nunya said.
>Let me know Ox if you're
>still confused and I'll dumb
>it down even more.
>Nope Tickka, left voluntarily. 12 years
>was enough for me.
>Got sick of the cluster
>*#@$ that is Tardville and
>all that only happens in
Go spend a week on Monroe in the summer...Bulls routinely walk thru camps, pose for pics off the road and are generally tame elk until September rolls in.
It's a crazy unit. I killed a bull in 07 that is freaky as hell. He has a lot of similar characteristics as spider just a lot smaller.
Facts are every hunter in 08 had a chance at him. Archers failed...Rifle hunters failed...Muzzy guys failed. Denny and Moss got him. I hope it continues to be a mystery so all you asshats continue to hate and lose sleep. Time to move on with your butt hurt

Traditional >>>------->
>The ones about him getting caught
>in the gay strip club
>in Vegas, dryboot?

Yep that's it. Along with the transgender surgery he so badly wanted.
>> Guess My Final Question is
>>Will NUNYA & DM ever Make
>Did OJ and Ron Goldmen ever
>make up?

You know what I'm Saying Huffy!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-18 AT 10:40PM (MST)[p]Unlike the spider bull who was only seen the season he was killed, there were many sets of sheds found off of the buck of Justice. That buck was seen in multiple seasons.
The Brett Ross buck was likely never "discovered" by anybody the year before he was taken. That buck got shot and no one had ever found his sheds... Until the following spring. Some child went looking around and found his sheds, and got his 15 minutes.

The spider bull was a much bigger deal than the Ross buck. I highly doubt if guys were finding years of sheds off of the spider bull that they would be keeping it a secret; especially after the thing was dead.

I don't know about the argument that the bull could have been broken the year before, thus, no one discovering him. What bull had enough mass to break him???
Well HalfAce!

Them Big Bulls can Break their own HeadGear!

But Ya!

Where's the Pics from the year before when nobody would shoot Him because He had a Broken point?
I keep hearing alot about Spiders genetics and off spring I dont see alot of bucks with the Buck of Justice genetics. The comment about the Buck of Justice being seen in multiple seasons I have not heard of them tales. My point was greatness normally comes out of nowhere.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-18 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]Probably the most scrutinized bull in Utah?s history, yet not one shred of evidence has been produced that suggests anything other than he was a wild bull.

To all the naysayers, you really don't see how easily your ?logic? gets flipped on you with this one, do you? Again, where is the proof he was a farm bull? I'll believe it when I see it.
>I keep hearing alot about Spiders
>genetics and off spring I
>dont see alot of bucks
>with the Buck of Justice
>genetics. The comment about the
>Buck of Justice being seen
>in multiple seasons I have
>not heard of them tales.
>My point was greatness normally
>comes out of nowhere.

Think about it notdon!

The Buck of Justice was from many years ago!

No Big Time Guide & Outfitters with 75 Finders with each one of them!

No Trail Cams on every F'N Tree in the Forest!

No Google Earth!

No F'N Wheeler Trails between every Tree!

No BIG Money Involved back then!

Way Less TARDS on Mother Earth back then!

No 1,000-2,000 Yard Guns back then!

Not Every TARD was packin High Dollar Glass back then,maybe some Bushnell's!

No StickFlippers shooting 100+ Yards back then!

No SmokePoles shooting 300+ Yards Back then!

No CHUM Piles at every Trickle of water back then!

They Didn't Hunt Mule Deer 6 Months out of the Year Back then!

I Don't Ever Remember seeing any 'Shoot' Planes back then!

There's way more to it than what I Mentioned,but that'll give you a Clue!

And Yes there are Sheds off the Buck of Justice!

NUNYA Clued us in on this Thread with more Info than We've ever Heard about!

All I Wanna know is How Far He had to Pack Denny over the Years?:D:D:D

Muley_73 claims there are Sheds off the SPYDER Bull!

I Just wonder why it's been such a Secret?

Ain't nothin a Secret in todays World!

I've seen a few Guys Post Pics of Sheds they Claim was from the SPYDER Bull & The Pics I've seen claiming they are I Call BS!
Who has pics of the Buck of Justice? Who saw him alive? Was he just raised in a barn? I don't believe he was but I could form a wild story about it just as easily as the Spiderbull.

There are plenty of secerts out there. I could tell you about bucks killed down in that region that would blow your mind. Never a picture, never a magazine write up. Helll the one fella euros all his bucks because he won't take them to the Taxidermist. Buck that challenges the world record. There are some folks that live off the beaten path that keep their business and passion to themselves. No I don't have pics to post but I've held some of those antlers in my own hands. So believe what makes you happy. I know what I I've seen.
Nobody has a picture of The Spider Bull on summer range?

I've heard rumors of him in a campground with a 400" typical, but never seen a pic. It seems like somebody should have one somewhere?

My point I am trying too make is sometimes genetics skips a generation of offsprings it is also proven that the females influence genetics more than male's and sometimes it takes the buck or bull to live to the right age for the true genetics too show through. So in short you need the right buck or bull to breed the right doe or cow and that offspring to live long enough for the same antler configuration too show through.
Yes elkass we could argue about some of your points but you are right about most of your points at least too a degree.
I personally do think spider was legit wild but what do I know i also belived Lance Armstrong did not use illegal substances.
>Nobody has a picture of The
>Spider Bull on summer range?
>I've heard rumors of him in
>a campground with a 400"
>typical, but never seen a
>pic. It seems like somebody
>should have one somewhere?

Hey Grizz!

Them Ain't Pictures!

That's Live footage on the Year He Was Harvested!

And Muley_73!

You Know I'm RAZZIN Ya!:D

I Never Said SPYDER was a Ranch Bull!

I Just wanna see proof of Him Pre-Harvest!
I Can't find the Footage of the Spider Bull Walking through somebody's Camp!

Anybody got it?

I've seen it!

I've never had a 500" Bull Walk through My Camp!
>AT 09:31?PM (MST)

>Probably the most scrutinized bull in
>Utah?s history, yet not one
>shred of evidence has been
>produced that suggests anything other
>than he was a wild
>To all the naysayers, you really
>don't see how easily your
>?logic? gets flipped on you
>with this one, do you?
>Again, where is the proof
>he was a farm bull?
>I'll believe it when I
>see it.

What TS says ^^^^^

Have you ever had a 400 inch bull walk through your camp? Are all the 400 inch bulls farm raised bulls too then?

What about a 350 bull walking through camp? I guess those must not exist in the wild either. Only pen raised elk being killed in Utah these days, I guess.

It's funny that we now know more than we've ever known about Spidey, according to bessy. Yet I have heard all those stories before this thread, and I have no connection to Mossback at all. Just cause it ain?t on Monster Muleys doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Easy Vaniller!

I Know something that Most Don't!(((And I'll let the Man that Told me decide rather He does anything with it!)))

I Never said Spider was a RANCH Bull!

I've asked many times to see a pic,a shed,etc,Prior to the Harvest!

If you know more than anybody about this Bull Post up some pics Please!

It Won't Be Long and a 22" PISSCUTTER will be known as a Trophy that will be put on the Wall!

I've had some Perty Nice Bulls Perty Close to Camp!

But I've never had a 400" Bull or a 500" Bull Walk through My Camp!

Just being Truthful!

No,I'm not sayin there isn't any of them out there!

I think you need to burn them points on the Monroe. You can shoot him in full beach attire. From a beach chair. I'll even pack the umbrella for ya! ?
>I think you need to burn
>them points on the Monroe.
> You can shoot him
>in full beach attire.
>From a beach chair.
>I'll even pack the umbrella
>for ya! ?

Hey Muley_73!

Sounds Good!:D

Should I Bring My NOMAD Trailer?:D

There's surely a DINK 390" Grandson of SPYDER down there by now,Right?:D
I'll put you up in the cabin. It's a little too low to have the big boys feed through but you never know.
>I'll put you up in the
>cabin. It's a little
>too low to have the
>big boys feed through but
>you never know.

Sounds Good!

Me & Lumpy's gonna see what You're Hiding in your Shed!:D:D:D
All I know is that I was damn glad to have an archery tag for the Monroe unit that year. That place was a bit of a circus, but I sure enjoyed the hunting and big bulls I encountered over the 12 days I was up on the Mountain.
This Sshhiittt Cracks Me Up!

The Man Himself Posts More Info than Most ever knew about!

And it doesn't Sink in to anybody I Guess!
LOL. Hey Bess as far as SHOOT/CHUTE planes being used south of Escalante looking for the BoJ..
I know if one.
>This Sshhiittt Cracks Me Up!
>The Man Himself Posts More Info
>than Most ever knew about!
>And it doesn't Sink in to
>anybody I Guess!

What the hell are you talking about?

Yes, Nunya threw out some things I never heard about before.

So Splain it to us slow minded folk what exactly is supposed to be sinking in.
Saw these sheds posted up as having been picked up recently in Utah...curious as to where because there are a few things about them that look kinda familiar but I just can't seem to remember why? Surely no other bull I can think of that has that type of mass to the tips of the tines and such a strange configuration...

It was me that said it was ranch raised not Elkassassin

No I don't have any proof of this bull being a ranch bull but nobody has any proof he's not ranch bull either,they show video of this bull already at 500 inches and as many guides that run their business in southern Utah someone should have had other pics or videos of this bull when he started growing early in the year but they don't nobody does,not even the locals in Richfield.
Monroe is not a very big unit and most of the locals their are avid hunters and spend a lot of time on the Monroe and fish lake and Beaver and Pahvant and the Dutton and never seen him till word got out at the end of July that there was a big bull up there,my point is their is a ton of people that go down there in early spring to shed hunt and to go camping and fishing all threw the summer so that being said nobody seen him before so if a 500 inch bull walks right threw camp without a care in the world there should be a lot more pics and video of this bull.

I've hunted elk for 25 years and I have never seen any elk walk threw my camp and none of my fellow hunters have had this happen to them either.
My camper stays on the mountain from Memorial day weekend till it starts snowing I have game cameras set up on my trailer every year and never even had elk at my camp while my trailer was there this also goes for LE units as well when elk see a vehicle or hear one they get spooked and head for cover they don't walk they start moving quickly it don't matter what time of the year it is.
So if someone has pics or video of a bull elk 350 or bigger walking threw camp please share them and I know a lot of are fellow hunters would like to see them as well.

Nunya I'm was wondering why this didn't get brought up before about him having abnormal ball sack and that he was shot in the neck has this been posted on the web somewhere? it doesn't say it in any of the videos
Especially after all the bad talk about this bull you think someone would of said something before now.

here is the link of the spider bull walking threw camp watch till the end https://youtu.be/Z_HsVfG8Qm0
?No I don't have any proof of this bull being a ranch bull but nobody has any proof he's not ranch bull?

Umm.... I think B&C did a through investigation, Mr grassy knoll
Recently On Outdoors with Adam Eakle there was a video of a 330 type bull hanging out in a camp with a camp trailer. But I guess a 330 class bull is not as wild as a 350 bull.
If you've spent time on the Monroe during July you'd know that it's not uncommon to see mature bulls in and around the camps.
They was nothing obviously wrong with his ball sack. Where did you get that elkslayer 20?
Nothing I know of on the internet about him being shot prior.
Does it need to be in the internet to be true?
Nope just an avid outdoorsman I spend a ton of time on the mountain when your only 20 minutes away from camping it makes it pretty easy
Another "legacy" that came of it, there will NEVER be another bull "slip" through.
I listened to Jay Scott interview DC outfitter. Dude runs 135 trail cams on the Dutton.
He's a tiny outfitter. How many thousand does Mossback run?

Planes, choppers, cams, finders fees. That is the legacy.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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