Proposed Expo Changes


Long Time Member
Some interesting proposed changes in the RAC packet...

Specifically those beginning at page 69 pertaining to the awarding or cancelation of the Expo contract as well as limiting a successful applicant to no more than 1 permit per year.

There are also some interesting proposed changes to the Conservation (Auction) Tags around page 55.

These proposed changes appear to be positive at first glance.
Dang and I was hoping to get three tags next year. ??? Well maybe just one tag any year would work for me. ???
LAST EDITED ON May-01-18 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]Thanks for sharing this grizzly. There are a series of proposed changes to the Expo Permit Rule R657-55. Some of those changes are intended to allow the DWR to utilize the formal RFP process that it implemented in late 2015 after RMEF submitted its original proposal for the next Expo contract. You will notice that the changes to R657-55-4 (page 69/133 of packet) essentially authorize the DWR to do what it already did three years ago.

If any of you attend your local RAC meetings you might ask the DWR why it did not amend this rule BEFORE it moved to the formal RFP process. Just like the public, the DWR is supposed to be bound by its own administrative rules. However, this is one case where it clearly ignored and violated its own rules to get the result it wanted. I am glad, however, that the DWR decided to come back three years later to amend their rules to authorize what they already did.

Better late than never!!! ;-)

Hi Hawkeye, how have your u been? I hope all is well with you and yours.
I seen above that they want to stop multiple winners in the Expo Draw? Has there been some fishy things going on to warrant that? Ive seen a couple of people drawing more than one tag but it's the luck of the draw yes? I've seen stranger things happen at the DU and RMEF banquets. Heck at our DU 50 gun raffle we had several people win a couple of guns. One guy won back to back on the Yeti coolers! If they pay to play they should be able to win yes? Again I know its happened a couple of times in the last few years but it isn't a recurring thing every year is it?

Anyway I hope it all works out for everyone


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
>Again I know
>its happened a couple of
>times in the last few
>years but it isn't a
>recurring thing every year is


Compiled from another website, and this only includes multiple tags from the same year, not those that drew multiple tags over various years, which is much larger...

2007- Friel, Robert - Buck Deer - Arch - Pauns
- Bull Elk - AW - Monroe

- Grant, Charles - Buck Deer - AW - Diamond Mtn
- Pronghorn - AW - Plateau

- Higby, Kevin - Pronghorn - Arch - Plateau
- Turkey - Utah County North

- Peters, Lyle - Cougar - LE - Beaver
- Turkey - LaSal

-Sponaugle, Kenneth - Bull Elk - AW - Boulder/Kaiparowitz
- Turkey - Pahvant

2008 - Bloom, Dave - Bull Elk - Arch - Fishlake/Thousand Lk
- Turkey - Cent Region

- Heninger, Kevin - Buck Deer - Muzz - Vernon
- Bull Elk - AW - San Juan

- Seeholzer, Jeff - Pronghorn - AW - Cache/N Rich
- Turkey - San Juan

2009 - Berman, Lance - Bull Elk - Muzz - Manti
- Pronghorn - AW - Cache/N Rich

- Jackson, Daniel - Buck Deer - AW - Henry Mtns
- Bull Elk - AW - Pahvant

- Kinney, Sue - Bull Elk - AW - Pahvant
- Turkey - Cache

- Tabor, Melvin - Bear - Spring - San Juan
- Pronghorn - AW - Plateau

- Toney, Kurt - Buck Deer - Arch - Book Cliffs
- RM Goat - OIL - N Slope/S Slope/High Unitas East

2010 - DeRoest, Joseph - Buck Deer - AW - Pauns
- Turkey - SE Region

2011 - Snyder, Aubree - Bull Elk - Arch - Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
- Turkey - SE Region

2012 - Eakle, Adam - Pronghorn - AW - Cache/N Rich
- Turkey - North Region

- Knudsen, Gordon - Bull Elk - Arch - Wasatch Mtns
- Turkey - NE Region

- Marshall, Paul - Buck Deer - AW - Pauns
- Turkey - Cent Region

- Rhodes, Shelby - Bull Elk - AW - Monroe
- Turkey - North Region

2013 - Ekker, Cody - Buck Deer - AW - Book Cliffs
- Bull Elk - AW - Fishlake/Thousand Lk

- Julian, Randy - Pronghorn - AW - Cache/N Rich
- Turkey - NE Region

2014 - Nordhoff, Matthew - Pronghorn - Muzz - Plateau
- Bull Elk - Muzz - Wasatch Mtns

2015 - Bruscato, Joe - Bull Elk - AW - Wasatch Mtns
- Pronghorn - Muzz - Plateau

- Scovel, Douglas - Buck Deer - Arch - Pauns
- Bull Elk - Muzz - Fishlake/Thousand Lk

2016 - Fransen, Mark - Buck Deer - Arch - Book Cliffs
- Bull Elk - AW - Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S

2017 - Latham, Heidee - Bull Elk - AW - SW Desert
- Pronghorn - AW - Parker Mtn
- Cougar - Split - Fishlake

- Paulson, Christopher - Bull Elk - AW - Manti
- Pronghorn - Muzz - Parker Mtn

2018 - Carr, Koliss - Bull Elk - AW - Wasatch Mtns
- Pronghorn - AW - SW Desert

- Dibble, Dale - Buck Deer (mgt) - AW - Pauns
- Turkey - North Region

- Simpson, Sky - Bull Elk - AW - SW Desert
- Bear - Spring - Manti
DWR Summary of Expo Changes...

The purpose of this action item is to propose harmonizing the application and renewal process for awarding the expo contract to be consistent with State procurement code. Clarify that the division has authority to terminate the contract in interest of wildlife conservation, management issues, or compliance with law. Clarify how a qualified co-participating organization could assume the expo contract with State Purchasing and Wildlife Board approval, consistent with the initial qualifications to receive a contract.

We are also proposing that applicants in the expo draw would be eligible to receive only one expo permit each year. When multiple permits are drawn, they would need to select a permit within 2 days of being contacted by the division.

Clarify that accrued interest on application fee revenue dedicated to funding projects must be used for projects. Application handling fee revenue committed to approved projects must be remitted to the division sooner than before within 60 days of invoice instead of 90. Application handling fee revenue dedicated to funding projects must be expended on approved projects or transferred to the Division by August 1, two years following collection. Any unused remitted funds would be kept by division but credited back to the organization for use on other projects in subsequent years.

Invoicing for approved projects up front and monitoring project expenditure detail in the division?s database replaces the need for the expo contractor to provide expo project details to the division in an annual report.

This proposed action also makes other minor and non-substantive changes, including clerical and punctuation changes.

Wow Grizz that's a lot of info.
So the list is multiple winners for just the Expo tags?
Not wanting to open a kettle of fish here, but giving someone the option on what tag they would want is cool I guess. I know if I drew an elk tag and a turkey I think we all know which one I'd take! LOL!

As I said earlier I hope it all works out for everyone

Thanks again for your time Grizz


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I attended to the Central RAC Meeting last night. I had to wait for a couple of hours to get to Item No. 10 on the Agenda, the Proposed Rule Amendments to the Wildlife Expo Permits Rule R657-55. The DWR is proposing a major overhaul to the Expo Permits Rule. See

After listening to the DWR's presentation, I focused my comments on the following two points. There were plently of other points to raise but I only had three minutes:

First, if the first stated purpose for the Expo Permits is for "generating revenue to fund wildlife conservation activities in Utah" (R657-55-1(2)), then why are the groups only required by rule to spend $1.50 of each $5.00 application fee to fund actual conservation projects? See (R657-55-10(2) and (3). I believe this number is too low. The groups should not be allowed to pocket 70% of the application fee revenues as "administrative expenses," especially when you consider the fact that the application fees are only one source of revenue for these groups. They also make money off of admissions, booth rentals, concessions, etc. To be fair, Troy Justensen stated that SFW is voluntarily spending much more than the required 30% on conservation projects. My response to that is the state and the DWR should require more than 30% be spent on actual conservation in the rule. They should not leave it up to the discretion of the groups. In addition, the DWR only audits the expenditures for the 30% and the groups are only required to report on the 30%. Therefore, even if the groups are voluntarily spending more than the required 30% on actual conservation projects there is no mandatory reporting on those expenditures. Once again, that is left to the discretion of the groups. In summary, the DWR should require that something more then 30% of the application fee revenues are earmarked for actual conservation projects and accounted for to the public. We can and should do better!

Second, the DWR is amending R657-55-4 to allow them to utilize a formal RFP process through the Division of Purchasing to award future Expo Permit Contracts. You may recall that this is the same process that the DWR utilized in late 2015 to award the last contract to SFW/MDF. So the current rule amendment essentially authorizes the DWR to do what it already did three years ago. In 2015, the DWR ignored the process spelled out in its own administrative rules and moved to a RFP process after it received the initial Expo tag proposal from RMEF. However, the DWR's administriave rules are "enforceable and have the effect of law." Utah Code 63G-3-202. This means that the DWR's adminstrative rules are not only binding upon the public but they also bind the DWR. The DWR should not be allowed to pick and choose which rules it wants to follow and which rules it wants to ignore. If the DWR wanted to move to a formal RFP process in 2015 then it should have gone through the public process to amend its own rules, which would have required public notice, a redlined version of proposed amendments, public input, hearings, etc. The DWR's current effort to modify its rule after-the-fact to authorize a formal RFP process is three years too late. I guess some might say better late than never!

Those are the points that I focused on during the comment period. Despite my passionate comments :D, the proposal passed at the Central RAC 7-1. To those of you who may be attending other RACs or the WB meeting, you may want to comment on these points. We are not going to stop the amendment or change what the DWR is doing with respect to the Expo Permits but I believe that it is important for the DWR to be held accountable and to know that the public is watching.

>I believe that it
>is important for the DWR
>to be held accountable and
>to know that the public
>is watching.

Thanks for all your comments Hawkeye and for speaking up at the RAC meeting.
However, The DWR will never be held accountable. We saw that 3 years ago when they left millions of dollars off the table for wildlife. And until we get a Governor that will appoint someone other than SFW idiots to the WB I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Its too bad that there are lots of complaints about the division and wildlife board and the way things are done. If you really wanted to see change you would get involved, be on a RAC so you could apply for the wildlife board. It kind of looks like some prefer to stand back and toss stones but really don't want changes. Those who attempt the rac and then run for the wildlife board are ones who want to have say in how things work. Why not get involved, ore are you afraid you might find out your not right in your thoughts.
So a guy needs to be a member of a RAC or the WB to have an opinion or a say on these issues? I thought that was the reason for the public comment portion at those meetings?

Didn't say that but to be on the wildlife board the rac is a must. Lots of groups nominate people for the rac. Investigate. Just saying you msy get more done on a rac or wildlife board. Not sure Jason but seams like you just chastised the dwr and didn't propose changes.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-18 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]Birdman-

Two points.

First, I've been proposing changes for years. Clear back in 2012, I worked with the UWC to draft a complete rule change that would have required that 90% of the revenues from Expo Tags be earmarked for actual conservation. The groups and the DWR rejected that proposal and voluntarily offered 30% hoping that would satisfy the public. Since then, I have gone to RAC and WB meetings almost every time the Expo Tag rule is on the agenda and I have commented that the DWR should impose a requirement that the vast majority of the funds should be used for conservation project. I made those same comments again on Tuesday night. I have also met personally with the leadership of the DWR, SFW and MDF on this issue. I am fairly confident they understand my position on this issue. So it is incorrect to say that I have not proposed changes.

Second, yes I did chastise the DWR for ignoring and violating their own rules and then coming back after-the-fact to modify their rules to allow them to do what they already did. I don't think that is the way the DWR should operate and I stand by my comments. I support most of what the DWR does but I do not agree with how they handled this issue.

LAST EDITED ON May-03-18 AT 06:24AM (MST)[p]Pretty sure $fw ain't nominating Hawkeye to the WB.

Its funny though. Hawkeye goes to the RAC stands and talks, gets involved but is just sitting on the sideline. I'm sure the Gov will gladly put him on the WB, I bet him and THE DON discussed the need to do so at dinner.

$fw got what they wanted. But don't urinate down our legs and call it rain, and try to rewrite history. Rules were broken/ignored to do so.

Second. The vast majority of business in America operate on less than a 5% profit margin. $fw needs 70%? Again, $fw backdoored and got what they wanted, but again, lets not call it rain on our legs.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>AT 07:45?AM (MST)

>Two points.
>First, I've been proposing changes for
>years. Clear back in
>2012, I worked with the
>UWC to draft a complete
>rule change that would have
>required that 90% of the
>revenues from Expo Tags be
>earmarked for actual conservation.
>The groups and the DWR
>rejected that proposal and voluntarily
>offered 30% hoping that would
>satisfy the public. Since
>then, I have gone to
>RAC and WB meetings almost
>every time the Expo Tag
>rule is on the agenda
>and I have commented that
>the DWR should impose a
>requirement that the vast majority
>of the funds should be
>used for conservation project.
>I made those same comments
>again on Tuesday night.
>I have also met personally
>with the leadership of the
>DWR, SFW and MDF on
>this issue. I am fairly
>confident they understand my position
>on this issue. So
>it is incorrect to say
>that I have not proposed
>Second, yes I did chastise the
>DWR for ignoring and violating
>their own rules and then
>coming back after-the-fact to modify
>their rules to allow them
>to do what they already
>did. I don't think
>that is the way the
>DWR should operate and I
>stand by my comments.
>I support most of what
>the DWR does but I
>do not agree with how
>they handled this issue.

On your second point Hawkeye I totally agree. I'm a contracting office for the Air Force and write and sign contracts between the Air Force and Big Defense Businesses. I would have been stripped of my warrant and lost my job if I did what the DWR did.
2007-2018 Expo Tag Repeat Winners (Alphabetically)

Source - Orginally posted by Elkfromabove on UWN.

Abplanalp, Lynn---------2008---TU---LaSal
-------------------------- 2011---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
Acey, Marvin-------------2009---PR---AW-San Rafael
---------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
Adams, Nathan----------2007---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
Albrecht, Carl------------2010---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
---------------------------2013---TU---S Reg
Allan, Scott--------------2007---TU---late-C Reg West
---------------------------2014---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
Allen, Kevin--------------2008---BM---OIL-Cache
---------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Allred, L Riley------------2009---PR---AW-N Slope/W Daggett/3 Corners
----------------------------2012---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
Alver, Sheldon------------2007---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------2008---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
Anderson, Cory-----------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
----------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Arrant, James------------2008---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------2009---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
Arrant, Michael-----------2008---BE---Muzz-Manti
----------------------------2010---BE---AW-early-San Juan
Bailey, Kim----------------2008---TU---Pahvant
-----------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
Bair, John------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
-----------------------------2010---RMBH---OIL-Book Cliffs S/Rattlesnake
Baker, Jason---------------2010---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
-----------------------------2016---TU---C- Reg
Banks, Tye-----------------2011---TU---NE Reg
-----------------------------2015---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Barnett, Ted---------------2012---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
-----------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
Bass, Kenneth-------------2007---BE---AW-early-Manti
Baugh, Casey--------------2012---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
-----------------------------2013---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Berman, Lance-------------2009---BE---Muzz-Manti
------------------------------2009---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
Betts, Matthew-------------2007---TU---Beaver
------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
Bigelow, Keith--------------2007---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
Billings, Brayden-----------2011---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
Birch, Randy----------------2017---TU---C Reg
------------------------------2018---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
Birth, Michael---------------2012---TU---S Reg
------------------------------2014---PR---AW-Pine Valley
Bitton, Darin----------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
Blakeway, Curt-------------2009---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-early-Henry Mtns
------------------------------2013---CO---LE-NW Manti
Bloom, Dave----------------2008---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thousand Lk
------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
Bowden, Brock--------------2011---BE---Arch-Pahvant
-------------------------------2014---BE---Arch-San Juan
Brenneman, Tyler-----------2011---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
-------------------------------2018---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Brewer, Jeffrey--------------2014---PR---AW-Plateau
-------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-San Juan
Brown, Clint-----------------2015---TU---N Reg
-------------------------------2016---TU---N Reg
Brown, Mark-----------------2010---PR---Arch-Plateau
Bruscato, Joe----------------2009---BE---Arch-Manti
-------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
Bryant, Charles Jr-----------2013---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
-------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Cache S
Burget, David----------------2014---PR---Arch-Plateau
Burget, Virgil----------------2008---BE---AW-early-Nebo
Bush, Brian------------------2010---TU---S Reg
-------------------------------2012---BI---OIL-early-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
Butler, Michael---------------2007---TU---Nebo
-------------------------------2008---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Butterfield, Kelton-----------2008---PR---Arch-Plateau
Cahoon, Devan--------------2015---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns
-------------------------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Carlton, Todd----------------2013---TU---S Reg
-------------------------------2017---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
Carpenter, Scott-------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
-------------------------------2016---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas W
Carr, Koliss------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
-------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
Clawson, Jared--------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
-------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
Cole, John--------------------2011---TU---C Reg
-------------------------------2014---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
Collins, Steven---------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
--------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
Conolly, Michael--------------2013---TU---N Reg
Cook, Zachary----------------2013---TU---N Reg
Crandall, Max-----------------2013---TU---NE Reg
--------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
Curtis, John-------------------2011---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
--------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Cache N
Dannell, Danny---------------2008---TU---San Juan
Davis, Larry-------------------2007---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
--------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Degelbeck, Doug-------------2007---BE---Muzz-Manti
--------------------------------2008---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
DeRoest, Joseph--------------2008---BR---San Juan
--------------------------------2010---TU---SE Reg
Dias, Gabriel------------------2007---TU---Pine Valley
Dibble, Dale-------------------2018---BD---AW-mgt-Pauns
---------------------------------2018---TU---N Reg
Diedrich, John-----------------2007---TU---San Juan
Dillree, Cade-------------------2009---PR---AW-Kaiparowitz
---------------------------------2015---TU---SE Reg
Dixon, Robert------------------2015---PR---AW-Plateau
---------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
Donaldson, Paul---------------2017---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
Dunning, William--------------2011---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Eagar, Michael-----------------2010---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
Eakle, Adam-------------------2012---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
---------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
Ehrlich, Kurt-------------------2013---BE---Arch-Nebo
Ekker, Cody--------------------2013---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
---------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
Eldredge, Corey---------------2015---BE---Arch-Manti
---------------------------------2017---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
Ellsworth, Jacob---------------2011---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
---------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
Engelby, Bruce----------------2011---CO---LE-Beaver
Evans, Shaun------------------2007---TU---Nebo
---------------------------------2016---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
Ewell, Mark--------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
---------------------------------2014---BE---AW-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Farrar, Heather----------------2016---BD---AW-Pauns
---------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
Farrar, William-----------------2008---TU---S Reg
Fenton, Ryan------------------2008---TU---S Reg
Flandro, Bryan-----------------2013---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
---------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
Forester, Monty---------------2014---PR---AW-San Rafael N
---------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
Fransen, Mark-----------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
---------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Fraughton, Chad--------------2014---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
---------------------------------2016---TU---S Reg
Frew, Jacen--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
---------------------------------2016---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Friel, Robert-------------------2007---BD---Arch-Pauns
Gardiner, Ted------------------2009---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
---------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Panguitch Lk
Gasser, Steve------------------2007---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
---------------------------------2008---BR---Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
Gates, Travis-------------------2010---BE---Arch-Nebo
----------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-LaSal Mtns
Gill, Dean-----------------------2012---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
Gillman, Trevor-----------------2007---TU---early-C Reg W
Grant, Charles------------------2007---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
Griffith, Thad-------------------2016---BE---Arch-Manti
----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
Gurney, Steve------------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2009-BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
Guymon, Jace------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
Hadlock, Adam-----------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Hadlock, Bradley---------------2014---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
Hale, Cody----------------------2009---BE---Arch Manti
----------------------------------2012---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Hall, Dustin---------------------2008---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
----------------------------------2012---BR---Spring-LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
Hall, Michael--------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Manti
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-LaSal Mtns
Hampton, LeRoy----------------2013---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Hansen, Larry-------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Nebo
-----------------------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
Hansen, Monica-----------------2008---CO---LE-Cache
-----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
Harder, Boyd-------------------2007---BD---AW-Elk Ridge
----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Hartley, Brian-------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
----------------------------------2014---RMG---OIL-late-Willard Pk
----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-SW Desert
Hawkins, Justin-----------------2015---BR---Spring-LaSal
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
Heninger, Kevin----------------2008---BD---Muzz-Vernon
----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-early-San Juan
Henline, Marty------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Mt Dutton
Higley, Kevin-------------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
----------------------------------2007---TU---Utah County N
Holmes, Michael----------------2012---BD---AW-Vernon
----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
----------------------------------2015---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
Hopp, Randy--------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Hurdsman, Darrin--------------2007---TU---Pahvant
----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
Ingles, Larry--------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
----------------------------------2012---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Cache S
----------------------------------2014---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
Jackson, Daniel-----------------2009---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
Jackson, Robert----------------2012---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
Jacobson, Bryan----------------2014---BE---AW-Nebo
----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
Jarvis, Donald Jr----------------2014---BI---OIL-cow-early-Henry Mtns
Jeffers, Scott-------------------2012---BE---AW-early-San Juan
----------------------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
Jensen, Dustin------------------2008---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
Jones, Brian--------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
----------------------------------2008---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
Jones, David--------------------2011---BD---AW-Pauns
Jones, Stanford-----------------2010---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
Jorgensen, Ross----------------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
Judd, Dale----------------------2008---TU---S Reg
----------------------------------2009---TU---San Juan
Julian, Randy-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
----------------------------------2010---TU---N Reg
----------------------------------2013---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
----------------------------------2013---TU---NE Reg
Karren, Rhett-------------------2009---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
----------------------------------2010---Dall Sheep---Arctic Red River Outfitters/Canada
Kennedy, Justin----------------2009---BD---Muzz-Pauns
Killpack, Nathan----------------2010---PR---AW-Plateau
----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
King, Gregory-------------------2013---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns W
----------------------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
Kinney, Michael-----------------2009---TU---Beaver
----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
Kinney, Sue---------------------2009---BE---AW-late-Pahvant
----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
Knudsen, Gordon---------------2012---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
Krahenbuhl, Steve--------------2015---PR---AW-SW Desert
----------------------------------2018---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
Langlois, Kevin-----------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2017---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
Larsen, Rodney-----------------2015---PR---Arch-Cache/N Rich
----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
Larson, Damon-----------------2009---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
----------------------------------2010---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
----------------------------------2012---PR---AW-San Rafael N
----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
Latham, Heidee-----------------2017---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
----------------------------------2017---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Fishlake
Leonard, Devin-----------------2010---RMG---OIL-Beaver
----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
Lincoln, David------------------2012---PR---Muzz-Plateau
----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
Loughton, Dave----------------2010---BD---AW-Vernon
----------------------------------2017---BD---AW-N Slope/Summit
Lowe, Jed-----------------------2007---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
Luft, John-----------------------2012---RMG---OIL-Beaver
----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
Lund, Jesse---------------------2015---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
Lundberg, Jim------------------2012---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
Maag, Mark---------------------2007---PR---AW-Plateau
Mahoney, Steven---------------2013---BE---Arch-SW Desert
Manusakis, Christopher--------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
Marshall, Paul-------------------2012---BD---AW-Pauns
----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
Mason, Edward-----------------2011---BD---Arch-Pauns
----------------------------------2012---BD-Muzz-Book Cliffs
Maxwell, Rhett------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
----------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
Maynard, Billy------------------2008---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
McNicol, Shane-----------------2013---TU---SE Reg
----------------------------------2014---BR---Spring-San Juan
McQuivey, Brian----------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
Mecham, John------------------2007?BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2008---BR---San Juan
Memmott, Bradley-------------2010---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
Meyers, Marvin-----------------2007---BE---Arch-Manti
----------------------------------2013---RMBH---OIL-nonres-Nine Mile
Mickelson, Jeffery--------------2008---BE---AW-early-Beaver
----------------------------------2009---TU---Wasatch Mtns/Utah County N
Minaudo, John------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
----------------------------------2014---RMBH---OIL-Newfoundland Mtns
Moody, Larry-------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
Mower, Darick------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2011---TU---NE Reg
----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
Newman, William---------------2008---TU---Boulder Mtn
----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
Nordhoff, Matthew-------------2009---CO---LE-Nebo/West Face
----------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2017---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk N
Nordhoff, Paul------------------2010---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Norris, Robert------------------2009---BD---AW-Oak Crk
Oberg, Wayne------------------2007---BR---LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
Oki, Michael--------------------2010---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
Oldham, Morlin-----------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
Olsen, Mitch--------------------2007---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-San Rafael N
Palmer, Douglas Jr-------------2008---BM---OIL-W Daggett/3-Corners
----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Parker, Michael-----------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Mt Dutton
----------------------------------2018?TU?N Reg
Paulson, Christopher-----------2017---BE---AW-early-Manti
----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
Peart, Colton--------------------2014---BE---AW-LaSal Mtns
----------------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Peterson, Pat-------------------2014---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
Pewtress, Rick------------------2010---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
----------------------------------2018---BE --Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
Philbrook, Jeffrey---------------2007---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Pine Valley
Pitcher, Tom--------------------2010---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
----------------------------------2011---BR---Spring-San Juan
Plant, Brandon------------------2010---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
----------------------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-San Juan
Powell, Arnie--------------------2007---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
----------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
Puffe, Greg---------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
Purser, Dirk---------------------2011---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
Raddon, Ron--------------------2009---BE---Arch-Nebo
----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
----------------------------------2017---TU---SE Reg
Raetz, Michael------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
Rasmussen, Lonne-------------2013---BD---AW-Pauns
----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Ob)-NE Manti
Redd, Javalan------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
Reid, Todd----------------------2009---CO---LE-Cache
----------------------------------2010---TU---C Reg
Rhodes, Shelby-----------------2010---TU---N Reg
----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
Riche, Derald-------------------2008---TU---Pahvant
----------------------------------2009---TU---Pine Valley
Roberts, Jay--------------------2010---BE---AW-late-Manti
Rogers, Danny------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
Rollins, Richard-----------------2017---BI--OIL-nonres-hunter?s choice-late-Henry Mt
----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
Rudd, Gary----------------------2013---CO---LE-Mt Dutton
----------------------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
Salt, Michael--------------------2011---RMG---OIL-female-Willard Pk
----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
Scovel, Douglas----------------2015---BD---Arch-Pauns
----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Fishlake/Thous Lk
Seeholzer, Jeff------------------2008---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
----------------------------------2008---TU---San Juan
Simpson, Sky-------------------2018---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Manti
Sims, William-------------------2010---TU---S Reg
----------------------------------2018---BM---OIL-Wasatch Mtns/Central Mtns
Smith, Nevada------------------2015---BE---Arch-San Juan
Snyder, Aubree-----------------2011---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
----------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
Sorensen, Jason----------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
Sponaugle, Kenneth------------2007---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
Stevens, Jonathan--------------2007---BE---AW-Diamod Mtn
Stubbs, Grant-------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
Tabor, Melvin-------------------2009---PR---AW-Plateau
----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-San Juan
Thain, Stuart--------------------2007---CO---LE-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
Toney, Kurt---------------------2009---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2009---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas E
Trapnell, Brian------------------2007---TU---Beaver
----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
Tucker, Jon---------------------2010---PR---AW-Pine Valley
----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
Tuttle, Lynn---------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Manti
Ufford, Ronald------------------2007---TU---San Juan
----------------------------------2010---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
Vanhulle, Justin-----------------2014---BE---AW-late-Manti
----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-SW Desert
Visser, Clint---------------------2017---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
----------------------------------2018---BR--Summer-no dogs-Was Mtns W/Cent Mtns
Wager, Jody--------------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
Walker, Allen-------------------2012---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-cow-late-Henry Mtns
Warner, Dustin-----------------2010---BE---AW-early-Nebo
----------------------------------2016---BR---Summer-no dogs-Wasatch Mtns W
Warner, Ray--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Monroe
Wasilewski, Donald-------------2012---BD---Arch-Vernon
West, David---------------------2011---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2015---TU---N Reg
Wheeler, Duke------------------2016---BE---Multi Season-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-San Juan
Whitaker, Korey----------------2013---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
Whiting, Andrew----------------2011---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas Cent
----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
Wilko, Brett---------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
Willey, Marion------------------2013---CO---LE-Pine Valley
----------------------------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Panguitch Lk
Williams, Gregg----------------2012---TU---NE Reg
----------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
Wisham, Scott------------------2009---BM---OIL-Cache
Woods, Chris-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
Worwood, Bill-------------------2007---TU---Beaver
----------------------------------2012---TU---S Reg
Wright, Jeff---------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
----------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Diamond Mtn
Yates, Jeffrey-------------------2012---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-SW Desert
Young, Douglas-----------------2016---BD---AW-Vernon
LAST EDITED ON May-03-18 AT 11:22AM (MST)[p]Bird man is full of ka ka.
The entire purpose of the Rac is to collect input from the public. Which Hawkeye has done just that! To claim he has to be a member of a Rac to have a voice is ridiculous and absurd!

This issue needs to be brought up and addressed by all regions of racs. Not just the central region (where Jason is from)

It's laughable to me.....that the DWR changes rules of the ways to conduct certain decisions that best fits them instead of following the guidelines that are currently on the books.
Instead, make decisions outside the guidelines of the rule, then 3 years later go and change the rule.

The board members are the ones telling the public the way to get involved is by attending their local regions Rac meetings. They aren't saying that you have to be a Rac member.

If the DWR wants the public to take the Rac meetings seriously to actually gather the public?s input, then they should probably maybe try to follow the guidelines and administrative rules that are current.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Difference is Jasom used the rac to talk straight to the DWR. He never once ask the rac to make a change or to do anything. The rac listens to public who address the rac with something. Hason addressed the dwr, not the rac.
The question on how to get on a rac, find a group to nominate you. Can be any of many groups. Fishing or hunting groups. Upland game or waterfowl.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-18 AT 03:48PM (MST)[p]Birdman-

As summarized in Post #9 above, my comments focused on two specific points.

First, that the 30% number earmarked for actual conservation projects in the proposed rule was too low. I specifically stated that R657-55-10 should be modified to require a higher percentage of the application fees be earmarked for actual conservation projects. As a RAC member, if you somehow missed my request to increase the portion allocated to actual conservation projects, please feel free to consider my request at your next meeting.

Second, I did get after the DWR for ignoring and violating their own rules and then coming back after-the-fact to modify their rules to allow them to do what they already did. Was the RAC meeting the wrong forum to express those concerns? It was a public meeting where the DWR was proposing amendments to the specific rule in question and seeking public comment. Plus, there were approximately 20 DWR representatives in attendance, including Mr. Johnson who oversees this very program and the DWR's lawyer who drafted the proposed rule change. If a RAC meeting was not the right time and place for me to express those concerns then how would you propose that they be delivered? I am open to suggestions.


Hawkeye, i talked with several rac members to see their opinion. The feeling was you were expressing your feelings to the dwr. You looked at the dwr the whole time you talked or yo the audience. Never did you ask the rac to do something. The rac waits for people to ask them to do something. You never adk the rac for anything. Your whole conversation was to Kenny Johnson. The rac acts upon requests and that you did not do. No i will go back through the min and see again but that feeling was by more than myself.

I was at the Central RAC when the expo was 1st proposed. The people voiced their concerns with the Expo and it was clear people didn't want it. Don and Tony were for it , but the audience and public at large asked the central RAC to oppose the plan.

The RAC supported the proposal against the will of the vast majority of the people in attendance. Only one member of the RAC obtained from the vote because he felt (as an SFW member) he couldn't give an unbiased vote (he said as much during the meeting). Although, several other SFW members didn't hesitate to vote.

In the instance the RAC didn't do what they were asked to do but passed the vote to the wildlife board.

I sincerely wished they had listened to us and done what we had asked but they didn't and now we are where we are.

Just a little historical perspective about the RAC process from the audience perspective.

Carry one.
>2007-2018 Expo Tag Repeat Winners (Alphabetically)
>Source - Orginally posted by Elkfromabove
>on UWN.
>Abplanalp, Lynn---------2008---TU---LaSal
>-------------------------- 2011---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Acey, Marvin-------------2009---PR---AW-San Rafael
>---------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Adams, Nathan----------2007---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>Albrecht, Carl------------2010---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>---------------------------2013---TU---S Reg
>Allan, Scott--------------2007---TU---late-C Reg West
>---------------------------2014---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Allen, Kevin--------------2008---BM---OIL-Cache
>---------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Allred, L Riley------------2009---PR---AW-N Slope/W Daggett/3 Corners
>----------------------------2012---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Alver, Sheldon------------2007---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------2008---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Anderson, Cory-----------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>----------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Arrant, James------------2008---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------2009---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Arrant, Michael-----------2008---BE---Muzz-Manti
>----------------------------2010---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Bailey, Kim----------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>-----------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Bair, John------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>-----------------------------2010---RMBH---OIL-Book Cliffs S/Rattlesnake
>Baker, Jason---------------2010---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>-----------------------------2016---TU---C- Reg
>Banks, Tye-----------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>-----------------------------2015---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Barnett, Ted---------------2012---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-----------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Bass, Kenneth-------------2007---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Baugh, Casey--------------2012---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>-----------------------------2013---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Berman, Lance-------------2009---BE---Muzz-Manti
>------------------------------2009---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Betts, Matthew-------------2007---TU---Beaver
>------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>Bigelow, Keith--------------2007---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Billings, Brayden-----------2011---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Birch, Randy----------------2017---TU---C Reg
>------------------------------2018---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>Birth, Michael---------------2012---TU---S Reg
>------------------------------2014---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>Bitton, Darin----------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Blakeway, Curt-------------2009---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-early-Henry Mtns
>------------------------------2013---CO---LE-NW Manti
>Bloom, Dave----------------2008---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thousand Lk
>------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>Bowden, Brock--------------2011---BE---Arch-Pahvant
>-------------------------------2014---BE---Arch-San Juan
>Brenneman, Tyler-----------2011---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Brewer, Jeffrey--------------2014---PR---AW-Plateau
>-------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-San Juan
>Brown, Clint-----------------2015---TU---N Reg
>-------------------------------2016---TU---N Reg
>Brown, Mark-----------------2010---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Bruscato, Joe----------------2009---BE---Arch-Manti
>-------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Bryant, Charles Jr-----------2013---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>-------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Cache S
>Burget, David----------------2014---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Burget, Virgil----------------2008---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>Bush, Brian------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>-------------------------------2012---BI---OIL-early-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>Butler, Michael---------------2007---TU---Nebo
>-------------------------------2008---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Butterfield, Kelton-----------2008---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Cahoon, Devan--------------2015---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Carlton, Todd----------------2013---TU---S Reg
>-------------------------------2017---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Carpenter, Scott-------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>-------------------------------2016---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas W
>Carr, Koliss------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Clawson, Jared--------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Cole, John--------------------2011---TU---C Reg
>-------------------------------2014---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Collins, Steven---------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>--------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Conolly, Michael--------------2013---TU---N Reg
>Cook, Zachary----------------2013---TU---N Reg
>Crandall, Max-----------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>--------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Curtis, John-------------------2011---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>--------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Cache N
>Dannell, Danny---------------2008---TU---San Juan
>Davis, Larry-------------------2007---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>--------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Degelbeck, Doug-------------2007---BE---Muzz-Manti
>--------------------------------2008---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>DeRoest, Joseph--------------2008---BR---San Juan
>--------------------------------2010---TU---SE Reg
>Dias, Gabriel------------------2007---TU---Pine Valley
>Dibble, Dale-------------------2018---BD---AW-mgt-Pauns
>---------------------------------2018---TU---N Reg
>Diedrich, John-----------------2007---TU---San Juan
>Dillree, Cade-------------------2009---PR---AW-Kaiparowitz
>---------------------------------2015---TU---SE Reg
>Dixon, Robert------------------2015---PR---AW-Plateau
>---------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Donaldson, Paul---------------2017---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>Dunning, William--------------2011---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Eagar, Michael-----------------2010---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Eakle, Adam-------------------2012---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>---------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Ehrlich, Kurt-------------------2013---BE---Arch-Nebo
>Ekker, Cody--------------------2013---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Eldredge, Corey---------------2015---BE---Arch-Manti
>---------------------------------2017---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Ellsworth, Jacob---------------2011---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>---------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>Engelby, Bruce----------------2011---CO---LE-Beaver
>Evans, Shaun------------------2007---TU---Nebo
>---------------------------------2016---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>Ewell, Mark--------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>---------------------------------2014---BE---AW-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Farrar, Heather----------------2016---BD---AW-Pauns
>---------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Farrar, William-----------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Fenton, Ryan------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Flandro, Bryan-----------------2013---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Forester, Monty---------------2014---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>---------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Fransen, Mark-----------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Fraughton, Chad--------------2014---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>---------------------------------2016---TU---S Reg
>Frew, Jacen--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>---------------------------------2016---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Friel, Robert-------------------2007---BD---Arch-Pauns
>Gardiner, Ted------------------2009---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>---------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Panguitch Lk
>Gasser, Steve------------------2007---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>---------------------------------2008---BR---Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Gates, Travis-------------------2010---BE---Arch-Nebo
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-LaSal Mtns
>Gill, Dean-----------------------2012---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>Gillman, Trevor-----------------2007---TU---early-C Reg W
>Grant, Charles------------------2007---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Griffith, Thad-------------------2016---BE---Arch-Manti
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Gurney, Steve------------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2009-BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Guymon, Jace------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Hadlock, Adam-----------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hadlock, Bradley---------------2014---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>Hale, Cody----------------------2009---BE---Arch Manti
>----------------------------------2012---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Hall, Dustin---------------------2008---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>----------------------------------2012---BR---Spring-LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>Hall, Michael--------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Manti
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-LaSal Mtns
>Hampton, LeRoy----------------2013---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hansen, Larry-------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Nebo
>-----------------------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>Hansen, Monica-----------------2008---CO---LE-Cache
>-----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>Harder, Boyd-------------------2007---BD---AW-Elk Ridge
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hartley, Brian-------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2014---RMG---OIL-late-Willard Pk
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Hawkins, Justin-----------------2015---BR---Spring-LaSal
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>Heninger, Kevin----------------2008---BD---Muzz-Vernon
>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Henline, Marty------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Mt Dutton
>Higley, Kevin-------------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>----------------------------------2007---TU---Utah County N
>Holmes, Michael----------------2012---BD---AW-Vernon
>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>----------------------------------2015---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Hopp, Randy--------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hurdsman, Darrin--------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>Ingles, Larry--------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2012---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>----------------------------------2014---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>Jackson, Daniel-----------------2009---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Jackson, Robert----------------2012---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>Jacobson, Bryan----------------2014---BE---AW-Nebo
>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Jarvis, Donald Jr----------------2014---BI---OIL-cow-early-Henry Mtns
>Jeffers, Scott-------------------2012---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>----------------------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>Jensen, Dustin------------------2008---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>Jones, Brian--------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2008---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Jones, David--------------------2011---BD---AW-Pauns
>Jones, Stanford-----------------2010---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Jorgensen, Ross----------------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Judd, Dale----------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2009---TU---San Juan
>Julian, Randy-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2010---TU---N Reg
>----------------------------------2013---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>Karren, Rhett-------------------2009---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>----------------------------------2010---Dall Sheep---Arctic Red River Outfitters/Canada
>Kennedy, Justin----------------2009---BD---Muzz-Pauns
>Killpack, Nathan----------------2010---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>King, Gregory-------------------2013---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns W
>----------------------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>Kinney, Michael-----------------2009---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Kinney, Sue---------------------2009---BE---AW-late-Pahvant
>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>Knudsen, Gordon---------------2012---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>Krahenbuhl, Steve--------------2015---PR---AW-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2018---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>Langlois, Kevin-----------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>Larsen, Rodney-----------------2015---PR---Arch-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Larson, Damon-----------------2009---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2010---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Latham, Heidee-----------------2017---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2017---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Fishlake
>Leonard, Devin-----------------2010---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>Lincoln, David------------------2012---PR---Muzz-Plateau
>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Loughton, Dave----------------2010---BD---AW-Vernon
>----------------------------------2017---BD---AW-N Slope/Summit
>Lowe, Jed-----------------------2007---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Luft, John-----------------------2012---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Lund, Jesse---------------------2015---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>Lundberg, Jim------------------2012---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Maag, Mark---------------------2007---PR---AW-Plateau
>Mahoney, Steven---------------2013---BE---Arch-SW Desert
>Manusakis, Christopher--------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Marshall, Paul-------------------2012---BD---AW-Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>Mason, Edward-----------------2011---BD---Arch-Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---BD-Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Maxwell, Rhett------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Maynard, Billy------------------2008---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>McNicol, Shane-----------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2014---BR---Spring-San Juan
>McQuivey, Brian----------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Mecham, John------------------2007?BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2008---BR---San Juan
>Memmott, Bradley-------------2010---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Meyers, Marvin-----------------2007---BE---Arch-Manti
>----------------------------------2013---RMBH---OIL-nonres-Nine Mile
>Mickelson, Jeffery--------------2008---BE---AW-early-Beaver
>----------------------------------2009---TU---Wasatch Mtns/Utah County N
>Minaudo, John------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2014---RMBH---OIL-Newfoundland Mtns
>Moody, Larry-------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Mower, Darick------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Newman, William---------------2008---TU---Boulder Mtn
>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Nordhoff, Matthew-------------2009---CO---LE-Nebo/West Face
>----------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk N
>Nordhoff, Paul------------------2010---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Norris, Robert------------------2009---BD---AW-Oak Crk
>Oberg, Wayne------------------2007---BR---LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Oki, Michael--------------------2010---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Oldham, Morlin-----------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Olsen, Mitch--------------------2007---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>Palmer, Douglas Jr-------------2008---BM---OIL-W Daggett/3-Corners
>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Parker, Michael-----------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2018?TU?N Reg
>Paulson, Christopher-----------2017---BE---AW-early-Manti
>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Peart, Colton--------------------2014---BE---AW-LaSal Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Peterson, Pat-------------------2014---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Pewtress, Rick------------------2010---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2018---BE --Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Philbrook, Jeffrey---------------2007---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>Pitcher, Tom--------------------2010---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>----------------------------------2011---BR---Spring-San Juan
>Plant, Brandon------------------2010---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>----------------------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Powell, Arnie--------------------2007---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>Puffe, Greg---------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Purser, Dirk---------------------2011---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Raddon, Ron--------------------2009---BE---Arch-Nebo
>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2017---TU---SE Reg
>Raetz, Michael------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Rasmussen, Lonne-------------2013---BD---AW-Pauns
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Ob)-NE Manti
>Redd, Javalan------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>Reid, Todd----------------------2009---CO---LE-Cache
>----------------------------------2010---TU---C Reg
>Rhodes, Shelby-----------------2010---TU---N Reg
>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Riche, Derald-------------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2009---TU---Pine Valley
>Roberts, Jay--------------------2010---BE---AW-late-Manti
>Rogers, Danny------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>Rollins, Richard-----------------2017---BI--OIL-nonres-hunter?s choice-late-Henry Mt
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Rudd, Gary----------------------2013---CO---LE-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>Salt, Michael--------------------2011---RMG---OIL-female-Willard Pk
>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Scovel, Douglas----------------2015---BD---Arch-Pauns
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Seeholzer, Jeff------------------2008---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2008---TU---San Juan
>Simpson, Sky-------------------2018---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Manti
>Sims, William-------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2018---BM---OIL-Wasatch Mtns/Central Mtns
>Smith, Nevada------------------2015---BE---Arch-San Juan
>Snyder, Aubree-----------------2011---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>Sorensen, Jason----------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Sponaugle, Kenneth------------2007---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>Stevens, Jonathan--------------2007---BE---AW-Diamod Mtn
>Stubbs, Grant-------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Tabor, Melvin-------------------2009---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-San Juan
>Thain, Stuart--------------------2007---CO---LE-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Toney, Kurt---------------------2009---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2009---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas E
>Trapnell, Brian------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Tucker, Jon---------------------2010---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>Tuttle, Lynn---------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Ufford, Ronald------------------2007---TU---San Juan
>----------------------------------2010---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Vanhulle, Justin-----------------2014---BE---AW-late-Manti
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-SW Desert
>Visser, Clint---------------------2017---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2018---BR--Summer-no dogs-Was Mtns W/Cent Mtns
>Wager, Jody--------------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Walker, Allen-------------------2012---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-cow-late-Henry Mtns
>Warner, Dustin-----------------2010---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Summer-no dogs-Wasatch Mtns W
>Warner, Ray--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Monroe
>Wasilewski, Donald-------------2012---BD---Arch-Vernon
>West, David---------------------2011---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2015---TU---N Reg
>Wheeler, Duke------------------2016---BE---Multi Season-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Whitaker, Korey----------------2013---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>Whiting, Andrew----------------2011---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas Cent
>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Wilko, Brett---------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Willey, Marion------------------2013---CO---LE-Pine Valley
>----------------------------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Panguitch Lk
>Williams, Gregg----------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Wisham, Scott------------------2009---BM---OIL-Cache
>Woods, Chris-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>Worwood, Bill-------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2012---TU---S Reg
>Wright, Jeff---------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Diamond Mtn
>Yates, Jeffrey-------------------2012---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Young, Douglas-----------------2016---BD---AW-Vernon


Some People/Families have drawed 2 to 5 EXPO Permits?




It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I swear Bess you only quoted that to take up the space.

Hawkeye, next time I guess you should just say "huh?" At the end. Then the RAC will act because you used a question mark.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
A lot of Turkey tags in there. I don't think they should count. I don't even put in for those. Next would be bear. But they are big game tags at least.
It's not hardly worth traveling from California if I can only get one(1) tag.:D

>A lot of Turkey tags in
>there. I don't think they
>should count. I don't even
>put in for those. Next
>would be bear. But they
>are big game tags at


Small Game!:D

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Birdman acts like his head has been buried in the sand for years. Or starts to act illiterate or something...smh
When he constantly argues Hawkeyes stance on the expo rule and wants more revenue committed to conservation.

He?s been asking a legitimate question FOR YEARS!
Why isn't it written in the rule to require 90% of the funds to be committed to conservation projects approved by the division and can it be added? It would be easy for the Racs to ask the division to do it.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
There are many many many examples of the RAC voting against what the public in attendance and vocal people are asking for.
During Opt 2 push. Northern RAC I believe it was something like 14 comments in fav of option 2, 2 comments in fav of option 3 and 5 comments for option 1. The RAC voted unanimously for Opt 1. I've sat in many many RAC meetings that the huge majority ask for tag cuts or higher buck doe ratios and the RAC votes it down.
It's a forum to give input, even it all the RACs agree the WB can't decide something different. For the most part they all just agree with the DWR.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-18 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]The vote actually went better than I expected. I expected unanimous support for the DWR proposal but it ended up being a 7-1 vote.

Birdman understands the issue well but it is easier to plead ignorance then come right out and say that you are against increased transparency and accountability. We have been talking about this for over a decade. The DWR and the groups understand the issue perfectly and they could address it if they wanted too.

By way of example, I came across this thread the other day from 2006 when Tony and Don were promoting the first Expo. See Take a minute and read it. It is interesting.

Look at Don Peay?s statements in Post #14: ?There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Similar statements were made on other occasions while attempting to sell the idea of the a Expo to the public. Too bad the groups and the DWR never followed through on those commitments - even 12 years later.

Hawkeye, i say again. You lectured Kenny Johnson on what happened. NEVER did you ask or say anything to the rac as to what you wanted. All we got was an argument between you and dwr. If you expect the rac to act on something then you must ask. We will not assume that someone wants something if they don't ask.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-18 AT 04:49AM (MST)[p]Ken-

You are correct that I did lecture the DWR on the fact that it violated its own rules. But I also clearly pointed out the the 30% requirement was too low - far too low. If you did not understand that means that I would like to see a higher requirement then so be it. But let's just be honest with each other and cut to the chase. You support the 30% requirement that is in place now. And you also supported the 0% requirement that was in place for the first 6 years of the Expo. And you don't see a need for increased transparency and accountability. Let's not pretend that we don't understand the issue.

>Good job Hawkeye!
>The UDWR is a joke, I'm
>glad someone stood up and
>told them that to their

Too bad he only told them, if he just would've asked them to change... smh.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>Good job Hawkeye!
>>The UDWR is a joke, I'm
>>glad someone stood up and
>>told them that to their
>Too bad he only told them,
>if he just would've asked
>them to change... smh.
>"This is a classic case of
>a handful of greedy fly
>fishermen getting too greedy."
>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>told to KUTV
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

Yeah, unfortunately Hawkeye only told them they screwed up. If he would have asked them, then this would all be ok. And did he not "ASK" (not only at this RAC, but many other over the years) to change the 30% requirement? You can ask for change all you want. Some will hear and some will not. Clearly Birdman, on the RAC, has not heard very well over the years.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-18 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]I don't follow this that closely. But didn't RMEF propose giving back 100% of the app fees not just 30%? And if that is true, can't some of the people/groups in Utah blow it up on social media? Explain to Utah citizens they could be getting 100% of the funds to go to wildlife but are only getting 30%? Even liberals that don't like hunting would get behind giving more back to wildlife because they hate rich people getting richer.

Also I know there have been game laws changed on the ballot in different states. Usually for the worse like no spring bear hunting in Colorado. Any chance Utah could get some of these issues on the ballot instead of letting what looks like a corrupt department play faves? IDK if that's possible or not. But it sounds like you have to be sponsored to get on a rac. So of course the people that get on there from SFW are going to push the SFW agenda.

Also if the DWR broke its own rules and is trying to amend them after the fact couldn't a wildlife org sue them if they aren't abiding by their own rules?

Maybe all this has been tried and its a lost cause.
>2007-2018 Expo Tag Repeat Winners (Alphabetically)
>Source - Orginally posted by Elkfromabove
>on UWN.
>Abplanalp, Lynn---------2008---TU---LaSal
>-------------------------- 2011---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Acey, Marvin-------------2009---PR---AW-San Rafael
>---------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Adams, Nathan----------2007---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>Albrecht, Carl------------2010---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>---------------------------2013---TU---S Reg
>Allan, Scott--------------2007---TU---late-C Reg West
>---------------------------2014---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Allen, Kevin--------------2008---BM---OIL-Cache
>---------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Allred, L Riley------------2009---PR---AW-N Slope/W Daggett/3 Corners
>----------------------------2012---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Alver, Sheldon------------2007---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------2008---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>Anderson, Cory-----------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>----------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Arrant, James------------2008---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------2009---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Arrant, Michael-----------2008---BE---Muzz-Manti
>----------------------------2010---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Bailey, Kim----------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>-----------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Bair, John------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>-----------------------------2010---RMBH---OIL-Book Cliffs S/Rattlesnake
>Baker, Jason---------------2010---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>-----------------------------2016---TU---C- Reg
>Banks, Tye-----------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>-----------------------------2015---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Barnett, Ted---------------2012---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-----------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Bass, Kenneth-------------2007---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Baugh, Casey--------------2012---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>-----------------------------2013---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Berman, Lance-------------2009---BE---Muzz-Manti
>------------------------------2009---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Betts, Matthew-------------2007---TU---Beaver
>------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>Bigelow, Keith--------------2007---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Billings, Brayden-----------2011---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Birch, Randy----------------2017---TU---C Reg
>------------------------------2018---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>Birth, Michael---------------2012---TU---S Reg
>------------------------------2014---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>Bitton, Darin----------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Blakeway, Curt-------------2009---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-early-Henry Mtns
>------------------------------2013---CO---LE-NW Manti
>Bloom, Dave----------------2008---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thousand Lk
>------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>Bowden, Brock--------------2011---BE---Arch-Pahvant
>-------------------------------2014---BE---Arch-San Juan
>Brenneman, Tyler-----------2011---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Brewer, Jeffrey--------------2014---PR---AW-Plateau
>-------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-San Juan
>Brown, Clint-----------------2015---TU---N Reg
>-------------------------------2016---TU---N Reg
>Brown, Mark-----------------2010---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Bruscato, Joe----------------2009---BE---Arch-Manti
>-------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Bryant, Charles Jr-----------2013---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>-------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Cache S
>Burget, David----------------2014---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Burget, Virgil----------------2008---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>Bush, Brian------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>-------------------------------2012---BI---OIL-early-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>Butler, Michael---------------2007---TU---Nebo
>-------------------------------2008---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Butterfield, Kelton-----------2008---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Cahoon, Devan--------------2015---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Carlton, Todd----------------2013---TU---S Reg
>-------------------------------2017---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Carpenter, Scott-------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>-------------------------------2016---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas W
>Carr, Koliss------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Clawson, Jared--------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>-------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Cole, John--------------------2011---TU---C Reg
>-------------------------------2014---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Collins, Steven---------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>--------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Conolly, Michael--------------2013---TU---N Reg
>Cook, Zachary----------------2013---TU---N Reg
>Crandall, Max-----------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>--------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Curtis, John-------------------2011---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>--------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Cache N
>Dannell, Danny---------------2008---TU---San Juan
>Davis, Larry-------------------2007---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>--------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Degelbeck, Doug-------------2007---BE---Muzz-Manti
>--------------------------------2008---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>DeRoest, Joseph--------------2008---BR---San Juan
>--------------------------------2010---TU---SE Reg
>Dias, Gabriel------------------2007---TU---Pine Valley
>Dibble, Dale-------------------2018---BD---AW-mgt-Pauns
>---------------------------------2018---TU---N Reg
>Diedrich, John-----------------2007---TU---San Juan
>Dillree, Cade-------------------2009---PR---AW-Kaiparowitz
>---------------------------------2015---TU---SE Reg
>Dixon, Robert------------------2015---PR---AW-Plateau
>---------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Donaldson, Paul---------------2017---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>Dunning, William--------------2011---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Eagar, Michael-----------------2010---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Eakle, Adam-------------------2012---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>---------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Ehrlich, Kurt-------------------2013---BE---Arch-Nebo
>Ekker, Cody--------------------2013---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Eldredge, Corey---------------2015---BE---Arch-Manti
>---------------------------------2017---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Ellsworth, Jacob---------------2011---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>---------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>Engelby, Bruce----------------2011---CO---LE-Beaver
>Evans, Shaun------------------2007---TU---Nebo
>---------------------------------2016---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>Ewell, Mark--------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>---------------------------------2014---BE---AW-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Farrar, Heather----------------2016---BD---AW-Pauns
>---------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Farrar, William-----------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Fenton, Ryan------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Flandro, Bryan-----------------2013---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Forester, Monty---------------2014---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>---------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Fransen, Mark-----------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>---------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Fraughton, Chad--------------2014---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>---------------------------------2016---TU---S Reg
>Frew, Jacen--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>---------------------------------2016---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Friel, Robert-------------------2007---BD---Arch-Pauns
>Gardiner, Ted------------------2009---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>---------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Panguitch Lk
>Gasser, Steve------------------2007---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>---------------------------------2008---BR---Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Gates, Travis-------------------2010---BE---Arch-Nebo
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-LaSal Mtns
>Gill, Dean-----------------------2012---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>Gillman, Trevor-----------------2007---TU---early-C Reg W
>Grant, Charles------------------2007---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Griffith, Thad-------------------2016---BE---Arch-Manti
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Gurney, Steve------------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2009-BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Guymon, Jace------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Hadlock, Adam-----------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hadlock, Bradley---------------2014---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>Hale, Cody----------------------2009---BE---Arch Manti
>----------------------------------2012---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Hall, Dustin---------------------2008---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>----------------------------------2012---BR---Spring-LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>Hall, Michael--------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Manti
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-LaSal Mtns
>Hampton, LeRoy----------------2013---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hansen, Larry-------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Nebo
>-----------------------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>Hansen, Monica-----------------2008---CO---LE-Cache
>-----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>Harder, Boyd-------------------2007---BD---AW-Elk Ridge
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hartley, Brian-------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2014---RMG---OIL-late-Willard Pk
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Hawkins, Justin-----------------2015---BR---Spring-LaSal
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>Heninger, Kevin----------------2008---BD---Muzz-Vernon
>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Henline, Marty------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Mt Dutton
>Higley, Kevin-------------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>----------------------------------2007---TU---Utah County N
>Holmes, Michael----------------2012---BD---AW-Vernon
>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>----------------------------------2015---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>Hopp, Randy--------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Hurdsman, Darrin--------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>Ingles, Larry--------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2012---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>----------------------------------2014---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>Jackson, Daniel-----------------2009---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Jackson, Robert----------------2012---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>Jacobson, Bryan----------------2014---BE---AW-Nebo
>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Jarvis, Donald Jr----------------2014---BI---OIL-cow-early-Henry Mtns
>Jeffers, Scott-------------------2012---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>----------------------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>Jensen, Dustin------------------2008---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>Jones, Brian--------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2008---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>Jones, David--------------------2011---BD---AW-Pauns
>Jones, Stanford-----------------2010---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>Jorgensen, Ross----------------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Judd, Dale----------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2009---TU---San Juan
>Julian, Randy-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2010---TU---N Reg
>----------------------------------2013---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>Karren, Rhett-------------------2009---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>----------------------------------2010---Dall Sheep---Arctic Red River Outfitters/Canada
>Kennedy, Justin----------------2009---BD---Muzz-Pauns
>Killpack, Nathan----------------2010---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>King, Gregory-------------------2013---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns W
>----------------------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>Kinney, Michael-----------------2009---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Kinney, Sue---------------------2009---BE---AW-late-Pahvant
>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>Knudsen, Gordon---------------2012---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>Krahenbuhl, Steve--------------2015---PR---AW-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2018---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>Langlois, Kevin-----------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>Larsen, Rodney-----------------2015---PR---Arch-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Larson, Damon-----------------2009---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2010---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Latham, Heidee-----------------2017---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2017---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Fishlake
>Leonard, Devin-----------------2010---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>Lincoln, David------------------2012---PR---Muzz-Plateau
>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Loughton, Dave----------------2010---BD---AW-Vernon
>----------------------------------2017---BD---AW-N Slope/Summit
>Lowe, Jed-----------------------2007---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Luft, John-----------------------2012---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>Lund, Jesse---------------------2015---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>Lundberg, Jim------------------2012---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Maag, Mark---------------------2007---PR---AW-Plateau
>Mahoney, Steven---------------2013---BE---Arch-SW Desert
>Manusakis, Christopher--------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Marshall, Paul-------------------2012---BD---AW-Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>Mason, Edward-----------------2011---BD---Arch-Pauns
>----------------------------------2012---BD-Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Maxwell, Rhett------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Maynard, Billy------------------2008---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>McNicol, Shane-----------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2014---BR---Spring-San Juan
>McQuivey, Brian----------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Mecham, John------------------2007?BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2008---BR---San Juan
>Memmott, Bradley-------------2010---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Meyers, Marvin-----------------2007---BE---Arch-Manti
>----------------------------------2013---RMBH---OIL-nonres-Nine Mile
>Mickelson, Jeffery--------------2008---BE---AW-early-Beaver
>----------------------------------2009---TU---Wasatch Mtns/Utah County N
>Minaudo, John------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2014---RMBH---OIL-Newfoundland Mtns
>Moody, Larry-------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Mower, Darick------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Newman, William---------------2008---TU---Boulder Mtn
>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Nordhoff, Matthew-------------2009---CO---LE-Nebo/West Face
>----------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk N
>Nordhoff, Paul------------------2010---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Norris, Robert------------------2009---BD---AW-Oak Crk
>Oberg, Wayne------------------2007---BR---LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Oki, Michael--------------------2010---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Oldham, Morlin-----------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Olsen, Mitch--------------------2007---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>Palmer, Douglas Jr-------------2008---BM---OIL-W Daggett/3-Corners
>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Parker, Michael-----------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2018?TU?N Reg
>Paulson, Christopher-----------2017---BE---AW-early-Manti
>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>Peart, Colton--------------------2014---BE---AW-LaSal Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Peterson, Pat-------------------2014---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>Pewtress, Rick------------------2010---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2018---BE --Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>Philbrook, Jeffrey---------------2007---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>Pitcher, Tom--------------------2010---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>----------------------------------2011---BR---Spring-San Juan
>Plant, Brandon------------------2010---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>----------------------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Powell, Arnie--------------------2007---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>Puffe, Greg---------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>Purser, Dirk---------------------2011---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>Raddon, Ron--------------------2009---BE---Arch-Nebo
>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2017---TU---SE Reg
>Raetz, Michael------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>Rasmussen, Lonne-------------2013---BD---AW-Pauns
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Ob)-NE Manti
>Redd, Javalan------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>Reid, Todd----------------------2009---CO---LE-Cache
>----------------------------------2010---TU---C Reg
>Rhodes, Shelby-----------------2010---TU---N Reg
>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>Riche, Derald-------------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>----------------------------------2009---TU---Pine Valley
>Roberts, Jay--------------------2010---BE---AW-late-Manti
>Rogers, Danny------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>Rollins, Richard-----------------2017---BI--OIL-nonres-hunter?s choice-late-Henry Mt
>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>Rudd, Gary----------------------2013---CO---LE-Mt Dutton
>----------------------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>Salt, Michael--------------------2011---RMG---OIL-female-Willard Pk
>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Scovel, Douglas----------------2015---BD---Arch-Pauns
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Seeholzer, Jeff------------------2008---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>----------------------------------2008---TU---San Juan
>Simpson, Sky-------------------2018---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Manti
>Sims, William-------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>----------------------------------2018---BM---OIL-Wasatch Mtns/Central Mtns
>Smith, Nevada------------------2015---BE---Arch-San Juan
>Snyder, Aubree-----------------2011---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>----------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>Sorensen, Jason----------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>Sponaugle, Kenneth------------2007---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>Stevens, Jonathan--------------2007---BE---AW-Diamod Mtn
>Stubbs, Grant-------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>Tabor, Melvin-------------------2009---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-San Juan
>Thain, Stuart--------------------2007---CO---LE-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>Toney, Kurt---------------------2009---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2009---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas E
>Trapnell, Brian------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>Tucker, Jon---------------------2010---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>Tuttle, Lynn---------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Manti
>Ufford, Ronald------------------2007---TU---San Juan
>----------------------------------2010---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>Vanhulle, Justin-----------------2014---BE---AW-late-Manti
>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-SW Desert
>Visser, Clint---------------------2017---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>----------------------------------2018---BR--Summer-no dogs-Was Mtns W/Cent Mtns
>Wager, Jody--------------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>Walker, Allen-------------------2012---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-cow-late-Henry Mtns
>Warner, Dustin-----------------2010---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>----------------------------------2016---BR---Summer-no dogs-Wasatch Mtns W
>Warner, Ray--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Monroe
>Wasilewski, Donald-------------2012---BD---Arch-Vernon
>West, David---------------------2011---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2015---TU---N Reg
>Wheeler, Duke------------------2016---BE---Multi Season-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>Whitaker, Korey----------------2013---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>Whiting, Andrew----------------2011---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas Cent
>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>Wilko, Brett---------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>Willey, Marion------------------2013---CO---LE-Pine Valley
>----------------------------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Panguitch Lk
>Williams, Gregg----------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>----------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>Wisham, Scott------------------2009---BM---OIL-Cache
>Woods, Chris-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>Worwood, Bill-------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>----------------------------------2012---TU---S Reg
>Wright, Jeff---------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>----------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Diamond Mtn
>Yates, Jeffrey-------------------2012---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-SW Desert
>Young, Douglas-----------------2016---BD---AW-Vernon

Any RAC / WB members or family on that list?
Agian Hawkeye you never once ask the rac to propose a change. You argued with dwr. How easy would it to have ask the rac to suggest a change. You did not and the rac did not assume.
As for getting nominated to the rac any group can nominate. It can be a fishing group, hunting, nird watching. RMEF could nominate and you all praise them. Any group. Of course it is easier to sit back and criticize than be involved.
So he brings up the issue in a meeting with DWR and the RAC is there. But it doesn't count, because he didn't ask the RAC specifically for a change? You have to be kidding me. Is the RAC like jeopardy and that the answer has to be formed as a question or it doesn't count. Ridiculous thought process.

Rich tagged a link from MM where Don was answering questions on this site regarding the expos conception.

There was some legitimate questions from MM members on that thread that went unanswered by Don.
Some of those same questions are still unanswered today so many years later.

But I got to give credit to the group. They sold it well (especially to the DWR) and no doubt made a HUGE profit from the expo and these public tags. Especially for the first several years.

My opinion hasn't changed in regard to this expo contract and I think it stinks. Other states watch and pay attention to all this and the overwhelming response I hear is they want no part in it for their own state.
This group sold a lot of folks on the idea that the sky was gonna come crashing down if they didn't do the expo and was only willing to do it unless they made a killing in the process.
When I don't think our deer are so much well better with the millions of dollars raised. (Has it helped? No doubt) but the sky was never falling and the return on our investment isn't as good as some claim it to be. Guess we will never know

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Sad thing is Arizona ACTUALLY has a problem. Because they are an initiative state, the Humane Society has and most likely will target them again.

They need money to fight, but because of the corruption from $fw, their hunters want no part of tag auctions to fund the fight.

I didn't use the word corruption lightly, what they did is exactly that.

Yeah you can't deny their boots on the ground guys do good work, but you also can't deny what has and most likely is happening in the BACKROOMS at the top.

Like it or not, but that's the legacy.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
When the SFW Fanboys only retort is to make some semantics argument on "asking" verse commenting during a public comment period, any clear-thinking person can see the argument has already been won as their position is defenseless.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News

While some questions went unanswered many questions were answered by Don, including his assurance to sportsmen that there would be a ?full accounting of how the application fees are spent.? . Over the last 12 years, SFW and MDF have pocketed roughly $10 million in so called ?administrative expenses.? Does anyone think we will ever see a full accounting?


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -

This becomes more comical with each post. It reminds me of when I used to play ?Mother may I? as a child. It was the public comment portion of the meeting and I, as a member of the public, commented on the rule in question. I am confident that you understood the point of my comments.

Are you saying that I needed to formally make a motion in order for you to understand that I want to see a larger portion of the $ earmarked for actual conservation projects? Had I done so, would you have supported that motion? Instead of asking for ?public comments,? perhaps you should ask for ?proposed motions? from the public. If it would be helpful, I'd be happy to draft a proposed motion for you to read at the next meeting that would address the problem. It might be fun to shake things up and hear something other than, ?I move to approve as presented by the DWR.?


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
Hawkeye. In all the years i have attended racs and been on the rac i believe your the first one that stood at a microphone chewing on the dwr without even looking at the rac and expecting them to understand you were talking to the rac and not to the dwr. Mist who address the rac talk to the rac about what they want and most ask the rac to consider changes. You did none of that.
Hawkeye, i do understand your thinking. I just don't agree. I see 94% of the money that comes in going back on the ground. At the expo the put up charts showing the projects and showing where the money went. So did the people attending the expo who ask questions. Did they agree, not all.
If you had ask for an ear mark of more money i sure would have discussed that but from what i see the money goes back on the ground.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-18 AT 11:23AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-06-18 AT 11:19?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON May-06-18 AT 11:17?AM (MST)

Hawkeye....yes I observed Dons responses. The statements he made in your quotes have still not yet been proven to be true especially for the first few years of the expo.
Will there ever be a full accounting? I don't believe so and I think that was part of the ?back room deal? between the groups.
Birdman..... what is it that you don't agree with from Hawkeye? Do you not agree that the administrative rule should not be written that 90% of the funds goes back to conservation even if or regardless to the fact that you state ?94% of it goes back on the ground? NOW when it clearly didn't the first few years of the expo?

Would you agree that it shouldn't be an issue to change the administrative rule to 90% if that is close to or near what is actually going back on the ground?

Would it be a fair statement that every committed sportsman or woman who cares for this States wildlife should want AND EXPECT the majority of the funds raised from a public asset to go back towards our wildlife and actually see it written in the law to make it concrete?
Do you consider the current written rule percentage to be acceptable?

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt

You don't like that I got after the DWR for violating their own rules. I get it. You apparently think that was inappropriate for the public comment period. I disagree. I felt it was important to point out the DWR should have gone through this process three years ago. But they didn't. Why should we be expected to follow the DWR?s rules when they violate their own rules?

But you continue to ignore the fact that the other part of my comments focused on the fact that we should require that more than 30% of the application fee revenues be earmarked for actual conservationn projects. You clearly understand the concern since you have argued against it for years.

You also claim that 94% of the $ is already hitting the ground without any such requirement or accounting. So as a RAC member and SFW insider, what is the problem? Why won't SFW account for what you claim they are already doing? Are they just being hard-headed? Is MDF holding them back? Are you simply waiting for a member of the public to politely ask the right question? Is SFW too humble and they don't want to take credit for all the great projects they are funding? If SFW is truly spending 94% on actual conservation projects then account for it and propose a rule change imposing 90% requirement similar to what us already in place for conservation permits. What is the hold up?


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
First off i consider the $5 fee as something simular to fallon and what they do. Same public assets and both raise money for differrnt things. Personally i don't think any % should be required. When it went into affect the request was 30% spent on big game. Yhe other does go back on the ground. Some to upland game, some to waterfowl, some to fishing. What mdf does with their money is up to them. What sfw does with their share is up to them. The fact that the money gets used for something bedides big game is still an asset to sportsmen. Pheasanrs and chuckar being raised to be hunted. Quail being transplanted, money spent on making fishing better. Its true you dont agree but the majority do. Thats why it keeps growing every year. Had you gone to the expo or a banquet you could see the projects. As long as the money is being spent and going on the ground and is 94% going on the ground i dont care about required %. The money gas been going on the ground since the expo started. I believe that, some do not. Everyone to their own opinion. I believe some ofyou will not stop till SFW is no more and i dont see them going away. I see SFW sportsmen working together to improve hunting and fishing in this great state. That i see and that i believe. If some dont, thats their opinion.
You're Gettin kinda Personal there Ain't Ya elkantlers?:D

>>2007-2018 Expo Tag Repeat Winners (Alphabetically)
>>Source - Orginally posted by Elkfromabove
>>on UWN.
>>Abplanalp, Lynn---------2008---TU---LaSal
>>-------------------------- 2011---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>>Acey, Marvin-------------2009---PR---AW-San Rafael
>>---------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>>Adams, Nathan----------2007---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>>Albrecht, Carl------------2010---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>>---------------------------2013---TU---S Reg
>>Allan, Scott--------------2007---TU---late-C Reg West
>>---------------------------2014---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>Allen, Kevin--------------2008---BM---OIL-Cache
>>---------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Allred, L Riley------------2009---PR---AW-N Slope/W Daggett/3 Corners
>>----------------------------2012---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>>Alver, Sheldon------------2007---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------2008---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>>Anderson, Cory-----------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>----------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Arrant, James------------2008---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------2009---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>Arrant, Michael-----------2008---BE---Muzz-Manti
>>----------------------------2010---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>>Bailey, Kim----------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>>-----------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>Bair, John------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>>-----------------------------2010---RMBH---OIL-Book Cliffs S/Rattlesnake
>>Baker, Jason---------------2010---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>>-----------------------------2016---TU---C- Reg
>>Banks, Tye-----------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>>-----------------------------2015---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Barnett, Ted---------------2012---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>-----------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>>Bass, Kenneth-------------2007---BE---AW-early-Manti
>>Baugh, Casey--------------2012---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>>-----------------------------2013---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Berman, Lance-------------2009---BE---Muzz-Manti
>>------------------------------2009---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>Betts, Matthew-------------2007---TU---Beaver
>>------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>>Bigelow, Keith--------------2007---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>Billings, Brayden-----------2011---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>Birch, Randy----------------2017---TU---C Reg
>>------------------------------2018---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>>Birth, Michael---------------2012---TU---S Reg
>>------------------------------2014---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>>Bitton, Darin----------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>>------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>>Blakeway, Curt-------------2009---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-early-Henry Mtns
>>------------------------------2013---CO---LE-NW Manti
>>Bloom, Dave----------------2008---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thousand Lk
>>------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>>Bowden, Brock--------------2011---BE---Arch-Pahvant
>>-------------------------------2014---BE---Arch-San Juan
>>Brenneman, Tyler-----------2011---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>-------------------------------2018---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Brewer, Jeffrey--------------2014---PR---AW-Plateau
>>-------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-San Juan
>>Brown, Clint-----------------2015---TU---N Reg
>>-------------------------------2016---TU---N Reg
>>Brown, Mark-----------------2010---PR---Arch-Plateau
>>Bruscato, Joe----------------2009---BE---Arch-Manti
>>-------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>>Bryant, Charles Jr-----------2013---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>>-------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Cache S
>>Burget, David----------------2014---PR---Arch-Plateau
>>Burget, Virgil----------------2008---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>>Bush, Brian------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>>-------------------------------2012---BI---OIL-early-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>>Butler, Michael---------------2007---TU---Nebo
>>-------------------------------2008---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Butterfield, Kelton-----------2008---PR---Arch-Plateau
>>Cahoon, Devan--------------2015---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns
>>-------------------------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Carlton, Todd----------------2013---TU---S Reg
>>-------------------------------2017---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>>Carpenter, Scott-------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>-------------------------------2016---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas W
>>Carr, Koliss------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>-------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>>Clawson, Jared--------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>-------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>Cole, John--------------------2011---TU---C Reg
>>-------------------------------2014---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>Collins, Steven---------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>--------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>>Conolly, Michael--------------2013---TU---N Reg
>>Cook, Zachary----------------2013---TU---N Reg
>>Crandall, Max-----------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>>--------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>>Curtis, John-------------------2011---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>--------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Cache N
>>Dannell, Danny---------------2008---TU---San Juan
>>Davis, Larry-------------------2007---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>>--------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Degelbeck, Doug-------------2007---BE---Muzz-Manti
>>--------------------------------2008---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>DeRoest, Joseph--------------2008---BR---San Juan
>>--------------------------------2010---TU---SE Reg
>>Dias, Gabriel------------------2007---TU---Pine Valley
>>Dibble, Dale-------------------2018---BD---AW-mgt-Pauns
>>---------------------------------2018---TU---N Reg
>>Diedrich, John-----------------2007---TU---San Juan
>>Dillree, Cade-------------------2009---PR---AW-Kaiparowitz
>>---------------------------------2015---TU---SE Reg
>>Dixon, Robert------------------2015---PR---AW-Plateau
>>---------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>>Donaldson, Paul---------------2017---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>>Dunning, William--------------2011---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Eagar, Michael-----------------2010---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>Eakle, Adam-------------------2012---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>---------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>>Ehrlich, Kurt-------------------2013---BE---Arch-Nebo
>>Ekker, Cody--------------------2013---BD---AW-Book Cliffs
>>---------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>Eldredge, Corey---------------2015---BE---Arch-Manti
>>---------------------------------2017---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>Ellsworth, Jacob---------------2011---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>---------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>>Engelby, Bruce----------------2011---CO---LE-Beaver
>>Evans, Shaun------------------2007---TU---Nebo
>>---------------------------------2016---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>>Ewell, Mark--------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>>---------------------------------2014---BE---AW-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Farrar, Heather----------------2016---BD---AW-Pauns
>>---------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>>Farrar, William-----------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>Fenton, Ryan------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>Flandro, Bryan-----------------2013---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>---------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>Forester, Monty---------------2014---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>>---------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>Fransen, Mark-----------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>---------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Fraughton, Chad--------------2014---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>>---------------------------------2016---TU---S Reg
>>Frew, Jacen--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>---------------------------------2016---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Friel, Robert-------------------2007---BD---Arch-Pauns
>>Gardiner, Ted------------------2009---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>---------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Panguitch Lk
>>Gasser, Steve------------------2007---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>---------------------------------2008---BR---Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>>Gates, Travis-------------------2010---BE---Arch-Nebo
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---Arch-LaSal Mtns
>>Gill, Dean-----------------------2012---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>>Gillman, Trevor-----------------2007---TU---early-C Reg W
>>Grant, Charles------------------2007---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>Griffith, Thad-------------------2016---BE---Arch-Manti
>>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>>Gurney, Steve------------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2009-BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>Guymon, Jace------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>Hadlock, Adam-----------------2016---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Hadlock, Bradley---------------2014---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>>Hale, Cody----------------------2009---BE---Arch Manti
>>----------------------------------2012---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Hall, Dustin---------------------2008---BI---OIL-hunter?s choice-Henry Mtns
>>----------------------------------2012---BR---Spring-LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>>Hall, Michael--------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Manti
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-LaSal Mtns
>>Hampton, LeRoy----------------2013---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Hansen, Larry-------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Nebo
>>-----------------------------------2012---TU---SE Reg
>>Hansen, Monica-----------------2008---CO---LE-Cache
>>-----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>>Harder, Boyd-------------------2007---BD---AW-Elk Ridge
>>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Hartley, Brian-------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>>----------------------------------2014---RMG---OIL-late-Willard Pk
>>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-SW Desert
>>Hawkins, Justin-----------------2015---BR---Spring-LaSal
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>>Heninger, Kevin----------------2008---BD---Muzz-Vernon
>>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>>Henline, Marty------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Mt Dutton
>>Higley, Kevin-------------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2007---TU---Utah County N
>>Holmes, Michael----------------2012---BD---AW-Vernon
>>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>>----------------------------------2015---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>Hopp, Randy--------------------2012---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Hurdsman, Darrin--------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>>Ingles, Larry--------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>----------------------------------2012---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>>----------------------------------2014---BD---AW-mgt-Henry Mtns
>>Jackson, Daniel-----------------2009---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>>Jackson, Robert----------------2012---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>>Jacobson, Bryan----------------2014---BE---AW-Nebo
>>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>>Jarvis, Donald Jr----------------2014---BI---OIL-cow-early-Henry Mtns
>>Jeffers, Scott-------------------2012---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>>----------------------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>>Jensen, Dustin------------------2008---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>>Jones, Brian--------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>>----------------------------------2008---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>Jones, David--------------------2011---BD---AW-Pauns
>>Jones, Stanford-----------------2010---PR---AW-W Desert/Riverbed
>>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-Wasatch Mtns
>>Jorgensen, Ross----------------2010---BD---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>Judd, Dale----------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>----------------------------------2009---TU---San Juan
>>Julian, Randy-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>>----------------------------------2010---TU---N Reg
>>----------------------------------2013---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>----------------------------------2013---TU---NE Reg
>>Karren, Rhett-------------------2009---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>----------------------------------2010---Dall Sheep---Arctic Red River Outfitters/Canada
>>Kennedy, Justin----------------2009---BD---Muzz-Pauns
>>Killpack, Nathan----------------2010---PR---AW-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>>King, Gregory-------------------2013---BR---Spring-Wasatch Mtns W
>>----------------------------------2018---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>>Kinney, Michael-----------------2009---TU---Beaver
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>>Kinney, Sue---------------------2009---BE---AW-late-Pahvant
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>>Knudsen, Gordon---------------2012---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>>Krahenbuhl, Steve--------------2015---PR---AW-SW Desert
>>----------------------------------2018---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>>Langlois, Kevin-----------------2013---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2017---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>>Larsen, Rodney-----------------2015---PR---Arch-Cache/N Rich
>>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>>Larson, Damon-----------------2009---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>>----------------------------------2010---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>>----------------------------------2012---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>>----------------------------------2016---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>>Latham, Heidee-----------------2017---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>>----------------------------------2017---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Fishlake
>>Leonard, Devin-----------------2010---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Cache S
>>Lincoln, David------------------2012---PR---Muzz-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2015---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>Loughton, Dave----------------2010---BD---AW-Vernon
>>----------------------------------2017---BD---AW-N Slope/Summit
>>Lowe, Jed-----------------------2007---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>>Luft, John-----------------------2012---RMG---OIL-Beaver
>>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Cache/Morgan/S Rich/Ogden
>>Lund, Jesse---------------------2015---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs N
>>Lundberg, Jim------------------2012---DBH---OIL-San Rafael S
>>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-SW Desert
>>Maag, Mark---------------------2007---PR---AW-Plateau
>>Mahoney, Steven---------------2013---BE---Arch-SW Desert
>>Manusakis, Christopher--------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>>Marshall, Paul-------------------2012---BD---AW-Pauns
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---C Reg
>>Mason, Edward-----------------2011---BD---Arch-Pauns
>>----------------------------------2012---BD-Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Maxwell, Rhett------------------2010---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>----------------------------------2016---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>Maynard, Billy------------------2008---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>McNicol, Shane-----------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>>----------------------------------2014---BR---Spring-San Juan
>>McQuivey, Brian----------------2008---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>Mecham, John------------------2007?BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2008---BR---San Juan
>>Memmott, Bradley-------------2010---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>>Meyers, Marvin-----------------2007---BE---Arch-Manti
>>----------------------------------2013---RMBH---OIL-nonres-Nine Mile
>>Mickelson, Jeffery--------------2008---BE---AW-early-Beaver
>>----------------------------------2009---TU---Wasatch Mtns/Utah County N
>>Minaudo, John------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>----------------------------------2014---RMBH---OIL-Newfoundland Mtns
>>Moody, Larry-------------------2008---BE---AW-early-Manti
>>Mower, Darick------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2011---TU---NE Reg
>>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>Newman, William---------------2008---TU---Boulder Mtn
>>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>>Nordhoff, Matthew-------------2009---CO---LE-Nebo/West Face
>>----------------------------------2014---BE---Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2017---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk N
>>Nordhoff, Paul------------------2010---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Norris, Robert------------------2009---BD---AW-Oak Crk
>>Oberg, Wayne------------------2007---BR---LaSal Mtns/Dolores Tri
>>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>>Oki, Michael--------------------2010---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>Oldham, Morlin-----------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2018---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>>Olsen, Mitch--------------------2007---BE---AW-roadless-Book Cliffs/Little Crk
>>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-San Rafael N
>>Palmer, Douglas Jr-------------2008---BM---OIL-W Daggett/3-Corners
>>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Parker, Michael-----------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Mt Dutton
>>----------------------------------2018?TU?N Reg
>>Paulson, Christopher-----------2017---BE---AW-early-Manti
>>----------------------------------2017---PR---Muzz-Parker Mtn
>>Peart, Colton--------------------2014---BE---AW-LaSal Mtns
>>----------------------------------2017---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Peterson, Pat-------------------2014---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Book Cliffs S
>>Pewtress, Rick------------------2010---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>----------------------------------2018---BE --Muzz-Wasatch Mtns
>>Philbrook, Jeffrey---------------2007---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>----------------------------------2011---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>>Pitcher, Tom--------------------2010---CO---LE-Plateau/Boulder
>>----------------------------------2011---BR---Spring-San Juan
>>Plant, Brandon------------------2010---BE---AW-N Slope/3 Corners
>>----------------------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>----------------------------------2014---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>>Powell, Arnie--------------------2007---BE---Arch-Mt Dutton
>>----------------------------------2008---TU---C Reg
>>Puffe, Greg---------------------2016---BE---AW-early-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---Muzz-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>Purser, Dirk---------------------2011---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2016---BR---Spring-no bait-LaSal
>>Raddon, Ron--------------------2009---BE---Arch-Nebo
>>----------------------------------2010---TU---NE Reg
>>----------------------------------2017---TU---SE Reg
>>Raetz, Michael------------------2011---BE---AW-late-Mt Dutton
>>Rasmussen, Lonne-------------2013---BD---AW-Pauns
>>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Ob)-NE Manti
>>Redd, Javalan------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>>Reid, Todd----------------------2009---CO---LE-Cache
>>----------------------------------2010---TU---C Reg
>>Rhodes, Shelby-----------------2010---TU---N Reg
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---N Reg
>>Riche, Derald-------------------2008---TU---Pahvant
>>----------------------------------2009---TU---Pine Valley
>>Roberts, Jay--------------------2010---BE---AW-late-Manti
>>Rogers, Danny------------------2007---BE---AW-early-Panguitch Lk
>>----------------------------------2016---BE---AW-late-SW Desert
>>Rollins, Richard-----------------2017---BI--OIL-nonres-hunter?s choice-late-Henry Mt
>>----------------------------------2018---BD---AW-Henry Mtns
>>Rudd, Gary----------------------2013---CO---LE-Mt Dutton
>>----------------------------------2014---TU---SE Reg
>>Salt, Michael--------------------2011---RMG---OIL-female-Willard Pk
>>----------------------------------2013---BE---Arch-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>Scovel, Douglas----------------2015---BD---Arch-Pauns
>>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>Seeholzer, Jeff------------------2008---PR---AW-Cache/N Rich
>>----------------------------------2008---TU---San Juan
>>Simpson, Sky-------------------2018---BE---AW-early-SW Desert
>>----------------------------------2018---BR---Spring-no bait-Manti
>>Sims, William-------------------2010---TU---S Reg
>>----------------------------------2018---BM---OIL-Wasatch Mtns/Central Mtns
>>Smith, Nevada------------------2015---BE---Arch-San Juan
>>Snyder, Aubree-----------------2011---BE---Arch-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk S
>>----------------------------------2011---TU---SE Reg
>>Sorensen, Jason----------------2007---PR---Arch-Plateau
>>Sponaugle, Kenneth------------2007---BE---AW-early-Boulder/Kaip
>>Stevens, Jonathan--------------2007---BE---AW-Diamod Mtn
>>Stubbs, Grant-------------------2013---TU---SE Reg
>>----------------------------------2016---PR---AW-Parker Mtn
>>Tabor, Melvin-------------------2009---PR---AW-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2009---BR---Spring-San Juan
>>Thain, Stuart--------------------2007---CO---LE-Book Cliffs/Bitter Crk
>>----------------------------------2008---TU---S Reg
>>Toney, Kurt---------------------2009---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2009---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas E
>>Trapnell, Brian------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>>----------------------------------2008---BE---AW-Diamond Mtn
>>Tucker, Jon---------------------2010---PR---AW-Pine Valley
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>>Tuttle, Lynn---------------------2012---BE---AW-early-Manti
>>Ufford, Ronald------------------2007---TU---San Juan
>>----------------------------------2010---BR---Spring-Nine Mile/Anthro/Range Crk
>>Vanhulle, Justin-----------------2014---BE---AW-late-Manti
>>----------------------------------2015---BE---Muzz-SW Desert
>>Visser, Clint---------------------2017---PR---Arch-Parker Mtn
>>----------------------------------2018---BR--Summer-no dogs-Was Mtns W/Cent Mtns
>>Wager, Jody--------------------2012---PR---AW-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-late-Fishlake/Thous Lk
>>Walker, Allen-------------------2012---PR---AW-Mt Dutton/Pauns
>>----------------------------------2015---BI---OIL-cow-late-Henry Mtns
>>Warner, Dustin-----------------2010---BE---AW-early-Nebo
>>----------------------------------2016---BR---Summer-no dogs-Wasatch Mtns W
>>Warner, Ray--------------------2011---BE---Arch-Monroe
>>Wasilewski, Donald-------------2012---BD---Arch-Vernon
>>West, David---------------------2011---BR---Spring-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2015---TU---N Reg
>>Wheeler, Duke------------------2016---BE---Multi Season-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2017---BE---AW-early-San Juan
>>Whitaker, Korey----------------2013---BR---Fall-Nine Mile
>>----------------------------------2017---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Nebo
>>Whiting, Andrew----------------2011---RMG---OIL-N Slope/S Slope/High Uintas Cent
>>----------------------------------2018---BE---Arch-Wasatch Mtns
>>Wilko, Brett---------------------2009---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>Willey, Marion------------------2013---CO---LE-Pine Valley
>>----------------------------------2016---CO---Split (LE/Harv Obj)-Panguitch Lk
>>Williams, Gregg----------------2012---TU---NE Reg
>>----------------------------------2015---BD---Muzz-Book Cliffs
>>Wisham, Scott------------------2009---BM---OIL-Cache
>>Woods, Chris-------------------2007---TU---Pahvant
>>Worwood, Bill-------------------2007---TU---Beaver
>>----------------------------------2012---TU---S Reg
>>Wright, Jeff---------------------2008---PR---AW-Plateau
>>----------------------------------2010---BE---Arch-Diamond Mtn
>>Yates, Jeffrey-------------------2012---BD---Arch-Book Cliffs
>>----------------------------------2013---BE---AW-early-Wasatch Mtns
>>----------------------------------2014---PR---AW-SW Desert
>>Young, Douglas-----------------2016---BD---AW-Vernon
>Any RAC / WB members or
>family on that list?

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Hawkeye, i do understand your thinking.
> I just don't
>agree. I see 94% of
>the money that comes in
>going back on the ground.
>At the expo the put
>up charts showing the projects
>and showing where the money
>went. So did the people
>attending the expo who ask
>questions. Did they agree, not
> If you had
>ask for an ear mark
>of more money i sure
>would have discussed that but
>from what i see the
>money goes back on the

How did you come up with 94% of the Expo Permit Application money going back to the ground?
Bird, you should STOP. IT IS NOT $FW MONEY. It was never sold as a big slush fund that $fw could do with what they want. EVER. Not to mention the "screw the public we will do what we want" attitude should be kept behind chapter doors, letting it out in the open only confirms what we already know.

If the 94% was even close to accurate, why fight to not have it 90%? Seems you could shut up all us big mouths by doing so.

But here it is again. Anytime the corruption at the top is pointed out, $fw hides behind all the good work the foot soldiers do. $10 million builds nice houses, nice trucks, greased a ton of politicians. It didn't save the deer herd


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON May-07-18 AT 12:22PM (MST)[p]Sorry for the long post but I had to respond to Birdman's stream of consciousness in Post #52. I tried to break it down into bite-sized statements:

1. ?First off i consider the $5 fee as something simular to fallon and what they do. Same public assets and both raise money for differrnt things.?

You are comparing apples and oranges. The DWR contracts with the company in Fallon, Nevada to perform the Big game draws. In exchange for this service, Fallon gets paid a portion of the $10 application fees as compensation. The DWR keeps the remainder of the application fees. The Fallon company is a for-profit entity. It is not a conservation organization. It did not lobby to take 200 premium tags out of the public draw to raise money for conservation activities. In an effort to get sportsmen to support the Expo, it did not promise sportsmen a full accounting. Moreover, Fallon is not claiming that it spends 94% of the $ on conservation projects without providing any support. You are barking up the wrong tree with this analogy.

2. ?Personally i don't think any % should be required.?

You have made that perfectly clear by your comments over the years, and based upon its their actions, I assume that SFW management agrees with you. The first purpose for these tags as expressly stated in the administrative rule is the generate funds for ?wildlife conservation activities in Utah.? While lobbying for these tags, SFW representatives assured Utah sportsmen that the money would be put on the ground and there would be a ?full accounting.? See comments referenced in my signature below. Unfortunately, when the original rule was drafted SFW got its way and the DWR dropped the ball. As a result, the original rule did not require that one red cent of the money raised from those tags be spent on actual conservation. The original rule likewise failed to require any accounting or reporting as to how the funds were spent. As a result, we have no idea what SFW or MDF did with the millions of dollars raised during the first 6 years of the Expo.

3. ?When it went into affect the request was 30% spent on big game.?

Wrong. As shown in point #2, when the original rule went into effect there was no requirement that any of the money be spent on actual conservation projects. After several years, a group of us, including the UWC, proposed a rule amendment that would have required that 90% of the funds be earmarked for conservation projects and an annual audit. The DWR and the conservation groups rejected this proposal but reluctantly volunteered to commit 30% of the funds for conservation projects, hoping that would pacify the critics. Since 2013, the groups have been required to spend a whopping 30% on approved projects and been allowed to keep the remaining 70% as "administrative expenses." Prior to 2013, they kept 100% of the revenues.

4. ?The other does go back on the ground. Some to upland game, some to waterfowl, some to fishing. What mdf does with their money is up to them. What sfw does with their share is up to them. The fact that the money gets used for something bedides big game is still an asset to sportsmen. Pheasanrs and chuckar being raised to be hunted. Quail being transplanted, money spent on making fishing better.?

You appear to be saying that even though SFW is authorized to pocket 70% of the expo funds, you believe that these funds are going back on the ground to fund non-big game wildlife projects. What is your basis for making these statements? If SFW is putting the vast majority of this money on the ground then why not account for it? Don promised sportsmen ?a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? After 12 years and $10 million in revenues unaccounted for, why can't SFW finally follow through on that commitment?

5. ?Its true you dont agree but the majority do. Thats why it keeps growing every year.?

What is your basis for claiming that the majority of the sportsmen agree with how the tags are being handled? Do you assume that everyone that attends the Expo and/or puts in for the tags supports the lack of transparency and accountability with how the money is spent? After speaking with many sportsmen about this over the years, I know that many, if not most, sportsmen are completely unaware of this issue. They assume that since it is the ?Hunting and Conservation Expo? sponsored by the ?conservation groups? that the money from our 200 public permits is used for actual ?conservation activities? as stated in the rule. Most people are surprised to learn that we have no idea or control over how the groups spend the vast majority of those funds. There are many other folks who are not happy about the lack of transparency and accountability but still go to the expo and apply for the tags because they want a chance to draw a tag. I admit that there are others like you who don't care how the money is spent and don't see the need for any accountability or transparency. Don?t assume that everyone that attends the expo is supporting of how the expo tag revenues are being handled.

6. "Had you gone to the expo or a banquet you could see the projects."

Did SFW/MDF provide some type of accounting of the projects funded at the expo? If so, please share it with us. I'd love to see it.

7. "As long as the money is being spent and going on the ground and is 94% going on the ground i dont care about required %."

What is your basis for claiming that ?94% is going on the ground.? If that is true, then please account for it as promised in the beginning. And if SFW is spending 94% on actual projects, then why the resistance to a 90% requirement?

8. "The money gas been going on the ground since the expo started. I believe that, some do not. Everyone to their own opinion. I believe some of you will not stop till SFW is no more and i dont see them going away. I see SFW sportsmen working together to improve hunting and fishing in this great state. That i see and that i believe. If some dont, thats their opinion."

You ?believe? that the expo money tag revenues have been going on the ground since the expo started in 2007? What is your basis for that statement? How much of the $10 million in unaccounted for funds has been spent on actual conservation projects? How much money was spent on projects in the first 6 years when there was no requirement that any money be spent on conservation? This topic is not something that should be left up to belief, speculation and opinions. The rule should have a strict requirement that the vast majority (90%) must be spent on approved projects and there should be an annual audit provided to the public. That is how public assets and funds derived from public assets should be handled.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
>First off i consider the $5
>fee as something simular to
>fallon and what they do.
> Same public assets and
>both raise money for differrnt
>things. Personally i don't
> think any % should
>be required. When it
>went into affect the request
>was 30% spent on big
>game. Yhe other does go
>back on the ground. Some
>to upland game, some
>to waterfowl, some to fishing.
>What mdf does with their
>money is up to them.
>What sfw does with their
>share is up to them.
> The fact that the
>money gets used for something
>bedides big game is still
>an asset to sportsmen.
>Pheasanrs and chuckar being raised
>to be hunted. Quail
>being transplanted, money spent on
>making fishing better. Its
>true you dont agree but
>the majority do. Thats
>why it keeps growing every
>year. Had you gone
>to the expo or a
>banquet you could see the
>projects. As long as
>the money is being spent
>and going on the ground
>and is 94% going on
>the ground i dont care
>about required %. The
>money gas been going on
>the ground since the expo
>started. I believe that, some
>do not. Everyone to their
>own opinion. I believe
>some ofyou will not stop
>till SFW is no more
>and i dont see them
>going away. I see
>SFW sportsmen working together to
>improve hunting and fishing in
>this great state. That
>i see and that i
>believe. If some dont,
>thats their opinion.

What if a group with substantially greater transparency and proven results offered to put 100% back to conservation? You would certainly support that over the "94%" of SFW, wouldn't you?
>>First off i consider the $5
>>fee as something simular to
>>fallon and what they do.
>> Same public assets and
>>both raise money for differrnt
>>things. Personally i don't
>> think any % should
>>be required. When it
>>went into affect the request
>>was 30% spent on big
>>game. Yhe other does go
>>back on the ground. Some
>>to upland game, some
>>to waterfowl, some to fishing.
>>What mdf does with their
>>money is up to them.
>>What sfw does with their
>>share is up to them.
>> The fact that the
>>money gets used for something
>>bedides big game is still
>>an asset to sportsmen.
>>Pheasanrs and chuckar being raised
>>to be hunted. Quail
>>being transplanted, money spent on
>>making fishing better. Its
>>true you dont agree but
>>the majority do. Thats
>>why it keeps growing every
>>year. Had you gone
>>to the expo or a
>>banquet you could see the
>>projects. As long as
>>the money is being spent
>>and going on the ground
>>and is 94% going on
>>the ground i dont care
>>about required %. The
>>money gas been going on
>>the ground since the expo
>>started. I believe that, some
>>do not. Everyone to their
>>own opinion. I believe
>>some ofyou will not stop
>>till SFW is no more
>>and i dont see them
>>going away. I see
>>SFW sportsmen working together to
>>improve hunting and fishing in
>>this great state. That
>>i see and that i
>>believe. If some dont,
>>thats their opinion.
>What if a group with substantially
>greater transparency and proven results
>offered to put 100% back
>to conservation? You would
>certainly support that over the
>"94%" of SFW, wouldn't you?

Yeah, many of us did, but the DWR didnt think so. 100% is less than 94%. That must be the way teh government is teaching math now days in school. Along with not teaching kids how to tell time.
94%??? I am still at 30% as set forth in the rule until I see an actual accounting showing otherwise. As Ronald Reagan used to say when dealing with the Russians, "trust but verify."


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
Yesterday's Quote Of The Day: "I see 94% of the money that comes in going back on the ground." - Birdman

Today's Quote Of The Day: "94% of internet quotes are?made up on the spot." - President Abraham Lincoln
Birdman pulling numbers out the wahzoo.
I'd like to know where that number came from a well. your most recent post you mentioned the DWR ?dropped the ball?
I don't think that it was an accident.
The two reasons why I think that is:

1-the Dwr was willing to break their own administrative rule to keep and renew the SFW contract for an exceptionally longer period with the knowledge that the RMEF contract bid was better offering 100%

2-the Dwr rejected your amended rule of 90% but volunteered the 30%

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
I don't believe the 94% figure at all...but its ridiculous that his made up number is still less than RMEFs actual bid! I'd love to hear his justification.
>As soon as Birdy compared the
>$5 to the Fallon Nv
>app he lost ALL credibility.

Since when did he ever have any?

I've been reading his nonsense for years.
Please elaborate for all of us where you come up with 94%
Explain why you think a nonprofit organization should be allowed to take a public resource and profit from it with no requirement to put the majority of those funds back into the resource?

I'm trying to understand your logic on this subject

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
They say that a picture or a summary is worth 1,000 words. ;-)

In an effort to educate newcomers to the discussion regarding the amount of expo tag money that has not been accounted for, I have updated this summary to include the expo tag revenues from 2017. I have not provided the numbers for 2018 yet because the DWR does not perform its annual "audit" until August. Once we receive the 2018 numbers, I will provide another update.

Based upon the statements from SFW that this year's expo was bigger and better than ever, and that there were more applications for the 200 permits than ever before, it is safe to assume that the amount of money that has been retained by SFW/MDF without any accounting by the DWR has now surpassed $10 million since the expo started in 2007.

Answer this question for me: are we are funding "wildlife conservation projects" or "wildlife conservation groups"?



My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
If i am to understand there is no accounting of cost figures.How much do you think it might cost to put on the expo?advertisment,entertainment venue,ect.
Just curious not trying to start sonething.
>If i am to understand there
>is no accounting of cost
>figures.How much do you think
>it might cost to put
>on the expo?advertisment,entertainment venue,ect.
>Just curious not trying to start

The only revenue shown is the direct $5 application fee for the 200 tags. You point out other costs associated with the event (venue, entertainment, ads) - but there are also other sources of revenue which I'm sure more than cover those costs (entry fees, auctions, vendor booth rentals, etc).

The clearest picture I can draw from the table above...if RMEF had been selected to run the expo there would be 9 million more dollars put towards conservation projects in the state of Utah. Its frankly shocking, at least as an outsider, that Utah/DWR employees are not facing criminal prosecution over this scam. I won't fault SFW for working the system to make a bunch of money for's your public employees who should be stewards of the publics resources.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-18 AT 04:11PM (MST)[p]notdonhunting-

Good question and no offense taken. Yes, there are obviously costs involved with putting on the expo. But, there are also other sources of revenue available to offset those costs, including admissions, booth rental fees, concessions, etc. If you want a full accounting of the revenues and expenses for the expo then you will need to direct your requests to SFW or MDF. Good luck in that endeavor!

During the May 1 Central RAC Meeting, one of the RAC members actually asked the President of SFW about this very issue. In response to those questions, the President of SFW acknowledged that there are several other sources of revenue from the expo that could be used to offset the expenses of hosting the expo. I will post a link to the recording of the 5/1/2018 Central RAC Meeting once it is available on the DWR's website.

Once again, however, does the public have the right to ask how much of that $10 million "went onto the ground" to fund actual conservation projects? And where is the "full accounting of how the applications fees are spent" that we were promised when these tags were created? See quotes below.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
Obviously RMEF knew exactly where those other funds were coming from in the Expo that would help offset the expenses in conducting the expo if they proposed to give back 100% of the 5$ application fees.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
As a life member of RMEF and not a member of SFW, I honestly wonder if RMEF could have put on such a successful show as SFW has? Maybe, just maybe the DWR took that into consideration. Just saying.
>As a life member of RMEF
>and not a member of
>SFW, I honestly wonder if
>RMEF could have put on
>such a successful show as
>SFW has? Maybe, just maybe
>the DWR took that into
>consideration. Just saying.

You mean the RMEF with over 200k members, the RMEF with its own TV show, the RMEF that has been putting on shows and conventions before $FW ever existed? That RMEF?

Naw they could never put on an expo as successful as $FW's goat rodeo.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-18 AT 08:14PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-08-18 AT 08:13?PM (MST)

RMEF is very well capable of doing as good or if not better than SFW. The DWR knows it as well.
They took the high road with their lame excuses to go to the RFP. (Which if their reasoning was true, then they were wrong with how they gave the expo contract in the beginning)
Now that they have barely amended the change to the process of the expo contract, it shows their guilt.

10 million dollars and our deer herds still aren't the best in the West

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>As a life member of RMEF
>and not a member of
>SFW, I honestly wonder if
>RMEF could have put on
>such a successful show as
>SFW has? Maybe, just maybe
>the DWR took that into
>consideration. Just saying.

>If the fix was so obvious,
>then why didn't RMEF sue
>the DWR?

The decision-making people that I spoke to said RMEF wanted to focus their mission on conservation and not on suing UDWR.

I wish they would've forced the issue, but I understand the hesitancy about taking legal action against a state to NOT be corrupt. And the corruption goes all the way to the top, remember Styler's email regarding Hawkeye?

If Utahns are stupid enough to keep allowing our wildlife to be monetized and p!ssed away, and RMEF submitted a clearly superior bid (the only timely bid, I might add) but the corruption of UDWR prevented RMEF from being awarded... I can see why RMEF basically shrugged their shoulders and moved on.

>As a life member of RMEF
>and not a member of
>SFW, I honestly wonder if
>RMEF could have put on
>such a successful show as
>SFW has? Maybe, just maybe
>the DWR took that into
>consideration. Just saying.

Yes, they absolutely took that into consideration! And that's why they had to do what they did. They realized that RMEF could have put on a very successful show equal to or better than SFW with more money going to wildlife, but the entitlement attitude of SFW/MDF and the locked-in relationships of all involved prevailed. They didn't (and still don't) think the current 11-year old Expo arrangement is flawed or broken, so why change it?
Well the debate rages on. As far as the money raised from the $5 fee-- I can only tell you that while I was on the RAC we were given info concerning the projects funded by the 30% as well as money that the conservation group spent from their 70% on projects. The contract specifies that the money raised (30%) must be used or (I believe) committed to a particular wildlife project within 2 years and that any interest earned from those funds in an account must also be included in the amount spent on projects. I don't know if their is a specific place for any of us to see the actual projects and the funding levels. I do believe its on the DWR website, though.
I would like to address the issue of whether or not the RAC can make a proposal or motion if they have not been specifically asked by an organization or individual. The answer is-- of course they can! I've seen that happen a number of times, sometime successfully sometimes not. The current handicapped hunter regulations came into being through that scenario. A handicapped hunter presented information about the difficulty they experienced as hunters among the general hunting public on opening day. After the presentation was made and some discussion by the RAC, I made the motion to make some provisions so that they could be able have some extra days to hunt by themselves. The RAC passed the proposal and it went onto the WB, where it was tweaked with the DWR's help and was passed. You don't have to make a proposal when you stand at the mike, but it does definitely help to clarify what you would like. I honestly believe that the majority of RAC members really do listen to the public and try to weigh how they vote accordingly. There may be other factors that weigh into their decisions that some of the public may not be aware of. Thanks to everyone who gets involved. It is important to get those views-
LAST EDITED ON May-10-18 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]Richard-

Thank for commenting regarding your experience on the Central RAC. Remind me what years you served? 2012-2017? Your experience regarding the power and authority of the RACs to act on questions, comments, proposals and even "rants" expressed during the public comment period is consistent with my understanding. Thank for posting.

With regard to your recollection of receiving information or an accounting regarding projects funded by both the 30% and the 70% of expo revenues, I would love to have you or someone else share that with us. In an effort to respond to your comment, let me share what I understand the facts to be. Again, I apologize for the long post but I like to use these discussions as an opportunity to share information with others.

First, there was no requirement that the groups spend any of the $ on actual conservation projects from 2007-2012. And any "Expo audits" that were performed by DWR during that time period did not examine how any of the $ was spent. Therefore, the public has no information as to how the $5+ million dollars raised from our expo tags during this period of time was spent by the groups.

Starting in 2013, the groups agreed to spend a small portion of teh application fees called "Project Revenues"(initially $1.70 then reduced to $1.50) on DWR approved proejects within 2 years of receipt. Therefore, the 2015 "Expo audit" was the first time the DWR audited how the "Project Revenues" were spent and that was looking back to $ collected in 2013. See Although the Section in the 2015 "audit" entitled "Project Revenue" shows that the groups had each spent/committed more than the $185,473.28 in Project Revenue collected from the 2013 expo, don't assume that means that the groups were voluntarily funding projects with portions of the 70% that they retained as "administrative expenses." What I think was happening is the DWR listed all projects funded with Project Revenues from the 2013, 2014 or 2015 Expos up to the date of the August 2015 Audit. In other words, the 2015 "Expo Audit" shows the groups spending more than the required 30% of "project Revenues" because the DWR also included projects funded/committed to in 2014 and 2015. Why do I think that? Because when you look at the 2016 "Expo Audit", it lists the many of same projects as the 2015 "Expo Audit". See Compare the projects listed on Exhibit 2 to the audits.

So in summary, I am not aware of any accounting provided by the groups or the DWR on any of the $ generated from Expo tags from 2007-2012 and from 2013-2016 the "Expo Audits" appear to only account for the Project Revenues ($1.70 or $1.50 of each $5 application) during the two-year look back. I have not been able to find any accounting or audit for the 70% retained by the groups "adminstrative expenses" from 2013-2016. If somebody else has seen that information, please feel free to share it.

The 2017 "Expo Audit" is the first "audit" to fall under the new contract signed by the DWR, SFW and MDF. See As you will recall, the groups are still required to spend $1.50 of each $5 application on approved projects. Like the 2015 and 2016 "Expo Audits," the 2017 audit provides infromation regarding the projects funded with Project Revenues from 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. It is interesting to note that a couple of the projects identifed in the 2017 audit were included in the 2015 audit and funded/approved as early as 2013. This method of accounting increases the total amount "Currently Committed or Spent" and may lead some people to conclude that the groups were spending amounts in excess of the $1.50 earmarked as "Project Revenues" to fund these projects.

In addition, the 2017 "Expo Audit" for the first time includes some information regarding the $3.50 of each $5 application that the groups retain as "adminstrative expenses." In the latest agreement, the groups and the DWR added language stating that the remaining $3.50 will be used by the groups to support "policies, programs, projects and personnel that support conservation initiatives in Utah." I still do not know what this provision means and I am concerned that almost any expense would fall within this broad description.

Based upon the 2017 "Expo Audit," however, it looks like the annual "audits" moving forward may include some information regarding the $3.50 the groups have traditionally retained as "administrative expenses." The 2017 "Expo Audit" states that the groups took in $865,018 based upon their 70% allocation. As of the time of the audit, the groups had only funded two items: (1) Pheasants for the UDWR Youth Day for $9,750, and (2) Expo Draw Expenses in concert with the WHCE for $277,732.80. Therefore, as of the date of the audit, it appears that the groups paid all of the drawing related expenses out of their 70% and funded one project. To be fair, MDF had apparently committed money for a number of future projects totaling $293,043. $60K of that amount is for "MDF Stewardship Positions" for FY17 and FY18, whatever that means.

So while it is true that it looks like SFW, MDF and the DWR may begin providing some information in the future regarding projects funded with the 70% of the expo tag revenues that the groups retain, as of the date of the last "Expo Audit" in August 2017, the public had been provided no accounting for the 5+ million in expo revenues generated from 2007-2012 and the DWR "audits" only 1 conservation project totaling less than $10K that has actually been funded from the 70% the groups have retained from 2013-2018. I have heard for many years that the groups are going to be more transparent, I look forward to the next "Expo Audit" to see if that is true.

In closing, this is a summary of the facts as I know them. I have based my comments off the documents and "audits" that I have gathered from the DWR over the years. If I overlooked or mistated something, please feel free to jump in and correct me. I am not an accountant and many of you are more qualified to review these documents than me.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -

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