
Long Time Member
I've seen Sheds/Repo Mounts of this Buck & I can Truthfully Say I've never seen a Buck as Heavy as He was!

There's a few of these BAD BOYS from back in the Day that'll Make You SICK!

Other than the '15" Bases Thread' from a few Years ago,anybody ever seen these kind of Bases on a Buck on the Hoof?

If I Remember Right?Didn't the Buck of Justice Die of Old Age?


[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Totally INSANE. Evidently the last set of sheds were picked up very near where the skull was found. Either old age or lion kill. I'd like to have one of those sheds as a weapon and display them at, say a baseball game in Cuba or a gift to Hulk Hogan.
Man, old Randy sure did find gold when he found the first set, and then, not sure how many sets after that.
They are impressive!
There are replicas all over the place.
Not sure who the guy pictured is, but it is not Randy.
Did other folks find a few years of his sheds also?
Thats Dennis Shurley in the pic, retired Utah fishcop. Someone told me he got $50,000 for the sheds. Pretty sure he got replicas too.
>Thats Dennis Shurley in the pic,
>retired Utah fishcop. Someone told
>me he got $50,000 for
>the sheds. Pretty sure he
>got replicas too.

Did anyone ever see that Buck alive? I remember hearing that he had never been seen on the hoof??....

I've heard those long hooves called"fairy toes," bucks that live in sandy areas get that way. Hooves don't wear down. So I've heard anyway.
Seems like Sportsman's Warehouse on Riverdale Rd had a mount or two of the Buck of Justice. Impressive indeed.

Grampa's buck has some awesome mass! Those hooves are huge!
>Seems like Sportsman's Warehouse on Riverdale
>Rd had a mount or
>two of the Buck of
>Justice. Impressive indeed.
>Grampa's buck has some awesome mass!
>Those hooves are huge!

Ya,they've gotta few Bruisers in there nontypical!

Nice Deer1975!

Didn't He ever Clip His Toe-Nails?:D

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
There were 6 or 7 years off this buck, 6 sets and 1 single picked up that I have seen, in person.. Jeremy Cox and his dad acually picked up the 1st sheds off this buck. A 4 point single, and then the 1st big set. Randy and his brother then picked up the next 3 big sets, plus the 1st set that had a 3 point frame with small cheaters. This set most likely was the last small set, before Jeremys. Last was the final set that Dennis Shirley found, along with the skeleton. Dennis did not get 50k for his set.

Here are 4 of the 5 1st sets. The two on the right are the real sheds, and the 1st and last big sets. The top left is the largest.



Kind of cool that he avoided getting shot. I wonder if one could do it again?

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
Randy has a full body mount of the buck. I hear he has set up a studio now. Finally got it out of Layne's garage.
>Kind of cool that he avoided
>getting shot. I wonder if
>one could do it again?
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!

Probably not in TARDville!

It Did happen in Colorado a year or so ago!

Think I'll become a Meat Buck Hunter!

Get me a Pair of Pink Cowboy Boots!

And If I see a Deer behind a Tree I'll Shoot it & Count Points/Score it Later!

If there was a Buck 1/2 as Big alive here in TARDville You'd Have the Outfitters Living on Him year around until somebody Ground Pounded Him!

The other Option would be some STUPID TARD Poaching Him!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
I forget what unit the buck of justice was on. Wasn't it the kaiparowitz? What a great buck so cool

Hey 1975 where was it gramps buck killed? Looks a lot like the buck of justice wondering if it was his grandpa.
I think it's possible for a mega buck to outlive today's pressure, but he would have to reside in an extremely remote place and be almost totally nocturnal. Mega whitetails still do it in farm country, but they are only occasionally seen in headlights.
The Johnson boys chased the Buck of Justice several years, and I think were close to taking him a few times, but he was very cagey and had places to hide that most couldn't get to.
Unfortunately, with trail cams and full time hunters out there, the chances of one surviving in todays world are pretty slim but doable if luck is on his side. At least that is our dream!

What a buck!
I've seen the mounts you are talking about in Sportsman's nontypical. My honest opinion is that they all look fake. The antlers were set too wide IMO. One of them looks pretty good, but there's just something not quite right about how they set the antlers on the rest of them... IMO

That said, it could well be they all look fake because the Buck of Justice was just a freak of nature, and would therefore look fake... :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Founder- I think if it were to happen, it would be on a general season unit somewhere. The way hunting has been so overly commercialized, most Limited Entry units are flush with full-time hunters and I doubt a buck with a rack like the Buck of Justice would live to drop 6 years worth of gagger racks. Looking at the pics Yelum posted, I can't see that buck being passed up with any of those racks on his head...

As we saw with the Brett Ross in 2014, a buck can live to get old in a general season area, mostly because there is no suspicion that a buck like that would be there, and not as many eyes are out looking for him.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Can You Imagine the price they could put on a Buck like that in Todays world?

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Of course it could happen again, probably happening right now. In well managed herds with genetics and food there should always be some ancient warriors dying of age on the winter range. In the DOW meetings they refer to this as "wasted opportunity". Even in our current poorly managed herds where every possible $ is squeezed out of 'opportunity" there are always a few.

The ones I have had the privilege to watch treat every day like it is hunting season, probably because when you have more than 200" on your head it IS HUNTING SEASON EVERY DAY... Early winter in rut is their only stupid season.

I found one I called Elvis for about five years and only laid eyes on him once, in early December chasing girls on public land. His sheds were always in a couple hundred acre parcel as was his carcass when he died. Though I spent many hours scanning that hillside watching hundreds of other bucks from Bessy pisscutters to 180+ I never saw him, he found deep sage and did not move in daylight. BUT he was no justice... just your run-of-the-mill 210"

Now how many are as "cool' as the justice? .00001% maybe? The odds of that one freak of nature getting through the orange onslaught is of course slim at best, but many bucks that never will top out at more than 160-180 pull the stunt off of outwitting all the nimrods, but they have the advantage of hunting season ending on the last day.
Here you go Bigmoosie. Everyone knows him as "Magnum" but I called him "Palmer" while I was chasing after his sheds. He for sure doesn't have the monster low end mass that Justice has but I'll bet the upper end was on par if not a bit more but who knows. Would be something else to be able to compare these monsters together. I was able to compare my 07' and 08' sheds to the last one found off Palmer the year before he was harvested and WOW! Never seen mass like that before, seems like it almost took two hands to reach around the main beam and G3 on that hawg. I have more pictures with all three sheds together but cant get them to load up.
>I forget what unit the buck
>of justice was on. Wasn't
>it the kaiparowitz? What a
>great buck so cool
>Hey 1975 where was it gramps
>buck killed? Looks a lot
>like the buck of justice
>wondering if it was his

The deer was shot near Beaver in 1958. When my grandpa passed away my grandma threw the deer head in the coal pile because she hated it. My dad was a young boy and took it. It sat in my parents basement for years. It was messed up. About ten years ago I decided to get it mounted when I was living up by Bobcat. His neighbor Randy Bywater sold me the cape and mounted it for me.
>There were 6 or 7 years
>off this buck, 6
>sets and 1 single picked
>up that I have seen,
>in person.. Jeremy Cox
>and his dad acually picked
>up the 1st sheds off
>this buck. A 4
>point single, and then the
>1st big set. Randy
>and his brother then picked
>up the next 3 big
>sets, plus the 1st set
>that had a 3 point
>frame with small cheaters.
>This set most likely was
>the last small set, before
>Jeremys. Last was the
>final set that Dennis Shirley
>found, along with the skeleton.
>Dennis did not get 50k
>for his set.
>Here are 4 of the 5
>1st sets. The two
>on the right are the
>real sheds, and the 1st
>and last big sets.
>The top left is the



Wondering if this Pic you Posted might of came from an EXPO at the Salt Palace in the Very Late 80's/Early 90's?

I remember going to a Big Buck EXPO in that Time Frame at the Salt Palace!

Darner Had a Bunch of His Counterfeit Buck Heads there & at the Time I thought He was the Man!

Only to find out different later!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
I posted a question a while back asking Mass vs Length? I'm guessin if Yelum would have posted his pictures in that thread it would have tilted the results!!!

Where were did that picture come from?

I'll bet the floor was wet from the drool!!!
I don't know anby of the massmeasuremenrs, and only know the 2nd to last set, top left in my photo, was the largest at 283.

Littlebighorn, This picture was taken at our 2nd Antlerfest we held at the Spanish Fork park, back in 2005. As far as I know, it was the only time 4 or more of the sets were ever together. Half the fluid on the floor was mine. haha




I'd love to see your other pics of Magnum/Palmer and hear any kind of backstory you have on him. H'es one I thought just came out of nowhere, but it's cool to hear he was known, and flew under the radar (or some peoples radar).
If you don't mind, email me @ [email protected]. I can share your pics here if you'd like?

BESS, No, It was at our ANTLERFEST in 2005. I did go to that Mule deer show you mentioned also. Still have that little booklet brochure with a bunch of Darners heads.



The top two versions of the mount look amazing! That bottom left looks a little funky, the antlers seem like they're set too flat.

Not like I would really know what he looked like though...
Parts of NE WA, N ID and NW MT have mule deer that die of old age.Some of these bucks are never seen by humans its so thick and steep its nearly impossible to hunt the deer on a consistent basis or lay eyes on them.
There's 5 sets together right now but unfortunately they will probably never be on display for the public to see again...at least there's a few replicas out there.
If I remember correctly he got hit by a car and later died from the injuries. He wasn't near as big the following year or two after those pictures were taken.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-16 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]The Buck of Justice is my favorite deer of all time. I love hearing stories about chasing him and the history of general area he was at whether or not they are true or not. He was very special buck for sure.
I have had a huge shed in my den for over 20 years now, I had a freind tell me it is a 3 year old Buck Of Justice, i took the drop and compared it to the original and it is a dead on match! anybody picked up a single horn? I picked up 3 sets off a 240 type buck in the same area, and are mounted in my home. anybody got a single off the Buck Of Justice?
If it's indeed a buck of justice shed and you can put the set together and want to sell them look me up. I'm sure the current owner of the other sets would like to add it to his collection.
I didnt believe it at first, I hunt just south of where the BOJ came from, he moved south one winter and shed. love to talk to somebody in the same boat as me.
Congrats on finding a huge antler off this great buck! Unfortunately I can't help you match up a single but like I said, if you ever ended up with the (real) set and wanted to entertain an offer, let me know.

Post up a pic for us to drool over if you get a chance.
>Kind of cool that he avoided
>getting shot. I wonder if
>one could do it again?
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!

It could happen with all the private land around. There is private land where they don't allow hunters on.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-16 AT 05:16PM (MST)[p]>8+" basses on this guy I
>took in the past.. largest
>I've seen on the hoof
>so far.

overkill that is one of my favorite bucks of all time... I still remember it like it was yesterday seeing you and him in the Trophy Hunter Magazine... fantastic buck congrats...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-16 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]Wow,
What a great compliment Tikka, I'm humbled and thank you.
Actually though, this buck was a secondary photo in a magazine article that featured a different buck I was fortunate enough to take. That buck scored scored much higher,but can't hold a candle to this buck's base circumferences...

P.S. Your name always stands out to me as my most accurate, long range rifle thus far is my Tikka T3 7mm Rem.Mag. Shoots 4 1/2? groups at 1000 yards, Only modification is an aftermarket stock...
We hunted the Buck of Justice and some other awesome bucks in the 90s on the kaiparowitz. Wild country many memories. I will try to post some pics of a couple of kaiparowitz bucks I hung on to . Not the biggest I killed but the hunts were special to me.


Sweet pics. I use to love hunting the 50 mile. In the last 10 years or so you just doesn't seem to be many "next level" bucks.
The guy that picked up the first set off the BOJ also has a single from him. I think it was the first year he was a 3 point frame, because Randy has a young 4 point set off him.


I've seen one with massive bases, but that's all he had with a cpl stickers coming off them. It was just like he had problems shedding and the new growth had to force it off and had an accordion look.
Maybe this guy will get there some day? His rack looks gnarly enough! (Carson City, NV town buck) ;-)

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