Colorado Deer Hunts ... Unit(s) & Hunt(s)


Founder Since 1999
What do you think is best?
1) Lesser quality unit but later hunt date (3rd/4th season)
2) Higher quality unit with a less effective firearm (archery/muzzleloader)
3) Mid-quality, but tougher hunt dates (2nd season), but hunting with rifle

Many times every year, I get emails, calls and/or PM's from guys wondering what hunts and units in Colorado might be best for them. It's always so difficult to offer a lot of help, because there are so many options in Colorado and so many of them could be great or not.

2nd season hunts ... they often take less points to draw, but you're hunting them at a much tougher time. But you're usually getting the first crack with a rifle, so more big bucks are alive and weather could trigger movement. But, you're often dealing with lots of elk hunters running the deer around.

3rd season ... a bit later, a few more deer might show up in winter range areas. A bit better chance for snow fall and you might even get some rutting action. Again however, dealing with many elk hunters spooking bucks.

4th season ... the bucks are almost certainly interested in does and somewhat dumb, few other hunters afield in comparison to the 2nd and 3rd, but a person needs far more points to get the tag. Few elk hunters out there too.

Muzzleloader and archery ... tags are much easier to draw in most units, but obviously far more difficult to be successful.

So, what do you think is best?
1) Lesser quality unit but later hunt date (3rd/4th season)
2) Higher quality unit with a less effective firearm (archery/muzzleloader)
3) Mid-quality, but tougher hunt dates (2nd season), but hunting with rifle

Brian Latturner
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Me it would depend on what the persons expectations are.

Successful hunt, then 1 would be my choice
Better quality then 2 would be my choice
and 3 for a decent shot at an animal.

My self, I would go with 2
I like the early muzzy tags, better weather with better glassing areas. Plus it fits my schedule the best. Only downside is I find myself rushing to get to Wy on 9/15.
Interesting topic. I have enough PP to draw almost any deer tag in Colorado as a resident. I've always assumed late season would be best but I spoke with an outfitter who is also sponser and frequent poster on this site at the Denver Sportsman expo and he made alot of sense. In the NW corner of the state where there is not alot of drastic elevation changes it is the hunter's benefit to hunt earlier and have a chance to shot a nice deer before the 3rd and 4th season hunters arrive. I'm interested in hearing other's opinion on this.
Option #2 is what I am doing when I am burning my points. Muzzy season has been good to me. I use vouchers the other years going back and forth between average units on 3rd season hunts. My favorite is muzzy season as of late due to weather, Bucks not pressured and on summer range.

In my experience hunting CO for the last 15 years dates are less important than weather during 3rd and 4th season. I'd its 60 degrees on November 12th it's not good!!!!

I like 2nd season, for the reason of being able to pattern the bucks still. Plus they are still most likely grouped up so when you see one, you see all the bucks from that little area at once. That is the benefit of hunting the same unit every year or alternating between two units. You learn it very well and know what the deer do every year.

Sure late in 3rd season going into 4th the bucks are moving around more but they are also scattered all over the mountain with zero pattern and it is more luck than anything. Cause at that point you are looking for does and hoping your shooter is with that particular herd of does and not 2 miles away chasing another group.

Never hunted deer with mzldr but I would say that would be my second choice. Again can pattern them.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-16 AT 06:31AM (MST)[p]I think it depends on what you're after. It can also change each year depending on the individual and the experience and buck they're after. For me, this year, I'm going with #1. I'm expecting a fun hunt and if I get lucky and see a shooter, great. If not, I'll still enjoy myself.
I think the situation Frontrange described exists a lot more than people think.

I hunted Unit 77 once, fourth season, about 7,000 ft elevation. Was told to expect to see bucks in the rut and new bucks migrating in. None of that happened.

We were just hunting the same resident bucks that had been pushed around by the elk and deer hunters for two months.

I guess it would depend a lot on the area, there will always be exceptions do to weather. I think the question is what is normal for the area, Is it normal that they are migrating in or isn't it.
You really thing #2 is less effective?
You can SEE deer above Timberline.
The success rate on the top end during September is much
higher. If you took the top 8 GMU 55 Bucks killed with archery and went side by side with the 8 bucks killed forth rifle The archery deer would AVERAGE 20 inches above the forth. It will be the same this year with the late season dates. I guarantee it..
Now as far as the "equipment" goes. Take away the (Radios) that would be a game changer.

All seasons would be superb if we managed every unit in the WEST for 35 to 40 Bucks per 100 does post hunt.
We could all hunt MATURE deer EVERY year EVERY season. You would only have your OWN tag every 5 years but what is wrong with hunting BIG bucks with your son? your wife? your Dad, your mom? Your best friend? What is wrong with them hunting with You? I want to hunt Big bucks, Big sheds, Big pictures. ALL YEAR, EVERY YEAR.. I don't need a tag in the plastic bag in my back pack to be a Trophy deer hunter. I will kill one myself every 5 or 10 or never kill another one. I just want them out there.

Sorry for the rant, can you tell Colorado is putting their harvest/counts/license numbers/winter mortality data out right now?? I think I have a DATA Over dose this morning.
The success rates are really overrated when it comes to the high point units. You have folks turning tags in to save points, vouchers not sold, someone setting an unrealistic size goal, etc..they're generally 100% units with a rifle if you're just looking for a decent 4pt.

Sometimes we get tunnel vision on our goals as trophy hunters and assume that everyone just wants to shoot big bucks or eat tag soup. Lest we forget, the main purpose of hunting for many people, including myself, is to put meat in the freezer. Yeah, I want to shoot a big one, and I will put in work to do it. But as the season winds down, I'll put my tag on just about anything to avoid tag soup. Even with my kids elk and deer, we need a lot of meat if we are going to eat it every day, which we do.
>Sometimes we get tunnel vision on
>our goals as trophy hunters
>and assume that everyone just
>wants to shoot big bucks
>or eat tag soup.
>Lest we forget, the main
>purpose of hunting for many
>people, including myself, is to
>put meat in the freezer.
> Yeah, I want to
>shoot a big one, and
>I will put in work
>to do it. But
>as the season winds down,
>I'll put my tag on
>just about anything to avoid
>tag soup. Even with
>my kids elk and deer,
>we need a lot of
>meat if we are going
>to eat it every day,
>which we do.

agreed except the "real reason" we hunt today is to manage the population numbers of big game via the states. Meat is a bonus and big racks are icing on the cake.
A lot of people these days expect states to set up units/hunts where the main goal is for everyone to shoot monster bucks. That is not right. I do love chasing big bucks/bulls and pass up smaller ones but that is not the true philosophy of managing big game. plus EVERY hunters definition of "big" is totally different..


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
One more thing....

The long-term future of hunting requires that more sportsman join the ranks from the youth. Otherwise, who will continue to defend our way of life down the road. Therefore, opportunity units need to exist. Kids simply will NOT become hunters/sportsman if they have few opportunities so the rest of us can have more trophies.

I think having mixture of controlled/limited hunts (managed for trophy potential), as well as opportunity hunts, is the right thing to do, which is what all states are trying to do. Albeit, with mixed results.
I would always try for the later dates if possible. I have only hunted CO two times 2nd and 3rd season in the same unit. There was a big difference in the number of bigger bucks I saw in 3rd vs 2nd. Since I live in Oregon I would never be able to pattern any deer from summer to fall. It seemed like in 3rd there were just more bucks with does or just more visible in general.

So for me I would say option #1.
>Not me....still killing myself by overthinking
>my choice

Don't wait too long if doing it via online, could very well lock up and then you are SOL...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I've got 4 non-res points . Is there any third season tags I'd have a chance at? Or do they all take years and years to draw?
>I've got 4 non-res points .
>Is there any third season
>tags I'd have a chance
>at? Or do they all
>take years and years to

can go to they have published draw odds for free or can go to CPW and on left hand side under the big game section there is "statistics" go to deer section and for 2015 report it will show you how many points it took to draw a tag for 1st choice, the % of 1st choice applicants and also if the draw made it to 2nd, 3rd 4th or leftover and the % at that level.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Such a hard one to answer. Too much depends on what I want to do. The type of hunt I have is far more important than the size of antlers on the wall. That being said I have 15 resident deer points and just do not need to cash them in. So for years I have been getting easy to draw tags, in units where there are a lot of people. We just hike our butts off and get away from the crowds to enjoy the hunt.

When I do finally cash my points, I will pick a season and area where the deer numbers are good and I will only share the unit with very few other.
option 2. Quality unit with archery or muzzy. Biggest factor with this option is your physical abilities. I have hunted the high country of Colorado the last 4 years and have several close friends that live there. They are hard core and kill deer 180 plus including some over 200 EVERY year. Expect to hunt 11 to almost 13k. There are units that are known to hold big deer and you can draw them from 0-3pts. More importantly there are units that are not known ( when it comes to a google search, magazine or hunting Forums) that I know huge bucks come out of every year in those seasons.

1. Deer are Highly visible during these seasons.
2. Getting to hunt a unit every year or close to every other year increases your chances and hunting success.
3. If you scout and hunt hard, you will see Good numbers of deer as well as big bucks almost every day.
4. Archery seasons there is low pressure, muzzy it all depends on the unit and how far in you can go, but its still not bad.
5. Patience. These seasons, especially archery, allow you to be patient and wait for the right time to stalk a buck. This allows for a higher success when You finally stalk and get a shot. Last thing you want to do on a big buck is blow him out of the country.

Again these two type of hunts are tough and can be rugged. As I mentioned in the beginning if your in great shape and mentally tough, that's half the battle. The other option would be to talk to landowners on hay fields and see if they would let you hunt. That's an easier hunt physically and you can see a ton of deer. Again it takes leg work.

I consistently see guys shooting big deer in these seasons, and have had success myself killing bucks 3 out of 4 years. The year I ate my tag, I missed.

This is just my 2 cents and I know every hunter has a different style. I also rifle hunt big game so I am open to the idea of rifle seasons. But from what I have personally seen and know, hunting good units with a bow or muzzy will put a big deer on the ground if you commit to it.
Hard to take your post. A unit that can give you 180-200" bucks every year that takes no points?
Muley I understand your position. I thought the same thing. That was before I really knew too.
I'm just sharing my information of what I know about Colorado to help hunters who want to hunt more often and still have the chance at hunting and killing big bucks. 0 points a chance to draw as a non resident might be 10 to 50% odds. But its still a chance.
There are big mule deer all over Colorado. Sure not in every basin of every mountain and some areas are better then others. Typically these high country hunts take place from 11k to 13k and physically demanding over the course of a week. Its a tough hunt, but the opportunity is there for those hunters willing to put the hard work and time into learning the unit.

Feel free to choose what you want to do with your points. You cant go wrong in most cases in Colorado. The hunters I know that hunt with a bow and muzzy have pictures of bucks and deer heads hanging on the wall that are nothing short of impressive. As for me , I'll keep hunting there as often and as much as I can.

If your interested in hunting there with bow or muzzy, send me a message and I'll help you as much as I can.
I'm just curious what unit you're talking about. I don't want to hunt there. I've hunted the same unit in Colorado for 62 years. Odds are down to 30% now with no points. So, I can never say I killed a big buck every year. With only 10-50% odds i'm not sure how you can say they are. You're talking about a B&C deer every year.

I don't save points. The most i've ever had is 1 point from failing to get the tags I apply for every year. Then I get the tag the next year. I hunt for elk and bear every year, but deer tags are difficult to get. My unit has a 60% success rate and all the NR jump on the tag with points. Pisses me off I can't hunt the unit I live in while someone from out of state can, but I can't do anything about it. It's a difficult unit to hunt. Very steep. Otherwise i'd never get a deer tag.

As I said i'm curious about what unit you're talking about. No need for me to PM you about it. I'm asking you here to tell me by PM.
Choice number 2 probably gets the edge, but with my experience and what I know, I would stick with choice 1.
Hmmm, I have to disagree with wanting to put my tag on something just to avoid tag soup. I like seeing good bucks and bulls all year. I like making the sneak, taking photos, and backing out undetected so I can hunt year round with a camera and a spotting scope. I will pass up the narrow 4x4 in the same draw my tent is in to go for the big one up in the saddle and never get it. I can eat plenty of deer all winter off the highway. So I see no reason to tag an immature buck and cart it out of the woods when I can drive up to a doe knocked down on the side of the road any week of the winter months. But then I live here so I am spoiled and killing a critter isn't that big a deal to me anymore. I would say quality hunt with a difficult method of take with lots of critters around so you aren't just doing the sneak on the critter you want, but avoiding getting busted just trying to get there.
I have been fortunate enough to hunt all three of these and as I see it really depends on what your goals are. I seen more trophy bucks during option #2 but seen more deer with hunt #1. Hunt #3 to me is the toughest. The deer can still be patternable but there is usually an OTC elk hunt going on simultaneously so you better get it done within a day or two. For me Id have to go with option #1 even though there is still an OTC elk hunt going on there is a possibility of a love sick muley cruising through and seeing lots of deer followed closely by #2.

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