Wyoming Unit H Deer


Hi Guys. I'm considering putting in for Unit H this year. I have 3 points and I think G is going to experience point creep again, making it a few more years to wait. Does anyone know about the quality of Deer to expect in H and is G really that much better, that I should wait to hunt G instead of H? I'm experienced in the High Country backpack style hunting for Mule deer and Hunt with the bow most of the time. If I hunt H my plan is to hunt archery and if I have to, switch to the rifle when the seasons opens...or come back after the first week or two of rifle season. I have had great success in Colorado for deer and elk, and would be willing to trade info with someone that has good info in Wyoming. Here's pictures my DIY public land mule deer last year.

Thanks for any info

Region G has quite a bit more country for a non-resident to hunt and fewer non-res tags, but resident hunters make up for the tag issue (more res. hunters hunt G right now IMO). Region G as a whole has a lot more deer than region H as a whole.

With 3 points, you could be chasing G for a few more years.

If I were in your shoes, I'd go with H unless I had other hunts I could do for the next 3 years some place else. Honestly, I probably would have hunted H every year for the last 3 if in your shoes. I wouldn't have any points right now. But, I like to backpack and find time to do it and there's places in H I'd like to return to and new places to scout.

My expectations would be much lower in H than G though. So........???

How much time can you put into scouting?

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
I've hunted both units. Very similar, hell they're basically the same area. Realistic expectations of either unit would be a 170" buck. Last year we saw probably a dozen in that class with 1 or 2 bigger. No 190 bucks seen scouting or hunting.

G or H is a tough hunt. Plain and simple. Are there big monster bucks? Sure. But there are big monster bucks in a lot of units, in a lot of states. I've hunted G and H for the last 12-15 years or so. Killed some decent deer, all in that 170" range. Talked to guides, they say the same thing, but all their clients want that 200"incher. People just need to be realistic about the area, you'll hike your ass off, hunt your guts out, glass a LOT of bucks, see a ton of deer, but if your don't have a realistic expectation of the place, you will be disappointed.

Founder hunts that area more than most, puts on more miles than most, scouts more than most. I'm sure he'd agree with me. It is a tough hunt to find a truly big monster buck.
You obviously know what you're doing with that nice buck under your belt. If you have the time to do Region H like you mentioned, I'd say go for it with your 3PPs and you'll probably find a good buck or two to get on.
Thank You for the responses. My expectations are reasonable....I'm looking for a 170 or better and know 190 to 200 inch deer are far and few in-between. That buck I Killed last year I hunted for 3 years with a bow. I am fortunate enough to have about 2 to 3 weeks to hunt and scout. My gut feeling and the little bit of information I have is right in line with all responses from you guys and Founder . More then anything I am looking for a great adventure in gorgeous country to hunt High country Mule deer. This is my off year in Colorado. I would like to find a spot that's good to hunt every other year or every 3rd year that offers up 170 plus deer with hard work and time.

Thanks again for the help and information
+1 to Founder and Smitty's comments. Being local here in SE Idaho, I have hunted both several times apiece. Results are similar, lots of trophies seen, some taken, and the 190+ are taken by the lucky and hardest working. Basically, H and G are the same deer in the Greys and Hoback areas, with H having more low country and desert sage country on the East side. My friends here at work actually prefer H over the others, but they have a lot more time to hunt. Don't forget 149 and 151 on the north side of the river either, gets lots less pressure and the bucks you see migrating into both Teton Valley and Swan Valley are studs too. Watch the wilderness areas, but still enjoy a true high country hunt wherever you go choose to go.
I'd like to echo what founder and Smitty said. Lace your Danners up nice and tight and get after it. Great buck by the way!
That one Nice looking Buck.
Hunt as far in as your body will take you. Water rules the roost for them and you. If you go down just remember you have to come back up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I have a honey hole in H will trade for info on Colorado what areas are you familiar with in Colorado
I would agree with everything said above for the most part except this. Having hunted both areas all my life H for about 30 years and G for about 7 there are way more residents that hunt H than G. If you would like some info then pm me and we can talk more.

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