Region H Archery Pressure


Did anyone experience an unusual High amount of archery pressure from hunters in Region H this year? I am on plan E and finally found some breathing space in H. I have been back as far 8 miles and still dealing with pressure. It has either been wranglers rounding up cattle/ sheep in the high country but mostly other hunters. Very surprising and frustrating at the same time. I spoke to a warden and local hunter who advised it was the most archery hunters they have ever seen. I would have expected it in rifle, but not so much in archery. After Labor day trail heads and hunters thinned out a bit. Just curious to see how everyone else's hunts are going or went in this region? As a non resident I cant hunt the wilderness, so maybe not so much there.
I am leaving on Sunday morning for overlap H in elk unit 85 so I kinda have a few spots that I rarely run into other hunters.

Thanks for the heads-up

The archery hunting pressure will most likely continue to increase every year. I didn't make it up for any archery hunting this year cause I'm a big baby old guy with horrible pain and can't suck it up a go anyway (lol), but I've seen how things have changed everywhere I hunt over the past 30+ years and it's almost a guarantee that those places will continue to become more and more popular amongst archery hunter's.....and rifle.

It appears to me that Star Valley is growing like crazy too, which is going to increase resident hunting pressure. And as long as those areas are some of the best in Wyoming, residents from across the state will travel to hunt there too.

My guess is, it won't be too long before resident tags are limited. I just don't think you can continue to increase hunter days afield up there, increase summer scouting pressure and continue to use improved technology, without a decrease in mature buck numbers. Somethings got to give, and I think they'll limit resident hunter's before letting the top end bucks get cleaned out completely.

With there being very few non-resident tags and a good number of outfitting camps who are all invested pretty heavily, I don't see them hacking away at non-resident tags too much more, if any. Or even season length.

So, absolutely no surprise here that you saw more archery hunter's than ever before. You'll probably see more rifle hunter's than ever before too. I hate to be a downer, but just keeping it real. You just have to go out hunt the other hunter's and hope to have more luck that most to kill the best buck in your spot.

Brian Latturner
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This was my first year to Reg G so I have nothing to compare against. I chose to hunt archery for deer in an attempt to avoid the crowds. I went to one basin that was so freakin hard to get to and saw no one. Big shale basin was nearly impossible to archery hunt so we bailed and went to a different basin. The first basin had no trail access and had 800' of hand over hand crawling to gain access. No one was in there. The next basin had ATV access for 2 of the 5 miles, motorcycle access all the way thru and had lots of attention. Labor Day weekend, we had motorcycle scouters morning and night going thru the basin at prime time and 3-4 groups hunting a fairly small basin. After Monday, it cleared out and settled down to just us. The deer were used to all the traffic because they saw it all Summer. When I was scouting in July, there was even more traffic.

As Founder said, you just have to work harder and use the pressure to your advantage. If the people make a mistake and drive the deer into the trees, then it will be luck on being in the right spot at the right time. They have lots of country to hide. The country is beautiful with high, steep and deep parts. Be prepared to get in deep and work hard. Interested to see pics from your adventure.
It always confuses me when I hear game agencies claim hunter recruitment numbers declining. But it seems like tags always get sold and point creep ALWAYS goes up.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-16 AT 09:48AM (MST)[p]Like Brian said....region G and H will continue to grow more and more popular each year and will continue into the future.
Especially when the deer in those units are being pimped out and the scouting footage in those areas gets continuously thrown around all over the Internet and hunting forums.
Point creep will continue to rise and hunter pressure will be abundant.
Nonresident and resident hunters will have to adapt.

I will be in G next week hunting for the first time so I have no clue how bad the pressure will be but I expect a zoo.

I've made several scouting trips over the last couple months and have some backup plans. Either way, I will adapt with whatever situation im dealt. All you can do is try to make the best of the situation and go for it.
Good luck to you all.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Thanks for all the responses. True, You have to make the best of it. I was just really disappointed in the overall pressure. I saw plenty of game scouting. 30 plus bucks in most areas when I had a good vantage point, with always a couple of them over 170, which is my bottom end when I consider to hunt a deer. That's just my goals when I hunt. I just found out that the harder and deeper I went it seemed that horses or lamas with hunters were there as well. Big Bucks know when the gig is up and melt into the timber. SO I adjusted and found pockets where deer were holding up. Still, I had 2 blown stalks by others guys, both 6 to 8 miles from the roads. Definitely gorgeous country with plenty of game( elk, bear, goats) After Labor Day I bet the hunters were just a fraction of the first 5 days of the season. I did find an area with no hunters, but plenty of Sheep and wranglers getting them out of the high country which in return had little deer in the area. Next time I may skip the opening 5 days of archery, hunt the 2nd week of archery and transition right into rifle if I don't tag out with the bow. H is a huge unit and I'm sure in time I may find a spot or 2 that has little pressure. Good luck to everyone hunting.
Well region K doesn't have many huge bucks, but it was crazy how many people were hunting it
The pressure is getting worse every year.
But, hey, you get a tag, and you want to get in the woods. It is frustrating, but expected.
How about asking residents to pick a unit and a season, bow or rifle but not both ? And same with NR, once you get your tag it's bow or rifle. Then it would decrease the pressure, especially during bowhunting season. That would be a compromise that may prevent having to put residents on a draw.
I've seen it time after time - talk and pictures of big bucks get put on the Internet for all to see, then the pressure increases. Lots of Internet scouters out there these day for sure. Region H is now a prime example. Point creep for non residents and more pressure from residents and non residents. That's a fact. You cant put up lots of pictures of 160-180+ bucks on the Internet year after year and not expect this to happen.

>AT 09:48?AM (MST)

>Like Brian said....region G and H
>will continue to grow more
>and more popular each year
>and will continue into the
>Especially when the deer in those
>units are being pimped out
>and the scouting footage in
>those areas gets continuously thrown
>around all over the Internet
>and hunting forums.
>Point creep will continue to rise
>and hunter pressure will be
>Nonresident and resident hunters will have
>to adapt.
>I will be in G next
>week hunting for the first
>time so I have no
>clue how bad the pressure
>will be but I expect
>a zoo.
>I've made several scouting trips over
>the last couple months and
>have some backup plans. Either
>way, I will adapt with
>whatever situation im dealt. All
>you can do is try
>to make the best of
>the situation and go for
>Good luck to you all.
>"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak.
>we must and we will."
>Theadore Roosevelt
Outfitters in Wyoming are doing a great job of pimping those units. G and H are only going to get worse until they make them limited draw units and then it will take max points. I wrote both off years ago.
I've written this before. I hunted the Greys/Hoback country every year from 83 to 97. When I started, I could often hunt the whole first week and maybe see 1-2 other hunters. By the time I left/quit, I thought it was a zoo. So I hate to think what it's like now. Magnificent country and could be a world-class example of what a place can to produce trophy mule deer. I used to think it would soon be limited quota. Not so sure any longer.

If it goes to limited quota in any or all of those areas, please remember that the nonresident quota is going to be drastically reduced. That'll cause serious heartburn for many outfitters and nonres hunters. And likely some of the businesses that benefit from the influx of nonres hunters. It's a complicated deal.

Good luck to all that have that license and I hope you aren't overrun with fellow hunters.
Outfitters aren't the only ones pimping G and H....

WGFD will NOT impose any restrictions on G&H without HUNTERS TELLING THEM THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT. Even then they will fight it tooth and nail. It's all about opportunity to them.
Just like Brian wrote things are changing. As much as I like Brian and enjoy this site it doesn't help the situation. I think it is great to share photos or experiences but we should never share where we are hunting, not even the state we hunt in. Once this info is shared with a big buck picture this area will be ruined within a few years. Everyone needs to learn area and put in the time and not rely on shortcuts.
Some years it seems all the hunters are in the same units. I love to hunt off the beaten track areas where no one else would even think to hunt. Low deer numbers but I see nice bucks and they are not skittish at all.
>Just like Brian wrote things are
>changing. As much as I
>like Brian and enjoy this
>site it doesn't help the
>situation. I think it is
>great to share photos or
>experiences but we should never
>share where we are hunting,
>not even the state we
>hunt in. Once this info
>is shared with a big
>buck picture this area will
>be ruined within a few
>years. Everyone needs to learn
>area and put in the
>time and not rely on


Would it Be Fair to Say:

It's Founders Fault?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I do not like the pick your weapon argument.

There is pressure in the area, but the area grows big fat deer.

I would rather keep things the same and give people the opportunity to hunt rather than reduce the amounts of permits.

Once you go Limited Entry or Limited Quota, you do not go back.

The hunt is a hiker's delight and I would like to see it stay that way.
Always my fault! Ha ha

I have to laugh because the VAST MAJORITY of hunters learned about the places they hunt from some source that wasn't them just getting in the truck and going to some random spot and going for a hike. BUT, once they learn of it and start hunting there, then it should become a secret.

Everyone tell me where to hunt, then lets keep "our" spot a secret.

Brian Latturner
LIKE on Facebook!
It varies from year to year. I still maintain that if you can't enjoy a hunt in G or H, you shouldn't hunt it. Plenty of the rest of us enjoy it.
i hunted g a few years back.great country saw some good bucks. was looking for a monster.talked to a gie when i bought hay from him. he flew a plane over said he saw a big one beded at top .gave me general area i rode horse plus pack horse got camp set. looked that night some didnt see much. next day looked for big buck all day found his bed he could see the whole country a 20 feet from black timber. didn't get but was cool to find his bed an see all the country that buck could see then sneek away from danger. the gie that told saw him in his bed many times when he flew over said he was over 30. this gie had bucks 35incherin house plus a few 30 plus also he said this buck was bigger than any he had i had fun hunting him but never got hjm enjoyed the country good luck hunting.
I hope they don't change anything in G or H unless its to reduce non resident tags. Hunted 4 days this year and only saw 6 other hunters. Two were with a guide and the others were hikers near trailheads. Saw plenty of big bucks. Counted at least 6 or 7 in the 170's, one in the low 180's a 190 buck and then the one I got. Bottom line is, if yer not liking the way it is now, hunt somewhere else. Problem solved...

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