Founder's 2010 Hunt Adventures


Founder Since 1999
I began the year with information that I had high cholesterol, so for the past 6 months I have been working out with the goal of loosing weight, reducing my cholestrol levels, and getting in shape for this years hunts.

I had to sit out the backpack style tough hunting last season because I herniated a disc and had surgery in August. So, this year I have been going nuts waiting for my chance to begin climbing the mountains in search of a big buck.

My goal this year is to spend lots of time scouting during the summer in multiple states, then hit the archery hunts hard, and then maybe a little muzzleloading and rifle. My son has himself a rifle tag this year, so we'll be looking to get him a buck. I'll do a seperate Hunt Adventure thread for him.

So, with that in mind, I have been working hard to get in shape for this summers backcountry packing trips. Began running and pushing my limits earlier this year. Right now, I am still lifting weight about every other day (lighter weight workouts), running about every other day and have recently replaced my weekly "long" run with a day of hard hiking.

Today I completed my 2nd pre-season workout hike. I climbed about 3 or so miles and I'm guessing 3000 or so vertical feet. Haven't checked Google Earth yet to see numbers. Last Friday I hustled to the top of My. Olympus above Salt Lake City here. That was a 4100 vertical foot climb, 3.2 miles each way, took 1 hr. 42 min to the top, and my legs hurt real bad for several days.

Here's a video clip of my 2nd pre-season hike, along with a few photos. Hope it motivates you guys.....GAME ON!!! LOL


Brian Latturner[/img]
I really like this hiking. Went on a 4+ mile run with a 18 lb. pack yesterday and should have rested today, but didn't. Just wanted to get out and go. Did a few miles and a few thousand feet of climb today. Felt really good. Couldn't quite make the peak I was shooting for, but came very close. There was just still too much snow up there.
Here's a little video clip of my days adventure:

Plus some photos. Hope you all enjoy. Anyone guess where I was?





Brian Latturner
Did a 3200 vertical foot climb and about 3 miles today, with a 30 lb. pack. No pics or video though. Daughter took the camera to school. Nice hike.

Brian Latturner
I've been shooting my bow every evening. I'm getting better....I think. Was having trouble and kept touching off the trigger before I had really set my sight where it needed to be. BUT, I found a thread in the Archery Forum where someone else was doing the same thing and some great suggestions helped me out. Before each shot, I have been drawing my bow, holding the pin on the bullseye for 6 seconds, then letting up...not shooting. Then the next time I actually shoot. I think someone was calling it muscle memory. Anyway, has helped. So thanks to those guys who are smart.

Did another tough hike/run this evening. Went up Bell's Canyon as far as I could, which was about 2800 feet and 3 miles. Good hike/run. Neat scenery. Should have gone further up. Another day I guess.
Pictures from my phone are below.

Want to get out a shoot my rifle, but I'm still waiting for Vortex to get their new rifle scopes out. I think this is the one I'm going to get.
I'm excited to get it on and let lead fly.

So that's that. The hikes are sure fun. Do it while you can boys!!



The river was roaring!!!



Brian Latturner
Did a small mountain hike today. Took the wife along. Packed a 50 lb. pack. I'm ready to go find a buck to hunt!!!

Been launching arrows every night. Not going all that great, but getting there. Still have a couple months, so I think I'm good. Hopefully it all comes together. I would really like to hit the archery hunt hard.

Brian Latturner
Climbed a mountain today. Went into an area I've never been before to see if it looked like a place that might hold a didn't....
Saw a couple does though, one was a big fat doe.....looked like good eaten' doe.

About 3400 vertical feet, and 3 miles up. Thought I was man enough to run, but only ran about a 100 yards of the 3 miles up. Ran most of the way down.

Went and shot my bow today too. Horrible!! Frustrated!!

Here's some pics of todays pre-pre-season scouting.





Brian Latturner
I've been pounding the hills. Did a great climb on Thursday, then took the wife on a 6 mile round trip on Saturday, and then did a hard 7 mile round trip hike/run yesterday.
Good times guys! My wife pushed herself hard and was able to climb to Dog Lake up Big Cottonwood on Saturday. She is awesome! And I'm not just saying that because I want dinner either.....

Here's some pics. If you guys aren't out there getting after it, you better do so. Fun stuff...



50 lb. pack left my shoulders hurting!!!




Brian Latturner
I have a couple udpdates. My new buddy from the site here, Ken {b]alpinebowman[/b] and I hustled to the top of Mt. Olympus on Tuesday. He beat me up there, but not by too much. It was a great 4200 vertical foot hike/run. I shaved 10 minutes off my time and I made it in 1 hr. 37 minutes. I think Ken was about 7 minutes faster. Sure is a great feeling to hit that top. You guys need to do it. Feels good!!!!


Well, the old bow won the battle and has been put to rest. After struggling for the past month to get groups, I caved in and bought a new bow. So now I'm going to kill stuff!!! LOL.....probably not, but hopefully I can get it to where I can shoot good 60 yard groups, up hills and down. That's the goal at this point. I'm excited to see how it all works out.

Brian Latturner
Been shooting my new bow and all is looking good. Shot tonight in the wind and was hitting real well. Practiced kneeling shots and sitting shots from 30 to 66 yards.

Also, had another good scouting trip. Backpacked in 5 miles to a high ridge I've never been to before. Awesome stuff. Didn't see any bucks that appeared to be "real special", but did see a droptine buck that could end up a dandy. Droptines are rare. The growth just wasn't enough yet. Fun trip though.

I need to edit the video and then I will post up my newest webcast/podcast clip that will show the country we snooped around in, how we got there, where we lived, and some of what we saw.

Here's some pics.......







Brian Latturner
I also got my new rifle scope. Vortex doesn't have the PST scopes available yet, so I opted to get the 6.5-24x50 Viper from Camera Land. Doug sure is awesome. He got that thing shipped out really quick...same day. If you guys are going to buy optics, call Camera Land. Doug is awesome!

I got it mounted, but haven't sighted it in yet. Want to get that done and see how it works. I got the Mil-Dot reticle....should be interesting.

Brian Latturner
Here's a little video of my last outing. It's my 3rd webcast/podcast. Watch it at Here

View the podcast on your mobile device....Click Here

Brian Latturner
Just peaked on my biggest training hike of the year. I'm on Lone Peak about the Salt Lake Valley. It ended up being a bit further and a greater climb than I expected. After climbing about 5300 vertical feet, I realized I had gone to a peak about 200-300 feet lower than the highest. Couldn't find a good route through the ledges, so I dropped about 1200-1500 vertical feet and took another route. Lost the trail several times.
But, I'm here!!!! A bit tired,but it really cool. Will post pics when I get back home.

PS - Saw a couple bucks. Not big though.....

Brian Latturner
Been a week and I still haven't posted any pics of my Lone Peak hike. I really did go.......LOL Here are some pics. Good fun.




Mountain Goat!!!

The Top!!



Brian Latturner
Did the "Bowcast at the Bird" archery shoot on Saturday. Good day and lots of fun. My good buddy, Adam, and I did it. Shot every course. I lost 4 arrows. Pretty darn fun launching arrows from ledges, through the trees, over other targets, etc.
I still have work to do on my shooting. Most of it is mental....probably all of it. But, I'm getting there. I did really good. It wasn't until after close to a 100 shots and the last 3 targets of the day that I lost arrows, so I can't complain too much. I even won a Easton Hat on what target!! Cool.
Anyway, my archery shooting is coming along. Hopefully a buck gives me a shot this year.

Brian Latturner
I should be a home working, but.......

Kind of surprised I have Internet service. I'm laying on a super steep sidehill on another outing. The wife ranoff with her friends this weekend and the kids are at cousins and grandparents, so I took off for the mountains.
Man, I love to strap on the pack and climb!!! Sick, I know. Helps me escape reality.
Saw a few nice bucks tonight. Even if I saw nothing, what fun!!
Good times!!!

Will try to share some video when I get home.

Brian Latturner
Had another good outing over the weekend. Did a long backpack scouting trip and looked at two area's I have never looked at before. Saw lots of bucks and one that I think could be the one if I find nothing better.....dandy framed buck with good eyeguards and cheaters off both sides. Not gigantic, but possibly good enough.

I think this most recent webcast is good, with lots of bucks. You should watch it. And, below are some pics.

You can subscribe to my podcasts at iTunes also. And, here is the link for those of you with smart phones that are not IPhones.










Getting Water

Good Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Brian Latturner
Went out again yesterday for an evening hike, but it turned into an overnight trip. Saw a good buck and a nasty rattlesnake. Pretty good video clip for those who would like to watch. I think you can appreciate the buck more in the video than in the photos.


This is the best buck I saw

This is just a buck


Brian Latturner
Another good time on the mountain. I did this trip late last week. Just needed to get know??? Anyway, good calorie burning hike, rough night with wind folding my tent. Found a few deer, met a good guy on the hill, and came home a little less stressed.

Here's the webcast................hope U like




Brian Latturner
Long, hot hiking. Went out for a couple days this week and found a possible taker buck. I originally though he might be a 27-inch, pushing 190 buck..........not sure.
I was hoping to find more bucks, but I didn't. The best part though is, this area doesn't appear to get too much hunting attention.......

Here's my webcast:





Brian Latturner
In a little more than 24 hours, I'll be hunting!!!!

Leaving today for just a short 1-1/2 day hunt here in Utah. Pretty excited. I've been shooting my butt off, scouting as much as I could, and I'm ready. I feel real good with my bow out to 60-65 yards and my broadheads fly great.
I've found a little pocket that holds a "taker" buck or two, or three, or more and I want to get one!!! I need to break this new bow in! ...... Just hoping for a little action this season.
So that's it. Good luck to everyone!!!!

Brian Latturner
I came home buck for me, but I did see a couple taker bucks. Fun trip, although there were a lot of people out and about.

I packed in about 2500 vertical, 2-1/2 miles or so. Meet a buddy up there who had also found the bucks I was after. I ended up camping with them. Neither of them or myself had any luck. The bucks were there, but as soon as it got light guys were closing in on them and they were headed away from me and there was no way for me to head them off, so I just watched as they disappeared.
Who knows if they survived. I think both bucks in my video made it through opening morning, but...........???????????? Might be toast by now.

Watch my webcast to see the bucks I saw and hear my story. You can also subscribe to my podcast at iTunes, or access it at this address:

Didn't take many pics, but here's a couple.



Brian Latturner
Sorry, nothing new really. I was just sitting here working, and thought, "I WANT TO BE HUNTING!!!"
Just lined up a couple ponies for my Wyoming archery hunt and I'm getting so excited. I want get one with my bow dang it. Planning on 5-6 days. I hope he is still there. He's not a beast, but he's darn sure big enough for me to arrow, hang on the wall, and be proud of!
Here's another pic. I want him!!!

Brian Latturner
It's late, but I can't sleep. I'm laying under the stars tonight on the mountain hoping to see a good buck tomorrow. Saw a taker this evening and hoping to see him again.

I've been watching my podcast of the buck in the photo above with the inline on his G4. I had thought he'd go in the upper 180's but I could be wrong. I don't think he's that big.
My plan is still to try and get him a bow, but I'm thinking 180 buck, not close to 190 as I posted.

Good to have video sometimes.

Brian Latturner
Another 2 night adventure. I found a buck that I would launch an arrow at, but he never gave me a shot. What do you guys think? Is he a taker?
I've seen this buck on 5 different trips now. I was willing to take him, but I'm not so sure now. He's a nice buck and if both sides were like his right side, he would be real good. But, that left side is not that pretty. I don't know. If I ever have him in bow range, I'll decide then.
He gets smaller each time I see him............???????

If you want to see decent video and another buck, watch the video.




Brian Latturner
I spent 5 days bowhunting in Wyoming, and had myself a good time. I packed in using a horse from Wolfley Horse Rentals in Thayne, Wyoming. Was a good horse.
Packed in about 5 miles. Day 1 of the hunt was snowy and really wet, but I saw some good bucks. In fact, I saw good bucks everyday of the hunt and played with them a lot, but never did get to launch an arrow. Just tough hunting. Lots of eyes on the hill watching out for trouble.

Here's a few photos of the trip. I will post up some video as soon as I can. The video of the bucks is better than the photos.







Brian Latturner
I just added my webcast to I also have added it to my podcast feed. If any of you like to watch my podcasts, then please review and rate them at iTunes. If you like, let me know.

Here's the podcast feed"

Here's the most recent webcast. It is long, but what else you got to do, right????


Brian Latturner
Woke up a 1:00am last night, couldn't fall back to sleep, so after getting some work done I grabbed my gear and took off for the hills. The underbrush was soaked cause it rained and snowed last night. Before it was even light, my feet were soaked and freezing. Anyway, it was a rough morning. I did see a taker buck though, but he spotted me just as I spotted him. He was about a 100 yards out, so no shot.

Brian Latturner
Went out this morning and saw a taker buck, but I couldn't take it. Tried though. No photos, just some video. If you want to see the buck, you have to watch my webcast.
Pretty nice buck. I'd like to launch an arrow at him. I only saw a couple does and two bucks.


Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]Well, after 5 days in Wyoming, my buddy Paul and I have still have unnotched tags. As those of you who have been following my thread know, there was a nice 4x5 I had been pursuing with my bow. I decided not to pursue him with my gun.....just wasn't big enough. So, my buddy Paul and I headed for a spot that I have visited in the past, but not this year.
You'll want to watch the webcasts, as I won two bets and Paul is buying gas on two hunting trips. He thought he could connected at long range with his rifle, but................better watch.

Still no big buck success photo to share, only good times on video. Successful or not, it sure is fun being out there hiking the mountains, glassing up bucks, and that feeling that over comes a person during that first 1/2 hour of light and that last 1/2 hour is something else. The excitement, wondering what might be seen, or what might walk from the timber, is something else. I love it!

Watch the webcasts and you'll see the fun looking 6x6 I saw. He wasn't real big, but being a 6x6, I sure wanted to drop the hammer on him!

Here's the webcasts. You can also view them on smart phones via the podcast feed at:




Brian Latturner
Did a little overnight trip on Thursday. Saw a good number of deer and a few bucks, but nothing real good. The only thing worth even putting the camera on was a smaller 4x4.
Ran into a fellow MMer on the hill and BSed for a bit.

You can watch my webcast here:

Brian Latturner
Utah muzzleloader opener brought the same as past trips, does, small bucks, but no big ole' monster muleys to shoot at. Packed in on Monday about 4-5 miles and it was about 3200 vertical feet. Didn't see a 4-point until opening morning, and almost let one loose, but decided not to.
I went into an area that I had never been to before, a friend suggested it and said it could hold a taker. My trip was really more of a scouting trip for a place to take my son tomorrow. After seeing the 26-inch, pretty darn good buck, I left my gear and that's where the boy and I will pack into tomorrow.

I sure would like to see him get a crack at a nice buck. It would be a heck of a place to pack a deer out of, but would be well worth it to get my boy a buck.

Anyway, of course I recorded a bit, but not much for wildlife. Just me BSing. But that's fun......right??????? LOL


Brian Latturner
My son and I packed in Friday and spent the weekend in the highcountry muzzleloading. Fun trip. We had a little action on a buck that we were trying to get a Devan a shot at. No shot, but it was exciting sneaking in on the buck.
My son was bummed about not getting to shoot, but that's the way it goes. We gave it our best and the buck still caught us.

Here's the webcast if anyone would like to see the buck we made a play on.


Brian Latturner
Another fun trip in Wyoming. Spent the final 4-1/2 days of the hunt up there. Fog and weather ruined about a day and half of the hunt, but got some great exercise climbing the hill, saw two bucks that had my trigger finger itching, but no buck.
Watch my webcast to see how the hunt went and to see a few bucks.

Should I have shot this buck on the last day?
Would you have shot him on the last day?????

Here's the video:


Brian Latturner
I'm off on another.....and excited!!!! Hopefully I can share updates as the progresses. Good luck to all of you!

Brian Latturner
Day 3. Got pounded with snow today....8-10 inches. Prior to this evening, I had only seen 5 bucks during the first 2 days. This evening I saw about 6-7 bucks. They're sure active after a heavy snow. They're migrating. I've seen 2 real good bucks, but just not big enough.
I ran to town for 5 hours today as it snowed, and returned to a collapsed tent. It's a heavy 8-10 inches. Cold tonight!!!

Sure hope a taker shows himself before the end. Tomorrow should be a good day.....plenty of snow and cold.

Brian Latturner
I shot the wrong buck!!!

I'm all done and back home. It was a good hunt. Saw only 5 bucks during the first two days, but then saw 6 or so on day 3 and another half dozen or so bucks on day 4. I killed my buck below around 5 on day 4.

I spotted a buck that appeared to have a real good frame with a couple extras on each side. The extras included inlines. So, I quickly took off running down the mountain. He was about a 1/2 mile or a bit more away. I was hustling because I was afraid he might roll around the mountain and into a thick stand of trees before I got there.
As I made my way, I tried to keep track of the two bucks. The one I was after had been kinda pushing around a 25-inch 4x4.

About halfway to the bucks, I saw that both had bedded. Once within 600 yards, I dumped my pack and some gear to close the gap to 400 or so yards....well, I wanted to get as close as possible.

At about 400 yards, I looked at the bucks and saw the one on the left (they were bedded about 10 yards apart) had an inline. He was giving me a side view. So, that was the buck....right?

I took my time trying to get a good rest. My tripod was not a great rest and there was nothing else there. As I peered through my scope trying to hold the crosshairs steady, I couldn't believe it, everytime my heart would beat, the crosshairs would jump off the buck. I tried deep breathing and really tried to steady it, but it just wasn't happening, so I decided I had to just take the best shot I could..........
I missed the first shot, but the buck had no clue. The deep snow muffled the sound of the bullet hitting the dirt and the sound of the rifle. He only turned his head slightly. I put another round in the barrel and touched another off, and he just dropped.
The other buck, bedded 10 yards away, still remained bedded. After about 60 seconds or so, he looked over at his buddy and saw him about dead with just a few muscle spasms left, then he jumped up and ran down the hill about 20 yards. That's when I realized, the buck that jumped up was the one I ran down the hill for!!!! Ya, I knew then I had just shot the wrong deer.....

The walk over was a long one. I knew the buck I did shoot was a good one with a great inline, but I also knew it wasn't the buck I had seen from the top.

So, there were two bucks with inlines off their G3's together. What are the chances of that?

I don't think the other buck was that much better than the one I killed, but he was better. A little wider and probably a couple extras on each side. Just a wild guess, I think the buck I ran down there for was a 29ish 195ish buck.
I shot the wrong buck! It was a kick in the butt, but sometimes things go perfect, and other times the don't.

The buck I did kill is 26-1/2 inches wide and gross scores 186. Pretty darn nice one.

I think you'll enjoy the webcast....take a gander.....






Brian Latturner
Well, I'm a bit slow in getting this update posted. My son, along with my buddy, Brandon (aka browtine), had 3rd season Colorado deer tags and we were over there last week. Our buddy, Adam (aka fstop), also came along to make a TV show and to learn the unit and help us out.

It was a great time. Fun time playing poker (Yes, I let them all win) and hunting. On evening of day number one, my son shot his first buck. He was so excited. He missed the first shot, then got it with the second. Like dad, he likes to give them a warning know, give'em a chance. LOL
We found the buck the next evening.

On day 3, we began helping Brandon. We spotted a 27-28 incher with weak fronts right off the bat and I was able to talk him out of that one, but then a few minutes later a heavy, 25ish, 4x4 with eyeguards appeared and I couldn't talk him out of that one. I even tried to hold the gun and not give it to him, but he got mad, so I gave it up. After 5 shots, the buck was still running away.
Come to find out, the rifle was shooting to the right quite far...atleast that's the story.....LOL

So, we got it sighted in and the next morning a dandy 27-inch 3x3 showed himself and Brandon wanted to shoot. I didn't even argue. One shot and the buck was down!

What a great time we had. Fun stuff for sure. I'm certain it's a hunt that will never fade from my sons memory. Thanks to Adam and Brandon for being there to make it that much better. What a couple great friends.

Watch Roughin' It Outdoors on Saturday Nov. 20th at 11:00pm to see our adventure.

As soon as I get a little video from Adam, I will get my webcast put together and update my thread here. But, here are some pics.








Brian Latturner
Did a little late-season archery hunting yesterday. Saw a couple good bucks, but nothing really big. Here's my webcast if you would like to see the bucks.


Brian Latturner
Here's my webcast that features my son and Brandon, aka Browtine in Colorado. Good times for sure!


Brian Latturner
Hit the hills on Wednesday and Thursday trying to turn up a big buck. No luck. Saw a few deer and a few bucks, but no big ones. Here's my webcast.


Brian Latturner
Hit the hills again yesterday. Saw a lot of deer early on, but maybe only one really small buck. Late in the afternoon though I saw a few more bucks, including one I'd like to get. No luck, but I plan to return.
Long, long hike. My butt is still tired today.
Here's some photos of the buck and one of the bulls I saw. And, my webcast for those who would like to see.




Brian Latturner
Hit the hills again two days ago. It was a cold one!!!! Wow. Began the day while it was 3 degrees at the truck. Way up on the mountain it was probably colder. Plus, the wind made it even tougher. My face hurt every time I took my face mask off. Burrrrrrrrrr!!!
Good time though.
Watch the webcast to see the buck I tried to get a shot at. Also in pictures below, but a better shot is in the video. Not a beast, but I would have like to have launched an arrow at him. He looked pretty good. Seen one of the bigger bulls again, but I don't have an elk tag.

Click HERE or the Image Below to Watch



Brian Latturner
I hit the hills again today, but no webcast. Saw a few does and a few elk, but that's it, nothing worth sharing. My 2010 hunting is about over. The extended hunt ends on Tuesday. Today, I ended it midday. I just got tired of hunting. There were people everywhere, elk had moved into the area I was hunting and many of the deer were gone, there were weekend "go getters" running around, shooting semi-auto rifle nearby, and the wind was blowing. By 1:00pm, I just decided I'd rather be sitting on the couch watching football.

I expect to hunt at least one more day before it's over, but it appears I will have another unfilled Utah deer tag. I gave it all that I could to arrow a big buck, but it's just real hard. My hat is off to those guys who can consistantly arrow big bucks. It's hard.

Brian Latturner
My 2010 hunting is over. I hit the hills for the final two days of archery hunting here in Utah. No luck, but fun. Here's my webcast and a few photos.







Brian Latturner
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