Show Me The Money


Long Time Member
Show Me The Money

Just looking for an update on the Mexican money to pay for the wall. any progress ?

Do you stupid chumps remember? I do.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

> Just looking for an update
>on the Mexican money to
>pay for the wall.
>any progress ?
> Do you stupid chumps remember?
> I do.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

If You're Making 6 Figures in 45 Days You Should be Willing to Donate!

Remember where you got it!

And Give Some Back!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Someone is suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). The symptoms of are generally expressions of hyperbolic disgust, ridicule, and fear of the named candidate; total ignorance regarding the candidate?s actual ideological or policy perspectives; a belief that anything the candidate says is true; and a generalized state of anxiety regarding the future of the country that has no basis in fact.

What is the psychological foundation of TDS?

In every culture, there must be a vessel that holds negative energy. It is what depth psychologist Carl Jung called the ?Shadow? of the culture?s collective unconscious. It is ?The Other?. It is the projection of that culture?s own dark side. The Other must be created, for it is a defense mechanism that allows the culture to avoid dealing with difficult or unwanted feelings. Thus, there is all that is perceived to be ?right?, and anything that opposes that order must be ? by definition ? wrong. It must come from darkness. It must be evil.

For if The Other is not evil or wrong, then that which is evil and wrong must lie within the culture itself. Therefore, that culture is corrupt. It is wrong. It is imperfect. It is bad. This psychological realization must be avoided at all costs. It creates cognitive dissonance ? when facts contradict the deeply-held beliefs of the culture.

Therefore, all the negative energy and attributes are projected onto The Other.
RE: Show Me The Money

dude thought that Intern Job with Hillary was a Given!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

I guess I'm behind the times Tog, I'm still waiting on all that money I'm going to save with Obama care.
RE: Show Me The Money

I love it when you chumps try to deflect. flame on you make my day. it wasn't hard for Trump to con people as stupid as you clowns was it ? he still has you eating out of his shorts.

So, do you have an ETA for that money from Mexico or not ? or even a phuking idea that will pass congress to get it? do tell.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>I love it when you chumps
>try to deflect. flame on
>you make my day.
> it wasn't hard for
>Trump to con people as
>stupid as you clowns was
>it ? he
>still has you eating out
>of his shorts.
>So, do you have an
>ETA for that money from
>Mexico or not ? or
>even a phuking idea that
>will pass congress to get
>it? do tell.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Money From Mexico!

Now That's F'N Funny!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Hey dude?

Remember when all the F'N Free-Loaders of this Country Thought they was gonna Get a Check in the Mail if they Voted your Buddy Back in for the 2nd time?


They're Still Waitin for their F'N Checks!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Dude, if you were a smart person, which you are not noted for, you might want to hold your sarcastic remarks about the president until next year prior to the mid term elections.
We would hate to see you ending up looking like a dumba$$ again like you did when you predicted Hillary was going to win by a landslide. On second thoughts, keep up the smart remarks as we love it when you prove yourself to be such a complete idiot. Have a nice day Adam Henry!

RE: Show Me The Money

If you were such a smart person you'd have taken my bet on Trump and won. your hind sight is awesome.

Here is a chance to redeem yourself. I'll bet you Trump does not get Mexico to pay for the wall . you want some of that? put up or admit you're blowing chit again.

Trump is a con man and you chumps bought it. he has no plan on the wall funding, Obamacare or much of anything else and he never did. do you think maybe that's why he never gave any details? ya think? you stupid chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>If you were such a smart
>person you'd have taken my
>bet on Trump and won.
> your hind sight is
> Here is a chance to
>redeem yourself. I'll bet
>you Trump does not get
>Mexico to pay for the
>wall . you
>want some of that?
>put up or admit you're
>blowing chit again.
>Trump is a con man and
>you chumps bought it.
>he has no plan on
>the wall funding, Obamacare or
>much of anything else and
>he never did.
>do you think maybe that's
>why he never gave any
>details? ya think?
> you stupid chumps.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Tog you were at the oscars last night weren't you.
RE: Show Me The Money

Yap TOG the majority on here are all chumps and you are a rocket scientist huh? And what is you girl friend loser doing right now ? You and hill hag are a great couple.
RE: Show Me The Money

Dude how do you define "paying for the wall". Does that include only a direct payment to the U.S. for the wall, or will other ways of paying for it be included. Such as a tariff on imported Mexican goods into the U.S. Cutting aid money to Mexico and applying that money to the wall building.

RE: Show Me The Money

It will be paid for by either the American consumer or the American taxpayer, period. Mexico isn't going to pay and never was going to pay.

Why not just build the wall and accept facts. Stop the flow of Illegals and get on with things?

Do you know who opposes the border adjustment? You may want to look at your brothers there in the Republican party whose ox would get gored by putting a border adjustment on Mexico. Why do you not hear about the problems with Mexican Trucks any more?

You can pretend in the all news if fake unless it is pro Trump world but facts are hard things to get around.

RE: Show Me The Money

So your bet is a fake like you. The Mexican president has already said that his country will not pay for the wall. That leaves Trump with the only option of finding other means to extract the money from Mexico and you are hedging your bet by not accepting that option. So take your fake bet and stuff it where the sun does not shine.

RE: Show Me The Money

And Them Other Means Should Include Anybody Raping Somebody else for 6 Figures in a 45 Day Period Should Be the Ones TAXED Highly to Help Build the F'N Wall!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money


Your problem is that you think making money is bad. Who exactly is getting "raped" when the market rises? Or are you truly so stupid that you think that money is taken from somebody?

What fricken fake you are, it used to be conservatives didn't want to punish success, especially to have to pay for wasteful government project.

Shows how dumb the Trump lovers really are.

RE: Show Me The Money

>Your problem is that you think
>making money is bad.
>Who exactly is getting "raped"
>when the market rises?
>Or are you truly so
>stupid that you think that
>money is taken from somebody?
>What fricken fake you are, it
>used to be conservatives didn't
>want to punish success, especially
>to have to pay for
>wasteful government project.
>Shows how dumb the Trump lovers
>really are.

It Wasn't throwed at you!

But Since it Offended You!

You Can Take about 5 of your Figures along with Dude & Help Build the Wall!

Trump Needs Your Help!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

And One More F'N Thing!

If I Had You & dudes Money that You've made in the last 45 days I wouldn't Be on MM all F'N Hours of the Day Being a PRICK!

I'd Be Somewhere Enjoying that Easy Made Green Back!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-17 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]

If you had any money in the market and weren't a fake conservative you would be making bank but I guess that "a fool and their money" thing always holds true.

What a fake. Sad.

Tax successful people to waste more government money on a stupid project? You must be a secret democrat, that can be dangerous for a Utard.

RE: Show Me The Money

>AT 04:50?PM (MST)

>If you had any money in
>the market and weren't a
>fake conservative you would
>be making bank but I
>guess that "a fool and
>their money" thing always holds
>What a fake. Sad.
>Tax successful people to waste more
>government money on a stupid
>project? You must be
>a secret democrat, that can
>be dangerous for a Utard.


So You Like Somebody to "GIVE" that money to You!

But You Don't wanna Give any of it to Somebody Else!

Now There's a F'N FAKE!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Pay Close Attention to Ted's Last Sentence of this Clip!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

We Got DipShits believing the BS Coming out of Roseanne Barrs Fat F'N Mouth!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Now We Know Uncle Ted Ain't Perfect!

But There's alot of People that Might Wanna Pay Some Attention!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

You know what is worse then the moron Rosie? Stupid Jack Mormon Utards who can't make it so they want money given to them and the government.

What fake

RE: Show Me The Money

RELH you're such a Californian.

Trump promised you Mexico would pay for it. mexico said GFY . game over? sooooo.. you didn't think that was possible? Christ you're an idiot.

So are you saying a border tax the beaners will pass on to us is a viable plan to get mexico to pay up? really? I mean really?

Trump conned you and you're good with it. that's the definition of a loser.

Show me the money the liar promised.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Dude we need that border tax to stop Mexico from raking us over the coals on a unfair trade agreement and to bring those American business back to our shores and putting more Americans back to work. What is wrong with that, that makes you against it. I know you do not want to pay more money for your new King Ranch P.U.

RE: Show Me The Money

Maybe after the Wall is up!

They'll Have a Tunnel they Can Sneak/Smuggle dudes King Ranch & a Few New Employee's to Oregon all in one Trip!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

What about the American farmers? Mexico is the largest buyer of American corn and they are working hard to source that corn from other countries. It isn't a zero sum game.

Those Mexicans can fight fire with water pretty fast.

The poorer you make Mexico the more of them show up here, wall or no wall

RE: Show Me The Money

>What about the American farmers? Mexico
>is the largest buyer of
>American corn and they are
>working hard to source that
>corn from other countries.
>It isn't a zero sum
>Those Mexicans can fight fire with
>water pretty fast.
>The poorer you make Mexico the
>more of them show up
>here, wall or no wall

Send them Home & let them grow their own F'N Corn!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
RE: Show Me The Money

Ag would get hurt the worst. corn and wheat as well as pork, beef and chicken. which all need feed , for you city kid's information.

Billions of dollars in trade are at stake. Canada could pick up the lion's share of the sales we lose.

Trump is toying again with chrony capitalism, the king will decide who profits and who suffers. this is something real conservatives used to object to.

Fortunately congress knows they either have to pay for the wall with US taxes or it won't get built. the liar will keep lying and his minions will keep slurping. the bulk of the pain would be felt in red states and that ain't gonna happen.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

The american citizen is the loser. yes that includes me.

When Trump let's you have an empty mouth for a second tell me why you won't bet on him if he's so great.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

I told you. Again you can not read and comprehend. I will be glad to bet that Trump does not get impeached. That is a bet that has an out come. You are to chicken chit to take that bet.
RE: Show Me The Money

looks like Trump's AG was talking to Russians and lying about it. might need a jail cell for him too.

That check show up today?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

> looks like Trump's AG was
>talking to Russians and lying
>about it. might need
>a jail cell for him
> That check show up today?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Are you saying Sessions is worse than Hillary?
Mexico is paying for the Wall one way or another.
RE: Show Me The Money

Hillary isn't AG and never was AG. WTF does she have to do with your liar ?

Want to bet Mexico pays for the wall?

Let me know if the check shows up today.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

If Sessions is smart he will start an investigation of Holder and Obama. Just how is it legal for them to steal half a billion $ from the bank settlements that were to pay back the damaged investors and give it to LaRaza and several other progressive action groups?
RE: Show Me The Money

If Sessions is smart he'll lay low and hope the facts can be buried by Trump and congress before they're leaked.

You're more worried about Holder than Sessions lying? or the fact Comey won't answer questions on an obvious chitstorm ? wipe that orange tanner off your chin.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>Just checking, Jose send that
>check yet?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Yes they have but you will never see it,are you some kind of special?
RE: Show Me The Money

From a gullible retard's point of view I'm sure I'm special.

I'm not talking about you welfare check. have you found the one from the beaners to pay for the wall yet? maybe they left it next to the " beautiful " health care bill we haven't seen. check it out.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

At least ole Mitch knows how the game is played and how to answer a question to which there is only one answer.

RE: Show Me The Money

I always take 3. sometimes 4.

You find that check yet? I'm thinking you got conned? ya think?

Stupid chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

No chit?

I haven't even harrowed yet. fields here are just starting to get a green cast.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Well you lost your Obama phone maybe he will take your AG welfare and Indian welfare away.
RE: Show Me The Money

Maybe he'll just take your plain old white trash welfare away.

Hey, anyone fine Jose's check yet? just checking.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Any checks today? oh hell I forgot it's Sunday.

Look for it Monday, right next to the " fabulous " obamacare replacement law we were promised on day one.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Would your Gal have had it all Fixed by now dude?

I Know not getting that Intern Job Hurt but Sweet GEEZUS let it go!

I Heard CROWN Sales/Consumption is Up by 200% in Oregon?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: Show Me The Money

I don't recall Hillary promising Mexico would pay for the wall do you?

If you like a conman be my guest. my only goal is to remind you of what a chump you are.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money


Same F'N Check that most Americans thought Obama was gonna Send everybody!

You Don't even have to be as Smart as NeMont to know Our Government Ain't got Money to send everybody a F'N Check!

The SOB's would Bounce!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: Show Me The Money

I'm not talking about your welfare check, I'm asking about the check from Mexico for the fabled wall.

You find it?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

> I'm not talking about your
>welfare check, I'm asking
>about the check from Mexico
>for the fabled wall.
> You find it?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Why don't you call Trump and ask him using your Obama phone.
RE: Show Me The Money

> Anybody find the checkie senior
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Maybe try switching to Lord Calvert.
RE: Show Me The Money

Any check yet?

Obamacare replacement yet?

Muslim ban yet?

yeah you get the drift.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>Any check yet?
>Obamacare replacement yet?
> Muslim ban yet?
> yeah you get the
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Kinda like waitin on them Checks Obama was gonna hand out Ain't it?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: Show Me The Money

So that's how you chumps get by, accept it's beyond your pay grade and just accept it.

You are obligated to forget what you're told to forget I'm not. I clearly remember Trump saying Mexico would pay for the " fabulous " wall , now he's telling me I'm paying for it.

Can you argue that fact? chump ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>So that's how you chumps get
>by, accept it's beyond your
>pay grade and just accept
> You are obligated to forget
>what you're told to forget
>I'm not. I clearly
>remember Trump saying Mexico would
>pay for the " fabulous
>" wall ,
>now he's telling me
>I'm paying for it.
> Can you argue that fact?
> chump ?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Mexico will pay for it just think about Chimp.
RE: Show Me The Money

>Since being president hasn't gone nearly
>as well as the campaign
>did the liar in chief
>went back to his happy
>Lots of lies, but....hmmm....but......what about mexico
>paying for the wall ?
> is the check
>really in the mail?
>I'm having my doubts.
>please tell me what I
>missed chumps
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

GEEZUS You're HARD Headed!

People are Still Waitin for Your Black Little Buddy to Send them Their STIMULUS Checks!

Worry about that First!

After Obama Pays Up Then Worry about Trump!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: Show Me The Money

>So that's how you chumps get
>by, accept it's beyond your
>pay grade and just accept
> You are obligated to forget
>what you're told to forget
>I'm not. I clearly
>remember Trump saying Mexico would
>pay for the " fabulous
>" wall ,
>now he's telling me
>I'm paying for it.
> Can you argue that fact?
> chump ?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Math is not your subject lennie.
RE: Show Me The Money

Thanks for the babble chumps, but I'd still like to know why the con man didn't say anything about mexico paying for the " beautiful " wall ?

Are you still clinging to that lie? looks like the con man has moved on. how does that make you feel?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Hey chumps? mighty quiet. why is it talking about Trump's promises is the only thing that shuts your fat yaps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

With all the scandals it's easy to forget promises.

So we better check in. the peso's show up yet?

I can get you video of the promises if you'd like , just in case you forgot. would you like that? CHUMPS ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

Yes....get the videos

RE: Show Me The Money

I'd be much obliged, I thought you'd never ask. this is my favorite.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Show Me The Money

>Hey! that check show up yet?
>You stupid chumps.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

That's what she said when I let her up.
RE: Show Me The Money

>That's what she said when
>I let her up.

I always figured you for a rapist. Nobody else could stand to be within 10 feet. Thanks for confirming my already low opinion of you.

RE: Show Me The Money

>>That's what she said when
>>I let her up.
>I always figured you for a
>rapist. Nobody else could stand
>to be within 10 feet.
> Thanks for confirming
>my already low opinion of
Your welcome Togmont.
RE: Show Me The Money

>>>That's what she said when
>>>I let her up.
>>I always figured you for a
>>rapist. Nobody else could stand
>>to be within 10 feet.
>> Thanks for confirming
>>my already low opinion of
>Your welcome Togmont.

RE: Show Me The Money

Check?....see any check yet?.......From Mexico?...... the wall....... you know.....????

You stupid chumps.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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