No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.


Long Time Member
No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

The main stream media admits this,now what's next snowflakes ?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

They(Snowflakes!)will Find some FAKE Phony F'N Links & Post them!

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Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

> They(Snowflakes!)will Find some FAKE Phony
>F'N Links & Post them!
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

I'm sure Korny will be hear to skool me on the gramer.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Ya but she still lost so somebody cheated somehow!
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

I think the Democrats don't want Comey talking anymore,it could turn out like Rachel Maddow.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

I thought all you Trumpeteers said we have to listen to what Comey says and not jump the gun?

I suspect that the Russian contacts will not be considered collusion and that the allegations of Obama's wire tapping will be shown to be the tweets of a liar who is unable to grasp that when he tells lies people begin to dismiss him as unreliable and untrustworthy.

The only snowflakes are the died in orange trumpeteers who won't admit their man love Monday hero is a pathological liar.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>I thought all you Trumpeteers said
>we have to listen to
>what Comey says and not
>jump the gun?
>I suspect that the Russian contacts
>will not be considered collusion
>and that the allegations of
>Obama's wire tapping will be
>shown to be the tweets
>of a liar who is
>unable to grasp that when
>he tells lies people begin
>to dismiss him as unreliable
>and untrustworthy.
>The only snowflakes are the died
>in orange trumpeteers who won't
>admit their man love
>Monday hero is a pathological
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]I am in a great mood. Ice is coming off, getting the boat ready for an epic walleye fishing season. Been warm enough to get outside and do some yard work.

As a bonus get to jab all the Trumpeteers almost daily when does or says something stupid.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>AT 08:31?AM (MST)

>I am in a great mood.
> Ice is coming off,
>getting the boat ready for
>an epic walleye fishing season.
> Been warm enough to
>get outside and do some
>yard work.
>As a bonus get to jab
>all the Trumpeteers almost daily
>when does or says something
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

It is funny and quite entertaining to watch the knots the Trumpeteers tie themselves into to defend his every utterance and tweet.

Can you show me what Comey actually said about both the Russians and the Obama "wire taps"? Why do you believe the Mainstream media now but if they report negative news on Trump you, and he, call it fake news?

Oh that's right you have no standards, as long as there is an R behind the name you don't care any more.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

NeMont, I cringe every time Trump speaks, but I'll forever be glad Hillary didn't get elected. If that's what it took, then so be it, even if Trump gets impeached.

The Redtail perch are on the beaches strong. I caught 21 yesterday all 12-15". Fun on light tackle.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]Eel,

Are the redtail perch like our perch? I have never fished the beaches, been on a couple of charters for tuna, marlin and mahi mahi. Been salmon and halibut fishing too but never surf casted.

I get that all Americans should be happy that Hillary will never again be near the Oval office. That isn't the problem here, it is Trump himself and what kind of standard one should hold any president to. Nobody should be giving him a free pass on anything especially for statements that are provable false and using up valuable and precious political capital. What ever you are willing to turn your head on with any president will be used double on you when your guy isn't in there. That is why conservatives and republicans should demand better from their office holders, whether president or Senator or gov or House Rep.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Who said there was no collusion? the investigation is ongoing and nobody will give details. the fact there is an investigation at all is an embarrassment . we'll have to wait and see what the final outcome is.

What was confirmed 100% now is Trump lied about the wiretap by Obama. not that you want to talk about it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Dude we do understand that you have a extreme problem about reading comprehension and being able to hear or read something and connect the lines.

The FBI director did admit there was and still a ongoing investigation about Russian interference with the election and any connection to Trump's campaign people.
Dude what that means is someone directed the FBI to investigate Trump and his people and see if there was a connection or conspiracy with the Russians. I am betting on Obama's greatest ally, Loretta Lynch Attorney General. You know that person who had a private conservation with Bill Clinton when Hillary was a target of a criminal investigation!!!
How does the FBI do this? They use the method they are famous for doing and getting results, that would be wiretapping and listening in to conservations. That should indicate even to a moron like you that they listened in to Trump and his campaign people. In other words it is extremely likely that Trump Tower was bugged.
We may never know if Obama was behind this or gave his OK for it to be done. Or if he was advised of any information gained from the tap, but the FBI Director's comments tell me that they did bug Trump and his people.


Comey was careful in his testimony not to confirm any details of what the bureau?s Russia investigation has uncovered or dismissed, saying he could not comment further since the probe is ?open? and ?ongoing.?

But he used his opening statement to address head-on the probe that has been the subject of news reports for months. He noted while the FBI normally would not confirm ongoing investigations, he could make an exception for such ?unusual? circumstances.

?I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,? Comey said. ?That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia?s efforts.?

He added that this probe will ?include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Another Yahoo opinion good god tog smoke another blunt.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

WTF is wrong with you people? The investigation is ongoing so that means nobody has come to a conclusion what it will yield. wipe that orange goo off your chins.

Will they find something? I don't know, you don't know. at this point that's all we can say.

As far as the wire tap lie that one is case closed. it was a bald faced lie. end of story.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Dude the wire tap lie is only closed in your small mind. I agree the investigation must continue until all leads are exhausted. I also think that it will show no conspiracy by Trump with the Russians and if Obama gained information for Hillary will probably never be shown.
What it will do will show that Trump and his campaign people had their conservations recorded and that will not set well with the general public and many will feel that Obama was behind it even if it can not be proven.
Bottom line Trump wins, Democrats get egg on their face again after being shown trying to rig the election themselves.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]>Dude the wire tap lie is
>only closed in your small
>mind. I agree the investigation
>must continue until all leads
>are exhausted. I also think
>that it will show no
>conspiracy by Trump with the
>Russians and if Obama gained
>information for Hillary will probably
>never be shown.
> What it
>will do will show that
>Trump and his campaign people
>had their conservations recorded and
>that will not set well
>with the general public and
>many will feel that Obama
>was behind it even if
>it can not be
> Bottom line
>Trump wins, Democrats get egg
>on their face again after
>being shown trying to rig
>the election themselves.

You are delusional. Trumps popularity today 37% he is breaking every record for incompetence.
1. The wall not started if it ever is it wn't be paid for by Mexico.
2. The republican health care plan a complete disaster that will never get through.
3. Foreign policy? The question is will we have any allies left.
4. Budget a disaster that will be rejected by republicans and democrats alike.

One win for you and your ilk, Gorsuch and that isn't a win yet let's see if he gets through and the cost of getting through.

A pig with lipstick is still a pig just like a liar as president is still a liar. The historical article about a faulty gene with the Hatfields in their little squabble is getting more credibility all the time.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Corn talk about someone having their head up their arse. 37percent huh ? Who in the he.. are they polling ? Just like hilly beach was gunna win by a land slide. Keep blowing your hot air. Then go smoke some peyote with your twin brother the village idiot ! You are in real good company.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

dude & NeMont Both have been in PISS POOR Moods since the Election!

They've got that "D" BS Embedded in their Pea Brains so F'N far they Can't Handle it!

They Don't GAF about who's the Best Choice!

Just So long as that Choice is a "D"!


[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 08:55PM (MST)[p]

Here are the facts on the Russia conversation today laid out simple for our mouthbreathers.

The jury is out on Trump's Kremlin connections. let's wait and see.

the wire tap chit is done, over , finished . GFYS RELH even republicans in congress have heard enough. game over Trump lied.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

NeMont, depending on how much time you have to watch, this is a good video on how Redtail perch fishing is done. I took a bunch of video myself but I don't know how to put it up for people to see. The ones I caught were mostly 12-15". Excellent eating too but I usually only keep 3 or 4. The limit is 10 and a minimum size of 10.5"

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

The only thing we know so far is that the leaks that resulted in the termination of Flynn were illegal and whoever is responsible should be in jail for a very long time. Most likely they were perpetrated by O'bama political appointees. No proof at all of the so-called Trump Russian collusion in an investigation that dates back 9 months. WTF? pony up already and tell the American people what the heck is actually going on. One thing is fer sure Comey needs to go.
He testified that there is an ongoing investigation that Trump colluded with the Russians yet he refused to confirm that there is an investigation into the leaks WTF? Double standard going on here no doubt, and that man needs to hear the words "Your Fired"
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Dude says:

the wire tap chit is done, over , finished . GFYS RELH even republicans in congress have heard enough. game over Trump lied.


What is the matter Dude, your little pea brain could not come up with any valid argument. Take another shot and sleep it off if you are not so peed off that you can not sleep.

I also saw where Cornhusker came out of his wormhole and gave his worthless two cents. Time will show both of you morons.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.


He said, "I am authorized by the Justice Department to reveal there is an ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign"

Just because he did say they are not investigating the leaks doesn't mean a thing. As a rule the FBI doesn't reveal what they are investigating.

As for the idea that Flynn is just an American who was caught up by some nefarious means that isn't exactly true. He admitted he was on the payroll of Turkey yet failed to register that. That alone is probable cause to monitor an American who is an unregistered agent of a foreign country. Anyone who defends Flynn as a victim hasn't been watching and listening very closely.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

I think Flynn did register as a foreign agent. Turkey is the one that should have killed him off. Erdogan is a Muslim dictator and will be a bigger problem than Putin IMO. As for the surveillance on Trump there is no doubt that it was done. He needs to show some proof at some date about leaks that could have only occurred from surveillance on his group. How do you explain his conversations with foreign leaders that were immediately leaked?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Those leaks most likely came from inside the White House. Which is most likely where the 2005 Trump Tax return was leaked as well.

If you think Flynn did everything according the book you have a a bad copy of the book

He never registered until after the fact. Suppose the FBI had some reason to see what he was up to and to surveillance his activity?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Cornhusker, you claim to be an educated person, but do not even know how to research items for true facts. You made the below statement:

A pig with lipstick is still a pig just like a liar as president is still a liar. The historical article about a faulty gene with the Hatfields in their little squabble is getting more credibility all the time.

If you bothered to research that you would have found that particular gene that is prone to make a person violent, was found to be in the McCoy family line.

Then again being the lying liberal you are, facts do not matter to you, only getting your agenda across no matter what is true or false.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>I think Flynn did register as
>a foreign agent. Turkey is
>the one that should have
>killed him off. Erdogan is
>a Muslim dictator and will
>be a bigger problem than
>Putin IMO. As for the
>surveillance on Trump there is
>no doubt that it was
>done. He needs to show
>some proof at some date
>about leaks that could have
>only occurred from surveillance on
>his group. How do you
>explain his conversations with foreign
>leaders that were immediately leaked?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

It's easy to see the republicans are for more concerned about how they got caught than what they got caught for. all administrations have had leaks it's a hazard of politics. there shouldn't be any leaks, but there shouldn't be and murderers either. deal with it.

RELH why don't you provide proof Trump didn't lie because nobody else has anything to offer. if you can't go back to your BINGO game and STFU.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>Then again being the lying Trump supporter
>you are, facts do not
>matter to you, only getting
>your agenda across no matter
>what is true or false.

There I fixed it for you. How can you claim to care about facts and still defend Trump?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-17 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]

If Erdogan is a Muslim dictator then why are you upset that Flynn was being watched?

General Flynn never registered as a foreign agent until last week, He registered retroactively. If that doesn't bother you then you are living in a fantasy world built by Trump and his lies.

As some point you have to admit this is a total Shyt show. There may be hope that Ivanka is moving into the White House but remember she is close to the Democrats who are all of Trump's financial advisers.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>AT 09:54?AM (MST)

>If Erdogan is a Muslim dictator
>then why are you upset
>that Flynn was being watched?
>General Flynn never registered as a
>foreign agent until last week,
> He registered retroactively.
>If that doesn't bother you
>then you are living in
>a fantasy world of built
>by Trump and his lies.
>As some point you have to
>admit this is a total
>Shyt show. There may
>be hope that Ivanka is
>moving into the White House
>but remember she is close
>to the Democrats who
>are all of Trump's financial
From 1776 till now has been a shyt show but I like it,I guess if people don't like it get the f#ck out,
wait more people moving in than out.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>I like it,I guess if
>people don't like it get
>the f#ck out,

Or the alternative is work to make it better and agree that everyone should feel the pinch. The poor get less, the rich pay more, the middle gets hosed a bit on both but in the end we all stand together.

>wait more people moving in than

That is an alternate fact that is easily proved to be a lie. Go look at the net immigration vs migration numbers. Way more people are still coming in then leaving.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Eel, I've been hitting the perch here on the central coast, it's not wide open yet, like last year was something else. Mainly barred perch. Just wonder if you have tried the luckycraft minnow?? it works good here on the barred and it's crazy just the big fish pound too three pounds will grab it. It's not a cheap lure but I think it's worth it.....RAS
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

...did you even read what you responded to?

">wait more people moving in than

That is an alternate fact that is easily proved to be a lie. Go look at the net immigration vs migration numbers. Way more people are still coming in then leaving.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-17 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]Incredible, I warned you guys months ago that this presidency is way too pro-Russia for a reason. Manafort, Flynn, Page, Tillerson, Shnaider, Arif, Felix Sater, all have business dealings in Russia, that it is not just some mere coincidence.

Of all the legislation promised during the election, lifting sanctions on Russia is priority #1. The thought of direct collusion between Trump and Putin is laughable. Putin's anti-Hillsy operation was already in effect long before Trump was the Candidate. He was just the fill-in-the-blank opponent against Hillsy. Hillsy sees Putin for who he is and would surely continue if not intensify sanctions.

Those sanctions are doing what they are supposed to do, hurting the Russia economy and Putin has an election coming up. Sanctions can politically influence a path and we would like to see an undoing of the annexation and no Russian further intervention in Crimea.

Problem is Putin is nervous, nervous that Ukraine will join NATO and Russia will lose their highly strategic Sevastopol naval base in the Black Sea. That can be addressed by treaty, 100 year lease, whatever, but until Russia leaves it is not on the least that was the case with the previous administration.

Jim DeMint and Robert Mercer are the 2 that handpicked Trump's staff, SCOTUS appointments, and have set his agenda through their in-house surrogate Bannon.

There are a handful of globalist who are also affected by the sanctions. None more so than energy companies like Exxon who are anxious to get to Russian arctic fields.

Even Ivanka has some strange ties Putin through her long time friendship with Wendi Deng. While rumors of a Deng-Putin relationship have circulated for years without proof, there is no denying Deng has relationships with Putin's close associates. It is difficult to imagine all the indirect surrogate contacts between our newly elected POTUS and Putin.

The hearings only confirmed my warnings from months ago. This should raise at the very least a suspicious eyebrow from all Americans.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Yeah I caught that too late to fix and then did a manny so beat me up, I deserve it. Anyway I phuckeed up that one.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Yeah you sure did, but you had the brass ones to admit it. No biggie.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>AT 01:33?PM (MST)

>Incredible, I warned you guys months
>ago that this presidency is
>way too pro-Russia for a
>reason. Manafort, Flynn, Page, Tillerson,
>Shnaider, Arif, Felix Sater, all
>have business dealings in Russia,
>that it is not just
>some mere coincidence.
>Of all the legislation promised during
>the election, lifting sanctions on
>Russia is priority #1. The
>thought of direct collusion between
>Trump and Putin is laughable.
>Putin's anti-Hillsy operation was already
>in effect long before Trump
>was the Candidate. He was
>just the fill-in-the-blank opponent against
>Hillsy. Hillsy sees Putin for
>who he is and would
>surely continue if not intensify
>Those sanctions are doing what they
>are supposed to do, hurting
>the Russia economy and Putin
>has an election coming up.
>Sanctions can politically influence a
>path and we would like
>to see an undoing of
>the annexation and no Russian
>further intervention in Crimea.
>Problem is Putin is nervous, nervous
>that Ukraine will join NATO
>and Russia will lose their
>highly strategic Sevastopol naval base
>in the Black Sea. That
>can be addressed by treaty,
>100 year lease, whatever, but
>until Russia leaves it is
>not on the least
>that was the case with
>the previous administration.
>Jim DeMint and Robert Mercer are
>the 2 that handpicked Trump's
>staff, SCOTUS appointments, and have
>set his agenda through their
>in-house surrogate Bannon.
>There are a handful of globalist
>who are also affected by
>the sanctions. None more so
>than energy companies like Exxon
>who are anxious to get
>to Russian arctic fields.
>Even Ivanka has some strange ties
>Putin through her long time
>friendship with Wendi Deng. While
>rumors of a Deng-Putin relationship
>have circulated for years without
>proof, there is no denying
>Deng has relationships with Putin's
>close associates. It is difficult
>to imagine all the indirect
>surrogate contacts between our newly
>elected POTUS and Putin.
>The hearings only confirmed my warnings
>from months ago. This should
>raise at the very least
>a suspicious eyebrow from all

Yet pro Iran didn't bother you? Interesting.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Dude's brilliant comment:

RELH why don't you provide proof Trump didn't lie because nobody else has anything to offer. if you can't go back to your BINGO game and STFU.


First off Dude, I am not at the beck and call of a drunken half breed Indian so you can proof otherwise. It appears you also have very thin skin and I do not play bingo. Have a nice day you moron.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>Yeah I caught that too late
>to fix and then did
>a manny so beat me
>up, I deserve it.
>Anyway I phuckeed up that

Must be a First?:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-17 AT 10:21PM (MST)[p]

Doesn't work that way old timer. let's let the investigation give us their final results.

You'd think as much Perry Mason and Matlock as you watch you'd be a little more up on these things.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Dude I have already stated in a previous post that the investigation needs to be completed and the findings will put egg on the face of the Democrats.
It is you that can not connect the dots the way they are going in that hearing and investigation. Go back to drawing lines in the dirt, that you may be good at.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>AT 10:21?PM (MST)

>Doesn't work that way old timer.
> let's let the investigation
>give us their final results.
> You'd think as much
>Perry Mason and Matlock as
>you watch you'd be a
>little more up on these
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
You must be getting all that good info from Susan Rice,she has good videos.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Peter King: Trump Surveillance Report Shows 'Shameful' Intel Violations

Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) called the revelation that President Trump's transition team was identified during incidental surveillance activity "extremely significant."

King said the fact that Trump's name appeared in the reports obtained by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was one of a few violations that were committed.

Trump nor his associates were being wiretapped, King said. Instead the surveillance focused on foreign individuals who referenced them.

"Any time your [American's] name comes up, it's supposed to be masked. Reports were written with names of these people and details," King said, adding that the information was then spread around to different entities.

The surveillance could have been for legitimate purposes, King said, but the fact that Trump's and his transition team's names came up is "shameful".

King said Trump "overplayed his hand" by flatly accusing President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, but clarified that information pertaining to Trump was used and leaked illegally in the process of conducting other surveillance.

He said authorities must find who gave the order to "unmask" Trump or his associates and who allowed the information to be leaked out.

Nobody inside the Trump Organization was being accused of anything, King said.

I think it is beginning to unravel and Democrats will be getting egg on their face if they keep this in the fore front of the press. What the voters will remember will be the fact that it was only the DNC that rigged the last election. The Democrats are already p!ssed at Nunes bringing out information to the public where they can not keep it private to avoid losing face.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>AT 10:21?PM (MST)

>Doesn't work that way old timer.
> let's let the investigation
>give us their final results.
> You'd think as much
>Perry Mason and Matlock as
>you watch you'd be a
>little more up on these
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Wow Tog looks like the results are coming in and it don't look like good news for your media,oh well I'm sure your kind will come up with something new tomorrow.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Any bets in the end there's no tie between the administration, Russia, and the election?
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>Any bets in the end there's
>no tie between the administration,
>Russia, and the election?
I think Nemont is ready to loose some money.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

TOG you are a sucker guppy !! Any BS news article you can find you post on here. Don't you have anything else to do ? Guess that is a stupid question huh? Between your AG and Indian welfare and your so called silver spoon stuck up your arse guess you have nothing else to do other than drink whiskey and smoke peyote. If anyone plays bingo it's about 1000 times more productive than what your sorry hide does. You talk about Trump , Russia impeachment non stop. Your are a joke !
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.


Want to bet if there is ever any proof Obama wire tapped Trump Towers?

One thing is certain, what Nunes has isn't the smoking gun that they were hoping for or it would have hit the twitter feed by now.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>Want to bet if there is
>ever any proof Obama wire
>tapped Trump Towers?
>One thing is certain, what Nunes
>has isn't the smoking gun
>that they were hoping for
>or it would have hit
>the twitter feed by now.

Nope. You know as well as I this is all just a circus and we'll never see the man behind the curtain.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

I have serious doubts they will be able to find any proof that leads straight to Obama, but the bottom line is that this is another serious scandal that happen under Obama's watch.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

How do you figure it is a scandal? The investigation is just getting started. The stunt by Nunes just ensured nobody will be able to trust anything that comes out the House. I wonder if they really want an independent investigation of this matter, either side?

Has President Trump ended the Obama program of gathering Intel? If not then why not and if he hasn't, how exactly is it a scandal? How do you know one of General Flynn's rivals inside the Trump administration didn't leak his name?

Lots and lots of water to flow under that bridge before anyone knows anything and how has a scandal and who doesn't. I guess we could unelect Obama, that would show him. He is judgement proof so not sure why a scandal will affect him. It surely will damage our current president.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Another smoking gun from FAUX ? that's funny stuff.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

McCain is about as two faced as Hillary when he made the statement below I posted. He is part of the "good old boys" politicians that we need to get rid of from both parties to get Congress to do the right thing concerning our citizens.

The intelligence committee is nothing but a inner party dogfight between both camps and a lot of political throat slashing is done there with the information they receive. The Democrat members were doing a lot of it, until Nunes turn the table on them and beat them at their own game.


McCain, who serves on the intelligence committee in the Senate, touted the ?good working relationship? between the Republican and Democratic members there, and lamented the growing rift between Nunes and Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic ranking member on the House committee.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

>Another smoking gun from FAUX
>? that's funny
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
No dipsh#t we are not talking about black rifles.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

It sounds like Adam Schiff got caught with his pants down by Nunes's and is doing the old political two step for damage control. I will wait for the end results and I think Schiff is blowing smoke about anything concerning a grand jury.

RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

For going public not about the truthfulness of the comment.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

Have you seen what he said just a while ago?


The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies ? a claim the Republicans have cited this week in fundraising emails.

Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.
RE: No Colussion between Russia and Trump Campaign.

That so what Nunes did was make it appear he had some kind of intel that just couldn't wait. Now it appears he has almost a worthless batch of intercepts that don't prove or disprove anything.

He makes clear that Trump main charge is an outright lie and there is no evidence that Obama ordered the surveillance. Flynn's name could have been unmasked for a legitimate reason, nobody knows. If there was a felony committed inside the Obama administration you would think that they would be demanding a either a select committee or independent, Ken Star, type of investigation.


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