Another monster archery muley..this one from Oregon


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-04 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]Saw this on another board. I hope the hunter doesn't mind. This is one hell of a buck! There's been some monsters killed already this year so far. Lets hope the muzzleloader and rifle seasons are as good. Here's the picture:

I think this is the same guy I met yesterday at the butcher shop. If it is, he arrowed this buck in unit 15 here in NM. It looks like the same guy, and the buck fits the description he gave me. Nice deer.
I haven't ever seen juniper trees in oregon. Don't know, might be wrong, but new mexico sounds more fitting.


one shot
>I haven't ever seen juniper trees
>in oregon. Don't know, might
>be wrong, but new mexico
>sounds more fitting.

>one shot

eastern Or. has ton's of JP's...
Another Big 'Un for sure!!! SWEET!!! Nice to see all the monsters being taken thus far this year. Only another week and a bit before the season opens here. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

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