so.....what is it??


Long Time Member

Back in the 1980s there was a guy that lived in my hometown that liked to tell a good story honest story's but he new how to make them entertaining. He would make some of his income trapping for hire he would trap predators back when they where considered vermin (bounty on there heads). He told me a story about catching in one of his traps a dog like creature
Up 12 mile canyon (central Utah) back in the 1960s. It had dark brownish hair that was bristle like a pig hair long skin you snout and the teeth configuration was different from any coyote or dog that he had seen it's teeth where long and sharp to a point. It's legs he said where different he did not explain on that. He said the way it acted in the trap was different than any animal he had ever caught it was almost shy but when it growled it was strange more like a deep sound from what you might think would come from a monkey. The size was of a large dog in length and hight but much more muscular and weight was on the light size for a large dog.
He hit the strange dog on the head with a club that is how he killed any predator (except for a bear) and took it out of his trap and continued to check his traps he came back to the strange dog and it was gone he figures he must had just knocked it out.
He passed away unexpectedly a few years later but approximately 15 years later I was talking to his best friend a hunchback old bachelor who was always with the gentleman who told me the story. I asked him about the story and he said he was with on that day and he told me the same story almost word for word at the best of my memory serves me.
It sounds a lot like this story don't know anymore than that but was a interesting story for me.
The article says the hair of the "creature' in question was not consistent with that of a wolf. It also looks a bit smaller than a wolf. Do coyotes and wolves inter-mingle>? I wouldn't think so but maybe the woods get a bit freakier than we once knew? As we all know...its all pink inside, right? Just a thought...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>The article says the hair of the "creature' in question was not consistent with that of a wolf. It also looks a bit smaller than a wolf. Do coyotes and wolves inter-mingle>? I wouldn't think so but maybe the woods get a bit freakier than we once knew? As we all know...its all pink inside, right? Just a thought...
>Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good
>health for granted because it
>can be gone in a
>heartbeat. Please go back and
>read the last line. This
>time really understand what it


I Didn't know it!

But it's even Pink in KALI!

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Not Sure of the Exact Breeding Homer?

Looks like it'd make a Good Pet Though!:D

Probably Got a Taste for DURAMAX Interior!LMAO!:D

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Wiszard Coyotes and Wolves do intermingle.Coywolf they have been around for years.Watched a nature show about them no too long ago.
It could be a cross between a wolf and a fox. The wolf said "What a fox you are babe". Just a guess.


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