My '17 Late Utah Bull (expo tag)


Long Time Member
I haven't posted any personal kills for a few years, but this one was just too good to not share. This hunt turned out so much better than I initially expected, due to the tremendous amount of help I received from some fellow MM members, mostly DBG3285, my long time bud Elkpoint, and another famous dude who I can't name, but it ryhmes with "robrat mess" ;-). Special thanks to Zam and his buddy John for bringing the Ponies to do the heavy lifting!

My youngest boy was with us for the whole thing, his first "man hunt". Keeping him contained for the 6 hours we waited for this Bull to get up out of his bed was maybe the toughest part of the whole deal!


Warning, my kid gets pretty loud after the shot lol

LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-17 AT 06:22PM (MST)[p]That is a brute! Congrats on a fantastic bull with your son - memories for a lifetime!

What unit? I also had Expo success drawing the Manti LE Elk (early) tag.

Also, great video capturing the shot. Unfortunately, the way my bull came in we did not get the shot on film but have after the shot video when he goes down (see my post if your are interested). It is a great feeling to see them go down and I was probably more excited than your boy. Again, congrats on a great bull taken with your son.
Awesome bull, Congrats, sounds like the boy had a blast as well.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
>AT 06:22?PM (MST)

>That is a brute! Congrats on
>a fantastic bull with your
>son - memories for a
>What unit? I also had
>Expo success drawing the Manti
>LE Elk (early) tag.
>Also, great video capturing the shot.
> Unfortunately, the way my
>bull came in we did
>not get the shot on
>film but have after the
>shot video when he goes
>down (see my post if
>your are interested). It
>is a great feeling to
>see them go down and
>I was probably more excited
>than your boy. Again,
>congrats on a great bull
>taken with your son.

Wasatch unit.

It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Tony, and to hunt with you. You did the majority's of the work, and the most important part.

I would agree that the most trying part was to keep your boy contained for the long wait??. But that will be a hunt/memory neither of you nor myself will ever forget.

I am glad we got the bull and exceeded your expectations.

Don't lose my number, would love to meet up at the expo and some more hunts!

Phenomenal bull for the unit and more impressively was the expert marksmanship.

I will send this link to Zam and John.

But they are definitely still half retarded, and crazier than stupid!!

(That's an inside joke so please no one get offended)
Awesome looking bull and some nice looking country.
Heck ya he got excited, Good shooting and a great bull on the ground. I would of been hollering too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Fantastic! What a shot! Congratulations on a great bull!

I might know who "robrat mess" is, but without a photo ID I'm calling BS! :D
Pretty awesome. I know I should have been there. I figured I would have a day or two after Dutton! Great shooting and even better Big C could be there. He will never forget that.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-17 AT 08:52PM (MST)[p]Your boy's unbridled reaction on the video totally made me grin!
Congrats on a great late season bull, and to all who helped out.
The coolest part to me is you included your son on an adventure neither of you will ever forget!
Perfect setting; big bull, young son, great shot, clean kill, adulation!

As the good ole boys say.......It don't get no better than that!!!



With Friends/Fellow Sportsmen!

Tony Jr was Pumped as We all were!

Took Some Patience!

Gave Us some time to Study the Bull!:D

The Wind/Breeze Had me a little Nervous at Times,It Would Change Directions as Well as Speed!

There wasn't alot of Time after the Bull Finally Decided to Move for a Shot!

Tony Made an Excellent Shot on the Bull at 658 Yards!

You Could hear Cody/Tony Jr Celebrating for Miles!:D

Then My Friend DBG AKA the "Wasatch Sherpa" said:follow me,then He Said:Bess 'Try' to follow Me!:D As We made Our Way up to the Bull!

Alot of Work but this is what REAL Hunting is all about and what Memories are Made of!

Thanks To All!

She Don't Just Rain She Pours!

That Girl Right There's The Perfect Storm!

Great Bull and sounds like a heck of a shot too! Loved hearing your boys excitement that's what it's all about.
Thanks for all the kind words guys. This was one of those hunts where everything came together just right, the kind that make up for all the others where everything goes wrong. Definitely one for the memory bank for sure.

I can't help but there any proof robrat mess was really there? I don't want to embarrass anyone but...:D

>I can't help but there
>any proof robrat mess was
>really there? I don't want
>to embarrass anyone but...:D

Yup, you can hear his voice in the kill shot video lol! ;-)
>>I can't help but there
>>any proof robrat mess was
>>really there? I don't want
>>to embarrass anyone but...:D

>Yup, you can hear his voice
>in the kill shot video
>lol! ;-)

Yes you can hear his voice. I can also verify that robrat was there.
Nice job .264Tony!!

Yep - gotta change your name now. ;-)

Great video. Big congrats to you.


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Love the mass. Just for reference, what's his measurements and overall gross?

Had you seen him prior to the hunt?

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>Love the mass.
>Just for reference, what's his
>measurements and overall gross?
>Had you seen him prior to
>the hunt?
>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

He taped right at 350. 21.5" g1's really helped. 50" beams, 40" inside.

Yes we had been watching him the week prior to the hunt, Dillon found him for me :)
Great hunt, great shot and awesome that your boy was there for it all. Really cool to hear that several members helped out on your hunt.
Awesome kill shot video! Great bull. Congrats.

Man, there are sure some good bulls coming off the Wasatch on the late hunt this year. This one is just cool!
>Awesome kill shot video! Great bull.
>Man, there are sure some good
>bulls coming off the Wasatch
>on the late hunt this
>year. This one is just

IMHO the late hunt on the Wasatch has the greatest potential for "trophy" quality. Tony was extremely lucky to get a bull that literally had not even a chipped antler.

But I believe the late or mid hunt are your best bets at a higher quality bull.
Congratulations on a great bull, hunt and great company. That don't happen to often. Good Job. I am betting it wasn't the .257 or was it?
>Congratulations on a great bull, hunt
>and great company. That don't
>happen to often. Good Job.
>I am betting it wasn't
>the .257 or was it?
> Rutnbuck

Nope, 264 Win mag.

Big, big bull. Cool video too. You did great.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
Wow Tony what a great shot and Bull! That's was impressive. I loved your boy's audio in the background reminds me of my baby brother years ago. Sounds like you had some great guys along for the hunt. That alone makes it great
I don't think it could have gone any better do you?

Congrats again

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
"When I heard the bullet shoot". I watched your video 4 times just to hear your boy do play by play. I'm a sucker for that crap.

Dad is the baddest man on the planet. Beautiful!!!

Oh, here all this time I though BESS was a Russian Bot.

Gonna go watch again.
"He's dead....he's moving his antlers....he's dead"

Good stuff man!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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