Oryx 270 WSM round????


Very Active Member
I am hunting Oryx in NM in November. They are supposed to be tough as nails. I have two batches of ammo and I hear great things about both rounds.

I have Barnes X 140 grain and Federal Premium 150 grain Nosler partition...

What should I use????
I agree. Both bullets will get the job done, use the one that is most accurate in your rifle. Good luck and get a big one!!!!!!!!!

+2, Both good choices!! You could put the Accubond in there too but you can't go wrong with the batches that you have as long as they shoot well.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Shooting at 100 today and the both shot well...the Barnes might have been a little tighter...but could be operater too.

If they both shoot close to equally as well do you think the extra 10 grains makes a difference????

I have not shot these rounds at distance yet...
I think it's a toss-up, either way. I'm hunting Barnes TTSX for the first time this year.

One thing in favor of the Barnes, if ever they outlaw lead bullet all together, you would be ahead of the game in already having jumped to copper.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'll third the motion, either one is a great choice.
Don't worry about the 10 grains. The Barnes penetrate like they're about 20-50 grains heavier anyway. I used Barnes on my African gemsbuck and so did a couple of my kids. Worked like a champ!
BTW, I just heard that old familiar "Barnes TTSX POP" at 494 yards on a really good Wyoming pronghorn. I'll have to post pics when I can but I'm off for moose again in a couple days and might be gone for a while.
I shoot a .270 Win with the 150 grain Nosler Partitions and I have never been disappointed. I don't know anything about Oryx, but they are great medicine for elk!
I shoot the 130 grain ttsx in my 270wsm and love it. I was shooting the partition in it previously. My experience has been much less meat damage with the barnes bullet compared to the Nosler partition or most any other style of bullet.

The one and only gemsbuck I shot in africa was with a barnes bullet but in my 338 winny. It was drt.

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