Cooper firearms


Very Active Member
Does anyone own one? I have been thinking about a 22 hornet or k hornet for a while now and just discovered they offer plenty of left-handed options. What I've read so far sounds good.
Great guns, very accurate.

I think most of what they started with they bought when Kimber Of Oregon went out of business.

Stay thirsty my friends

I just received the Model 38, 22 K Hornet. It's my first Cooper and first single shot since my Chipmunk 30+ years ago. I'm having a hard time figuring out what scope to use. I think I might go with a Swarovski 3-9. Any suggestions? What do you think will go good with a Hornet?
I've got a 3-9x on my hornet and it works well for general use . A little more magnification would be nice for smaller targets at longer ranges , but the hornet isn't a 500 yard varmint round obviously.
The hornet is not a long range gun so unless your eyes are really bad 3x9 should do it.

It will be interesting to see if it's accurate, Hornets are not known for accuracy. I've owned a half dozen and never had one that was sub MOA.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I know what you're saying Ochoco. This was one of those purchases that was more for novelty than anything else. The test target from Cooper looks good but those are easy to fake.

The rifle is one of the nicest I've bought in a while. The trigger has almost no over travel and is set at 2 pounds. No sling swivels because I will never carry it anywhere but the range and prairie dog towns. Very nice crown too. I haven't even shot it but I was so impressed with it that I ordered the 22 mag, Western Classic model 57.
I've always used Hornady 35 grain Vmax in mine and it regularly shoots 3/4 MOA, sometimes better but not very often. Mine is a Ruger 77/22 and works great for general pest control.
If the target is good it's probably a shooter with the right load.

Some of the bullets today may improve things.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I just realized that Western Classic sounds like a Hamburger you'd buy at a fast food restaurant. Cooper should change the name of that rifle.
I don't support or buy from a company that I know donates to presidential candidates that are against gun rights... And although it was supposedly only the CEO doing it Cooper Rifles is dead to me
>I don't support or buy from
>a company that I know
>donates to presidential candidates that
>are against gun rights... And
>although it was supposedly only
>the CEO doing it Cooper
>Rifles is dead to me

That will teach them. Funny stuff. mtmuley
You spend your money on what you want I will spend my money on what I want... And I will not support a gun company that supported Obama...Funny to me is trying not to teach a lesson when everyday the 2nd amendment is under such attack ... Its funny how everyone was up in arms about it when it came out and now its like everyone with their phony outrage seems to have forgotten...
I won't support any company that supports public land degrading Trump. so I guess it's a draw.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>I won't support any company that
>supports public land degrading Trump.
> so I guess it's
>a draw.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Give an example Tonto....

Dang, that rifle is gorgeous. What cartridge? My 22 hornet is a CZ 527 and it's the best grouping gun I've ever owned. I looked at Cooper before buying the CZ but I couldn't bring myself to buy a single shot.
I did some more fire forming with two types of brass, Winchester and Hornady. Winchester split 20 out of 100 cases and Hornady, 0 out of 50. If anyone is thinking about a K Hornet, toss the Winchester. I had to clean the chamber and borescope it to make sure it wasn’t bad after each split. Fire forming wasn’t too bad with accuracy, but it wasn’t consistent.



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