Get Serious Get a Hoyt!!


Long Time Member
I wouldn't shoot anything else boys...PERIOD!! I've killed bucks every year I've archery hunted with a Hoyt because they provide confidence like no other. This years buck happens to be my best so far, took him with a Hoyt Trykon XL. Can't wait for November to roll around so I can buy the brand new Hoyt flagship bow...if it can out-do a Katera it's gotta be badass!!!!


Nice Buck..must be nice to be able to buy a brand new bow every year, i bought my first bow (Hoyt Raider) in 2000 and I am just now getting the Hoyt Katera, but that should be good for another 4-5 years.
Congrats on a great buck! I think with todays technology there are alot of great bows out there. Confidence in a bow is a huge factor. I personally like mathews!( CATCH US IF YOU CAN).
Promotional consideration for this post is brought to you by......HOYT. Also sponsored by....HOYT. Equipment provided by...just playin. That is a sweet buck. Cool that all his velvet is still intact. Congrats!
Thats a heck of a great buck,congrats!!!
Now if you really want to shoot smooth, shoot Bow Tech....and drive a Ford , and Go Broncos.....
Just messing with ya, again congrats on your buck....
>Nice buck!
>But I'm sure you could have
>killed it with a Mathews
>or (gasp) even a Bowtech

Nope both above mentioned bows dont kill animals... :eek:
>I'd rather kill an animal than
>just Hoyt it!
> Just kidding- nice buck!!

BWHAHAHAAHHAHAAAHAHAH....ROFLMAO..never heard that one before. LOL
I'm a Hoyt man myself...hit 'em where it Hoyts baby!!!

This thread is kind of funny though, never seen a plug like it right in the title!
Nice buck. I never liked Hoyts myself. To futuristic looking and they seem to need a pound of limbsaver crap on them to be quiet enough for hunting. Something to keep in mind is the thousands of animals that hit the dirt each year from a well placed arrow out of a handmade recurve or longbow. The kind of bow you shoot doesn't determine how good a hunter you are. The guy pulling back the string is what matters most. Mike
I've shot several different kinds of bows and they are all getting better every year. I think the hoyts shoot great but i don't like the vibration and shock i have experienced when shooting them. My matthews is pretty solid after the shot. Nice buck!
I have always shot Mathews, had a Trykon XL last year, recently picked up a Vectrix XL which I like alot. The double cams are hard for me to shoot, I have bad shoulders from years of playing baseball/softball and my shoulders always hurt the day after I shoot a Hoyt. I definitely like how fast it is and it is very quiet, (it better be quiet for how heavy it is), but I think for now it will still be the backup for my Drenalin LD. Sorry but "Catch us if you can" still applies.
Thank you all for the nice comments on my buck, I'm pretty happy with him but there's a lot bigger ones out there still.
I did want to comment on one thing though because I do sincerely believe Hoyt is the best bow company on the planet.
There are several nice bows out there for a guy to pick from and probably always will be. I personally get all my arrows, broadheads, strings, and accessories from Gerald at Utah Archery Center in SLC. This year while shooting there I have seen 6 bows break right in front of me. All 6 were limbs splintering and all 6 were Mathews bows, 4 brand new and 2 were a year old. My taxidermist and his girlfriend "HAD" 2 of the brand new ones. I'm sure not every Mathews bow is going to have that problem but I can guarantee I will never in my life pick one up and seriously consider purchasing it!! Why should I care how fast it is if I think it's going to break within the first year (or month) of owning it??
Hoyt TEC risors go thru 1500 dryfires and the limbs go thru 1000 before they'll sell them. They are heavier than most bows but while out hunting I have never thought to myself, hmmm this bow is really heavy, either. Its hands down the best built bow on the wont break! Hoyt's warranty is lifetime and they warranty less than 1% of the bows they sell. Call Mathews and see how many they do...??
I'm obviously a Hoyt man for life ;) I do realize I am also just another opinion though.... but I do know I have one of the best archery hunting set ups in the world and that's an excellent feeling when I put on my camo and head into the mountains!!
Thank you all again for the positive feedback on my 08 buck!!!

Hoyt makes a great none.....I shot for them (hunting) for several years and used them exclusively for over 20 years......however, I must admit that they're not perfect. I have had a few cracked limbs over the years from them.

I've also had problems with other major bow manufacturers as well......point being, I truly don't believe there is one "best" bow manufacturer out there's technology has manufacturers making quality products that will, on occasion, have their own inherited issues.

Very nice buck by the way......congratulations.

BOHNTR )))---------->
If Hoyt is the bow that makes you feel like Rambo than great. I am just glad to see you are shooting a bow.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
"If Hoyt is the bow that makes you feel like Rambo"

That's actually a funny but ironic phrase......Scott, remember when the Hoyt Rambo was the hottest selling bow in the industry? I actually owned and it shot like a dream....very forgiving and quiet. At one time it was one of the fastest around.....AMO (not IBO) speed was 205 fps......amazing where technology has taken us.

I agree, shoot with what you have the upmost confidence in and you'll generally be successful at it. Thanks for sharing the photo with us.....good job!

BOHNTR )))---------->
I have had a bear, browning, Carroll, Hoyt, I currently have 3 Bowtechs and the old Carroll plus an old Cravotta brother?s longbow. The only bow that I have seen that I would really like to try other than the Bowtechs is the Matthews DXT but that's not going to happen or I will be in the doghouse AGAIN. My wife shoots a Martin Cheetah, for the price it's a great little bow. Any bow rocks
Thats a great buck, congrats! Hoyt's are pretty bad ass too....but I also think your statement is a little outrageous...I may know of a hunter or two that are pretty damn serious and guess what, they dont shoot hoyt!!
>Thank you all for the nice
>comments on my buck, I'm
>pretty happy with him but
>there's a lot bigger ones
>out there still.
>I did want to comment on
>one thing though because I
>do sincerely believe Hoyt is
>the best bow company on
>the planet.
>There are several nice bows out
>there for a guy to
>pick from and probably always
>will be. I personally get
>all my arrows, broadheads, strings,
>and accessories from Gerald at
>Utah Archery Center in SLC.
>This year while shooting there
>I have seen 6 bows
>break right in front of
>me. All 6 were limbs
>splintering and all 6 were
>Mathews bows, 4 brand new
>and 2 were a year
>old. My taxidermist and his
>girlfriend "HAD" 2 of the
>brand new ones. I'm sure
>not every Mathews bow is
>going to have that problem
>but I can guarantee I
>will never in my life
>pick one up and seriously
>consider purchasing it!! Why should
>I care how fast it
>is if I think it's
>going to break within the
>first year (or month) of
>owning it??
>Hoyt TEC risors go thru 1500
>dryfires and the limbs go
>thru 1000 before they'll sell
>them. They are heavier than
>most bows but while out
>hunting I have never thought
>to myself, hmmm this bow
>is really heavy, either. Its
>hands down the best built
>bow on the wont
>break! Hoyt's warranty is lifetime
>and they warranty less than
>1% of the bows they
>sell. Call Mathews and see
>how many they do...??
>I'm obviously a Hoyt man for
>life ;) I do realize
>I am also just another
>opinion though.... but I do
>know I have one of
>the best archery hunting set
>ups in the world and
>that's an excellent feeling when
>I put on my camo
>and head into the mountains!!
>Thank you all again for the
>positive feedback on my 08

Good's just one big commercial from you. Congrats on a great buck, but all the other stuff is nauziating.

is this an advertisement or what.... so if you had any other bow you couldn't have made the shot because the limbs would have broke.LOL gimme a break. ce61
I have always thought of myself as a pretty serious bow hunter but I shoot an alpine teton lite so I guess I don't fit the bill. Guess I'll need to add 2 pounds to my current set up and get a Hoyt. Gimme a break.
Seriously? 6 Mathews have blown up in front of you in one year?

I shot Hoyt forever & love them, now shoot a Switchback. Either you are exagerating or you are horrible luck fot Mathews shooters to be around. I've shot archery for over 20 years & have seen one York come apart (risor broke) & one PSE get nicked by a broadhead & explode.

Too bad you had to bash Mathews in your big buck thread, he's a dandy for sure.
Seriously?? Yes 6!! Maybe I am bad luck for them to shoot around who knows?? Didn't mean to bash them but the "catch us if you can" stuff bothers me now that I have witnessed that many this year. I apologize to all Mathews owners i'm sure your bows kill stuff too!! I am 100% diehard about Hoyt though sorry if it comes across to strong at times ;)

Thats odd. Working at UAC, and shooting a Mathews myself, I dont think 6 blow ups would be accurate. I left UAC mid-may, and unless 5 Blew up in the last 4 months, that seems a little high.
I love Hoyt to death, and have been loyal to hoyt, but the point is, a bow will only shoot as good as the indian. Hands down Hoyts are as tough as they get, they are also as heavy as it gets! The mathews I had blow up at the shop, was from a rookie who shot it at 72lbs, 30" Draw, and forgot to put in an arrow. It blew that limb straight in half. But we called mathews, and you know what they said? "Is the guy alright? Were sending out new limbs, just ask him not to do it again if all possible". Now I have worked with a lot of companies on warranty, and thats as good as it gets!
Nice Deer, And nice advertising. Not trying to stomp on your parade, but sounds a little out there.
Funny that the biggest buck shot last year was shot by a buddy of mine, and he was shooting a Mathews Switchback...Not gonna promote either bow line, cuz they all shoot amazing.
Personally, next year I think I am going to shoot a PSE X-Force 7...Oh wait, just got a BLACK ONE. Now I own all 3 lines, and they all shoot as good as I will let them.
So come on..."GET SERIOUS"...and "CATCH US IF YOU CAN" lol..this is hunting season boys...the "DREAM SEASON" LOL
I gotta agree with curley here never_catch...

6 Mathews blow-ups in one one year...and all during the time you were there shooting?

I've been shooting bows my entire life and I've seen a grand total of ONE bow blow up. It was a good bit ago, and Sportman's Archery in Sandy before Gerald owned it and before the move and name change. I can't even remember the brand.

Like I said above, I'm a Hoyt fan through and through, I love 'em. But this is a bit goofy my friend.
Never did I say any of them blew up, I said all the limbs splintered. Big difference between a bow blowing up and a set of limbs splintering...I've never seen one bow physically "blow up" in my life.
On another note though, I know exactly who he is and Curley is the guy that tied my G5 Meta-peep in and caused me to buy another brand new string right after I bought one!! When he melted the serving down it created a sharp edge that cut my string damn near in half after only 3 hours of shooting. Thanks Curley...wonder why you only lasted til mid may??!! Guess I could ask G and find out lol

Um....I LEFT because I had a better offer. And I was never told there was a problem with string there buddy. Had far more compliments than complaints about my work. But like most guys on here, you can sit there behind your computer feeling like a big man and say what you want. But if there was ever a problem with a bow at the shop, or anything, I would get it fixed. ESPECIALLY if I caused anything to contribute to it. Too bad you didnt man up and tell me,...woulda saved you the cost of a new string.
And melting the serving to create a sharp edge?...Mine are all melted tight to my string, and out of my 7 bows, never had that issue. And I shoot a heck of a lot more than you do buddy!!
Curley, I promise next time I see you I'll come say hello and we can discuss it further if you would like. I've seen you multiple times away from the shop at shoots and am sure we'll run into each other again so no worries. Didn't make a big deal of it because it woulda come outta G's pocket and not yours, he has helped me out way too much in the past to put that one on him. I can assure you that if you try to be a "big man" to my face though, it's not going to benefit you in any way shape or form...buddy!!

I know Chad too Zac...and Gerald. Real well. This has got to be one of the weirdest posts ever.

I'm glad you're loyal to your equipment, that's great! This is just strange...

I've seen splintered limbs on a bunch of different bows, including Hoyts. It happens. You'll make alot more friends by not badmouthing equipment you don't use.

By the way, if you're looking for sponsorship companies generally like to see resumes rather than sales pitches on internet forums! ;)
I said I would have taken care of it. Not take it out of Geralds pocket. So, Im not sure what your problem is. You come on here and bad mouth me when I have not said anything personal on you. I congratulate you on your buck, and just tell the truth about bows that are being bashed. Being a big man on either side is totally up to you. I have no beefs with you, or anyone, and if thats what makes you happy, do what you gotta do. All I said is that if I truly did make a mistake, I (not Gerald) would have made it right. Just a pitty that people dont tell a guy to his face that he made a mistake, yet he'll keep it quiet, and wait to put it on a forum, before the guy can correct his mistake.
Thats what bothers me. And If thats such a problem, I think theres more to it than just that.
Either way, good job on the buck. Sorry if I did something to your string. Never heard from you, and NEVER had that happen before. But if you say so?
Good Job Buddy.


Couldn't agree more with you about this turning weird...really wierd. Also I apologized if it came across to strong like a sales pitch because it's not, i'm a salesman at heart though what can I say?? Also said i'm sure not all Mathews bows break either...personally witnessed to many to ever consider one for myself but i'm sure they'll stay in business without me. Your last sentence was hilarious though gotta give ya that lol you don't think this will get me sponsored seriously?? ;)


> you
>don't think this will get
>me sponsored seriously?? ;)

Sadly probably not...but I'll send it to the Hoyt guys and see what they think!!! ;)

Too bad you like Kobe...Ha, ha.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-08 AT 12:08PM (MST)[p]Sponsorships aer tough to come by. Need a long resume with pictures, and provide quality animals yearly, and sometimes, a couple a year.
Probly a better bet if you want any deal on a bow/gear is talk to your pro-shop (Gerald) and ask about Shooter Programs.
Hoyt gives out so many each year to each shop. So your more-so sponsored by the shop, but get good hook ups on hoyt. I know G doesnt do it much, but maybe if you talk to him, you might be able to go that route. Either way it will help you promote HOYT and the Shop, and SPORTSMANSHIP.
Just remember that if your sponsored, or throw peoples name out there, you are responsible for your words and actions. Comes out as a representation of both you and the companies you are sporting.
never_catch, hope you dont think me as coming off a prick to you, or anything personal, just that personal attck was BS, and kinda messed.
Hope this helps
Alrighty i'm the "big man" so here it goes...Curley buddy sounds like I cost myself another hundred bucks by not saying anything to you about my string being cut where the peep was served in, if you say you would have had it taken care of then you probably would have so accept this as an apology. I imagine you're not a bad guy and I can certainly move on without a grudge.

No need to send it to Hoyt, they know i'm thier biggest fan already lol =) interviewed a while back and was offered a production position with them but am waiting for a sales one to open up. And uh on the Kobe thing...would have been Spain winning the gold in China if not for KB24 and D-Wade ;)...oh wait it was KB10 in beijing huh but anyways GO USA GO!! And if any of you Utah guys are down with betting on sports let me know next spring if Utah and the L.A. go at it again in the playoffs, could be fun??

Like I said, I might have made a mistake, and I would have apologized, and Im sorry. So enough of the BIG MAN talk, and just get back to hunting.
Good job on the buck, and good luck with Hoyt.
Hope it all works out for ya.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-08 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]I'm completely kidding Zac (and Chad) about the sponsorship thing. Jokes.

And Zac, good luck landing the job with Hoyt. My advice about making more friends by not bad-mouthing other companies will be even more true for you if you do. Only then it'll be clients and customers, not just friends!

Go get 'em!
Haha I could tell you were joking buddy no worries, I was joking back. I'm definately not looking for any type of sponsorship at all from any company lol.
Thank you for the input and advice though, I agree it would benefit anyone in any industry or aspect of life. Guess I got caught up in the moment...however my mistake made and once again to Mathews bow owners, I do apologize =)

this was a fun thread. Congrats Zac that buck is sweet. As a Matthews owner I can honestly say if i do ever switch it would be to a Hoyt

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