Recovery time - cracked radial cap


Active Member
I cracked the elbow end of my radial bone on May 11th when I fell with all my weight on my right arm on some concrete. The doctor says no lifting weights and no pulling my bow for 10 weeks from the incident so the bone can heal. That puts me @ July 20th or so before I can shoot.

I was planning on going on an archery bear hunt in Colorado the first week of September, but I don't know if I will be recovered in time to do this, with only 6 weeks essentially to get back to strength. Any of you archers had this kind of injury before and how long did it take you to recover?

I have to decide in early July if I'm going to do it or not when the tags go on sale because they will sell out. Considering the last week of Sep too for archery elk up there, but I can make that call last minute since its and OTC tag.
Never that problem, but a buddy just switched to left handed due to eye dominance and had to start basicaly from scratch. Just backed his bow down as far as he could to start. Slowly worked his way up. Just keep in mind what we were shooting 10 or 20 years ago and could still kill stuff. Bows are way more efficient now and still deliver a ton of energy at lower weights, can't imagine it slowing you down too much if you're smart about it.
PS how old are you? and how bad was the break? displaced, plated, etc... and do you shoot rt handed cause that should be easier than if you shoot lt.
I'm 35, the break wasn't bad, it was down the middle of the end of the bone, almost like it split in half, instead of across the bone like most breaks. Because of that and my flexibility the doctor opted not to do any surgery, we are just going to take it easy and let it grow back. He said you could make a case for putting a plate and screws in there, but it would probably be more traumatic for the arm than leaving it alone.

I do shoot right handed and broke my right arm.
I broke both bones in my right arm (between my elbow and my wrist) opening day of the archery hunt last year and was in a full cast all the way to my shoulder for 7 weeks. I was able to pull my bow within a week of getting it off. I think you will be good to go!! Are you casted?
No cast just in a brace, not supposed to lift anything heavy or pull any weight until first week of Aug
Not that anyone cares - but.

Doing physical therapy now, bone should be healed by end of August. I got my bow out and was able to shoot 3 arrows the other day, so I am all systems go for September bear hunt!
Sweet. Congrats. Better luck to you on your hunts.


PS. Tristate, please be an adult and respect my wishes that you do not respond to any of my posts. I, in turn, will do you the courtesy of not responding to any of yours. I simply do not wish to converse with you.
I wish you the best, I would suggest you take it slow, the muscles recover much quicker than tendons and ligaments due to blood flow. Give yourself a full 24-48 rest between shoots. Last thing you want is the tendon to become inflamed. That will be another recovery process. Consume a lot of fish and fish oil this will cut down on inflammation and provide sufficient protein and good fats for recovery.

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