"Dropped in Alaska"


Long Time Member
I would love to hear the thoughts of some of you AK experts on the TV show "Dropped in Alaska" on the Sportsman's Channel.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-12 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]I haven't seen the show but I do try to watch other outdoor shows filmed in Alaska. Last night I watched the Western Extreme guys hunting blacktails on Kodiak & Afognak Islands. They shot a small buck on a logging road and talked about how dangerous it would be to camp in a tent with all the bears. I have spent lots of nights on Kodiak and didn't worry about the bears. We keep a clean camp with no food in the tent. The Western Extreme guys probably would have seen more deer if they had not stayed at a lodge that is close to the Kodiak road system.
The show to me was just ok. I am a float hunter and have done a trip nearly as long, though I did bring food along. I know the show is made to draw you in, but I thought there was quite a bit of whining about everything. The characters weren't easy to like because of the whining. It seemed like they could get down or upset at the drop of a hat. For the amount of planning they said they did, they seemed surprised that there weren't animals behind every tree. Maybe that comes from having no food? To me, the best part of the show was the scenery, the river itself, and the Moose that they saw/harvested.

The river looked like a good float, not a tough river by any means. I saw many places that they floated by and should have tried to hunt, but when you overshoot your camp spot for the evening because you aren't paying attention, that's how bad things happen.

Maybe I am a bit too critical of the people in the show. I hope people who watched this show don't think that is how a float hunt is meant to be done. I hope people take it for the entertainment value and realize there is much more to a float hunt than to drop into wild Alaska without food. Yes, its a lot of work, but definitley worth while, when done the right way.

Just my 2 pennies, FWIW.

Take care,
It was better then I expected. Compared to other shows more realistic - if there is such a thing on TV!

One of the very few hunting shows I watched in years, and partially because I am heading up for moose.

I rank it higher then most shows.
The show was prettty well done and showed things as they are. I couldn't disagree with garrion33 more. After 18 years guiding in Alaska, all that whining you saw was exactly how most guys act like if they don't get their animal on the first day. Most guys arent prepared mentally to spend two weeks in the bush without their cell phones and computers.

Colorado Lion Hunt:

Mineshaft Lion Hunt:
It was totally lame.

With 2-3 camera angles and ton's of overlay footage...

They had like 6---8 Producers/Interns in the Dropped camps...how did all those camera battery packs stay charged?----ever hear a generator?? too lame...

My favorite pure bullsh*t footage...the night of the bear in camp...totally staged---not one of the brothers even reached for a pistol--nor rifle..hunting Reality--hollywood written...scam.

That show is for dumb*ss's that think they can get a float plane to drop them and all they need is a raft-n-rifle....

Ya know--Internet Hero......Looser.

Straight-up...I say 8-10 dumb*ss's will see that show and think they can do it.......then post the BIG Excuse thread---of failure....if they live?

I can pack batterys and bring a goal zero solar charger and have all I need. My camera will run for almost 3 hours straight recording on a battery thats a ton of footage..

Do you know for a fact there was 6-8 producers? cause I have never had a so called producer in my camp.. a camera guy yes from the statements u have made I would guess u have no clue what a filmed hunt is about or how its done
I loved it i have it on video it has a lot of behind the scenes stuff showing how they used the brunton solar charging equipment
Never watched the show, but I spent 18 straight days in the Alaska bush and we filmed the whole hunt on 3 fully charged batteries.There was only three of us and we managed to get 2 sheep kills, 2 moose kills, and a grizzly kill all on film; not to mention a lot of other great footage of animals and scenery.I showed a friend of mine, who does editing professionally for a hunter who travels the world and he said my footage was better than the guy he edits for professionally. Anyway, I doubt there film crew has 6 guys. I am however amazed at the kind of footage a $400 HD camera will produce.
A follow up of that episode revealed they had two camera men/helpers, along with the two hunters, so much less than 6guys. I also agree that you can get some amazing footage with the latest inexpensive cameras. I would love to see you footage CF, since I truly have cabinfever! You must have had a real adventure to get all that on film! Congratulations
As a Sourdough, I don't waste any time on the Alaska hype reality show BS.

Okay, I watched some of the first two seasons of the Deadliest Catch, but then is was the same old sch!tt.

I ACTUALLY LIVE the Alaska dream and that's what it's all about.

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