Custom Enhanced Trophy Shot Showpiece


Founder Since 1999
This is pretty cool. Roland La Pierre ( did this piece for me recently. I had my choice of photos to send and thought my wife would really like it. She does!

What it is ... [font color=darkred]Custom Enhanced Ready-to-Display Metal 11x17 Showpiece[/font] he calls on his site, "ONE-SHOT". Roland can take any photo you send him, enhance it and then prints it to a piece of sheet metal. He does a number of different types of products. He can do them in many sizes and include multiple images if you'd like.

Great gift for someone who has taken the trophy of a lifetime.

Take a moment and look at his website, and if this is something you think a friend or family member would like, give Roland a chance to create this unique gift. Or have one done for yourself. Trophies are rare, spoil yourself.

I only wish I would have taken better photos of my wife and her bull.

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Brian Latturner
LIKE on Facebook!
Hi Brian,

I'm really looking forward to helping out MonsterMuley Members.

In the CLASSIFIED ADS...I offered a SPECIAL PROMO on my 11x14/17 SHOWPIECES...I'll do a TWO-SHOT/THREE-SHOT for the price of my 11x14/17 ONE-SHOT.

Safe hunting to all!


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