F*** The NRA!


Long Time Member
Hi my NM hunters, have you all seen this ad by some Liberal candidate running for Congress?
He?s ad starts out with F the NRA! He was just on Tucker Carlson and got his butt handed to him.
My wife even laughed and said Good Luck running in a state full of hard working hunting!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Yes, Pat Davis is a moron who thinks any publicity will help his campaign. He is an embarrassment to New Mexico and should drop out and go away.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
The first I've ever heard of this guy was that commercial. Not a good first impression...
Most all the liberal candidates in NM are running on bashing Trump, supporting illegals, saying how they will fight the NRA.... bunch of #*&@$*. &&$*@&# They need to say how they will clean up ABQ or how they will make NM a better place for education instead of being rated as the 49th lowest state in education but 1st in auto theft.... Me and 4 friends have all had trucks stolen or attempted to be stolen in ABQ. The 2 that were recovered were totally trashed and spray painter graffiti all over them bumpers gone, headaches racks gone , tires gone ...... Dissing the NRA or anything that makes sense is the way they roll in parts of NM. Sad that such a great, beautiful state like NM has so many liberals. They won't be happy until NM is 3rd world.
So Sad that this FOOL has a chance in the election. But the blind SHEEP will keep voting Demorat no matter what. Being led to slaughter and don't even know it. Please People wake up and think for yourself !... Don't just vote party. This guy has no business in congress or anywhere else.... he is just a talking Head.
>Please People wake up and
>think for yourself !... Don't
>just vote party.

Great advice, and the basis of democracy, but we live in tribal times. Don't expect any large number people to think for themselves any time soon; they will pick a tribe and go along with whatever the tribe says for protection from their own minds.
LAST EDITED ON May-18-18 AT 04:53AM (MST)[p]>
>>Please People wake up and
>>think for yourself !... Don't
>>just vote party.
>Great advice, and the basis of
>democracy, but we live in
>tribal times. Don't expect any
>large number people to think
>for themselves any time soon;
>they will pick a tribe
>and go along with whatever
>the tribe says for protection
>from their own minds.

Kind of tough to see this kind of stuff on a hunting forum. It's just the world we live in now. I've been a New Mexico resident since I was born, and one thing I know is a majority of the population here choose the political party and religion just based on tradition. I really hope this guy has made a big enough ass of himself that he doesn't even get considered.
He probably has big money backing him ,George Soros funds a lot of left wing candidates here in California.
His phone number is (505)433-1691 and his email is [email protected] send him a message and share with him he sent the wrong message to the majority of voters.His own party locally must be embarrassed by his diarrhea of the mouth overload as many of the NM Dems are legal law abiding gun owners who support and are members of the NRA. This jack wagon couldn't get voted for local dog catcher!!!

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