A little turmoil going on over men's only hunt.


Long Time Member
The Lander One Shot hunt is in the news today over a legislative committee looking into complimentary licenses. The famous hunt, where teams of three men try to kill an antelope with one shot in the quickest time, is under fire because they are issued 56 extra antelope licenses (through the G&F) to past shooters. Each year the state guarantees these licenses to the One Shot making a past shooter "privileged" over all other applicants.

Oh, and to top that, only men are allowed. In a ceremony after the hunt, the "losers" are dressed up as women and dance with the "Indian maidens"! Stag events are also held throughout the event over a four or five day period.

Yes, this is in the "Equality State".

I think it is crap and needs to be changed.

The line stating they are extra tags is BS. No matter what the tags given must be accounted for and animals taken as well.

I am never in support of any public tags being removed and given to a private entity for dispersal.
I echo your comments elks96. It sounds like a bunch of male chauvinist pigs participate in that hunt!
Here is a picture of the losers in there women garb and what the women get to do while the men are out hunting. Right from the website.


LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-17 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]Think I'd want the 'ol lady learnin how to cook that Antelope instead of painting beach pictures. LOL
"The famous hunt, where teams of three men try to kill an antelope with one shot in the quickest time,....."

How long does the hunt last? About 15 minutes?

And why do they need 80 tags if the first one shot is declared the winner?

It sounds like a backdoor welfare tag allotment.
If people aren't crying foul about this them there is something wrong. Those of us who have daughters/ wife that hunt should be pissed. What if the shoe was on the other foot? These guys should have to apply for tags just like everyone else. I wonder how ethical some of them guys really are? How long does it take them for a follow up shot? This is total crap and will say so the next time I speak with game and fish officials.

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