NR deer question


Active Member
Hello all!
I'm trying to start something new for my kids. I want to apply for deer tags for kids(youth) hunt. I have a few question about the proclamation. There is two hunt for nonresidents youth deer and nonresident doe/fawn? What are the differences in those hunts?
Is there an over the counter licenses available for non residents?
Any info will greatly be appreciated
Doe/Fawn tags are usually reduced price and can be applied for as an additional tag with your reg general or draw tag, or ya can apply for them without putting in for the regular price tags. And there is no over the counter tags in wy for nonres.
So I can either apply for regular season deer hunt or fawn/doe? Or both? Trying to hunt out of state for once. What unit/area would you recommend to apply for?
To hunt big game in Wyoming the youth can apply when he/she is 11 as long as they turn 12 in that calendar year and they have to be that old to actually hunt. Without Preference Points (PPs) you'll have to apply for a Region License for a tag that you have a chance at drawing. Reduced price licenses are drawn at random with no PPs used. Click on the G&F website and do a lot of reading in the application booklet and that will answer a lot of the questions you'll have.
I've hunted WY as a nonres several times. Here's a few things that hopefully will help.

MOST General season Region tags can be drawn with no PP's. The Region tags are specified by a letter. Each Region has several Deer Hunt Units, specified by a number. Some of the DHU's are designated as limited quota, and will require PP's. Hopefully these two links will help.

I can't remember the exact terminology, but WY has a regular price license. Or, you can pay a premium, say $75'ish more for a Special Draw license that increases your chances of drawing a tag. Then again, if you can draw with no PP's, why pay the extra $$.

Since you're trying to get kids involved, have you considered a WY antelope tag? Same application process as above, but doe tags are typically OTC. Typically good weather, a fun hunt, lots of public land. If you need more info, PM me.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-17 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]>I've hunted WY as a nonres
>several times. Here's a
>few things that hopefully will
>MOST General season Region tags can
>be drawn with no PP's.
> The Region tags are
>specified by a letter.
>Each Region has several Deer
>Hunt Units, specified by a
>number. Some of the
>DHU's are designated as limited
>quota, and will require PP's.
> Hopefully these two links
>will help.
>I can't remember the exact terminology,
>but WY has a regular
>price license. Or, you
>can pay a premium, say
>$75'ish more for a Special
>Draw license that increases your
>chances of drawing a tag.
> Then again, if you
>can draw with no PP's,
>why pay the extra $$.
>Since you're trying to get kids
>involved, have you considered a
>WY antelope tag? Same
>application process as above, but
>doe tags are typically OTC.
> Typically good weather, a
>fun hunt, lots of public
>land. If you need
>more info, PM me.

First off, there are quite a few Region tags now that need a PP or more to have a 100% chance at drawing a tag in the Regular Draw. That may also be the case in a few of the Special Draws, especially Region G for deer. The Special Draw for all three species also costs a whole lot more than the $75 increase you mentioned and sometimes it doesn't increase your chance at all or enough to justify the big increase in cost! Also, there are no OTC tags of any type for antelope, deer, or elk for NRs in Wyoming at the present time. You either have to draw a tag in the initial draw or put in for the leftover draw for a tag if there are any left after all initial draws are completed. Only after the draws are completed can you go online and buy a tag that is left and it's not really an OTC tag, but rather a first come first serve and only while any licenses might be left for a particular area to meet the assigned quota. I started hunting in Wyoming in the early 90s and haven't missed a season since 1998.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-17 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]Hey Topgun, you are right on the price difference. It is more than the $75. I didn't find the actual $$ difference in my quick search, and I was going from memory. It may have been more like $175, but I'm not sure. I PM'd more links and info to Shanqua after the post.

I did find the draw reports.

Looks like 12 of the 16 Deer Regions could be drawn with no PP's in the NR Special draw. That's the higher price draw, correct?

In the regular draw, it looks like only a couple Regions could be drawn with no points, so if you really wanted to hunt one year, the extra $$ may be worth it.

Regarding antelope doe tags, every time I've hunted WY, there were doe tags available after we killed bucks. I called them OTC, but you were correct, they were a first-come, first-served, but the quota had not been met.

Now that I know you've hunted WY for many years, I'm gonna call you before I go next time! That's the cost for me not telling Tristate you were right! :D :D You guys have some spirited discussions!
Yep, the Special is the higher priced draw and it's actually quite a bit more than the $175 difference from the Regular Draw you mentioned. You can go onto the G&F website and see the prices for each species draw and I assume you know that all fees are going up for the 2018 season for the first time since 2008. You are correct on your comments regarding the Special Draw odds, but the Regular Draws sure are different. I loved your trollstate comment, but I wouldn't call them spirited discussions with him, LOL!
Remember, even youth have to pay full price in the Special Draw, no Special youth tag available courtesy of WYOGA.
Thank you all for your responses. So how would region E and D be for youth tags. I'll probably put my kids in for Antlered tags in those region and maybe a doe/fawn tags. Same with antelope. Make the trip Worth it since we will be coming from NM.
>Thank you all for your responses.
>So how would region E
>and D be for youth
>tags. I'll probably put my
>kids in for Antlered tags
>in those region and maybe
>a doe/fawn tags. Same
>with antelope. Make the trip
>Worth it since we will
>be coming from NM.

Region D was only an 18.85% chance to draw a tag in the Regular Draw with 0 PPs and there were 295 first choice applicants in the Random Draw for 72 tags, so that % is also bad. Region E was 47.83% chance with 0 PPs and in the Random Draw there were 228 first choice applicants for 99 tags, so that % was also not good. As far as applying for doe/fawn tags and antelope tag you'll have to pick a particular unit because they aren't issued for a Region.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-17 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]With zero points, if you apply for Region D in the NR Random draw, as TG said, your odds are low - Only 72 tags, with 295 people applying as a first choice.


However, if you really want to hunt bucks next year, pay the extra $$ to enter the NR Special Draw, and your odds for Region D are basically 100%.


Regarding the antelope areas, if you want to hunt both at the same time, you'll have to pick one within Region D, or E.
Thanks for all the input! I will put my kids in for the special draw for region D. Then maybe an antelope doe/fawn tag as well!!
Thanks a bunch!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-17 AT 07:38PM (MST)[p]>Thanks for all the input! I
>will put my kids in
>for the special draw
>for region D. Then maybe
>an antelope doe/fawn tag as
>Thanks a bunch!!

I hope you read the post by jm77 in that youth do not get a discount in the Special Draw like they do when they apply for the Regular or Random Draw. In essence you'll be paying around $1000 for the Special Draw and doe/fawn tags for the two of them along with the mandatory Conservation Stamp that also went up for 2018.

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