Feral Pigs?


Very Active Member
I've heard that we have feral pigs in southwestern Oregon but has anyone seen or heard of any in the rest of the state? I was out and about the other day and I was finding a lot of weird digging under trees, trails through low heavy brush but no cows had been in the area for years, trails cut into hillsides that didn't seem to be from elk and there aren't enough deer in the area to make trails like that, and thinking back, I have seen other strange things in that area in the past that I couldn't really explain (10'x10' sections of land dug up, water holes and creek beds beat down, etc.) but feral hogs would totally explain them. I'm just curious if anyone else has seen feral hogs away from the west side.
Nope, no domestic animals in there in several years. They used to run cows in there but the rancher gave up that allotment 4 years ago so there is nothing in there.
Obviously I haven't seen these 10x10 dug up areas u saw, but I highline my horses between 2 trees, and in wet years they make an area about that size that's pretty tore up. I thought it would go away in 12 months, it doesnt. Could this explain those areas you've seen?
Yeah that could be a possibility. I'm just at a loss at how to explain all the stuff I'm seeing. Bears could be contributing maybe, could be some guys using horses to hunt in the fall that are causing the torn up ground, maybe the elk and deer are keeping some old cattle trails from healing over, it could just be the perfect storm of things that make it look like pigs and it all could be explained some other way. I'm skeptical that it's pigs because I am in the woods a lot and have never seen one, but I'm also leaning toward it being pigs because I'm in the woods alot and I have never seen anything like what I'm seeing in this area. I'm just not sure what to think.
Once I opened the possibility of pigs, alot of odd things made sense. Last year I jumped a bunch of "deer" out of some heavy brush, I never saw them, but I remember thinking that their running sounded funny. The brush was too short to hide a full grown deer but I figured it must be some fawns and just dismissed it because it "had to be deer". Open up the possibility of it being pigs, and suddenly it could fit.
Maybe I'll set up some trail cams or something and try to figure it out.
Put one on one of those tore up water holes, bet u have yer answer in no time if it's pigs.
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