Aldrich Mountain Sheep Hunt


I drew Aldrich No. 1 for sheep this year. I thought I was rather lucky. However, the fires have kept the road to the top of the mountain closed. The only scouting I have been able to do is from the bottom. I have been in both the Jackass drainage and the Oliver drainage. I have not seen a whole lot, but I have only been in a couple of miles. The season starts Saturday. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
What fires are burning in that area? I hadn't heard of anything since the corner fire and it wasn't that close to there.

The sheep range burnt pretty bad last year, I'm not sure how that will effect things this year. I know it ran some over to Black Canyon.

Jackass is where I've seen the most sheep. look on the north side of Aldrich and little Aldrich if it's warm.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The West Fork Fire started up again to a small degree. From Highway 26 you can still see the embers burning at night and smoke during the day. My understanding is that they are doing some sort of back burning or digging a fire line to keep it from possibly spreading. Anyway 2150 is still closed. I have spoken to the biologist (and the Forest Service) and he is aware of the situation.

There are sheep in Jackass, but this time of year the biologist says that it is mostly ewes and lambs - not many rams. Later in the year during the rut, more rams will go into Jackass. I did do some scouting in Jackass, but did not see anything. I only went in about 2 miles though.

I was planning on leaving tomorrow for the hunt, but I will likely delay it until I know for sure what is going on with the road. I may just have to man up and hike in from the bottom. It is just so darn hot and so little water will make it a challenge. But I guess that will make it all the more rewarding if I get one.

I appreciate your comments.


Well that sucks. is the road really closed or just a we told you not to so if something happens we're covered? last fall they had the whole south side of the road closed to hunting but if you asked them they'd tell you nobody was enforcing it or planned to.

Coming up from the bottom will be a chore I hope you don't have to resort to that . up chicken house road to cabbage patch might be the easiest hike but I've never seen sheep in there.

Horses would be an obvious huge advantage. if I wasn't trying to finish my harvest season so I can be in WY for my sheep hunt Sept 1st I'd offer to bring some and help you out.

Good luck.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I just got word that the Forest Service will let us travel on Road 2150 and in the Unit. We will need to check in. The Forest Service wants to know where we will be. I tried to explain to them that we have no idea where we will be until we get in there to check out where the sheep are hanging.

I am hoping things will work out. Thanks for the help and encouragement.
We just got back from our antelope hunt on Sunday in Murderers Creek and watched 2 nice rams off the South Fork Rd. Both in the 160-165 class I would say.

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