June 16th


Active Member
The last two years it looks like draw results were posted on June 16th. This year June 16th is on a saturday. So do you think they will be posted before the 16th this year or after?

"Go hunt for meat at Wall Mart."
I'm hoping for the 15th, but you never know. I heard the draw has already happened and the test are being run this week.
I was wondering the same thing. Im not expecting much for myself, I just hope someone I know draws a sheep tag!
You have until June 10th to make any changes to your applications. My bet is the results will be out Friday around 4:59 PM. So ODFW won't have to field the hundreds of "why did'nt I draw" calls until Monday.
Thanks lost for you input, I am sure not to draw again, headed to Kansas though. Good luck on the management draw.JB
Hope to see the results out tomorrow. I think their internal goal of the 15th with a few days till the deadline of the 20th.
best of luck to everyone! I'm waiting patiently here at my desk hitting refresh every 10 minutes! Really could care less what I draw (mainly point savers)...but my KIDS is a different story.

The freaking state is lazy! They did the drawing, what a week ago? I guess I should be more patient...

Thought I might have an in on finding out when the draw results will show up. I sent an email and got this back.

"I will be out of the office on Monday June 18th due to manditory unpaid furlough days. I will return on Tuesday June 19, and I will respond to your email at that time."

I don't know if everyone is gone but it does not look good for today.
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