Hart Mountain v. other units for Pronghorn


I am a resident and have maximum points (20) for pronghorn. I can draw a tag in any unit. Since the hunt is probably a once in a lifetime, I would like to make the best choice (or at least one I won't regret). I have always heard that Hart Mountain is the best unit for pronghorn. It is definitely the most difficult unit to draw. I have never been there or known anyone who has hunted it. Is it worth it? Are there better units?

I could always wait a couple of years and accumulate more points to take a friend or my son to a different unit such as Whitehorse or Beattys Butte that does not require as many points to draw. I have waited this long, so a few more years would not matter too much.

Thanks for help.
My wife and I have both hunted Hart and I'd do it again in a second.

The year I had my tag I had my pick of 75 class billys and I saw a few 80 class. I took an 81 . the year my wife had the tag it was record wet, water everywhere , very few goats on the refuge and we hunted hard to get her a 77.

What I'd tell you is it's the best hunt in Oregon, you will have a great time ad you will get a nice goat. I will not say it's where you're going to get the biggest goat in the state, but you could. for the number on the rufuge the number of booners is very low, Steens probably has bigger goats.

I would draw Hart if it were me, camp at the hot springs and know it's as good as it gets for goats in Oregon.

Stay thirsty my friends
It is important to understand that most of those antelope migrate in from the units to the East (Beatty's and such)as the water dries up. Depending on the weather and the dates of your hunt, you may or may not see big antelope. I hunted Beatty's two years ago (wet year) and saw some toads during bow season that I know were on the unit during the earlier rifle season.
I was in hart mountain deer hunting last year, And the antelope numbers are great. I would put in there in a heart beat. Most bucks I seen were in the 12 to 13 inch range. I seen three good bucks one I feel was was pushing 17 inches with great diggers.
I wouldn't, I'd take Juniper, Warner #1 or Whitehorse. There are whole age classes of goats missing on Hart due to predation. There are more dogs and cats on that mountain than about any other place in the state.
I've talked to a few biologist and they all say the units around Hart Mt are producing better bucks than Hart Mt. They claim that the nutrition isn't as good up top as it is below.
My two cents...

First the unit; any unit in the state of Oregon CAN produce a B&C buck, but very few do yearly. I personally think Hart Mtn is a good antelope unit for numbers but not for size. It would be a fun hunt, just the atmosphere of the area creates a great setting to hunt in. A lot of ground to hunt combined with a lot of critters equals a super hunt.

Secondly, an antelope buck can change up to 10% from one year to the next - but can go backwards just as easily as increasing in size. It all depends on WATER. As you know this year in Oregon it is dry, especially the NE and SE units. A 75" buck last year on great water years can be a B&C contender...the same buck on terrible water years will be a high 60's buck.

Lastly, I would go with your last thought that you wrote. Wait a couple years and have your son be putting in now as well and combine your points and go have a great hunt with family and still have a chance at killing a big antelope. As the other guys mentioned, Warner, Whitehorse, Beatys, Steens and others all can and will produce a B&C buck - plus you will have two tags and double the fun.

Good luck!
I would hunt Hart, because this will be your only chance. Antelope hunts there are basically once in a lifetime at this point.
Thanks for everyone's input. My father also has enough points to draw Hart Mountain, but his health is not so great. I just found out that you can get a disabled hunter permit that will allow him to shoot from a road. I think what I may do is have him apply this year and that will give me a chance to see what Hart Mountain is like. I also don't have to worry about filling my tag if I need to cut the hunt short for him. I can come back next year or a year when there is a bit more water.
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