Looking for stuffed animals for photographic project


LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-16 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]To whom it might concern,

My name is Enar, I'm a MFA student at the San Francisco Art Institute and I wondered whether anyone on this forum could help me with a quite unusual request. Me and two post-docs in physics are currently working on a photography project, for which we are looking for diverse stuffed animals (a horse would be ideal).

Do you know of anybody that would be willing to borrow us their stuffed animals around the Bay Area for one or two days? If not, do you know anyone who might be able to help us? If you have any questions about our project I'd be happy to tell you more about it.

Thank you so much for your help,

Enar de Dios Rodriguez

Details about our project:
In 1878 Muybridge developed fast photography with exposure times in the millisecond range. He used it to unravel the movements of a horse at full speed. He did his work at Stanford and it is now exposed at the Cantor art center. In our project, we use modern technology to watch a pulse of light move across a room, which happens within a few billionth of a second. As a reference to Muybridge it would be great to image light move across a horse (a stuffed horse) or a similar animal.
Dear Enar de Dios Rodriguez

I am new to this Monster Muley's website. Possibly I can assist you.
I was told that if one clicks on the first or second icon next to ones name, he/she may send a private email or message. If you read this, try such with me. I might help do more than offer you a stuffed Horse. I do have Deer and Ram's I may loan you. I understand what you seek, but I lack knowledge as to which Physics discipline you may be working in/on.
By chance, are you a J-1 Visa Student..? Read some of the below to figure a manner to help me understand your educational discipline(s).

Below are some topics:

A containment chamber with a unique combination of capabilities including laser velocimetry, wide-angle flash radiography, pin-dome measurements, and high-speed photography. "Core punch" flash radiography experiments in flash x-ray


SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics founded to advance an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light. The Society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent, and career and professional growth. Each year SPIE recognizes accomplishments and meritorious service in the optics, photonics, optoelectronics, and imaging communities it serves. Fellows are members of distinction who have made considerable technical and scientific contributions in optics, photonics, optoelectronics, and imaging.


By focusing laser beams onto a variety of targets, scientists create extreme states of matter, including temperatures of more than 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Fahrenheit) and pressures that exceed 100 billion times Earth?s atmosphere.


I am switching things up here so I'll help explain. This is a topic between Fission vs Fusion or said differently: Making a Star.

This need grew out of the decades-long effort to generate fusion burn and gain in the laboratory. Current nuclear power plants, which use fission, or the splitting of atoms to produce energy, have been pumping out electric power for more than 50 years. But achieving nuclear fusion burn and gain has not yet been demonstrated to be viable for electricity production. For fusion burn and gain to occur, a special fuel consisting of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium must first ?ignite.? A primary goal is to achieve fusion ignition, in which more energy is generated from the reaction than went into creating it. Designed to produce extraordinarily high temperatures and pressures?tens of millions of degrees and pressures many billion times greater than Earth?s atmosphere. These conditions currently exist only in the cores of stars and planets and in nuclear weapons. In a star, strong gravitational pressure sustains the fusion of hydrogen atoms. The light and warmth that we enjoy from the sun, a star 93 million miles away, are reminders of how well the fusion process works and the immense energy it creates.
Replicating the extreme conditions that foster the fusion process has been one of the most demanding scientific challenges of the last half-century. Physicists have pursued a variety of approaches to achieve nuclear fusion in the laboratory and to harness this potential source of unlimited energy for future power plants.

The same thing yet said slightly differently:

Queridos Enar de Dios Rodr?guez

soy nueva en este monstruo Muley's website. Posiblemente yo le puede ayudar.
Me dijeron que si uno hace clic en el primer o segundo icono junto al nombre de aquellos, ?l/ella puede enviar un correo electr?nico o mensaje privado. Si usted lee esto, intente tales conmigo. Yo podr?a ayudar a hacer m?s que ofrecerle un caballo de peluche. No tengo los ciervos y Carnero me puede prestar. Yo entiendo lo que usted busca, pero me falta el conocimiento de la disciplina f?sica que puede estar trabajando en/sobre.
Por casualidad, ?es usted un estudiante de visa J-1..? Lea algunos de los siguientes figura una manera para ayudarme a entender su disciplina educativa(s).

A continuaci?n son algunos de los temas:

una c?mara de contenci?n con una combinaci?n ?nica de capacidades incluyendo Velocimetr?a por l?ser, gran angular flash radiograf?a, pin-dome mediciones, y la fotograf?a de alta velocidad. "Core punch" flash radiografia experimentos en Flash

o rayos X:

SPIE es la sociedad internacional de ?ptica y fot?nica fundada para promover un enfoque interdisciplinario de la ciencia y la aplicaci?n de la luz. La sociedad los avances de las tecnolog?as emergentes a trav?s de intercambio de informaci?n interdisciplinaria, educaci?n continua, publicaciones, patentes precedente, y carrera y crecimiento profesional. Cada a?o SPIE reconoce los logros y servicios meritorios en la ?ptica, fot?nica, optoelectr?nica, im?genes y comunidades a las que sirve. Los becarios son miembros de distinci?n que han hecho considerables contribuciones t?cnicas y cient?ficas en ?ptica, fot?nica, optoelectr?nica, e im?genes.


centr?ndose rayos l?ser en una variedad de objetivos, los cient?ficos crean los estados extremos de la materia, incluidas las temperaturas de m?s de 100 millones de grados Celsius (180 millones de grados Fahrenheit) y presiones que excedan los 100 mil millones de veces la atm?sfera de la tierra.


estoy cambiando las cosas aqu?, as? que voy a ayudar a explicar. Este es un tema entre la fisi?n vs Fusion o dicho diferentemente: Realizaci?n de una estrella.

Esta necesidad surgi? de las d?cadas de esfuerzo para generar fusion burn y ganancia en el laboratorio. Las centrales nucleares actuales, que utilizan la fisi?n, o la separaci?n de los ?tomos para producir energ?a, han sido bombear energ?a el?ctrica durante m?s de 50 a?os. Pero para lograr la fusi?n nuclear burn y ganar a?n no ha demostrado ser viable para la producci?n de electricidad. Para la fusi?n de quemadura y la ganancia a ocurrir, un combustible especial compuesto de los is?topos de hidr?geno deuterio y tritio debe primero "Ignite." Un objetivo principal es lograr la ignici?n de la fusi?n, en los que m?s energ?a se genera a partir de la reacci?n que entr? en su creaci?n. Dise?ado para producir extraordinariamente altas presiones y temperaturas de decenas de millones de grados y presiones de muchos miles de millones de veces mayor que la atm?sfera de la tierra. Estas condiciones existen actualmente s?lo en los n?cleos de estrellas y planetas y en las armas nucleares. En una estrella, fuerte presi?n gravitacional sostiene la fusi?n de ?tomos de hidr?geno. La luz y el calor que disfrutamos del sol, una estrella 93 millones de millas de distancia, son recordatorios de qu? tan bien funciona el proceso de fusi?n y la inmensa energ?a que crea.
Replicando las condiciones extremas que fomenten el proceso de fusi?n ha sido uno de los retos cient?ficos m?s exigentes de la ?ltima mitad de siglo. Los f?sicos han aplicado una variedad de enfoques para lograr la fusi?n nuclear en el laboratorio y para aprovechar este potencial fuente de energ?a ilimitada para las futuras plantas de energ?a.
WTF? Are you saying this arts and croissant student from San Franfreako is actually anti hunting, tree hugging environmental whack job and only wants to return any and all mounted heads back to the past? Just asking?
No, not at all. I am interested first if he is a foreign exchange Physics Student under a J-1 Visa program. I will understand who and what he is quite fast if he writes back. His question of a stuffed Horse sounds outlandish to the lay ear, but I read his statement differently. I mean, who has a stuffed Horse other than Trigger...?

Many people from foreign Nations believes all of California is LA & Hollywood. I have sat in small Bars in many German country sides just having a sip of Jager with the locals, usually younger College aged groups. I was so dumb insofar as first thinking everyone would have a WWII German Luger and, maybe for sale.

I have friends in Ulm and other German Cities who are in Police work. Taking a tour, a ride along, later having a Bier (spelled that way) I learned that I really understood zero. The same happened in Finland. My Hotel room looked right down on the roof of the Rapala Fishing Lure Business (Yes, I got a tour and bought so many lures, it filled three large boxes of lures never found in America. I gave them away as Christmas gifts). Then I was really shocked to see the Olympic Ski Jumping facility in downtown Lahti. Look at: http://www.mapsofworld.com/finland/cities/lahti.html then seek Lahden Stadion & Salpausselka Skistadion. In summer the Athlete jumps and lands in a long pool of water. An amazing testament to a Nation supporting their Athletes. Also, right in what looks like a Track and Field Football Stadium, they had the Handgun ranges set up on the Football field. Technically, if a shooter were to miss his/her target, the Bullet would hit the Bleacher seats or, fly off towards downtown. This is: Their Normal....Not ours.

I would not say what you should think, consider or write. Plus, maybe most of all, due to Respect for this Monster Muley's website and all of the individuals who have been members, writers, helpful contributors, I consider myself a Neophyte Rookie here who has not yet attained any rights to enter comments.

I'll show the below underlined as one reason why I do care to hear, every ones statements, opions, feelings, Hunt wins, enjoyments experienced and sharing knowledge's but mostly, for me; our friendships we develop simply by writing in this forum:
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote; The world is a fine place and worth fighting for". One internet person said: Hemingway committed suicide. That's kind of funny, if you like that type of funny--he thought the world was worth fighting for, but he gave up. Here's the reason Hemingway gave up: he thought he was losing his skill as a writer. Isn't that interesting? That one personality trait would mean so, so much to you that without it, life would meaningless?
So maybe we can look at this like that. Maybe Hemingway's 'world' was his ability to write--just like another person's 'world' might be soccer or physical beauty or religion or someone they love.
We can all agree that the physical world's ugly--seeing persistent, painful evil and bloodshed isn't super fun, is it? But I don't think that's the world Hemingway was talking about. Like I said, I think that when he said 'the world', he meant his own world, which was writing. Hemingway's world was being a good writer, and he fought to keep that ability as long as he could. Even his death was a way of fighting for it, since he was still making a statement about how important writing was to him. I don't necessarily believe that people should be basing their personal 'worlds' around one thing. But I can see that Hemingway himself was forced to fight for his personal world the only way he knew how, and that that might be what some people feel they have to do.

I will assure you YBO, I have nothing to compare my post, now at maybe 3-5 against your seniority of over 982 posts. Like I mentioned, I am very new to this website. Under General Hunting I made my 1st post ( Just Joined Today ) in conjunction with (Hints I didn't think he could catch & know who I am) an effort to find a very good and life long loyal friend I would trust my life and all members of my family's life with, yes, I hold him quite high.

If I here or in any post, writes anything you (including everyone) finds improper or wrong, please say so, even attack. I would enjoy "Fitting In". If allowed over time. I have been in school seemingly all of my life but never graduated from the University of Brevity.

But back to the post from "enardedios" and my reply. If he (whomever) returns and reads my post, only a positive can occur. I would detect if such a person was as you felt. I will uphold the ethics you may be concerned about. Such a person or group would not pass through my screening. However, if enardedios is as unaware of what is normal in our culture as I have been whilst in other countries, then he will learn, going to "Toys R Us" is the best place to seek what he needs. If he is a J-1 Visa student conducting his Thesis or Doctorate in Applied Physics, I will know.

Disclaimer; I am not a smart (ass) or a know-it-all. I have a few experiences during my last 60+ years and maybe I fall back on those such things coupled with wisdom's from older folks while I was young. I may write many words but my ears and listening to others wisdom's, knowledge's, experiences are far more vast than my typed words. Said simpler, I do enjoy listening and learning from others. I have thus far found some very good folks on/in this forum to listen closely too. I have had some very bad medical experiences and currently fight, a lack of motivation. The friend who sent me here to find another friend had his own plan. No, not to torture all of you with my long writings but rather, coming here is one step in a self motivation effort. I will stop here and soon, maybe make a post where such will cause something very good for my friend and, myself....if one of us get's off our Butts. I pray I will respond and not find some excuse.

I will help enardedios if he is who he may be, insofar as science is concerned.
....so the only thing they are missing to make cold fusion happen is a dead horse???
I will be pleased to help you. I don'y know Galician language so I did my best below. Philipp Haslinger who studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Vienna and is currently a physicist at U.C. Bazerk-ley :) and Thomas Juffmann, a physicist at Stanford University. His PhD at the University of Vienna for his work in experimental quantum physics are BOTH welcome to come with you. I actually did the fiscal funding at a time, for both Labs and eight others nationally. One never knows who one may meet. Its a small world. Oh, this is a wonderful website with many very intelligent men and ladies.

Now I'm just an old man (fart) :)

Said differently:
Je serais heureux de vous aider. J'habite dans..... en Californie. Ma fille Heidi a lundi et vendredi hors tension. Dans son pass?, elle ?tait tr?s int?ress? ? la photographie. Ses principales est la g?ologie. Dr?le, elle travaille maintenant dans un magasin d'armes nomm? Tracy de carabine et de pistolet. Elle sera tr?s utile pour vous. Mon e-mail direct est..... mais veuillez ne pas ?crire dans des forums ou ouvrir des lieux publics.
De San Francisco qui conduit vers l'Est, il est ? environ 1 heure en voiture de notre maison. Vous pouvez apporter vos amis. Nous avons un taxidermied (farcies) Cerf-mulet t?te et plus d'un chat qui croit que c'est une poule et joue avec le coq comme il se prom?ne notre pays de l'espace. Si quelqu'un voulait asseoir dans un spot pour capturer ces friendly cat-coq photos, c'est une grande opportunit?.
J'envoie ce dans une traduction d'un serveur internet anglais vers fran?ais donc ce que j'?cris n'est pas mal compris. Je vais ?galement ?crire sur le forum. Je suis fier de vous raconter l'autre personne que vous n'?tes pas anti chasse et a Tree Hugger. Beaucoup de gens pensent que quiconque de San Francisco est tr?s lib?ral.
J'esp?re que certaines des premi?res questions ?taient compris. J'ai un peu de formation en sciences.
...not cold fusion, Homer. Cold fission....where you been?

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.

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