Crowley Lake Poacher - Gary Watters


Active Member
For any of you that haven't heard or seen this already.

Since the legal system continues to let us down in regards to poaching, I believe that public humility may be the best form of punishment until that changes. If you see this guy pumping gas make sure to thank him for giving the hunting community another black eye. Or you can always thank him by phone too, he's listed.

For the life of me, I cannot understand the poacher mentality. This 'glory whore' had to cheat to attain celebrity status. If you can't do it honest, take up another damn hobby. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him on the golf course now. And hopefully with clubs. Not a bow.

Very happy this man finally got caught. I just wonder how long its been going on. The man is 56 years old.
I commend the public for coming forward and giving DFG the tips to expose this 'blow hard'. Law abiding hunters continue to be the biggest asset to game wardens.
"On February 22, 2016 Watters arrived at the Mammoth Police Department where he was booked and released as ordered by the court. Watters also received a $760 fine / penalty assessment, 400 hours of community service, and cannot hunt in any state for three years."

That judge is a gutless moron! A 3 year suspension for poaching? Disgraceful...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
A friend of mine forgot to take his license down to the local park lake to fish. He has handed an $829 fine for fishing without a license...huh???? WTF.

He showed up in court with the license and reduced to about $400.

This was 10 years ago.

How in the hell does a guy do all this and get away with it?

It should be a violation of the multi-state wildlife compact that hammers him for doing this to trophy game animals.

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