Would you?


Active Member
For me...If he is in X1, yes.
X2, no.
X3a, no.
X3b, yes.
X4, yes
X5a, maybe
X5b, no.

You get the point...however, all this changes in the last few days of the season :) I'm very picky and this is the kind of buck I don't want to see running away from me early in the season. More than likely I pull the trigger. Either way, this is a "TWEENER"...because he is right in between that "big enough/how much bigger can you hope for" range in some zones. DANDY buck!
Most folks who don't hunt outside California won't get a chance at a buck like that . He's a shooter in my opinion , especially if you don't have a better buck scouted . He's not huge , but not many are
Border line for a bass hill buck,there will defiantly be bigger deer around if the deer move down a the ruts going on.
Ya I know there are bigger bucks there that time of year. No I haven't been up there yet. Not sure how much summer scouting will help, as it is a late season hunt and many/most of the Bucks would be up in summer ground now. Also there are three seasons/hunts between now and the archery hunt. Will be up after muzzy hunt ends to do some scouting.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-16 AT 09:40PM (MST)[p]No I'm not,I just looked it up the bass hill muzzy hunt I never heard anybody talk about it before.
This being the 4th hunt of the year in this area it wouldn't sound so appealing, but once they start chasin the girls all bets are off.
For the muzzy season, an early storm really helps but they will trickle in anyways.

For the archery season, hunt it all day. You never know when a monster will get caught out searching.

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