Trump Screwniverstity


Long Time Member
It's time to talk more about what Trump has done than what he said yesterday. what kind of a " deal maker " is he ? It would seem the art of the deal is to screw people over. chumps at his school, creditors. voters?

He will have the good fortune to be able to testify after the election but we know it's going to be prime fodder .

Is it good or is it bad? if he can screw the chinks out of what they own here and what we owe them maybe having a con man for president is a positive rather than a negative.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hey dude?

He may already know what it takes to be a Politician!

Homer, the only person that Dude likes is himself. He would throw anybody else to the wolves if it benefited him in the smallest amount.

LAST EDITED ON May-08-16 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p]You present it like it hit the news yesterday manny, err lennie. This is an issue and hilldog is mother Teresa?
440 won't be Happy until Hitlary is runnin the Show and She's making big Deposits into His Bank account And He's a Male Intern in the WhiteHouse with her!

You clowns are always fun. I have much much more in common that you do with Trump but you're too stupid to see it. if you want the definition of RINO look at a picture of Trump

Just because I discuss Trump and his problems doesn't mean I dislike him. Trump is the worst thing to happen to the evangelical movement in the republican party anyone could ask for. gee it's so just soooo hard for me to like him but I'll keep pretending.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So dude?

You Taking the Bullets?

This will have no affect on the election.

Results may vary and past performance may not represent the future.

You can bet Trump had all the legal disclaimers in place when the idiots signed up.

How can someone sue Trump University but not Obama?
Legal disclaimers are worth chit if fraud is involved. this looks bad and Trump knows it why do you think he wants it after inauguration day?

You'd think a great deal maker could have negotiated this before it found it's way to court.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
It is a CIVIL suit and he has said that from the start. People are suing him for money unlike the Hillary investigation which is to determine CRIMINAL charges. Civil suits will determine a financial penalty and if he was a huckster taking money from stupid people. This one won't have any impact at all no matter how much Dude wants it to.
Get real, you don't have to go to jail to lose votes. at the very least this was a very very chitty business venture by a guy who claims to be the greatest businessman in history.

How many criminal charges have been filed against Hillary by the way? see how that works? just keep saying it and works.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-09-16 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]
Hillary investigation partisan farse , Trump not under investigation he's being sued. now you got it. you're welcome.

This saddens my heart so much, the poor jesus freaks feel abandoned . and you know how much I love superstitious idiots. oh my how I hate that Trump, but I have to pretend I like him. it's really hard to do.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-09-16 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]Trump Airlines, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka and now after multiple accusations of Fraud a Judge has given the go ahead for a trial to proceed against Trump University.

I know why Tog likes/dislikes Trump. If others cannot follow Tog's intellectual blood trail by now I have no words for you. Always reminds me of the old Superman was in a bar joke. (see below)

In that respect, I too find Trump amusing as he stands on the of the glass bridge that is the GOP with his jack hammer at the ready.

Trump supporters like so many of his past investors will soon face a shared reality. Despite warnings from others, despite known history, Trumpeteers will soon be muttering, "But, but, he said we were going to make America great again".

Somebody needs to take a wrecking ball to the stupidity and dysfunction that has become the GOP. That is what Trump represents..a great wrecking ball. Hopefully what springs from the ashes will be a truer more inclusive party sans the lowest lying religous right fruit, along with any remnants of the old "Party of No" guard. Start with turds like Chaffitz at the bottom of the hole and fill appropriately from there.


There's a bar on top of a really, really high building and it's very windy outside, so it is swaying back and forth.

A guy walks into the bar and has some drinks and is there for a few hours.

Another guy comes and sits next to him.

The first guy who has been there for a while looks at the man and says to him, "You know that there is a nice breeze outside and if you jump out it will blow you right back in."

The second guy doesn't agree and tells him to prove it. So, the first guy jumps out the window and comes soaring right back in.

The second guy asks him to do it one more time. So, the first guy jumps out and the nice breeze takes him right back into the bar.

At this time the second guy is starting to believe him and decides he needs to try this. He then jumps out and falls down to his death.

The bartender turns to the first guy and says, "Superman, your a real plick when your drunk!!"
They should both be in jail. To see anything less is viewing with partisan glasses.
I was for Rubio before he became so little. The two choices we have are like picking which turd to eat for lunch.
FW, what you said about Trump and his supporters can be said about Obama and the fools that voted twice for him.
The Trump scenario is not a proven fact yet, but the Obama scenario is a fact.

I will leave that for you to figure out. Might take you some double shots before your brain can come to a conclusion, if you are lucky.

Dude when Reagan beat Jimmy Carter, all the polls and experts kept predicting that Carter would win right up to the day he lost to Reagan.

Voters are like juries at a criminal trial. You never know which way they are going to go until the vote is in.

Yeah, I recall you telling that same story the last two elections when the polls said Obama was going to be elected.

The polls can be wrong . but most of the time when they are it's when it's with 5 points . if you're counting on the polls to be wrong you're in trouble, if you're counting on the betting markets to be way wrong you're in huge trouble. good luck.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-10-16 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]If you didn't get the memo, RELH loves Hollywood and the stars of Reality TV Shows. Look how well Arnold did as Governor of California, surely Trump would do as well as our President.
And don't forget Reagan, that actor knew how to run a chimp.

I think Mark Cuban said it best today, " Trump doesn't have to take a stand on the issues his supporters don't care about them. it not what he says but how he says it. "

Stay Thirsty My Friends
FW, little orphan Annie would be a better president over the one we have in office now. He made the fools in this country bend over and kiss his behind when they voted for him.

You guys are nuts. The polls now mean nothing as in zero. Wait a few months and talk to us about how the beast will win big. I might listen to you in September.
The polls mean a lot.

Who here honestly thinks the more Trump talks the more people who aren't already in his camp will be drawn to him? how many more white male bigots are out there? seriously?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude, so far Trump has played his cards right and called his opposition while holding the winning hand. I think you need to give him more credit. For a "outsider" he has so far beaten the other politicians at their own game.
I look for him to swing more to the middle in the near future to pick up the fence sitters. He is no dummy and has proved that in the business world and now in politics.
I do not think the GOP is as divided as the Democrats are and even conservative GOP will vote for Trump before they will hand the election to Hillary or Bernie.
Also moderate Democrats will give Trump consideration over Bernie and Hillary who they do not trust.
I look for Obama and A.G. Lynch to stall any possible criminal violations on Hillary until the election is over. On the other hand I think the FBI will recommend that she be arrested and trialed for violations and that will be leaked to the public. That in itself will turn even more fence sitters against Hillary due to the FBI recommending she be charged. More people will accept that as truth on her violations over it being a GOP witch hunt.

It sounds to me like you're talking yourself into believing Trump has a chance he does, a very small one. If Clinton dies or has a major health incident close to November Trump has a small chance a very small chance.

Trump can't grow the voting base in his favor. if you can do simple math you will understand that it's nearly impossible for him to win. He'll lose the women's vote (wonder why?), he won't carry African Americans, Hispanics, or moderate democrats like you think he will. Old white men don't exist in large enough numbers to get him elected.

I'm not a fan of Clinton or Sanders but I look at numbers analytically not emotionally as you do. If I was a betting man I'd bet you would be dead before the dysfunctional Republican Party elects another president and if I only live another 6 elections I could be as well.
Corn it is the other way around. Your left leaning liberal mind is scared to accept the fact that enough people are upset over 8 years of Obama, they want a change.
Based on what I saw in CA. Hillary will not carry the black vote and the Hispanics are not that warm to her also. They do not trust her. The general debates will tell the story. I think Trump will swing enough to the center to pick up votes from Hillary.
Sanders is the one, not Hillary, that would carry the Black and Hispanic votes, but he will not be there thanks to backroom dealing by Hillary with the delegates and the Democrat National party chairperson.
Even if you do not want to admit it or face it, your liberal party have a division that is hampering them from getting their past victories. You allowed too many left wing socialist liberals into the party that are now trying to maintain their power base. Just like the ultra right conservatives tried in the GOP party.
You may look at numbers analytically, but they do not add up due to the emotion feeling of the voters who are tired of the government we have had the last decade. You know that community organizer that YOU voted in twice has soured a lot of voters. If you need someone to blame for our piss poor government, look in the mirror and blame that guy you see for voting twice for the "Hope and Change" conman.
Dude take another double shot of whiskey and you might be able to grasp things. Your mind seems to be a little cloudy. Give it more firewater and you will be up to snuff.

Are you Corn's parrot now? You seem to answer for him most of the time. I guess we will have to put the two of you in the same bird cage.

You are right about Obama winning. Fools like Cornhusker voted for him twice and now regret their choice to the point of bad mouthing him. Fools will be fools all their lives.

No dude, what you refer to as people, I refer to them as idiots that went to the polling booth and came out as a bigger idiot when they voted the second time around. You put yourself right in the middle of all those idiots, be sure it does not rub off on you.

For that to have any validity you'd need to prove McCain and Romney would have done a better job.

No attacks on US soil, no new wars, lowest unemployment in 35 years, stock market up 120% , US auto industry thriving, cheap oil due in part to the highest US production in history. just to name a few things, think McCain or Romney could have done better? yeah sure they would.

Is everything phuking perfect? no. but it was until the spook got elected wasn't it? sure it was.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-12-16 AT 05:20AM (MST)[p]How bout libya? The war on isil? He wasn't able to stop fracking on private property or oil would still be $150/barrel.
So the world would be perfect had McCain or Romney had been elected?

What you're crying about was well into motion before Obama was nominated . all of it is better now than it was in 2008 even though it's not perfect. that's about all you can ask and the polling numbers back that up.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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