

Active Member
Correct me if I am wrong - didn't the Democrats want to keep the slaves and the Republicans won a war to free them - now the Democrats want to keep the illegals - where is this going??? What do the democrats want to do with the illegals and why are they working so hard to keep them here?
The new slaves, they pay em a little, but they expect them to vote for them in return!
The DEMS are Willing to Feed them!

Hire them!

Hand Them Hand-Outs!

Whatever it Takes to get Votes!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
> The DEMS are Willing
>to Feed them!
>Hire them!
>Hand Them Hand-Outs!
>Whatever it Takes to get Votes!
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

the Dems can make a profit off them with there Sanctuary cities,Tog will explain it in just a minute.
The civil war was about slavery ? good one. I remember being told that in 1st grade too.

Most southerners were democrats at the time . good god fearing slave owner Christians in fact. but now the south is mostly good god fearing republican christians who want a minimum wage as close to slavery as possible.

What goes around comes around does it not?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
He who laughs last laughs longest.

This dumpster fire is yours and it's only gotten worse every day since Nov 9th.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
TOG is pissed , no Obama phone anymore and now he might not be able to employ illegals . Dang the welfare may run out for you huh TOG ?
> The civil war was about
>slavery ? good one.
>I remember being told that
>in 1st grade too.
> Most southerners were democrats at
>the time . good
>god fearing slave owner Christians
>in fact. but now
>the south is mostly
>good god fearing republican
>christians who want a minimum
>wage as close to slavery
>as possible.
> What goes around comes around
>does it not?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

do tell what was the civil war really about...



I find a visual is more compelling....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-17 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]You could always ask these 6 anti-immigration Republicans, maybe they'll tell you.

Ah yes, the internet, believe it or not there is more on it that Porn and MM, although Bessie would argue that.

Here's an idea, why reseach for an answer to your question?

Did you know the U.S. government has hired illegals? after Hurricane Katrina then President Bush signed an executive order allowing undocumented workers to be hired by government contractors in that area.

If President Obama never rescinded that executive order it would still be in force. This means that anyone of any nationality who legally enters this country can legally be hired by any contractor under a government contract in that area. They remain legal in this case even though they are Undocumented.
>AT 04:07?PM (MST)

>You could always ask these 6
>anti-immigration Republicans, maybe they'll tell
>Ah yes, the internet, believe it
>or not there is more
>on it that Porn and
>MM, although Bessie would argue
>Here's an idea, why reseach for
>an answer to your question?
>Did you know the U.S. government
>has hired illegals? after Hurricane
>Katrina then President Bush signed
>an executive order allowing undocumented
>workers to be hired by
>government contractors in that area.
>If President Obama never rescinded that
>executive order it would still
>be in force. This means
>that anyone of any nationality
>who legally enters this country
>can legally be hired by
>any contractor under a government
>contract in that area. They
>remain legal in this case
>even though they are Undocumented.

And To most of us!

Excluding about 4!

There are other Forums on MM Besides just the Political Forum!

And Yes I Know NeMont & dude will be the first two to Argue!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
Only Manny would be dumb enough to think the civil war was about slavery. sure it was , and Iraq was to free the poor Iraqis too. funny chit there Ned.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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