All Women Are Liars


Long Time Member
All Women Are Liars

As we watch one puzzy grabber defend another you have to wonder if this is what a president should use his time for.

As skid mark would say, " sad " . we've become a reality show with a con man worried about losing his access to slanted media working in his favor. Bill must stay on the air to keep the chumps in line.

Trump is in effect saying all women lie. you can't believe anything they say they're all money hungry whores. this is our president. thank you mouthbreathers I'm so proud.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: All Women Are Liars

> As we watch one puzzy
>grabber defend another you have
>to wonder if this is
>what a president should use
>his time for.
>As skid mark would say,
>" sad " .
>we've become a reality show
>with a con man worried
>about losing his access to
>slanted media working in his
>favor. Bill must stay
>on the air to keep
>the chumps in line.
>Trump is in effect saying all
>women lie. you can't believe
>anything they say they're all
>money hungry whores. this
>is our president. thank you
>mouthbreathers I'm so proud.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
We all know that you are a Bill Cosby fan.
RE: All Women Are Liars

Tog. I know it's only been 5 months since the election, but good Gawd u need to get he hate out of your heart.
RE: All Women Are Liars

I didn't expect anything better from a bunch of Trump homos. you don't like women anyway.

Where I come from we still hold the door for a woman, we don't swear around them, we stand if there aren't enough seats and we protect them. a puzzy grabber would get the chit beat out of him and dumped in the ditch. we do not desire the president come running to his defense.

But I guess that's just one difference between a native eastern Oregonian and you worthless Californians.

If you had any class this would disgust you as well.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: All Women Are Liars

>'re my hero Tog

And your cash register....

How can you say they hate women? They give them what they all want. Money. Sound like love to me.
RE: All Women Are Liars

You Californians really need a hero if Trump will do .

Trump went on O'Reilly to give his support.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: All Women Are Liars

I see a new book on the horizon "Killing Bill" maybe a movie too....or did they already make a movie called "Kill Bill" can't remember? so confused

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