White Makes Right


Long Time Member
Obama asked congress to authorize bombing after the first chemical attack in Syria. republicans screamed.

Trump does it without consulting congress and it's great.

The republicans including Trump claim Obama was weak and refused take action. this is a lie. was Obama's mistake following the constitution ? or was it being the wrong shade of president.

I didn't approve then and I don't approve now. but let's get the record right.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Obama asked congress to authorize
>bombing after the first chemical
>attack in Syria. republicans
> Trump does it without consulting
>congress and it's great.
> The republicans including Trump claim
>Obama was weak and refused
>take action. this is
>a lie.
>was Obama's mistake following
>the constitution ? or
>was it being the wrong
>shade of president.
>I didn't approve then and I
>don't approve now. but let's
>get the record right.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
How much cash did assad get from Obama?
Come on 264 you know it is all about race. Just ask the village idiot. Being the self proclaimed racist he is he has all the answers !! Ya still hung over TOG ?
Obama probably had a Tee off time and decided to pass on the responsibility. I don't suppose he even thought to ask any of his Generals. In stead of being President, Obama should have been a recess monitor at a pre school.

As for Trump, I'm a little embarrassed. Assad gassed his people, so Trump keyed one of his cars.
>Obama probably had a Tee off
>time and decided to pass
>on the responsibility. I don't
>suppose he even thought to
>ask any of his Generals.
>In stead of being President,
>Obama should have been a
>recess monitor at a pre
>As for Trump, I'm a little
>embarrassed. Assad gassed his people,
>so Trump keyed one of
>his cars.

Probably a King Ranch Truck,a gift from Oregon.
Let me re-word that for you.

Obama drew a ?RED LINE IN THE SAND?, and Assad jumped over it laughing.
Cowering, Obama wet his pants and went golfing, leaving the problem up to congress after all his tough talk.
Congress said, you shot your mouth off, don't try to saddle us with the blame.
Obama shot 8 over par after cheating on thirteen holes, and called it a great weekend.

Trump let his actions speak for him.

Hey Dude, you know damn well that Obumhole could of bombed the chit out of Syrua before getting permission from Congress. He has 48 hours before getting permission. He put it on congress because as the POTUS he didnt have balls enough to make the decision. He was a weak sister leader. A wimp. A narcissistic wussy who can't throw a baseball 50 feet. A a ******** embarrassment. to our country and the rest of the world. Spin it.
Right On!

>Hey Dude, you know damn well
>that Obumhole could of bombed
>the chit out of Syrua
>before getting permission from Congress.
>He has 48 hours before
> getting permission. He
> put it on congress
>because as the POTUS he
>didnt have balls enough to
>make the decision. He was
>a weak sister leader. A
>wimp. A narcissistic wussy
>who can't throw a baseball
>50 feet. A a ********
>embarrassment. to our country and
>the rest of the world.
>Spin it.

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>At least they made Assad get
>rid of all his chemical
>weapons. Oh wait, that was
>another lie!

In all fairness, and since we're getting the record straight, I believe it was Obama who trusted his good friend Putin to oversee the removal of the chemical weapons. There probably should be an investigation into the chummy relationship between Obama, Hillary, and the Russians.

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you?"
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."
This is too much for you simpletons isn't it?

Obama consulted congress for authorization as Trump should have. congress said no. this makes Obama weak because he knew congress would say no? only a dipchit would come to such a conclusion and you clowns nailed it.

The US was not and is not in any danger whatsoever in the Syria conflict. if a president wants to take elective action which very well could pull the US into a war congress must be on board. if Obama had attacked Syria without congress's approval republicans would have chit kittens including you disingenuous trolls. you know I'm right.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>This is too much for you
>simpletons isn't it?
>Obama consulted congress for authorization as
>Trump should have. congress
>said no. this
>makes Obama weak because he
>knew congress would say no?
> only
>a dipchit would come
>to such a conclusion and
>you clowns nailed it.
> The US was not and
>is not in any danger
>whatsoever in the Syria conflict.
> if a president wants
>to take elective action which
>very well could pull the
>US into a war congress
>must be on board.
> if Obama had attacked
>Syria without congress's
>approval republicans would have
>chit kittens including you disingenuous
>trolls. you know I'm
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Have another swig
Holy Sh#T you have never been a victim of racism in your life and nor was your stupid A55 buddy of the last 8 years. Go get a F#cking job you bum.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-17 AT 12:57PM (MST)[p]Hide his money in his workboots and he'd starve or go into a coma. I'll bet he gets the hives real bad when he hears the word work.
He keeps His CROWN where He won't Lose it though!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
You retards want to talk about your hypocrisy ? or are you just going to play grab 'n giggle with each other?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-17 AT 02:21PM (MST)[p]"Obama consulted congress for authorization as Trump should have. congress said no."

Just to keep the record straight that is not technically correct because it never came to a vote outside of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It passed there 10-7 to attack, but Congress was not all thrilled. Given the Russia-Syria deal to safeguard chemical weapons Obama pulled it off the table and Congress never voted. The feeling at the time was that it would not have passed if it had come to a vote.

Nobody R or D wanted another war after Iraq & Afghanistan, nor we could we really afford one then or now.

Obama went to Congress because Syria like North Korea are flashpoint countries due to their Russia-China alliances and geographic locations. One wrong move and we go from limited proxy war to WW3 in the press of a button. Probably a good time to get bi-partisan support from the Congress when it comes to intervention.

Knee-jerk reactions without a path to victory cause more harm than good as noted in my reaction on another post after we launched. Chemical weapon use is a terrible thing, bombing civilians is a terrible thing, there are a lot of terrible things in the world that cause unneeded death to non combatants.

The Russians and Chinese have been trying to provoke us in the Black Sea, escalated bomber flights, Crimea, and the Spratly Islands. Engaging militarily closes dialogue which in the big picture endangers our current national interests which is defeating ISIS. We are now limited to using F-22's where before our launch we could openly share Syria air space allowing non-stealth requirements. At a great time of vulnerability ISIS now gets a break, very few sorties are being flown at the moment.

The hypocrisy for those supporting this administrations actions lies in the quotes from 2013 from pundits on the right and Trump himself. Everything from demands to seek Congressional approval and avoid intervention at all cost to why is he playing golf?

It's too late now, the pig is out of the pen. Somehow we are now placing the fate of the world into the hands of despots like Assad or Lil Kim. In the meantime China is reinforcing it's N. Korea border with 150,000 troops.
Sorry Tog were in to women not dudes or livestock. And we have mortgages we don't freeload in our moms basement and check the balance on our horizon cards every wednesday 10 times like you.
Careful there TINES our buddy TOG cant handle the TRUTH !!! And FTW why dont you tell us all what the solution is for lil Kim and these other half pint dictators ? If you are so smart give us the answer please. You obviously know so much more than Trump do tell !! I would love to hear what we should do. But DONT tell me sit on our sorry azzes like TOGS hero did the last eight years. Hiding under our beds pizzing down our legs aint the answer.
FTW you are the most intelligent person in the world. Even a notch above NeMont. Just go ask yourself. While Tog argues with his locked liquor cabinet, you can't pass a mirror in the wal without thinking how smart and beautiful you are.
I don't think the average American even thinks about Syria one way of the other. I don't. They must like living the way they do or they'd do something about it.

We can't take out Assad because the people would be like lost sheep, and the next one might be worse. WTF??? Maybe the people need to be gassed if that's the case. The women and children are probably better off gassed than to live with spineless men. And it's not like they haven't had 2000 years to get it right.

I'm ready for another high ball now. GO AMERICA!!!
Well I will be happy to take these in order.

wsterntines: "Were in to women" Without being an obvious grammar cop I'm not sure who the we of, "we're into women" you are referring to? Is it your political party affiliation or just Trump supporters in general?


On this subject one does not have to wait long for a recent event to transpire.


It would appear the facts do not support your claims.

notags I will address Lil Kim but you wil have to be more specific when it comes to other dictators. The key to North Korea can only happen from China. China has taken advantage of ignoring sanctions and vastly increasing their importation of raw materials from N. Korea in the last 5 years.


Recently China has embraced sanctions cancelling all imports of Iron Ore, Coal, and cancellation of joint economic zones. This very recent change of position on sanctions by China (Nov 2016) will hurt the N. Korean economy in the next 180 days.


China controls 3 important items for N. Korea, money, food and oil. N. Korea outsourced workers produce $2.3 Billion annually for the hermit kingdom with Russia and China hiring the lion's share.


A good start would be to cut that global revenue flow off and to globally deport all N. Korean workers back to Pyongyang within 30 days. Then I would open up 6 party talks again and let it be known that China and S. Korea intend to put trade sanctions on food and oil in the next 90 days.

Best to time it so the effects hit right before next winter leaving the N. Korean government with limited and massive humanitarian shortages.

Our current naval build up in the N. Korean theater has been ongoing even during the change of administrations. I believe this action along with the unprecedented numbers of troops engaged in annual war games with S.Korea are pushing Lil Kim to either attack or disarm before advancing his nuclear ambitions.

We are expecting, betting, that Lil Kim will fire off a missile on the celebration of Kim Ill Sung's birthday 2 days from now. Our 6 month build up to a show of force has been leading up to this date. We are basically daring Lil Kim to fire a missile in a couple of days. China has the most to lose and gain from this outcome. Any attack by the west of N. Korea will lead to a giant refugee problem and regime change. N. Korea may consider China complicit with U.S. interests and leash out hitting any number of large cities in China.

If China will truly jump on-board, which I doubt, but let's say they do, there might be a way out of this mess. The world may frown but we would have to make it a win-win so that Lil Kim will go peacefully, it might mean a non-aggression treaty on the premise Lil Kim instantly turn over his nuclear arsenal, remove 1+ million landmines, release political prisoners and have verifiable destruction of any fission related equipment all while declaring N. Korea a neutral non-nuclear nation. I

n exchange should N. Korea agree, there will be no calls for regime change, it will receive huge amounts of funding and be welcomed as a world trading partner.
N. Korea is a creature of Russia as they share enemies like the Chinese along with the United States and it's allies. Russia would also be given a choice, face increased sanctions if it does not step up pressure on N. Korea.

We have the Russians to thank for originally helping N.Korea with a nuclear arms program but the big question is...who the fark is helping Lil Kim now? Is it still the Russians? The last launch came from a mobile launcher utilizing a solid rocket booster, game changer, he is not supposed to have this technology organically for years, yet he has it in 1 year? So a foreigner or government is aiding Kim's nuclear program advancements. That somebody or government must be exposed. My guess is it is Russia which means they are the shadow player that controls N. Korea's nuclear program.

YBO, the word you are struggling for is narcissist. You maybe right but I also think about other things like current events, like how does my hair look right now.
Your hair is a a bit out of place, but I'd expect that after spending a fast and furious couple hours on the carpeted floor with Chewbacca and Barrack. Congrats.
This is no chit, you should consider applying for a Trump position in his administrate because of your intelligence.
So China has or has not been cooperating with the LIL KIM problem ? You say the ONLY option we have with KIM is China. Wake up ! If that is the case the US is phuked !!

Explain a path forward in regards to N.K. that doesn't include the Chinese? Unless you are saying you want to sacrifice the 10 million in Seoul and another couple of million in a world war plus the trillions in treasure.

China is linked to our North Korean problem and there isn't little to nothing we can do without Chinese buy in. That is just a fact. We are not the world cop and we shouldn't want to be.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-17 AT 09:45AM (MST)[p]
>>We have the Russians to thank
>>for originally helping N.Korea with
>>a nuclear arms program
>Twern't Russians but they were commie
>bassterds fer sure!

Wasn't there in 8 year period in between the Clinton and Obama administration where there was another guy in the oval office? What year did the NK explode their first nuclear device? I think it was in 2006, who had complete control of the government from 2001 to 2006 and had the oval office until Jan of 2009? What was the official response to that nuclear test by the administration in 2006?

I don't think anyone who sat in the White House is guilt free in this but keep trying.

>AT 09:45?AM (MST)

>>>We have the Russians to thank
>>>for originally helping N.Korea with
>>>a nuclear arms program
>>Twern't Russians but they were commie
>>bassterds fer sure!
>Wasn't there in 8 year period
>in between the Clinton and
>Obama administration where there was
>another guy in the oval
>office? What year
>did the NK explode their
>first nuclear device?
>I think it was in
>2006, who had complete control
>of the government from 2001
>to 2006 and had the
>oval office until Jan of
>2009? What was the official
>response to that nuclear test
>by the administration in 2006?
>I don't think anyone who sat
>in the White House
>is guilt free in this
>but keep trying.

from or in the beginning; at first.
"potatoes originally came from South America"
synonyms: (at) first, in/at the beginning, to begin with, initially, in the first place, at the outset
"the conference was originally scheduled for November"
in a novel and inventive way.
"suggestions so originally and persuasively outlined"
So there is not accountability for Republican Administration who were on the watch when NK went Nuclear and it all the fault of Demcorats. Typical partisan BS blame game being played. Ignore anything that could implicate your side, point the finger at the other guy.

Does GWB own any of it or was getting into two other hot wars and putting $5 Trillion on the credit card while NK went Nuclear just another day at the office? Or is that you have not standards upon which you judge a President as long as they are your guy?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-17 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]

Do you ever stop and ask yourself the deeper question as to how we ended up here and what are some actual facts that would counter my own bias?

September 27, 1991: President George Bush announces the unilateral withdrawal of all naval and land-based tactical nuclear weapons deployed abroad. Approximately 100 U.S. nuclear weapons had been based in South Korea. Eight days later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev reciprocates.

November 8, 1991: In response to President Bush?s unilateral move, President Roh Tae Woo of South Korea announces the Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, under which South Korea promises not to produce, possess, store, deploy, or use nuclear weapons. In addition, the declaration unilaterally prohibits South Korea from possessing nuclear reprocessing or uranium enrichment facilities. These promises, if enacted, would satisfy all of North Korea?s conditions for allowing IAEA inspections of its nuclear facilities.

So the path to nukes for NK was first started under a unilateral move by the first President Bush. He removed the nukes from South Korea unilaterally.


January 2, 2001: The United States imposes sanctions on North Korea?s Changgwang Sinyong Corporation for violation of the Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000.*

March 6, 2001: At a joint press briefing with the Swedish foreign minister, Secretary of State Colin Powell says that the administration ?plan to engage with North Korea to pick up where President Clinton left off. Some promising elements were left on the table and we will be examining those elements.?

And so and so forth, until the nuclear detonation on October 9th, 2006. You may want to review also when the NK's restarted their reactors, what the Bush Admin. did in response, and how this actually all played out to today.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-17 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]Foreskins comment was:

"We have the Russians to thank for "originally" helping N.Korea with
a nuclear arms program"

I simply pointed out the "original" commies that helped the norks in their way to going nuclear were Carter and Clinton. Never said Bush wasn't complacent. You do understand Carter and Clinton came before W right? Elkassassins got yer panties all waded up, chill out.
uh no Elkass is a meaningless pimple on the ass of a donkey.

My point to you is that blaming Clinton for what happened 6 years after his presidency ended could just as easily be blamed on GHWB. He unilaterally moved 100 nukes out of South Korea. Do you think it would be nice to have 100 nukes there right now to remind lil Kim that we have big boy weapons in numbers he could never attain?

Any idea how many are stored on an aircraft carrier and it's supporting ships and subs? Bet lil kim knows. If it's a deterrent it's a deterrent, if not it isnt.
Then why would they have been deployed in the first place? We had a nuclear Triad since the 60's but still felt that having 100 nukes was a good idea, until the 90's. For one thing they were always there, didn't need to be moved in and out of the theater and they stood ready without announcing we were reshuffling the Carrier fleet.

Just saying if you want to place blame then go back to how North Korea was formed after the war. The blame game doesn't do anything to what we have in front of us now.

And again, I was simply correcting who originated the norks path to nukes, it wasn't the russians.
NEMO let me try one more time to explain this to you. I NEVER said jack chit about bush being perfect or blameless for a god dang thing. AGAIN please try to understand this. I HATE all sorry azz politicians. Do I think trump is better than a hole Obama ? I hope so. Only time will tell. Now back to that sorry azz POS lil Kim. Are telling me sanctions have not been put in place and tried before with that plucking punk azz little midget ? Like I have said before I don't claim to have all the answers like retard FTW does. Nothing worse than a dumb azz who thinks he knows every god dang thing. I am sorry to say but I think China is out for China and they don't give two chits about any god dang body but themselves. So I do think we better think of what the heck we are going to do if china doesn't want to hold our hands. Believe me I am not one wanting a war reguardless of what you want to believe.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-17 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]http://www.nti.org/learn/countries/north-korea/nuclear/


In the early 1950s, North Korea began developing the institutional capability to train personnel for its nuclear program. In December 1952, the government established the Atomic Energy Research Institute and the Academy of Sciences, but nuclear work only began to progress when North Korea established cooperative agreements with the Soviet Union.

Pyongyang signed the founding charter of the Soviet Union's Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in February 1956, and began to send scientists and technicians to the USSR for training shortly thereafter. In 1959, North Korea and the Soviet Union signed an agreement on the peaceful use of nuclear energy that included a provision for Soviet help to establish a nuclear research complex in Yongbyon, North Pyongan Province.

In the early 1960s, the Soviet Union provided extensive technical assistance to North Korea in constructing the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center, which included the installation of a Soviet IRT-2000 nuclear research reactor and associated facilities. North Korea used this small research reactor to produce radioisotopes and to train personnel.

In the late 1960s, North Korea expanded its educational and research institutions to support a nuclear program for both civilian and military applications. By the early 1970s, North Korean engineers were using indigenous technology to expand the IRT-2000 research reactor, and Pyongyang had begun to acquire plutonium reprocessing technology from the Soviet Union.

In July 1977, North Korea signed a trilateral safeguards agreement with the IAEA and the USSR that brought the IRT-2000 research reactor and a critical assembly in Yongbyon under IAEA safeguards. The Soviets were included in the agreement because they supplied the reactor's fuel.

The early 1980s was a period of significant indigenous expansion, when North Korea constructed uranium milling facilities, fuel rod fabrication complex, and a 5MW(e) nuclear reactor, as well as research and development institutions. Simultaneously, North Korea began experimenting with the high explosives tests required for building the triggering mechanism of a nuclear bomb.

By the mid-1980s, Pyongyang had begun constructing a 50MW(e) nuclear reactor in Yongbyon, while also expanding its uranium processing facilities.

Stick with making crappy macaroni owls DipWad.

The Russians originally helped N. Korea start up their nuclear program.

Carter, Clinton? Wrong again Dumbazz, N. Korea's ability to process weapon's grade uranium came under Reagan.
>NEMO let me try one more
>time to explain this to
>you. I NEVER said
>jack chit about bush being
>perfect or blameless for a
>god dang thing. AGAIN
>please try to understand this.
>I HATE all sorry azz
>politicians. Do I think
>trump is better than a
>hole Obama ? I
>hope so. Only time will
>tell. Now back to
>that sorry azz POS lil
>Kim. Are telling me
>sanctions have not been put
>in place and tried before
>with that plucking punk azz
>little midget ? Like
>I have said before I
>don't claim to have all
>the answers like retard FTW
>does. Nothing worse than
>a dumb azz who thinks
>he knows every god dang
>thing. I am sorry
>to say but I think
>China is out for China
>and they don't give two
>chits about any god dang
>body but themselves. So
>I do think we better
>think of what the heck
>we are going to do
>if china doesn't want to
>hold our hands. Believe
>me I am not one
>wanting a war reguardless of
>what you want to believe


I am telling you that if you take a look at a map, spend some time realizing that China is the closest ally to lil Kim and that sanctions don't do diddly unless China agrees to enforce them, that is why we need China to play ball with us. Yes China is out for China, just like we are out for America. It is where those interests intersect that we can bring some pressure to bear on China.

Of the two countries, China and the U.S., which one shares a border with North Korea? Which one imports coal from North Korea which makes up one third of the North Korean hard currency exports? China has way more levers to pull with lil Kim than we do. That is just a fact.

In additions take a look at a map and what other countries would be massively impacted by a war with North Korea. South Korea, especially the 10 million in Seoul would be vulnerable to massive civilian casualties.

An Unilateral American attacks most likely could not be contained to just a conflict on the Korean Peninsula and a wider war would result.

For all concerned we need to work with China and if that fails then maybe, perhaps we do something about the Hermit Dictator in Pyonyang but we should exhaust all those rabbit trails first.

NEMO I don't need to look at a map. I agree with you 100% on all of this. I just dont see china cooperating with the US like we need them to. If they would cooperate and put the right pressure on the LIL PUKE I think the problem would be taken care of. My fear is China is gunna say one thing and do another. Just like chit head Putin and Russia with the Syrian chemical CHIT. I have said before you and I dont agree on ALOT of things. But I agree with you here. I just have serious doubts about good ol china doin anything that helps. Just my opinion.

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