When Is The Housing Market Gonna Tip?


Very Active Member
I noticed the fed didn't raise the interest rate again. What I'm seeing in utah is homes being sold for more than they are worth. The price of homes is 8% higher than last year. And not enough supply to meet the demand as well as shortage of undeveloped land in the salt lake valley. Construction is booming here in utah and I see some other valleys that may take a huge boom to try to deal with whats happening in the SL market. But I feel like the we're in for a tip in the market. What is everyone else in the country seeing in there markets. Any economic experts have an idea if it's going to happen and when are you thinking? How long can the market stay this hot without rates raising and prices not leveling off?
Northern Colorado, goin thru the roof. Bidding wars on certain properties. Stupid crazy.
LAST EDITED ON May-06-17 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p]"What I'm seeing in utah is homes being sold for more than they are worth. The price of homes is 8% higher than last year. And not enough supply to meet the demand as well as shortage of undeveloped land in the salt lake valley."

Value: The value of any item is what a consumer will pay for it.

You answer lies in the basic framing of your question.

"not enough supply to meet the demand as well as shortage of undeveloped land in the salt lake valley"

The result of these 2 factors and the time of the year are the very reason you are seeing 8% appreciation.

Is this a bubble? No. Why? Bubbles are mainly created by an oversupply of inventory or higher interest rates which limits the amount of potential buyers. Neither of which exist currently or in the near future.

Developers learned a lesson after taking a beating a decade ago during the bubble. Take an 800 unit development, back then the builders would take 10% or 80 units as spec homes.

When the markets crashed in 06-08 it placed a huge amount of inventory on the market. New construction developers got left holding the bag on new homes they could not sell. The existing home markets have since recovered and by 2012-13 inventory was back to normal levels.

In today's market developers have either stopped spec homes altogether or have limited spec homes to 2% or less. Add to that the days of the wild wild west in the mortgage banking industry which created the bubble have stopped. Buyers must now meet more stringent credit requirements before loans are issued.

Due to these factors inventory levels have dropped dramatically which is why you are now seeing your area appreciate. Go ask a local realtor to see how long homes are taking to sell. If homes are selling within 1-2 months or less on average you will see double digit appreciation. Average time on market determines the appreciation or depreciation levels.

How does a $200K home become an $800K home within 10 years? "A shortage of undeveloped land", this is why a basic 1,500 sq ft rancher built in 1968 on 6,000 sq ft lot sells in the S.F. Bay Area for $1.4 million. When there is no more dirt available the value of the home or structure is now secondary to the dirt it sits on.

Some metros are experiencing growth and SLC is one of those metro areas. This has caused inventory levels to drop as new arrivals and investors are snatching up homes and land.

Regularly I would take great pleasure in berating the chit of you. But given your lack of basic grammar skills it has become quite apparent that your education level stopped after high school. (passive/aggressive dyck move, I'm an intellectual sadist I couldn't resist)

Instead I am going to give you a golden key of knowledge that will hopefully open a door for you to accumulate wealth in the very near future.

If you are renter but your credit score is above 700 look into a state sponsored mortgage program. It will probably have a name like Utah Fair Housing Program or something to that affect. If you can qualify you might just be able to get into a home for as little as .5-3% as a down payment. In some cases you can even partner with someone else and purchase the property jointly.

Given that you are in a appreciating market you will gain equity quickly. Within as little as a 2-3 year period you could see a gain of 20+%. Think about that, $200K home, $2-6K down, and in 2 years you will have made $40K in equity on your home. As well your PMI (Premium Mortgage Insurance) aka the annual 13th mortgage payment will also drop off.

After 2 years of ownership you can rent that place or sell it and buy another place. This is how I personally built a portion of my wealth among other investment strategies. At that point you get to learn how refi-money is tax free or how 1031 exchanges can help avoid a large tax hit.

Of course, I'm an idiot just ask Manny or Nonutz. Just to confirm I have no idea on what I have shared with you go talk to a mortgage broker or local realtor. After all 15 or 20 minutes of your time to talk to either is free.

So the answer is NO, absolutely no bubble. This a unique golden opportunity for you given what you have just shared.

Dear Leader wanted the Fed to raise rates thus raising the cost of money and helping Wall St. This can have a devastating affect on housing as it excludes potential buyers that can now no longer qualify for a mortgage loan.

Again, just one more reason Dear Leader is bad for the country, the economy, and the American people.
What created the bubble that burst was the likes of Democrat Barnie Franks that got together with his cohorts in Congress and made it possible for low income persons to buy homes that was above what they could afford and many defaulted on their loans. By that time the mortgage companies had sold off the loans as a package deal and the buyer of those loans were left holding the bag.
CAL/PERS, which is my retirement fund was talked into buying many of those mortgage packages. It was learned later that a few higher up persons on the CAL?PERS board of directors were given kickbacks to invest in those junk bonds. As a result CAL/PERS went from one of the best funded retirement plans to a point of worrying about going bust. Non of those directors were made to face charges due to their connections with our liberal lawmakers in Sacramento.

Out side of that FW is giving good advice about buying now before the market takes a big jump along with interest rates. I bought my first home in 75 and 7 years later sold it for almost 3 times more then what I paid for it.
Used the cash to buy several acres in the foothills and built our custom built second home and the day we moved in we already had over 40 thousand equity in the home compared to what we paid to build and what the home was appraised at.
Paid the home off 3 years before I retired in 2003. property is a great investment if you do it at the right time and be careful where and what you buy.
In the mid 60's my father in law used his farming earnings to buy a warehouse in the San Fernando Valley for about 65 thousand and rented it out to several companies until he sold in 1998 for 750 thousand. The out fit that bought was a company next door that planned to enlarge their company and hire about 50 more employees.
Due to the code, they could not do this until they provided sufficient parking for their employees. Yep they tore down the warehouse building and made it a paved parking lot. That proves just how much land can become a goldmine in the right area in the near future.

Yet, the liberals blamed Wall Street instead of Carter, Clinton, Dodd and Frank. Yes everybody deserves to own a house. What kind of BS is that? And to further insult us fake conservatives, Obumhole receives 400k to speak to Wall Street and the same liberals are all giddy about it. Hypocrites.
When will it tip? We're not learning anything about fiscal responsibility, personally or nationally, so it's a matter of time. When, I don't know, but it will hurt. Greed will over ride the lessons we should have learned the last time. We're back to spending like a teenage girl with a new credit card.
LAST EDITED ON May-07-17 AT 09:45AM (MST)[p]Highs and lows in housing generally run in a 7-8 cycle. The great ramp up of 99-06, to the correction 06-13, and back into the appreciation cycle 13-2020.

Let's be real, the acceptable cost of mortgages is anything under 7%. I used to laugh at the fact that my parent's mortgage from 1969 was 4% and look where we are at today.

There are also other cycles and sayings, markets if it's a D, dirt if its an R. Economies do better when it is a Democrat. Where does money go when it leaves equities? My best guess would be around the 2020 election. If a D were to win, money will return to the markets and that would fit the cycle average.

Yeah Eel, what's the deal there? The water is so thick you can't even turn your oar.
Two questions you've yet to answer FTW, when is the housing market going to tip? What caused the 08 housing crash? And here's a third, if economies are so great under a d why was our GDP so chitty the past 8yrs?
FTW, if you're going to belittle someone for their grammar you might want to make sure yours is all good first so you don't look like a dipshyt.
Come on FTW answer the question. I know your so damn smart that when your girlfriend fakes an orgasm you take it as gospel. After all you did all the dirty work.


They've Got The 'D' TATTOOED in to their Soles & Pea Brains So Deep they Can't see the Light!

I Wouldn't Really Care Rather We Had a D or an R Running the Show as Long as it was somebody that could do the Job!

(((Oh And Do it Right!)))

We Haven't Had any 'D's worth a Damn in Many Decades!

This World is F'D Up!

The Thought of Dudes Girl makes me wanna F'N PUKE!!!

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FTW, I hope you're not out there when the southeaster starts blowing. It's a long hike back to the truck.
FTW you must be feeling pretty gitty right now on Browns gas tax,your Pensions are safe for another 12 months.
264mag, it is not only the gas tax hike, but they also included a 45 dollar raise on all vehicle registration fees. This time the hybred cars are not exempt from the new fees. As of 2015 there was over 14 million registered vehicles in CA. That is a pile of money.
They may have screwed up this time. Those new tax hikes will be hitting the pockets of the working person and the poor far harder then before and they may change their liberal voting habits even in the cities.

>264mag, it is not only the
>gas tax hike, but they
>also included a 45 dollar
>raise on all vehicle registration
>fees. This time the hybred
>cars are not exempt from
>the new fees. As of
>2015 there was over 14
>million registered vehicles in CA.
>That is a pile of
> They may
>have screwed up this time.
>Those new tax hikes will
>be hitting the pockets of
>the working person and the
>poor far harder then before
>and they may change their
>liberal voting habits even in
>the cities.
>pfffftt......they won't

If you ever take the time to really get to know one you'll realize homer is right. They're a special kinda stupid.
Let's get something straight Tog the interest rates not rising seems odd to me. Dear leader before should have raised them didn't and still had the worst home ownership growth out any pres in the last 50 years. He couldn't even hit 3%. But no I don't suck dear leader off like you did the one before. I don't agree with everything he says like you did with the previous president. I just was concerned that rates hadn't risen again when not to long ago they said they were going to raise again. The only way home prices can come down here in is interest rates go higher and prices level off or the price keeps going up and it tips.
>>pfffftt......they won't
>If you ever take the time
>to really get to know
>one you'll realize homer is
>right. They're a special kinda

That's right. If a poor progressive liberal has to pay more for gasoline, it just makes them hate the oil companies more. They think that money goes to the CEO.
FTW you are a rocket scientist. Let's see buy low sell high. The basic laws of supply and demand. WOW you should teach economics some where. Wish I was as smart as you are. And like I told NEMO I like manny there is nothing wrong with him. He has his beliefs and you and your twin brother TOG want to hate on him for it. Oh and yes before you try to play English teacher proof read your own BS !
Here is my take. I have seen new construction over the last couple months in NM in places that have been vacant and dead for years . Many policies that are implemented ( Trump regulatory reform) we see rather quickly where as Big Business policy reforms take substantially longer to see the benifits . Democratic administrations have been then benefactor in following GOP administrations and the positive changes they have implemented . Democrats are the anchor on our nations economic growth not the catalyst. The libs on this site would be singing praise on the expansion of our economy if Hillary had been elected but now .....it's all a cyclical 7 yrs cycle. Hypocrites !!! The Dems are terrified and will do every thing they can to derail Trump. Why? Because they recognize that when he and the conservative agenda is totally implemented their party is DONE That will be a great day in America
LAST EDITED ON May-09-17 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]Too much energy to reply to the human caterpillar.

DW, as I noted in my reply if there is a horizon on when the real estate market may level off in growing metros I'd look at 2020.

As for what is going on in California it's kinda laughable that you guys, Republicans, are upset. Did you vote for Pete Wilson or the Governator? Well then go bash your face into a mirror if you are looking for blame.

Allow me to refresh your selective memories..


Reap what you sow. It's no surprise as to why your roads have been deteriorating for the last decade.

As for pension funding, talk to RELH I am not a CALPERS member.

Bessie, you know for all your special types of craziness every now and then you spit out a kernal of wisdom.

"I Wouldn't Really Care Rather We Had a D or an R Running the Show as Long as it was somebody that could do the Job!"

Yes, well said.
The central OR market is absolutely stupid. a POS place one of our Trump chump slobs wouldn't want to live in is 200k. contractors won't even return calls unless they know you.

It's all thanks to Trump of course, as if it has changed much in the last few months. but when it tips over then it will be Obama's fault. just watch.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON May-09-17 AT 07:15PM (MST)[p]>FTW you are a rocket scientist.
> Let's see buy low
>sell high. The basic
>laws of supply and demand.
> WOW you should teach
>economics some where. Wish
>I was as smart as
>you are. And like
>I told NEMO I like
>manny there is nothing wrong
>with him. He has
>his beliefs and you and
>your twin brother TOG want
>to hate on him for
>it. Oh and yes
>before you try to play
>English teacher proof read your
>own BS !

Total BS. The only true hater on here is Manny. He hates anyone not labeling themselves as Christian. Muslims, Catholics, mormons, Hindu believers etc rank lower than whale Shyt according to Manny.

I don't hate Manny. I said I wouldn't trust him around my family. He is one of those guys who will snap because he believes the world isn't ending fast enough.

As for the housing market. Nobody knows for sure. A diversified portfolio is always the best. You gotta live somewhere so buy a place. Just understand houses are like every other asset, it is all paper until it is time to sell and then it is only worth what somebody else is willing to pay for it.

Rising interest rates and slow inflation hammers people with massive debt. Who has a more massive debt then our government? All of Trump's big talk on the economy can be destroyed by the bond market in short order.
>AT 07:15?PM (MST)

>>FTW you are a rocket scientist.
>> Let's see buy low
>>sell high. The basic
>>laws of supply and demand.
>> WOW you should teach
>>economics some where. Wish
>>I was as smart as
>>you are. And like
>>I told NEMO I like
>>manny there is nothing wrong
>>with him. He has
>>his beliefs and you and
>>your twin brother TOG want
>>to hate on him for
>>it. Oh and yes
>>before you try to play
>>English teacher proof read your
>>own BS !
>Total BS. The only true
>hater on here is Manny.
> He hates anyone not
>labeling themselves as Christian.
>Muslims, Catholics, mormons, Hindu believers
>etc rank lower than whale
>Shyt according to Manny.
>I don't hate Manny. I said
>I wouldn't trust him around
>my family. He is
>one of those guys who
>will snap because he believes
>the world isn't ending fast
>As for the housing market. Nobody
>knows for sure. A
>diversified portfolio is always the
>best. You gotta live
>somewhere so buy a place.
>Just understand houses are like
>every other asset, it is
>all paper until it is
>time to sell and then
>it is only worth what
>somebody else is willing to
>pay for it.
>Rising interest rates and slow inflation
>hammers people with massive debt.
> Who has a more
>massive debt then our government?
> All of Trump's big
>talk on the economy can
>be destroyed by the bond
>market in short order.

Our Government Was Broke Long before Trump Took over!

Who has a Bigger debt than Our Government?

I Do Not F'N Know!

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LAST EDITED ON May-10-17 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]I never said the debt was Trump's fault. I said that he is going to have his plans changed due to what the bond market will force him to do in order to keep financing our debt.

Every 1 point of interest costs the Treasury an addition $200 Billion so a 3 point jump is equal to the Pentagon budget. Makes borrowing another few more Trillion look even more daunting.

>AT 04:44?PM (MST)

>Too much energy to reply to
>the human caterpillar.

**** I don't participate in this forum for you or Dude, I participate for free thinking folks that ( most likely never post) venture over here hopefully to become better educated . If these folks just listened to the 1/2 on the hour news broadcast ( by the left leaning alphabet channels) they are not getting the accurate picture of current events Call me a caterpillar if that pleases you, I think even less of you....Sadly
>DW, as I noted in my
>reply if there is a
>horizon on when the real
>estate market may level off
>in growing metros I'd look
>at 2020.
>As for what is going on
>in California it's kinda laughable
>that you guys, Republicans, are
>upset. Did you vote for
>Pete Wilson or the Governator?
>Well then go bash your
>face into a mirror if
>you are looking for blame.
>****now that's funny that you can blame GOP for the disaster in CA politics . Even an mildly educated citizen knows that's foolishness****

>Allow me to refresh your selective
>Reap what you sow. It's no
>surprise as to why your
>roads have been deteriorating for
>the last decade.
>As for pension funding, talk to
>RELH I am not a
>CALPERS member.
>Bessie, you know for all your
>special types of craziness every
>now and then you spit
>out a kernal of wisdom.
>"I Wouldn't Really Care Rather We
>Had a D or an
>R Running the Show as
>Long as it was somebody
>that could do the Job!"
>Yes, well said.
LAST EDITED ON May-12-17 AT 11:55PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-12-17 AT 11:52?PM (MST)

>AT 09:17?AM (MST)

>I never said the debt was
>Trump's fault. I said
>that he is going to
>have his plans changed due
>to what the bond market
>will force him to do
>in order to keep financing
>our debt.
>Every 1 point of interest costs
>the Treasury an addition $200
>Billion so a 3 point
>jump is equal to the
>Pentagon budget. Makes
>borrowing another few more Trillion
>look even more daunting.
**** and WHO exactly is the party that will cut everything other than domestic welfare ??? The I'll put welfare for the lazy ( not the unable) in front off military ...it the Democrats . They are a pox on our nation***. sad that you N , an intelligent man. Supports the Deems in their flawed ideology . The ONLY HOPE for our nation is Divine intervention in changing the hearts and minds of the lost. IMO I view FTW and Dude as DNA challenged ...but you N.. I don't get in your opposition to conservative values . **

Check that Chart out from about the Time Obama took over!

There's Nobody better than Wasting your Hard Earned Tax Money than Our Government!


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LAST EDITED ON May-13-17 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]WTF is your rant about? You need to read what wrote instead of applying your fake conservative bias to it.

Trump will wring up another couple of Trillion on the backs of your grand children and you will hump his leg the entire time. He said he will not touch the drivers of our debt and he says to take him at his word.

Servehim you'll get your divine intervention. in the next election.

For a man who believes in talking snakes you're awful judgmental of others intellect. but that's what good Christians are famous for is it not.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>AT 08:37?AM (MST)

>WTF is your rant about?
>You need to read what
>wrote instead of applying your
>fake conservative bias to it.
>Trump will wring up another couple
>of Trillion on the backs
>of your grand children and
>you will hump his leg
>the entire time. He
>said he will not touch
>the drivers of our debt
>and he says to take
>him at his word.

I Ain't Arguing that NeMont!

But Look Who Really got it going!

Sure it'll get worse!

When Trump gets done you'll have to get us a Chart/Graph!:D

It'll have to be Taller than it is Wide though!

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>I was talking to Servehim


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Bobcat lay off the crack a while, I need you what would be considered 100% functioning by your standards. it's your job to keep checking for credit card hits so I'll know when I can see if I drew my UT elk tag.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Bobcat lay off the crack a
>while, I need you
> what would be
>considered 100% functioning by your
>standards. it's your
>job to keep checking for
>credit card hits so I'll
>know when I can see
>if I drew my UT
>elk tag.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Not So dude!

After that Last CC Smack I Ain't Checkin anymore!:D

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LAST EDITED ON May-13-17 AT 11:35PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-13-17 AT 11:33?PM (MST)

N, my point of the post is that it's Dem's, not GOP supporters that embrace deficit spending and I don't believe that those funds should be allocated to able bodies Americans who are just lazy. Yes , I think there IS a possibility of short term growth in our nation debt with the tax reform Trump is attempting to implement. We (IMHO) are looking at relatively small increase in debt ( especially as compared to BHO) but the potential of massive long term benefit to our nations economic situation is more than worth it . The only long term solution to our national debt is the so called sacred cows of welfare, disability benefits,( I'm all for those needing it But it's been abused under BHO ) S.S. ( amend retirement ages) Medicad eligibility....there are more. Trump administration must address this stuff but he is full steam ahead in clearing the path for American business to put the pedal to the metal. My issue with you is that your intelligence IMOr would lead you to support these changes in our nation but you rail against them. My head spins in your opposition.
LAST EDITED ON May-14-17 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]SH,

He has not, will not and has no intention of dealing with our debt. Every priority of Trump's will lead us to borrow Trillions ns more. In addition GWB doubled the national debt with a Republican controlled congress so you can pretend that Dems are evil but Republicans love debt just as much.

Can you find where Jesus said "let your children, your poor and your elderly take care of themselves and put your money in new ways to wage war"? That is your moral cause? How much more war will make you feel safe? $610 billion a year doesn't seem to work. Maybe you can take away the tax exemption for Churches so they can help pay more for the defense budget of your dreams.

Trump has said social security and Medicare are untouchable and either he means what he says or is he just a liar?

I would support a conservative president, let me know when we get one. Keeping all mandatory spending and moving all other spending to defense and cutting revenue will mean my kids get sent to debt prison longer. I know you think it is great but I don't have to support a lying con man. You can if you want.
LAST EDITED ON May-14-17 AT 11:39PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON May-14-17
>AT 08:26?AM (MST)

>He has not, will not and
>has no intention of dealing
>with our debt.
>Every priority of Trump's will
>lead us to borrow Trillions
>ns more. In addition
>GWB doubled the national debt
>with a Republican controlled congress
>so you can pretend that
>Dems are evil but Republicans
>love debt just as much.
>***need I remind you N of 9-11-2001, our nation was attacked in a mannor that couldn't be ignored. It crushed our economy and forced GWB to spend a lot on the military. I'm glad he did***

>Can you find where Jesus said
>"let your children, your poor
> and your elderly
>take care of themselves and
>put your money in new
>ways to wage war"?
>That is your moral cause?

**** I never have nor will I ever state that those unable to care for themselves should be left in the cold. I struggle with the millions of able bodied folk on the govt graveytrain. That has done tremendous damage to the family. If some able bodied man is receiving my tax money, I want them drug tested and participateing in some form of work program ****

> How much more
>war will make you feel
>safe? $610 billion

**** I do support having the strongest military on the plant, there is validity to "Peace through Strength "*****
>a yeconsideredar doesn't seem to
>work. Maybe you can take
>away the tax exemption for
> Churches so they can
>help pay more for the
>defense budget of your dreams.
***Ill be tithing no matter what N, our church does great things in supporting those in need...that's the Jesus way my Freind. ****
>Trump has said social security and
>Medicare are untouchable and either
>he means what he says
>or is he just a
***maybe he is just starting the transformation, maybe those hard reforms will be much easier once our economy gets steaming? N, I don't know if it can or will happen under Trump but I'm 100% convienced it would not have happened under a Clinton presidency ****

>I would support a conservative president,

****Excellent ****

> let me know when
>we get one. Keeping
>all mandatory spending and moving
>all other spending to defense
>and cutting revenue will mean
>my kids get sent to
>debt prison longer. I
>know you think it is
>great but I don't have
>to support a lying con
>man. You can if
>you want.

****i share passionately your concern on screwing our kids ( I have 2 ages 22&24) by the reckless irresponsible spending both parties have allowed. I'm convinced we have a much better chance if giving our kids a fighting chance under GOP leadership them Democratic *****
So who wants to bet Trump lowers the debt? anyone? then STFU and stop being a hypocrite.

Church lady, you mentioned 9/11 . how many attacks did we have here while Obama was president? how do you figure Trump could do better or Clinton would have done worse? do tell.

Trump started of slow then tapered off. you seem to still expect great things from the conman. would you like to bet tax reform or the Obamacare replacement happen this year? show some faith now.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>****i share passionately your concern on
>screwing our kids ( I
>have 2 ages 22&24) by
>the reckless irresponsible spending both
>parties have allowed. I'm convinced
>we have a much better
>chance if giving our kids
>a fighting chance under GOP
>leadership them Democratic *****

If you truly cared about the debt you would be honest with yourself and admit that It doesn't matter which party is in power or if the power is split. The Republicans love debt just like a crack addict loves another hit. The only difference between the parties is who gets their government cheese.


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